OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#37

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I've read many times it costs much more money with a DP conviction than LWP. With four separate trials, Ohio may want to offer a deal.

It does. I think they'd speak with the family first before making a deal. I'd not want to go through the trial, personally, but I'd still like to see them sweat under cross. However, guaranteed LWOP, would be worse, imo, than the needle.
Jmo I hope I don’t get in trouble for this, but why go into four different locations when they could have went into one if over custody. I know I can’t think like a killer but I just can’t understand the bigger risk of getting caught entering four locations vs one location and setting it up to look like robbery or something else. If it is because they all knew of the dispute why not kill others in the family, because more than the victims probably knew of the dispute quite well. Jmo

To make it look like it couldn't possibly be them. They staged the scenes, I believe, to make it look like something that it was not. If they just killed CR1, DR, HMR, and CR2, it would have pointed squarely at them. Kill the entire family, including the brother who also had a grow, and it looks more like drugs. They over-staged it though. Dewine basically said so on day one. The over-staging, showed they knew the family inside and out.

It was CR1, GR, and KR's deaths that told me that they knew these folks and knew them well. The dogs, CR1's dogs lounging in a recliner, on the porch, that morning. KR's dog, who reportedly, Stone had to restrain for LE to go inside that afternoon. The missing cameras, CR1's motion lights, getting around CR1's property, and the ability to get inside at least three of four properties without being heard (keys?), in trailers, no less.
To make it look like it couldn't possibly be them. They staged the scenes, I believe, to make it look like something that it was not. If they just killed CR1, DR, HMR, and CR2, it would have pointed squarely at them. Kill the entire family, including the brother who also had a grow, and it looks more like drugs. They over-staged it though. Dewine basically said so on day one. The over-staging, showed they knew the family inside and out.

It was CR1, GR, and KR's deaths that told me that they knew these folks and knew them well. The dogs, CR1's dogs lounging in a recliner, on the porch, that morning. KR's dog, who reportedly, Stone had to restrain for LE to go inside that afternoon. The missing cameras, CR1's motion lights, getting around CR1's property, and the ability to get inside at least three of four properties without being heard (keys?), in trailers, no less.
I'll say it a million times: HOW could they have entered those trailers, walked around (as big as each of the W's are) and not have woken someone up? Granted in DR's trailer each may have thought each other were walking around. But, in FR's trailer---old, small, rickety, rocky. Perhaps, they'd all gotten used to weird noises.
One other rant: How those two babies in each bed weren't hit accidently is beyond me. One must be quite confident in their skills to avoid this. (Same with KR's killer; had to be confident 1 shot would do it particularly in the eye). (I've never shot a gun other than BB when a kid, so I'm clueless and have relied on others who ARE skilled to tell me how that all works.) I recall someone early on believing a woman was involved.
OK, carry on.
I've read many times it costs much more money with a DP conviction than LWP. With four separate trials, Ohio may want to offer a deal.

There are other reasons other than cost to offer a deal. A case based on circumstantial evidence as this one appears to be, can be iffy in front of a jury. Just takes one juror to have doubts to cause a mistrial and send it back to trial again. Then there’s DeWine comparing the investigation to a thousand piece puzzle. Probably no murder weapons recovered, much less a smoking gun. Probably no fingerprints in blood of the victims or any DNA that can’t be explained away. Still a lot of questions and not many answers that have been released by LE. Just saying that the prosecution has a big job to convince 12 impartial jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that any of the Ws much less all 4 of them did these murders. JMO
To make it look like it couldn't possibly be them. They staged the scenes, I believe, to make it look like something that it was not. If they just killed CR1, DR, HMR, and CR2, it would have pointed squarely at them. Kill the entire family, including the brother who also had a grow, and it looks more like drugs. They over-staged it though. Dewine basically said so on day one. The over-staging, showed they knew the family inside and out.

It was CR1, GR, and KR's deaths that told me that they knew these folks and knew them well. The dogs, CR1's dogs lounging in a recliner, on the porch, that morning. KR's dog, who reportedly, Stone had to restrain for LE to go inside that afternoon. The missing cameras, CR1's motion lights, getting around CR1's property, and the ability to get inside at least three of four properties without being heard (keys?), in trailers, no less.
That’s just it, they didn’t need to go to Cr senior or Kr house. They only had to go to Dana’s house for custody. So many different ways it could have been done to throw people off without going to the other three locations. Definitely overstaged Jmo
Wendy Camp, Cynthia Britto, and Lisa Kregear | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

O/T Beverly Noe (grandmother of the child) and her mother Ida Prewitt (great grandmother of the child) killed the child's mother, 6 year old sister and aunt of the child. They buried them in a hole dug for a septic tank on a property in Pawnee County Ok. Beverly's brother eventually led investigators to the burial place 22 years later.

One thing of note, Ida Prewitt was suspected in the murder of her son in law who was found shot to death in his driveway three years before the Camp, Britto and Kregear murders. It was claimed that she and her daughter killed him because he was abusing the daughter.

This case is why I believed the Wagners were guilty and why I also believe that the R's murders were not their first murder.


Thanks Raisin! I thought you had brought this case up. It kept playing through my mind during this whole thing. I still can't fathom this being solely about custody, and still think that there were a series of circumstances that ultimately lead up to this, but yes, folks do kill other folks, over control of a child. It's much the same when people set up complicated visitations and custody arrangements. It's more about control than time spent with the child. The child(ren) is probably too tired, from being shuffled all over the place, to care.
I think I read somewhere that a horse trainer who worked for the W's was found murdered a few years before the R's. IIRC I think his name was Howard Hobby? Maybe I am wrong.


I'd not read that he'd worked for them. I think it was made to appear that he committed suicide, but they ruled that out. Found in his vehicle, in a cemetery, wasn't he? Staged?
I'd not read that he'd worked for them. I think it was made to appear that he committed suicide, but they ruled that out. Found in his vehicle, in a cemetery, wasn't he? Staged?

I think so. Kind of like the R's.

I don't remember where I read that about him working for the W's. Maybe in a comment section of one of the MSM articles? So disregard it as maybe being a rumor.

But I still feel like the R' murders were not their first.

Thanks Raisin! I thought you had brought this case up. It kept playing through my mind during this whole thing. I still can't fathom this being solely about custody, and still think that there were a series of circumstances that ultimately lead up to this, but yes, folks do kill other folks, over control of a child. It's much the same when people set up complicated visitations and custody arrangements. It's more about control than time spent with the child. The child(ren) is probably too tired, from being shuffled all over the place, to care.

O/T One of the things that was so sick about this crime is they killed a 6 year old girl to get custody of her 4 year old brother.

When they finally arrested Beverly Noe and asked her how she could kill a 6 year old child she told investigators "that little girl was damaged goods".
There are other reasons other than cost to offer a deal. A case based on circumstantial evidence as this one appears to be, can be iffy in front of a jury. Just takes one juror to have doubts to cause a mistrial and send it back to trial again. Then there’s DeWine comparing the investigation to a thousand piece puzzle. Probably no murder weapons recovered, much less a smoking gun. Probably no fingerprints in blood of the victims or any DNA that can’t be explained away. Still a lot of questions and not many answers that have been released by LE. Just saying that the prosecution has a big job to convince 12 impartial jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that any of the Ws much less all 4 of them did these murders. JMO
Dewine said the last significant piece of evidence was collected on Oct. 30. I think LE has a "smoking gun" or a smoking silencer.
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Jmo murder over custody battles is not unusual (which is extremely sad to say), the unusual part in this case is entering four separate locations over custody. Jmo

That's why I'm so curious as to what else was going on to cause so much... what looked like extreme anger at the victims by the killers to me. It was a rage that didn't go away over time since it took months to plan the murders. Gov. Dewine said the custody issue was only one of the motivations for the murders. Something else is involved.
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I'll say it a million times: HOW could they have entered those trailers, walked around (as big as each of the W's are) and not have woken someone up? Granted in DR's trailer each may have thought each other were walking around. But, in FR's trailer---old, small, rickety, rocky. Perhaps, they'd all gotten used to weird noises.
One other rant: How those two babies in each bed weren't hit accidently is beyond me. One must be quite confident in their skills to avoid this. (Same with KR's killer; had to be confident 1 shot would do it particularly in the eye). (I've never shot a gun other than BB when a kid, so I'm clueless and have relied on others who ARE skilled to tell me how that all works.) I recall someone early on believing a woman was involved.
OK, carry on.

Agree on all points. Having lived in trailers, and having friends and family who have lived in them, I do not see how they did it either. G3 is 6'8" and over 200#!!! He's not just tall, he's a big built man. Like I've said before, too, when I lived in them, I knew when other folks went to the toilet at night (the walls were thin too). No shade on trailer homes, but the older they are, the MORE you can hear. In a camper, no matter how nice, there's tremor when you walk. They had to practiced.

It boggles the mind that an average looking family, who looked as if they could live down the road from me, could murder eight others, who too, look as if they could have lived down the road from me. In the case that Raisin posted, they simply made the mother, and two other children, vanish into thin air. I think that the Rs had something over on the Ws, elsewise, why not just have HMR disappear, or meet some tragic fate while out alone one day. JW was awarded custody of S. He had no history with the court.
Dewine said the last significant piece of evidence was collected on Oct. 30. I think LE has a "smoking gun" or a smoking silencer.

LE found something significant and it will be interesting to see what they found and where. The only way that I could see a “smoking silencer” would be if it had blood spatter of one or more victims AND DNA or prints from one of the Ws. If it doesn’t have both, a good defense attorney could cast doubt on it.
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What was in Texas for them?

I am not sure. I think though, that it is possible, that they made a last long distance drive, out that way, prior to their AK move. They'd not want to dispose of anything on their route through Canada. I'd not, anyway. There's a good route down there and another back. Maybe they went down to deliver a horse...?

I am strictly guessing, theorizing, whatever, based on a journey of my own, the number of states involved, and the fact that I'd not dispose of anything on a trip to where I'd be relocating.

I think so. Kind of like the R's.

I don't remember where I read that about him working for the W's. Maybe in a comment section of one of the MSM articles? So disregard it as maybe being a rumor.

But I still feel like the R' murders were not their first.


It would not surprise me. Normally, when someone is caught doing something they shouldn't be, it's not their first time, it's just the first time they've been caught. Imo, you gotta have a strong constitution to shoot a human being up close, in confined quarters, like that. The average person would have trouble doing it one time, let alone 8x, in succession, and to people who they knew, and they were helpless.
Hi everyone. I, too, have followed this since day one. I live fairly close & it was very frightening to think we had such violent person/s running at large. No one I know ever believed the cartel rumor. Everyone that knew any of the victims or now suspects zeroed in immediately on the W family. I know none of the parties involved but did speak with RW once regarding a potential purchase of a pup.

IMO, the Ws have been under surveillance since at least day 2. They just didn’t realize it. And, the more time elapsed, the more confident they became.

I know you’ve discussed “John Doe”. (I wish I had time to read every post). I think it’s RW. Since most family gatherings don’t include sitting around plotting & covering up multiple murders, any discussions had to be conducted around someone they felt would not betray them.

Do you all have a fave in mind that ultimately went to LE?

I had read (don’t remember where) people speculating if the confidential source could be an electronic listening device planted in one of the homes. I was curious so I looked up the definition of a confidential source. The definition is that it is indeed a person. I also looked up the definition of a confidential resource to see if maybe that entails electronic eavesdropping. If you recall, Angela C. seemed to misspeak at FW’s arraignment and first said confidential resource, then corrected it to just source. Nope- that is a person too. BUT, confidential resource is defined as a person such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or, a minister. Such persons are bound by ethics to not share information told to them in psych sessions, therapy, or confessions UNLESS the person is a danger to himself or others. I found that interesting. Maybe they all got a little too close to the cross. I tried to post a pic (had closed caption words on screen) of AC’s missspeak (Freudian Slip?) but I get an error that the file is too large.

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