OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#39

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Idk but the WMT I frequent is so busy I doubt the cashiers can even remember who they checked out. Most pay no attention to items the scan. Then, there’s the self check out AW may have used.

Walmart videos everything. What’s more their inventory control system

can tell le When the size and how many pair were sold. That info can be used to go to the exact time and video of the person at any register.

Pretty nifty.
I'd not shave my head, for court, if I were him... I don't really find him feminine looking, but I do find him frail in appearance. It's one reason I had a hard time envisioning these four committing this crime. If you look at the four of them in 2016, none of them appeared in good enough physical shape to creep around,and run from homes through the night, let alone climb through a trailer window. O.O Probably why they staged them open. The only running it looked like any of them did was to get pizza and beer, or pop. Except for JW, and he always looked like he was sickly. None of the four ever appeared to be very bright, either.


Looks can be deceiving. A 5 year old can pull a trigger and shoot someone in their sleep. You yourself said many times it looked as if they almost lost control at Chris's house. IMO Billy and George were large enough that together they could overpower Chris. Especially if they were shooting him at the same time.

We have no proof anyone climbed through a trailer window. We do not know what the significance of that open window on the trailer is, if any. Chris could have opened it himself to let out smoke if he was sampling his own product.

Rhoden family massacre: Arrests throw child custody issue back to Ohio courts

I wanted to link this again so everyone interested can see RWs expression during her FW arraignment.

I did not see her this demonstrative at any other hearing.

Did you?
Appears that maybe it’s an act of surprise, when in fact RAW & SIL are unphased and fully aware of the shenanigans little brother has caused past and present. I’m not buying her surprised look. Betcha she knows more than she’s letting on and pretending to save face with her sibling. JMO
Walmart videos everything. What’s more their inventory control system

can tell le When the size and how many pair were sold. That info can be used to go to the exact time and video of the person at any register.

Pretty nifty.

Not all keep video indefinitely. But, there’s always receipts. If paid for by check or cc, w/o receipt, the purchase can be matched to a sale, tho. For eternity.
Appears that maybe it’s an act of surprise, when in fact RAW & SIL are unphased and fully aware of the shenanigans little brother has caused past and present. I’m not buying her surprised look. Betcha she knows more than she’s letting on and pretending to save face with her sibling. JMO

I don’t buy her histrionics either!
IMO, 3/4 have no reason to proceed to trial. They have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.
I’m on the fence as to JWs involvement but know he faces the same charges + sex charge.
I think he might have still “loved” HR & entertained a future for their little family. Co-existing with his mom, of course. As far as his “love”, I mean a “puppy love” kind of love. Not a mature relationship by any means.
Jmo but no matter what emotions he showed today it would have been viewed as inappropriate.

Idk about inappropriate but certainly scrutinized.
Actually, I think he trembles a bit as he stands upon dismissal. Maybe not, might be the video.
The pony tails & fewer whiskers look much better than last time.
JW seems ultra feminine to me. Idk if it’s his hair, his fine feature, long fingernails or what. He certainly looks dif’ than the other men In his family, IMO.

I think he can’t help his smirks, it’s a nervous reaction. He might feel “famous”, knowing he’s on TV. He’s used to getting his way & maybe isn’t aware of the severity of his situation. He appeared to like being referred to as “Mr. W”. Which is fine, cuz won’t be long and he’ll be referred to as a number.
Or someone’s Ms.
Smiling is a deep response to fear in the primate species. I thought about that when I saw him smirk today.

Much the same with dogs. I'm a dog person, and have trained all of mine, over the years, myself. When you see a dog who appears to be smiling, it is usually a response to fear, or they are feeling shy/uncomfortable (should be taken as a first warning of a potential fear bite).
Do you think his demeanor to be “forced”? I do. To me he seemed ultra nervous.

My decorator would be in her grave if she saw that carpet.

I also think he seemed ultra nervous. He definitely looked like he is more rested, but towards the end when he was facing the camera I thought he looked terrified. I think his attorney told him to act like he was not afraid...thus the constant smiling.

Looks can be deceiving. A 5 year old can pull a trigger and shoot someone in their sleep. You yourself said many times it looked as if they almost lost control at Chris's house. IMO Billy and George were large enough that together they could overpower Chris. Especially if they were shooting him at the same time.

We have no proof anyone climbed through a trailer window. We do not know what the significance of that open window on the trailer is, if any. Chris could have opened it himself to let out smoke if he was sampling his own product.


I didn't say they climbed through the open windows. I said that's why they probably left them open, stage dressing, since they obviously couldn't fit through one. Pitting G3 and CR1 against one another size wise, would probably be little competition too if it were hand to hand. G3 could use his bulk alone, to put someone on the ground, in a tight space. I just meant they didn't appear to be healthy enough to run around, in and out of homes, back and forth to a vehicle, or four wheeler, at that point in their lives, w/o falling dead themselves, only from heart attacks. Defying chemicals must be high in calories.
I am not convinced that he will be convicted. It's not a sure thing. We haven't seen the case yet. He could get away with it.

Until then, he is innocent until proven guilty. Same for his grandmother.

True. They are all “innocent”, currently.
I, however, believe three will be convicted & one might wind up guilty of lesser charges. This is if they go to trial.
I expect deals.
I didn't say they climbed through the open windows. I said that's why they probably left them open, stage dressing, since they obviously couldn't fit through one. Pitting G3 and CR1 against one another size wise, would probably be little competition too if it were hand to hand. G3 could use his bulk alone, to put someone on the ground, in a tight space. I just meant they didn't appear to be healthy enough to run around, in and out of homes, back and forth to a vehicle, or four wheeler, at that point in their lives, w/o falling dead themselves, only from heart attacks. Defying chemicals must be high in calories.

Sorry, my mistake. I took it to mean you thought they crawled through the window.

Pitting G3 and CR1 against one another size wise, would probably be little competition too if it were hand to hand.

Especially if they surprised Chris and got a couple of bullets in him. He would have been in pain. But I think it was a close call since they had to shoot him 9 times.

I think being hunters they would need some stamina. I don't know how much running was involved but I do think they had time, hours in fact, to pull it all off.

Being old myself I could not have did it, but these are people in their 40's and 20's. So I think unless they have some serious prior health issues the running around back and forth to vehicles, if that is what was used, wouldn't be a problem for them.

BTW I do agree with you on the fact that they look like the only running they did was for pizza and beer.

True. They are all “innocent”, currently.
I, however, believe three will be convicted & one might wind up guilty of lesser charges. This is if they go to trial.
I expect deals.
Yes. I want them to be convicted.

I like this forum. It's a platform for free speech no doubt. But sometimes I feel uncomfortable with the definitive judgement before the trial. I think I need to speak for the other side to balance the discussion a little bit.
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