OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#39

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T. They were monitoring phones and computers since 2014?

Does that infer that Jake was possibly a very jealous partner and wanted to know every person she was speaking to and what was said? That’s a significant control issue in my thinking. And when they broke up it may have driven him nuts. If he was as close to his grandmother as it is said, it may lead her into this much sooner and to a much more significant degree than has been proven.

Video monitoring equipment could have been anything from a teddy bear for her room, a clock or radio to a trail cam mounted on a tree across the road from her trailer.

I wonder that although the equipment had been destroyed if Jake had that info/recordings/video stored on a cd or hard drive LE found. I’m not certain but the phone provider may have had access to everything he downloaded on his phone or saved on it.

I didn’t realize the surveillance started two years prior to the murders. He could have listened to every intimate thing she did in her bedroom with anyone. And I’m assuming Angela would be familiar with surveillance from the Air Force and Fred would have each animal and barn covered in case of another incident or fire. Sheds new light in things from my perspective.

IF the 4 are in fact guilty, it’s hard to guess how many times they were sneaking onto the R property (prior to the crimes) in the dark of the night, setting up devices.

IMO, tech’ has progressed far beyond what AW might have been familiar with during her AF stint.

I do agree there’s a digital footprint on someone’s laptop or phone.
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If they were close and on good terms in 2014, she may have given him passwords to her accounts. She may have used his phone or other device and had her password saved on them for easier access. LE can't ask her. Yes, he could monitor her SM and e-mail activities then and after the break up if she didn't change them. We just don't know what LE is referring to on this....

Seems like all the young couples I know it’s normal for them to share passwords, check their SOs phone to be sure there’s no cheating, etc. IMO, it’s part of the immaturity going on in an immature puppy-love relationship. In my entire 32 marriage, I never answered my husbands phone or looked thru his contacts. But, we weren’t 15 & 20. Just sayin’.
I helped do some research on that red truck way back when.
The truck was put in JM's name about 3 months before he got it
on the road. It sat in his yard til then. We guessed 1) it needed
work to be road worthy or 2) he didn't have money for insurance.
It had been previously titled to a guy in Peebles, who's name I did not recognize.
Was not a Wagner.

It was always my thought LE hoped to determine not so much where JM was going rather was he meeting up with someone of note to LE. Iirc, he had to travel some distance for his work, making it expensive to surveil him as well as a timely venture.
Seems like all the young couples I know it’s normal for them to share passwords, check their SOs phone to be sure there’s no cheating, etc. IMO, it’s part of the immaturity going on in an immature puppy-love relationship. In my entire 32 marriage, I never answered my husbands phone or looked thru his contacts. But, we weren’t 15 & 20. Just sayin’.
I can't say the same. When I was last married there was one push button phone, land lines, and contacts were written in a book or index.
JW watching HMR having sex with other guys. We don't even know if there was a camera IN the house.

After reading Charlie’s post #951, it got me thinking.....if someone was inclined to monitor every move someone’s making, it’s easily accomplished.

Perhaps he was monitoring the chickens, idk.

Such devices are easily concealed as Charlie mentioned, could be a clock, radio, teddy bear or numerous other items. IF such a device was planted in the house, might it have been removed after committing the crime?
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Wagner, his brother and parents are accused of meticulously planning the murders by hacking into social media accounts and monitoring them. They’re also accused of intercepting communications beginning as early as 2014. According to the indictment, Jake Wagner purchased a video recording device in March 2016 -- a month before the murders, but it and other evidence were destroyed.

Jake Wagner set to appear in court for Rhoden family massacre

Is it possible the video recording device referenced enabled the W’s to know exactly what time they could enter DRs home & exactly how many were there, etc? Was one (or more) watching in ‘real time’, from a phone, perhaps? We heard they used walkie talkie type devices for their AK road trips. Did they use walkie talkies at the murder scene?
Did the W’s use the aforementioned video recording device to know the layouts of each trailer home? Also, using said device to be able monitor where each occupant was at the specific moment of entry? Even tho one/more reportedly had familiarity with each home, it’d still be wise to know what the heck was going on at the moment of entry, especially with multiple persons in a home.
IMO, video recording device = voyeurism.

Would anyone in the surrounding areas be able to pick up conversation from a walkie talkie on a CB or HAM radio?
T. They were monitoring phones and computers since 2014?

Does that infer that Jake was possibly a very jealous partner and wanted to know every person she was speaking to and what was said? That’s a significant control issue in my thinking. And when they broke up it may have driven him nuts. If he was as close to his grandmother as it is said, it may lead her into this much sooner and to a much more significant degree than has been proven.

Video monitoring equipment could have been anything from a teddy bear for her room, a clock or radio to a trail cam mounted on a tree across the road from her trailer.

I wonder that although the equipment had been destroyed if Jake had that info/recordings/video stored on a cd or hard drive LE found. I’m not certain but the phone provider may have had access to everything he downloaded on his phone or saved on it.

I didn’t realize the surveillance started two years prior to the murders. He could have listened to every intimate thing she did in her bedroom with anyone. And I’m assuming Angela would be familiar with surveillance from the Air Force and Fred would have each animal and barn covered in case of another incident or fire. Sheds new light in things from my perspective.

I think Jake is an extremely controlling person and not just of his girlfriend. I think he also manipulated his father, brother and possibly mother and grandmothers.

This entire thing began and ended with Jake. It was his ex girlfriend, his ex in-laws, his child. Everything centered on Jake. If it did not center on Jake alone why didn't they kill George's ex wife and family?

It was all about Jake and therefore Jake is the one who got the ball rolling. I believe he made up stories about SW <modsnip>, using the Clarence R issue, to toll in his parents, brother and grandmothers. He probably pounded that into their heads daily in order to satisfy his need for revenge against Hanna for dumping him and having another man's child.

<modsnip - speculation>

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"This entire thing began and ended with Jake. It was his ex girlfriend, his ex in-laws, his child. Everything centered on Jake. If it did not center on Jake alone why didn't they kill George's ex wife and family?"

I believe they were able to get the other child away from his mother much easier. I believe they set her up and it worked.
"This entire thing began and ended with Jake. It was his ex girlfriend, his ex in-laws, his child. Everything centered on Jake. If it did not center on Jake alone why didn't they kill George's ex wife and family?"

I believe they were able to get the other child away from his mother much easier. I believe they set her up and it worked.

I believe they set her up and it worked.

But we don't know that is what happened. Was murder ever considered with her? We don't know.

But we do know that murder was the solution to Jake's broken relationship.
"This entire thing began and ended with Jake. It was his ex girlfriend, his ex in-laws, his child. Everything centered on Jake. If it did not center on Jake alone why didn't they kill George's ex wife and family?"

I believe they were able to get the other child away from his mother much easier. I believe they set her up and it worked.

Remember, shortly after arresting the 4, DeWine said something about being unable to discuss motive. That custody played a role. He has also stated the event is “bizarre”. This leads me to believe custody was not the main motive. I’ve always believed there’s a far deeper motive.
Let me look for link.

ETA: The Aggravated Murder charges also include death penalty specifications for all four suspects,” DeWine said. “Because this is an open prosecution, we won’t be able to say much about motive, but you’ll see from the indictments that custody plays a role in this case. We believe that the Wagners conspired together to create an elaborate plan to kill the eight victims under the cover of darkness and then carefully cover up their tracks. We believe the evidence will show the suspects spent months planning the crimes.”

Ohio AG: 'Today is the Day' — Arrests made in connection with Rhoden murders

IMO, once the actual motive comes to light, that’s the “bizarre” factor. For reasons unknown, the state wishes to withhhold the main motive.
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Merry Christmas to you all. Hope everyone has a great holiday.

I don't post often, but I read along to keep up. Thank you all for keeping it going. I pray all the children are feeling safe and loved now and the family feels some peace. I can't imagine the strength necessary to know who killed your family and not take revenge in the long 2.5 year wait. They are stronger than me. I couldn't have been that patient while my own family was being treated like criminals. LM makes my heart hurt. He must have a truly good soul.
Maybe a dif’ LE or agency? Idk, just a guess.
If AW/JW interviewed together, I envision this:

LE: was it hot yesterday?

AW: omg, yes, sweltering horrible heat & humidity.
JW: Yea, just like my mom said

LE: What time did you eat dinner yesterday?

AW: around 7
JW: Whatever time my mom said

LE: What time did you get up today?

AW: Around 8
JW: If mom says 8 that’s what I’m going with

So, there’d be no point in a joint sit down. IMO, they’d have to be in separate rooms with each interviewer asking the exact question of each person. Then, compare results. Just like jailing multiple suspects prior to trial. Keep them separated. Even in patrol cars. Separate them. LE wants no collusion. Now, it’s not always possible to have separate cars to haul them in as some LE cars are not adequately equipped to transport perps, but they’d be recorded.
As they say, it’s easier to remember the truth than a lie.

****wanted to add, JW had the same smirk at his arraignment we noticed him having during his pretrial. I think (due to his naïveté & possible immaturity) he enjoys the attention he’s getting. Jmo

When I was younger, and covering significant abuse as a child I would often smile/smirk at inappropriate times of great stress or when being asked about the abuse itself. It was not an intentional smile and meant quite the opposite of what I was feeling at the time.

After therapy it stopped. But in every instance it triggered an extremely bad abusive period from the person inflicting the abuse if she observed it.

My point is that he’s probably scared to death. The smirk may well be that this young man is on emotional overload. He’s just been arrested and caught at the most heinous crime in recent Ohio history. People are staring at him in that courtroom and no famikybis sitting next to him holding his hand and telling him everything is going to be ok.

Now I’m writing a bit of fiction and my imaginative non offensive opinion.

I think the Waggies had a good time planning these murders. I don’t think it was difficult for them very often. I can picture them sitting around the dining room table tossing out ideas and putting it to paper or computer file.
Each step of the plan was analyzed, problems and solutions found after a great deal of computer research.

After weeks of round table meetings, a determination was made to break the plan into steps and then into 4 parts assigned to each of them. Together they made a shopping list and decided where to make the purchases so no one could ever track them.

Buying shoes was the funny part. Earlier in the day old man Manley had stopped his truck in the middle of the road to ask if thevWaggies still had the axle and rear end to the same model Chevy that James had just bent to Hell off roadin up in the hills. .

The Waggies still had the axle and rear end out in the weeds behind the horse barn at the Flyin Dub as it was called. Fredericka had been complaining about the amount of junk parts being hauled behind the horse barn because on occasion folks interested in buying a horse, pig or her sweet American Mastiffs went back there to pee. But no one ever went home without buying something. Rumor had it Fred got part of the commission when one of her horsey friends bought the London Bridge and paid a fortune to put it back together in the Arizona desert. That innocent, sincere God lovin little old lady could sell anything to anybody.

In reality far beneath that snood Covered much more than her long salon colored hair. Facts be known she was a ruthless evil soul who had one thing in mind. Herself. Money was a close second and she didn’t care what she had to do or who she crushed to get it.

Fred had been sued over a hundred times and had kept lawyers on retainer since the 1970’s when she and Bob had moved onto the farm she so worshiped. It was the 2,000 acres she truly loved and all it represented to the poor white trash that lived in the rest of Pike County. The money and the reputation and class it gave her was the most important thing in her life.

Will correct and write more later. As always it’s my opinion and a fictional story peppered with a wee bit of historical stuff.
IF the 4 are in fact guilty, it’s hard to guess how many times they were sneaking onto the R property (prior to the crimes) in the dark of the night, setting up devices.

IMO, tech’ has progressed far beyond what AW might have been familiar with during her AF stint.

I do agree there’s a digital footprint on someone’s laptop or phone.

Ahhhhh but me thinks that the basics stuck with the Air Force Soldier. it gave her the basic desire to maintain Air Force friendships, contacts and all she learned during her years serving her country. It taught her about firearms, discipline and the most important thing of all, a good tried true and tested plan for everything she did in life.

Her marriage to George 3 was aconniving scheme the moment she knew he was a descendant of the Flyin Dub Farm Waggies.
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