OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #19

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So this is what's new:

KR was shot (once) in the right eye

KR slept with a loaded gun

KR was a light sleeper

The family think it was someone the dogs knew

The family is not buying the cartel theory due to the unharmed children

Former incidents at SLR's (KR's ex) and at KR and CR's mother's place

They are keeping the youngest children away from the relatives without giving any reason

There is a custody battle

All dogs are being taken care of!

One more:

The Rhoden side of the family is more willing to talk than the Manley side. Just saying.

It's funny how LM isn't in the news anymore. I believe the family knows a lot more than we do. Did you notice the last thing said by her was printed but had lines through it? That was odd! Also, most all the family interviewed believe it was someone close to the family. To me, that speaks volumes.

I feel so bad for these people. I just wish this would hurry up! I would love to be a fly on the wall during trial! I want to know what kind of monster could do this! Pure evil, imo.
gif to you::my knowledge is suspect in the matter of j.j. .I am guessing he was assigned to K-9 to get him back and
and to comply with the Court Order. To my knowledge, I have to go on the assumption that for all his faults,he is not as bad
a person as we are assuming he is..Working the Police Job brings many unexpected circumstances and allows a person
with his history to reconnect and develop a following that will be real valuable to him and to the department..If that happens
over time, "Look Out",He will resurface.. Jmo
Just saw this in the news today. May or may not have anything to do with the case, but it's something to think about.

5th Family Gunned Down in 2 Weeks in Mexico


In one attack, 8 members of a family were killed, in another it was 11 family members.

ETA #2

This news story was probably linked before, but am posting it again because it has a map of known cartels operating in the US and their connections to Kentucky.



I believe it!!!
Cartel and/or with the help of that "dirty cop"

It's funny how LM isn't in the news anymore. I believe the family knows a lot more than we do. Did you notice the last thing said by her was printed but had lines through it? That was odd! Also, most all the family interviewed believe it was someone close to the family. To me, that speaks volumes.

I feel so bad for these people. I just wish this would hurry up! I would love to be a fly on the wall during trial! I want to know what kind of monster could do this! Pure evil, imo.

First time I read it the paragraph stopped after the first "honest". Guess they have some publishing issues.
I agree - He has shark eyes - I have seen this in a person before. They can be the coolest and cruelest. Drink a beer with you one day and burn down your world the next. He borrowed guns from Junk - who else? I could be wrong, but what if one of the guns that murdered eight people belonged to the DA, or the sheriff? How would they deal with that? That's what I can't stop thinking about. Sounds like an Ann Rule novel - but he hit an old man in a crosswalk... that's a lot like hurting small animals or shooting people for the rush - or the rush of anger when the Rhoden brothers stood up to him and/or ridiculed him... He is the only local with the skills and expertise to commit this crime who has already committed other crimes of murder. It has occurred to me that big CR dissed him with GR for backup. KR kept the bankroll. I bet something else was left behind in mockery, along with the money thrown. Again, I do have a great imagination. But I haven't heard another story that has convinced me this isn't the likeliest scenario.

Good thoughts Linda 👍🏻

Add some cartel with that JJ and I'll have a drink ‼️

Noting: I don't drink nor drug 🌟

So this is what's new:

KR was shot (once) in the right eye

KR slept with a loaded gun

KR was a light sleeper

The family think it was someone the dogs knew

The family is not buying the cartel theory due to the unharmed children

Former incidents at SLR's (KR's ex) and at KR and CR's mother's place

They are keeping the youngest children away from the relatives without giving any reason

There is a custody battle

All dogs are being taken care of!

One more:

The Rhoden side of the family is more willing to talk than the Manley side. Just saying.

Also, Frankie Rhoden had a "black eye" could have been a gun shot.

There is a reason they are keeping those children away from the family. The early time in childhood is when children "bond" with their parents or family. The experts know this. So there has to be a "good reason" to keep them from their family members. (IMO)

I agree, that it seems the Rhoden's want to talk, and the Manley's seem to have quieted down.
Ray, I was hoping you could also answer the question from grow73, post 252. I am certain you will know more about things of that nature than I do. I will keep what you said about JJ in mind. That whole situation with him at times seems really cut and dried. Other times, it seems more complex. I just can't find a good person buried underneath the trigger happy person with legal problems up to his eyeballs.
IMO, the families are watching every "site" they could get their hands on. (I would) They are even "more" frustrated than we are, after all, these were their loved ones. My number#1 scenerio is that a family member is involved with these murders. And from reading that article (IMO) the family seems to think so to. God how horrifiying is that!
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he moved away. He was ordered by court to stay away from the Rookers and the Bradys, living on the same street as the Bradys could make that difficult.

I put a lot of faith in the press when it comes to keeping this case alive. Here is more from Enquirer's Chris Graves, and she's "not going away", as she said in a tweet earlier today:


Huge hugs to ya grow73, absolutely one of the best articles read by far. I just want to reach in and give them a hug, you certainly can feel their pain and anguish, so sad sad sad 😭

IMO, the families are watching every "site" they could get their hands on. (I would) They are even "more" frustrated than we are, after all, these were their loved ones. My number#1 scenerio is that a family member is involved with these murders. And from reading that article (IMO) the family seems to think so to. God how horrifiying is that!

RBBM amauet

If that's what happened I will be in total denial, cause I can't imagine NOR could I live with myself murdering my family members. AND I could NEVER murder anyone to begin with, my mind can't even go there.

Hurts my feelings to kill a darn bug

That was an excellent article. They must really be having trouble clearing family, it doesn't make sense Kylie hasn't been placed with family or even getting visits yet. I work with cps all the time where i live and cps here tries to place kids with any family that can take them, as long as they meet some requirements, and they try to get them with family quickly. It would never take this long if there was a decent family member around. And they would definitely have paternity tests back, so the father would have some rights, unless they are worried about him for some reason or he doesn't want her. Whatever the reason it is sad for those babies! They are losing bonding time with their family. I hope Brentley's family can take ruger so they can grow up together.

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RichP: I for one don't think this will ever be solved. The reasons:

1] Powers that be don't really care. If it happened in a tony neighborhood around Columbus it'd be a different story.

2] Anyone notice how the public attitude changed as soon as it was revealed that the Rhoden's were growing weed?

3] I happen to believe they were into much more than weed. Like transporting something white and powdery. This, I believe, is what got them killed and I don't think the BCI gives a darn.
Kind of like "oh well, a few less dirt bags we have to worry about". Of course their place has already been taken by others.

4] The PCSD is in so far over its head they drowned months ago.

5] ALL of the Appalachian Area's LE is not only overwhelmed with the drugs flowing north but also consumed in their own counties and is also contaminated with "dirty cops".

6] Has anyone ever wondered why that Cincy restaurateur that put up a $25,000 reward a day after the crime so rapidly withdrew it due to "ongoing criminal investigations"?????
I'd have loved to have been privy to phone call or in person conversation that caused him to backtrack so quickly.

7] See number #6. It has me really wondering.

And NO, the people that express fears for their safety because they live within 50 miles shouldn't worry. This was a TARGETED multiple killing although some of the victims were in wrong place
at wrong time. If you're still alive you have nothing to worry about.. They got all they wanted that one night.

I agree and especially agree with #6 & #7. I've not totally settled my theory on the who's and why but I think that possible someone may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time and this family, or CR1 and maybe another, have done something to the killer(s) that they have considered unforgivable. Could have been brewing for some time too. Note: I am clicking on the "Reply w/Quote" but it is not working so I did the best I could.
I agree, the babies need to be with family. Regardless the victims were into some shady business, but I don't think what THEY did should have any reflection on all of the aunts, uncles, and cousins who would give them a good home life to grow up in. Kylie has two adult men who are her potential father, and they should be allowed to take the paternity tests and get on with court proceedings. The decision to place the babies in a home isn't for the agency to decide alone. A judge has to be in charge and help to make the best decision for the babies in a timely manner. But of course they aren't following protocol either. It makes me feel like they are dragging this out, hoping that eventually the family will decide all the red tape is too stressful and back off. LIKE THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! I also think the state has the overall option that people who don't have alot are just dumb hillbillies. That is so wrong to judge others because of their lifestyle. Especially when it comes to calling the shots in other people's lives.
About four years ago a creepy cop had the audacity to tell my DIL my grandson should be adopted out! That was totally uncalled for, and so far from being the truth. I thought that was nothing but cruel. And, I know for a fact he was an absolute liar. And I know if he was lying to me without cause, he was lying to other people.
So this is what's new:

KR was shot (once) in the right eye

KR slept with a loaded gun

KR was a light sleeper

The family think it was someone the dogs knew

The family is not buying the cartel theory due to the unharmed children

Former incidents at SLR's (KR's ex) and at KR and CR's mother's place

They are keeping the youngest children away from the relatives without giving any reason

There is a custody battle

All dogs are being taken care of!

One more:

The Rhoden side of the family is more willing to talk than the Manley side. Just saying.
Can you post a link where it says Kenneth was shot in the eye? Thanks
Can you post a link where it says Kenneth was shot in the eye? Thanks

grow73 isn't here to answer your question, but the info was mentioned in this article:


"Kendra Rhoden wonders if the loaded gun her dad kept near his head while he slept was also taken. She also doesn’t understand why her light-sleeper father wasn’t startled awake before he was shot once in the right eye. To her, that indicates he must have known or trusted his killer."
Huge hugs to ya grow73, absolutely one of the best articles read by far. I just want to reach in and give them a hug, you certainly can feel their pain and anguish, so sad sad sad 😭

Same here. Thanks grow73
Explain why you think this is a Domestic crime.
Agree with the multiple motive angles. Agree with "no witness, no crime". Agree with reward being useless unless crime is local.

Don't agree with this as a domestic crime. No need to kill eight people in four different locations if that was the case.

We all have different opinion on this and I am fine with this. That's the fun of websleuth

I believe it was done by a member of the family or someone close because it's the reality of mass murder in America today: coworker kills coworkers, student kills at school, relative kills family.

When was the last time a crime gang killed 8 in similar circumstances on American soil? Agreed, it happens in Mexico and could happen here. Is it the most likely scenario?

The behaviour of LE is consistent with a domestic situation. They don't disclose info because they don't need to. They found all the witnesses they need to speak to. They are looking for the weapon, critical to their case. They probably don't think the reward will be useful to find it and it could also waste their time on wrong tracks.

And the statements made in the last article posted are consistent.

Drugs and rogue cops are problems in Pike county. But I see a lot of other problems too:
- domestic violence and violent behaviours in general
- young people with no jobs, teens with kids, instable relationships.
- a lot of guns in good hands and in the wrong hands.

Just add up the ex-boyfriends, the cousins, the neighbors, the road rage. The ingredients of drama grow locally. Don't need to import them from outside the county.
I'm wondering if Frankie's black eye was actually he had been shot in the eye just like Kenny,
So this is what's new:

KR was shot (once) in the right eye

KR slept with a loaded gun

KR was a light sleeper

The family think it was someone the dogs knew

The family is not buying the cartel theory due to the unharmed children

Former incidents at SLR's (KR's ex) and at KR and CR's mother's place

They are keeping the youngest children away from the relatives without giving any reason

There is a custody battle

All dogs are being taken care of!

One more:

The Rhoden side of the family is more willing to talk than the Manley side. Just saying.

BBM, these two things are significant. I just don't get why the Rhodens can't even visit the children. What possible harm could that do? Hell, even if the murderers are family members, they are still family. Parents who lose custody of their children for abusing them often still get supervised visitation. There is zero reason why Geneva shouldn't get to see those babies.
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