OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #22

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Correct me if I am wrong folks, but if LE has a motive, which I believe they do, doesn't it stand to reasons they must have a suspect (s) on the radar as well?
I personally think they do. I am of the mindset that one person was the primary target ( I think HR ), and all the rest were killed because what they might know, and in GR's case, because he was there. I also think this is someone the family knew, had been in their homes, and that is how they got past dogs and knew where everyone was.
All this IS MOO, but I firmly believe it.

I think they had their suspects when they had their motive too. I suspect they are just finishing up the loose ends due to the sheer size of the scene(s) and number of victims. I imagine they have had tens of thousands of man hours in the crime labs, computer labs and in the field. Imagine all the print dusting on every inch of the dwellings, all the towed vehicles, dna tests on every dust particle and hair in the mobile homes and towed vehicles. I hope I'm right and that this will be concluded with multiple sentences handed to the perps.
I sincerely hope you are right, that everything has to be tied up in a neat little pkg before presenting everything to the prosecutors office. Because I am beginning to think they have no clue about anything. .
For all intents and purposes, I've always thought that BJM would have been targeted. I saw the families as having strong blood ties, but maybe not all of them were "besties". It seems that the ones who were closest are the ones who ended up dead. CR1 was noted as GR's best friend. CR1 & KR seemed more of team and were closer in age than TR and BR. TR had not even set foot in the yellow house since their father died, but, KR had lived there, right beside CR1 and FR, til he moved to Left Fork. I think that Rhoden males have caused this. I don't know how yet, but I'm still leaning toward this whole thing being about revenge of some sort. That was an awful lot of hate unleashed on those folks.

I agree. Especially with regards to BJM. She seemed to be close to them coming to feed the dogs ect. Then there was Br who was TR's son iirc who was best friends with FR and even lived with them shortly before the murders. Last but not least was DS who seemed to also be around a lot. I can't see any one of those three being left out of anything going on even if it was just overhearing conversations between the others.
Iirc CRsr and KR were the only ones who stood by CR when he went to prison and after he got out. The daughters all moved away and it seems CRsr ended up with their part of the land (through sales or them giving it to him). That shows a definite rift there. Also what about the Stone children that CR and GR were said to have raised. Would they have felt entitled to some part of that land?

I also have a struggle with the money part. These were not rich people, in fact DR worked as a nurse aide at what was probably low wages and Crsr and Fr seemed to be employed only part time at BBL. HR was employed at the same nursing home but had been off work. CRjr doesn't seem to have even a part time job nor did HG. We now know the mj thing was small time so probably wasn't generating that much income. So where did the money (30,000.00 cash iirc) come from that CRsr paid down for DR's house? Granted part of that could have come from a tax refund at that time of the year. With DR working a low paying job and having 2 kids and a grandchild living with her she could have gotten up to a 12,000.00 tax refund with EIC and the CTC without having paid in any federal withholdings (I have seen this happen many times over with underemployed parents with 3 or more children which of course they were legally entitled to under the IRS tax code.) But that is only half. Where did the rest come from? And all the other land CRsr was buying not to mention that huge building he had built that looked fairly new. Money and a lot of it was flowing in from somewhere but it is beyond me to see where it came from. (I would love to get a look at their tax returns and bank statements lol) Could all that seeming prosperity have been cause for resentment?

There could have been many reasons for hatred and resentment to build up especially with the Stone side of the family who would have been raised with the Rhoden kids. Did they feel slighted during their childhood and adult life? DS is the son of one of GR's brothers iirc (one she raised?) and could he have felt that same resentment? I don't think we have given much thought to that side of the family since we only recently learned that CR and GR took them in and raised them. Mostly relationships between the Rhodens and Manleys have been discussed. But what about the Stone children of which DS would have been a part of?

So many questions with regards to family dynamics and no answers. sigh
I think so. What may be trivial to me, may be a completely different story to someone else. Just like this woman in town, who divorced her spouse for eating the last cucumber from the garden, that she'd saved for her lunch. Everyone thought that was such a strange reason for her to divorce him. It came to light, later on though, that the cucumber was just the straw that broke the camel's back. He'd not been an exemplary spouse over the years, at all. We'd only seen the surface of their relationship. We've seen the surface of this family, and even just looking at the surface, we could see that they were into some sketchy things. I'm not victim bashing, b/c my family is most certainly not perfect. I'm just saying that they lived life out loud. Most folks I know, including myself, would have been a bit more discreet, if they had 200 pot plants growing on their property, and were actively selling it out of their homes (w/the exception of DR's home, iirc the Rhodens were). But they weren't discreet at all. They seemed to not have a worry at all about being pulled over, arrested for fighting, standing in the road w/baseball bats and firearms to block traffic, etc... I would be the quietest, most well-behaved, person in the county if I had 200 marijuana plants on my property! j.s.

Me too. I would not even be able to pass a policeman on the highway without breaking out in a cold sweat. That behavior makes me wonder why the sheriff said he did not know of any criminal activity these people were into. That small of a town word gets out and law officers have family who listen to gossip. Something just doesn't fit. The kind of behavior they were indulging in should have put them on law enforcement's radar if only by the people buying from them spreading the word about the mj. Doesn't seem right does it?
Correct me if I am wrong folks, but if LE has a motive, which I believe they do, doesn't it stand to reasons they must have a suspect (s) on the radar as well?
I personally think they do. I am of the mindset that one person was the primary target ( I think HR ), and all the rest were killed because what they might know, and in GR's case, because he was there. I also think this is someone the family knew, had been in their homes, and that is how they got past dogs and knew where everyone was.
All this IS MOO, but I firmly believe it.

And with all the near misses it seems odd.

Kendra R was supposed to stay the night with HR.
Meranda G was supposed to stay the night with HG.
Donald S was supposed to stay the night with KR.

Then the children.
FR's son wasn't supposed to be there.
HR's daughter going with her dad. (was that a scheduled visit or a last minute thing?)

That makes five people who were somewhere they had not planned on being that night. Was it just coincidence or did they catch a hint something was going down that night? Not in the children's case certainly other than the dad who picked up his daughter. Nor in Kendra R's case I think unless the plan as it was put did not include her dad KR. MG maybe not either unless she was told her sister HG would not be involved.

But DS? hmmm. No reason or excuse there and again we come back to the Stone side of the family. We have no clue how they were treated within the C and G Rhoden home. Raising 17 school age kids? I can't even imagine it. They would have been tripping over one another. Then the money issue. Couldn't have been much to buy things to go around. Did the Rhoden kids receive better or newer things than the Stone kids? Were the Stone kids punished more severely or more often than the Rhoden kids? I can see a huge area for resentment to build up with the daily squabbles kids indulge in. Parents ruling in favor of their own kids. Maybe we should think about the Stone side of the family a little more now that we know they grew up in the same house with KR and CRsr.
I agree. Especially with regards to BJM. She seemed to be close to them coming to feed the dogs ect. Then there was Br who was TR's son iirc who was best friends with FR and even lived with them shortly before the murders. Last but not least was DS who seemed to also be around a lot. I can't see any one of those three being left out of anything going on even if it was just overhearing conversations between the others.
Iirc CRsr and KR were the only ones who stood by CR when he went to prison and after he got out. The daughters all moved away and it seems CRsr ended up with their part of the land (through sales or them giving it to him). That shows a definite rift there. Also what about the Stone children that CR and GR were said to have raised. Would they have felt entitled to some part of that land?

I also have a struggle with the money part. These were not rich people, in fact DR worked as a nurse aide at what was probably low wages and Crsr and Fr seemed to be employed only part time at BBL. HR was employed at the same nursing home but had been off work. CRjr doesn't seem to have even a part time job nor did HG. We now know the mj thing was small time so probably wasn't generating that much income. So where did the money (30,000.00 cash iirc) come from that CRsr paid down for DR's house? Granted part of that could have come from a tax refund at that time of the year. With DR working a low paying job and having 2 kids and a grandchild living with her she could have gotten up to a 12,000.00 tax refund with EIC and the CTC without having paid in any federal withholdings (I have seen this happen many times over with underemployed parents with 3 or more children which of course they were legally entitled to under the IRS tax code.) But that is only half. Where did the rest come from? And all the other land CRsr was buying not to mention that huge building he had built that looked fairly new. Money and a lot of it was flowing in from somewhere but it is beyond me to see where it came from. (I would love to get a look at their tax returns and bank statements lol) Could all that seeming prosperity have been cause for resentment?

There could have been many reasons for hatred and resentment to build up especially with the Stone side of the family who would have been raised with the Rhoden kids. Did they feel slighted during their childhood and adult life? DS is the son of one of GR's brothers iirc (one she raised?) and could he have felt that same resentment? I don't think we have given much thought to that side of the family since we only recently learned that CR and GR took them in and raised them. Mostly relationships between the Rhodens and Manleys have been discussed. But what about the Stone children of which DS would have been a part of?

So many questions with regards to family dynamics and no answers. sigh

I'm just thinking and putting it down. Forgive any rambling.

BR is Brandon's father. TR has one son who is also named Tony. TR seems very close w/his mother. Protective. BR is the eldest son and TR is next. The female siblings don't seem to have gotten anything for their part of the land. (That can, even though they probably signed it over willingly, still leave a burr under the saddle years later.) The family also fixed up and sold those cars together, then, with the amount of pot they were raising, it may not be a huge amount, but it would have given them a decent amount of extra cash, un-taxed, even after it was split up, in addition to any other under-the-table work they did for BBL, or shade-tree mechanic work, or just work that they did for barter. Barter is still a way of life in small communities. They did not seem to live an extravagant lifestyle (other than their hobby of derbies and they did their own mechanics and welding with that). KR had recently landed a job too, which I found it odd, that he would be taking a day off that soon to just go work on cars w/DS (New job and all, js.).

Based on Google Earth and the Pike County Property Maps:
In as early as 2005, it appears that the smaller garage was there, between CR1 & FR's trailer, and large gardens were raised on the property.
FR's trailer was there as early as 2009 from what I can tell, and it looks as if someone, most likely KR was living in the yellow house.
In 2010 there was no trailer on Camp Creek. In 2014 there is one. It appears that CR1 bought the property in 2010.
In 5/2012 there was no large barn, and it still appears someone may be living in the yellow house. There is only one camper on the Left Fork address (KR) and I think it was rented to someone.
In 2014, the large barn appears.
In 2014 the Left Fork property gains a couple campers or a camper and outbuilding.
After the appearance of the large barn, the property begins to become more cluttered. The gardens appear to be no more.

I have wondered throughout this if there could have been some sort of inner split among the closer knit members, and one was possibly involved, but taken out at the end, so as to not leave any witnesses. Idk. I think we are going to be very surprised even with all of our theories, when this finally shakes out.

Edit: BR has another son, Jacob.
Me too. I would not even be able to pass a policeman on the highway without breaking out in a cold sweat. That behavior makes me wonder why the sheriff said he did not know of any criminal activity these people were into. That small of a town word gets out and law officers have family who listen to gossip. Something just doesn't fit. The kind of behavior they were indulging in should have put them on law enforcement's radar if only by the people buying from them spreading the word about the mj. Doesn't seem right does it?

I think he maybe meant he didn't know them personally. I "know" a lot of folks here but don't know, know them. If that makes sense. I think that's why they had so many traffic violations. That's the way they do in smaller communities if they suspect someone. They'll nail them on traffic violations. Then, find a reason to tear their car apart. They'll say they "smelled" something. It seemed like the Rhodens never got caught w/anything more than paraphernalia though. They probably kept their business dealings at home. Unless they sold to an undercover, or someone narcing, there really wasn't anything anyone could do other than pull them over for traffic violations and try to nail them that way. But, if you know the right person, you can get away with a lot. But they were pretty wide open even if they had connections. Then again, if they were only into pot, which it kinda looks that way, these little communities are so stretched for resources and are fighting meth and heroin so hard, that pot is pretty much nothing. However, I'd still have been walking the chalk, if it were me. 200 plants is a lot of time.
WHO would be the ONE surviving person left most devastated by this mass familial murder? Sometimes a murder like this is to exact revenge on 'a survivor'. As such, the victims themselves were not the actual targets of the revenge. They were 'used' most unfortunately as a vehicle to hurt someone else - someone who was not killed. Just thinking from a different perspective.

Also, I've done quite a bit of research on OH and specifically on the general area surrounding PC. I was surprised to learn that OH is a 'emerging' hot spot n the US for gangs. And I know LE has repeatedly stated it is not drug-related and the quantity of pot was small. But the original LE report stated there was a hundred pounds + or - found combined among the homes My research also specifically uncovered statements that (drug cartels - in OH) want 100% ownership of their territory. Food for thought only.
"Dickerson's fears were unfounded for at least some of the victims: As the unsolved case reaches its six-month mark on Saturday, the Ohio attorney general's office has approved $22,500 from the Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program to cover much of the bill for the three Rhoden siblings who died.
That’s $7,500 apiece (the maximum that fund criteria allows) to help pay for a share of the funeral for Hanna Rhoden, 19, and her brothers, 16-year-old Christopher Rhoden Jr. and Clarence "Frankie" Rhoden, 20. A claim has been made but is still pending for their father, 40-year-old Christopher Rhoden Sr.
No claims have been filed for their mother and Chris Sr.'s ex-wife, 37-year-old Dana Manley Rhoden or for 44-year-old Kenneth Rhoden, Chris Sr.'s brother"

Good news regarding covering funeral costs!
unusual that nothing filed for Dana or Kenneth ? Thoughts?

I'm just thinking and putting it down. Forgive any rambling.

BR is Brandon's father. TR has one son who is also named Tony. TR seems very close w/his mother. Protective. BR is the eldest son and TR is next. The female siblings don't seem to have gotten anything for their part of the land. (That can, even though they probably signed it over willingly, still leave a burr under the saddle years later.) The family also fixed up and sold those cars together, then, with the amount of pot they were raising, it may not be a huge amount, but it would have given them a decent amount of extra cash, un-taxed, even after it was split up, in addition to any other under-the-table work they did for BBL, or shade-tree mechanic work, or just work that they did for barter. Barter is still a way of life in small communities. They did not seem to live an extravagant lifestyle (other than their hobby of derbies and they did their own mechanics and welding with that). KR had recently landed a job too, which I found it odd, that he would be taking a day off that soon to just go work on cars w/DS (New job and all, js.).

Based on Google Earth and the Pike County Property Maps:
In as early as 2005, it appears that the smaller garage was there, between CR1 & FR's trailer, and large gardens were raised on the property.
FR's trailer was there as early as 2009 from what I can tell, and it looks as if someone, most likely KR was living in the yellow house.
In 2010 there was no trailer on Camp Creek. In 2014 there is one. It appears that CR1 bought the property in 2010.
In 5/2012 there was no large barn, and it still appears someone may be living in the yellow house. There is only one camper on the Left Fork address (KR) and I think it was rented to someone.
In 2014, the large barn appears.
In 2014 the Left Fork property gains a couple campers or a camper and outbuilding.
After the appearance of the large barn, the property begins to become more cluttered. The gardens appear to be no more.

I have wondered throughout this if there could have been some sort of inner split among the closer knit members, and one was possibly involved, but taken out at the end, so as to not leave any witnesses. Idk. I think we are going to be very surprised even with all of our theories, when this finally shakes out.

Edit: BR has another son, Jacob.

Brandon was the one living with FR shortly before the murders right?

I have long assumed that the girl CR was convicted of molesting was one of his own daughters. Now that I know GR's siblings were also raised under the same roof my thoughts have changed. Now I am thinking it was one of GR's siblings, the Stone children, because after all CR was their brother-in-law not their father. If her siblings believed her, and apparently it was proven in court, then CRsr and then KR stood behind CR both during and after the conviction, I could see major disruption that could carry down through the generations. Especially if growing up together caused grudges and dislikes to form anyway among those 17 children. There could have been some incident that set off this tinder box, perhaps very minor but as you said the straw that broke the camels back.

I am trying to remember if DS was the son of GR's sister or brother? I vaguely remember something about it in one of the news articles but in light of all that has happened I cannot recall it now.

There is a lot of relationships both good and bad that probably formed among these 17 people. It is mind boggling.
WHO would be the ONE surviving person left most devastated by this mass familial murder? Sometimes a murder like this is to exact revenge on 'a survivor'. As such, the victims themselves were not the actual targets of the revenge. They were 'used' most unfortunately as a vehicle to hurt someone else - someone who was not killed. Just thinking from a different perspective.

Also, I've done quite a bit of research on OH and specifically on the general area surrounding PC. I was surprised to learn that OH is a 'emerging' hot spot n the US for gangs. And I know LE has repeatedly stated it is not drug-related and the quantity of pot was small. But the original LE report stated there was a hundred pounds + or - found combined among the homes My research also specifically uncovered statements that (drug cartels - in OH) want 100% ownership of their territory. Food for thought only.

I would say Geneva R, the mother of CRsr and KR and grandmother to the others.
I agree, Geneva would be most hurt by these deaths. I think that Donald Stone's dad is one of Geneva's brothers.
Brandon was the one living with FR shortly before the murders right?

I have long assumed that the girl CR was convicted of molesting was one of his own daughters. Now that I know GR's siblings were also raised under the same roof my thoughts have changed. Now I am thinking it was one of GR's siblings, the Stone children, because after all CR was their brother-in-law not their father. If her siblings believed her, and apparently it was proven in court, then CRsr and then KR stood behind CR both during and after the conviction, I could see major disruption that could carry down through the generations. Especially if growing up together caused grudges and dislikes to form anyway among those 17 children. There could have been some incident that set off this tinder box, perhaps very minor but as you said the straw that broke the camels back.

I am trying to remember if DS was the son of GR's sister or brother? I vaguely remember something about it in one of the news articles but in light of all that has happened I cannot recall it now.

There is a lot of relationships both good and bad that probably formed among these 17 people. It is mind boggling.

I've always felt it was a family member, but not one of the Rhoden sisters. I think that's why GSR divorced him so quickly. She believed he did it. I think you are probably right in that it was one of Stone family members. With most people like that, I'd think it wasn't just that one time. It was probably only reported that one time. CRsr's obituary is odd too. I think DS's father is probably one of the living Stone brothers, two of which live in Pike.
I've always felt it was a family member, but not one of the Rhoden sisters. I think that's why GSR divorced him so quickly. She believed he did it. I think you are probably right in that it was one of Stone family members. With most people like that, I'd think it wasn't just that one time. It was probably only reported that one time. CRsr's obituary is odd too. I think DS's father is probably one of the living Stone brothers, two of which live in Pike.

Bumping off your post- CR got convicted for 5 counts of sexual battery. And Steven R., age 14 went missing the day before Geneva's bday and Mother's Day.

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Thanks Observation. I had read that Clarence had a sister with the last name Stone & that Geneva was a Stone although are they different families? Small world.
I don't know if this is against TOS but DS father passed away in '76 in an accident. DS has four siblings.
Thanks Observation. I had read that Clarence had a sister with the last name Stone & that Geneva was a Stone although are they different families? Small world.

Such a large family. Wish we had a family tree. Some cases are helped with maps, here we need a family tree. I know there are many family members that are surviving victims in this case and 8 members of the family that are murder victims. Hope arrests are nearing the bend and whomever DeWine feels has more info. steps up to the plate. Justice.

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Well, the case is still being kept alive in the media, but we really aren't getting much of anything new. I'm not sure if Charlie and AG Mike agree a whole lot on anything concerning this case. Charlie says definitely somebody local, AG Mike saying at least one of the killers familiar with family and homes.
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