OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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Maybe KR was in on it, and then taken out. Shot, placed in his bed, and money thrown on him.
I tend to agree. One shot to the head , where others shot multiple times. Maybe KR new large sums of money hidden in CRSnrs house somewhere but wanted a slice of the pie. I lean towards an unpaid drug debt.

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I tend to agree. One shot to the head , where others shot multiple times. Maybe KR new large sums of money hidden in CRSnrs house somewhere but wanted a slice of the pie. I lean towards an unpaid drug debt.

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KR had hippie lettuce growing and CRsr had lettuce growing there as well. Maybe KR got crossed by CRsr. Money can tear family apart
This scenario of a 4th child is a speculation on my part. It's based on a very personal experience:

I suspect to be the biological father of a 19 year old child of an ex-girlfriend. They live in a far away city and I learned about her existence only a few years ago by reconnecting on FB with the mother. Imagine my reaction when I discovered her familiar face and birthdate.

I made the choice not to interfere in her life. I respect the choice of her mother who believed I wasn't the right man. The child already has a father she loves and she grows as a good person. I figured, it's not in the child best interest to jump in and break her family. I live too far anyway to be there for her.

But what if she lived next door, was at my house every second day to hang out with my kids. What if she and her mother had broken with the father? Then maybe i'd come out of the woods and risk to confront him. I resent his reaction.

He loves his 19 year old daughter. Do you think I should do it?
This scenario of a 4th child is a speculation on my part. It's based on a very personal experience:

I suspect to be the biological father of a 19 year old child of an ex-girlfriend. They live in a far away city and I learned about her existence only a few years ago by reconnecting on FB with the mother. Imagine my reaction when I discovered her familiar face and birthdate.

I made the choice not to interfere in her life. I respect the choice of her mother who believed I wasn't the right man. The child already has a father she loves and she grows as a good person. I figured, it's not in the child best interest to jump in and break her family. I live too far anyway to be there for her.

But what if she lived next door, was at my house every second day to hang out with my kids. What if she and her mother had broken with the father? Then maybe i'd come out of the woods and risk to confront him. I resent his reaction.

He loves his 19 year old daughter. Do you think I should do it?

Ok, thanks. I understand what you're inferring. Something to think about.
Just bringing this forward to aid in discussions about possible suspects. It's a link to the depostion of Pike County Coroner Dr. David Kessler.


In the deposition, Dr Kessler states:

He had no problems sharing the results of the preliminary autopsy report with the families of the victims.

Neither LE or Dr Kessler think the surviving family were suspects in the murders, so they were not concerned about sharing the autopsy reports with them.

The request/order to seal the autopsy reports from public access came from Pike Co prosecutor Rob Junk.

Anyone who hasn't had a chance to read the deposition should take the time to do so. It has some good information in it.

Between the layout and the Q & A, it is difficult to read. But it is interesting...
This scenario of a 4th child is a speculation on my part. It's based on a very personal experience:

I suspect to be the biological father of a 19 year old child of an ex-girlfriend. They live in a far away city and I learned about her existence only a few years ago by reconnecting on FB with the mother. Imagine my reaction when I discovered her familiar face and birthdate.

I made the choice not to interfere in her life. I respect the choice of her mother who believed I wasn't the right man. The child already has a father she loves and she grows as a good person. I figured, it's not in the child best interest to jump in and break her family. I live too far anyway to be there for her.

But what if she lived next door, was at my house every second day to hang out with my kids. What if she and her mother had broken with the father? Then maybe i'd come out of the woods and risk to confront him. I resent his reaction.

He loves his 19 year old daughter. Do you think I should do it?
Only if the mother and you agree to for medical purpose's. Or because she finds out somehow. I to have a situation like this. My nephew had 5 children with 4 different mother's. We got to spend time with just 2 of them for a time, but he decided to let the new husband adopt them, and that was the end of that. My nephew passed away in 2011 from an overdose. 3 of his 5 children don't even know we exist (as far as I know). But I sent friend request to them and they excepted. We never exchange anything, but I get to keep up with my nephew's children and their children( he's a grandfather twice over.). It is so sad.
Now R Mongold is in Pike Co jail. Hmmm....Him Josh R, a couple of Tacketts. Prob nothing, but Hmmm...
Only if the mother and you agree to for medical purpose's. Or because she finds out somehow. I to have a situation like this. My nephew had 5 children with 4 different mother's. We got to spend time with just 2 of them for a time, but he decided to let the new husband adopt them, and that was the end of that. My nephew passed away in 2011 from an overdose. 3 of his 5 children don't even know we exist (as far as I know). But I sent friend request to them and they excepted. We never exchange anything, but I get to keep up with my nephew's children and their children( he's a grandfather twice over.). It is so sad.

It's a very frequent situation and relevant to the general environment of the victims. Look around the county.

I have no clue if CRsr has a 4th child, biological or not. I bring it up because it just feels like there are more Rhoden family members than what's in the birth records.

I don't know if it has anything to do with this drama. But in a familicide, It's a situation not to overlook.

In fact, it doesn't really matter if the paternity conflict is backed up with biology. What matters is what the different parties believe in their heart and soul and how they behave towards each other.

This is the learning of the french family case I shared with you a few months ago. The brother in law believed he was robbed from an off-the-books inheritance. The family treasure was never found and probably never existed. But the killer believed it did and that's HIS OWN motive.
It's a very frequent situation and relevant to the general environment of the victims. Look around the county.

I have no clue if CRsr has a 4th child, biological or not. I bring it up because it just feels like there are more Rhoden family members than what's in the birth records.

I don't know if it has anything to do with this drama. But in a familicide, It's a situation not to overlook.

In fact, it doesn't really matter if the paternity conflict is backed up with biology. What matters is what the different parties believe in their heart and soul and how they behave towards each other.

This is the learning of the french family case I shared with you a few months ago. The brother in law believed he was robbed from an off-the-books inheritance. The family treasure was never found and probably never existed. But the killer believed it did and that's HIS OWN motive.

This has happened twice in my own family. The child formed a bond w/the father in the child's teen years after attending the same h.s. as his 1/2 sibling. Another was kept from the father's knowledge until the state forced the mother's hand at producing him as she filed for assistance.
Wow! that old saying of "there's a thin line between love and hate" sure seems like it applies here. I really had know idea this happened (it seems) in so many so called "normal" looking families. Rejection of someone could have caused this "hatred", most people when faced with it, quietly deal with it and move on. But apparently this person/persons couldn't. IMO, this person was in a very "low place" in their life and someone could have taken advantage of these feelings to get back at the Rhoden's. I think that other people jumped in to "help" this person, but for their own reason's and to kill them.
It doesn't matter who planned what, the results are the same, 8 people are dead. IMO, all involved from start to finish are guilty. I have never hated someone enough to murder them. Thought about it, had scenerio's in my mind about it, but would never follow through. Hate like that, built's after time IMO. You live it every day.
Who in their inner-family would carry that hate to this end?
The only thing w/the angry child theory is, that in a small community, most folks know that they have a kid out there, as do some of their relations. In my first example, there were several family members who knew, and had even seen the child, once or twice, as an infant/toddler. I don't think that the father had though. In my second example, the father had been told the mother was expecting a child, and she thought he was a "potential" father. Nothing more was said for quite some time after said child was born, until the state said they wanted to know who the father was. Then it was dna tests for all. (The latter example turned into a rather complicated turn of events w/hurt feelings between several people on both sides, but no one wanting to kill the other...) However, the mother lived in another county, but, the other potential fathers knew each other...:facepalm: My point in this, is that had, in either case, the child grown to adulthood, and become disgruntled, and been used by someone, there would have been others who knew about these children, but would likely not have been in the "kill zone", for lack of a better term. So if this is the case in the Rhoden/Gilley murders, I'd bet money that someone else knows about this child, and his animosity for his kin.
Wow! that old saying of "there's a thin line between love and hate" sure seems like it applies here. I really had know idea this happened (it seems) in so many so called "normal" looking families. Rejection of someone could have caused this "hatred", most people when faced with it, quietly deal with it and move on. But apparently this person/persons couldn't. IMO, this person was in a very "low place" in their life and someone could have taken advantage of these feelings to get back at the Rhoden's. I think that other people jumped in to "help" this person, but for their own reason's and to kill them.
It doesn't matter who planned what, the results are the same, 8 people are dead. IMO, all involved from start to finish are guilty. I have never hated someone enough to murder them. Thought about it, had scenerio's in my mind about it, but would never follow through. Hate like that, built's after time IMO. You live it every day.
Who in their inner-family would carry that hate to this end?

Hmmmm... I too have hated someone enough to wish they were dead, but never enough to murder them. In my case, it was someone I worked with who the bosses basically allowed to walk all over me. So, now after reading your post it makes me think about my experience and changing the "characters" from co-worker and bosses to someone and their family. So... this makes me wonder... did someone in the family do something to someone and the family just basically allowed the "behavior" to continue? "oh, he/she is just a kid" "oh, that's just my brother/sister, he doesn't really hate gays/women/people of other ethnicities, etc."
Hmmmm... I too have hated someone enough to wish they were dead, but never enough to murder them. In my case, it was someone I worked with who the bosses basically allowed to walk all over me. So, now after reading your post it makes me think about my experience and changing the "characters" from co-worker and bosses to someone and their family. So... this makes me wonder... did someone in the family do something to someone and the family just basically allowed the "behavior" to continue? "oh, he/she is just a kid" "oh, that's just my brother/sister, he doesn't really hate gays/women/people of other ethnicities, etc."

I think at some point in our lives, most of us have, but only a very small percent of folks ever act on those feelings.

I'm sure it's been posted in here somewhere before, but I found these numbers interesting even though they're a few years old.

In the FBI records, there were 12,664 murder victims in 2011.

77.6% were male; 54.3% were killed by someone they knew (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.); 24.8% were killed by family members.

Also, of the murders for which the circumstance surrounding the murder was known:
42.9% were murdered during arguments (including romantic triangles), and 23.1 % accounted for felony circumstances (rape, robbery, burglary, etc.).

If you really think about it, there are really not that many reasons people kill, and of those reasons we could eliminate some or most, especially since 8 people in 4 homes were killed, and it was planned, so not a domestic dispute, not an arguement gone bad, not to kill a mom to save on child support or alimony, because then it would just be said mom.

Rapid domestic = no

War = no

Mass shooter = no

Sudden fight (i.e. road rage, bar fight, highly emotional and rapid) = no

Deranged serial killer = probably not

Child custody = cant rule out but doubt

Gang violence = no

Robbery gone bad = probably not, wouldnt continue botched spree through all the homes.

Sexually motivated killer = no

Financial gain = cant rule out but doubt (no one to gain anything and not much $)

Domestic "if i cant have you no one can." = no

Divorce = no

Family annialation by father or sibling due to stress/greed = no

Revenge = cant rule out

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I'm having a hard time following the last 2 pages. I'm unclear, if maybe I've missed something or if these are just theories. What we know for sure is that CR1 and DR had 3 children only, all of which were killed, along with 3 additional family members. Are we just speculating the possibility of one of the 3 kids not being a biological child to either CR1 or DR or are we speculating a 4th child that one of them had? Or are we speculating about one of the other 3 children that survived that night? I'm not sure if my mind is foggy and I'm not understanding!
Im going with revenge. Im guessing someone or all of them did someone wrong, very wrong.

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I'm having a hard time following the last 2 pages. I'm unclear, if maybe I've missed something or if these are just theories. What we know for sure is that CR1 and DR had 3 children only, all of which were killed, along with 3 additional family members. Are we just speculating the possibility of one of the 3 kids not being a biological child to either CR1 or DR or are we speculating a 4th child that one of them had? Or are we speculating about one of the other 3 children that survived that night? I'm not sure if my mind is foggy and I'm not understanding!
I don't read other forums and I wasn't referring to this rumour of FR not being DR child.

I was speculating on a 4th child, in addition to FR, CRjr, HR. Whether biological or just emotionally part of the family.
Some things I wish I knew...

Like, how was the relationship between the R family and the parents of the small kids. I noticed there seemed to be about a year of missing posts on FRs FB page around the time that he and CR would have split and him and HG got together.
Following diligently for the past year, plus, I'm intrigued by this notion of questionable paternities being a motive in this massacre. Folks have long speculated here about the timing of the killings being 4 days after the birth of HR's 2nd baby.So who's the dad of the 1st again?

And this is my question....what if, upon delivery, it was determined that the infant was of a different race????Might get more than a few riled up, especially if surprising paternities had been a previous issue in another generation...? Just thinking, as we all are...
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