OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #27

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I think that LE have a very good reason they are "sweating" the Manley's. I'm sorry but I get a very bad vibe from that family and have since day one. If they keep reviewing them (poly's) they must think their holding out about something.
For someone that is so upset by this, why is LM constantly in the "spot light"? Me personally, I think someone is a lot smarter than they appear to be. If he's trying to protect his family, why does he keep making statements that (sound to me) like their more involved with this. These families lived close to each other and appear to have been up in each other's business all the time. And now he says that AM was talking to DR that night. They either know who or were part of it IMO. And how did this dirt poor family come up with the first 4000.00 let alone the other 4000.00 in 1 day?

They're dirt poor but land rich. They put up land.
And also LM in an interview claimed that BJM went to FR's before she went to CRsr"s.

Very strange. Imagine being LE, arriving at the scene to find not only a horrific multiple murder in three locations (that morning) and two or three (depending on whether JM walked around inside DR's house) had been contaminated by family members. And then DS finds KR later and he did the same thing at that crime scene.

What are the odds of that happening?
I guess that accounts for that large time gap from when she first arrived until she called 911. That's always bothered me. There's been a few things about her story that's bothered me, but, she did go in and get the kids out of the nightmare... Gotta give her credit for that.

If you have five witnesses to a crime, you will get five different stories.

Memories are imperfect, that's a fact, I imagine it's especially true after you see your family massacred and got their bloody babies out, then add any learning disabilities the witness may have on top of that.
I don't know if she's innocent, everyone responds to trauma differently.
I cannot imagine how traumatic that would be but anyone would probably benefit from therapy after such an experience, I doubt she got any.
A lawyer and a therapist would have helped her and her family a lot, they are at an extreme disadvantage to cope with anything, especially this.
Money changes everything.
Is it known who the two people are that went with BJM that morning? Wasn't that a first, and what would they have been there for? I believe BJM said it was a couple and her friend was the male.

Also were the dogs just running loose outside? That would be the first red flag. If they were let outside during the first kill wouldn't they have attacked when the murderers went from one trailer to the next?

Just curious.
One more thing .... with all the tox reports redacted maybe all the victims were drugged or sedated somehow to make them more vulnerable.
Interesting few days we have had for sure. I am trying to keep an open mind as I read opinions and links to articles. I keep coming back to HRs oldest. He wanted HR to give him full custody. It makes sense, time will tell. All I know, 8 lives taken, family members left behind and there is no making things back to nomal ever.
Whomever is responsible will reap what they have sowed.
Ya''all have a good rest of the evening.I reckon next week things might get hairy at the court house. Anyone hear a time??? I wanna go!

May 22 at 1 pm for preliminary
One more thing .... with all the tox reports redacted maybe all the victims were drugged or sedated somehow to make them more vulnerable.

I have wondered the same thing. I've also wondered whether the dogs had been drugged, too. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the redacted autopsy reports?
Very strange. Imagine being LE, arriving at the scene to find not only a horrific multiple murder in three locations (that morning) and two or three (depending on whether JM walked around inside DR's house) had been contaminated by family members. And then DS finds KR later and he did the same thing at that crime scene.

What are the odds of that happening?

I did an incredibly dumb thing, came home and noticed lights on in my house, the door was slightly opened, I walked right in and yelled at my robbers who promptly beat the crap out of me.
I would never do that again but I haven't gotten a chance for a do over, fortunately.
I reacted so quickly, I didn't stop and think.
If you started finding your family members dead, maybe adrenaline and your instinct to see if your loved ones are okay would overwhelm thoughtful, reasoned, common sense too. Maybe you would be all over the place in the telling, afterwards, to the cops too.
It's easy to think of how together you would be when you've never found your family slaughtered and pulled a baby covered in blood from its mother's breast, the reality may find you different.

She may be a violent killer but I don't think walking into the crime scene proves anything, innocent people do it all the time, especially for family, and their babies.
While it's certainly possible his murder was the result of opportunity knocking, but at this point I think KR was killed because either

1) he was somehow involved, even if he didn't realize his involvement would result in the death of 7 of his relatives/in-laws. Once it was over & he was no longer needed he was killed to keep him from talking.


2) because he would have known enough to be able to figure out who did it and/or why it was done .

I keep coming back to the idea that only one or two of the victims were the real target and everyone else was collateral damage.

If you think about the people at each of the 4 locations as units, I think that at least 1 person in each unit would have known enough that they would likely know who killed the main target or at least the reason why that person was the main target. To eliminate the likelihood of them talking to LE about that they had to be killed, and to eliminate the very real possibility of a witness, so did everyone else in that unit even if those others knew nothing.

I can't see KR being the main target because of his location/living alone. If you just wanted to kill him, there are plenty of ways to accomplish that and not kill the others.

I'm leaning toward your two theories on KR. What messes me up the most now that all of this has broke loose, with the JW and JM stuff, is that if they thought that KR would talk, they had to know that LM was going to talk. It was one of the first things out of his mouth "this road rage thing and child custody thing". You know that LE had those texts within days after the murders (weeks at the latest) and has grilled everyone over the custody and road rage things. Why is LM alive? He's very vocal and knew enough about the situation to point LE in a specific direction. He and his wife were within spittin distance of DM but they left someone alive with knowledge of a custody fight, a custody payoff attempt, and a physical fight over custody, and he's been talking since day one. Him being alive puts a kink in the JW, JM, theory for me. Did someone else who had an interest in JW getting the baby, do this, and forget about the M side? If it was JM and JW did they make a deal that L&J were off limits? Or is custody the wrong track? Or is that why the Ms are on a vacation? Had to toss that out there. it's bugging me.
Also were the dogs just running loose outside? That would be the first red flag. If they were let outside during the first kill wouldn't they have attacked when the murderers went from one trailer to the next?

Just curious.

That's why LE and the family both say the dogs knew the killers, they would have attacked strangers.
I always wondered if BJM had to lock up or chain the dogs for LE to come on the property.
I did an incredibly dumb thing, came home and noticed lights on in my house, the door was slightly opened, I walked right in and yelled at my robbers who promptly beat the crap out of me.
I would never do that again but I haven't gotten a chance for a do over, fortunately.
I reacted so quickly, I didn't stop and think.
If you started finding your family members dead, maybe adrenaline and your instinct to see if your loved ones are okay would overwhelm thoughtful, reasoned, common sense too. Maybe you would be all over the place in the telling, afterwards, to the cops too.
It's easy to think of how together you would be when you've never found your family slaughtered and pulled a baby covered in blood from its mother's breast, the reality may find you different.

She may be a violent killer but I don't think walking into the crime scene proves anything, innocent people do it all the time, especially for family, and their babies.

I think walking into two crime scenes may have been one of the things that put her on LE's radar. And, according to LM and to BJM herself, she was on their radar. I don't believe LE has commented on that.

People who are in shock do strange things. LE sees it all the time. There was apparently something that stood out that made LE go back and continue to ask questions. As a close family member and as the person who found four of the eight murder victims, she had to be ruled either out or in.
They're dirt poor but land rich. They put up land.

The Manleys aren't. Unless they have property elsewhere. JM lives in a home on the same property site as his parents. BJM was living on a property owned by the Rhodens but that may have changed.
I think walking into two crime scenes may have been one of the things that put her on LE's radar. And, according to LM and to BJM herself, she was on their radar. I don't believe LE has commented on that.

People who are in shock do strange things. LE sees it all the time. There was apparently something that stood out that made LE go back and continue to ask questions. As a close family member and as the person who found four of the eight murder victims, she had to be ruled either out or in.

If LE are right about the direction they are heading, they really dropped the ball.

Why did it take them a year to act when they must have had a long time ago, most, if not all, the evidence they have now? If BJM is ruled in, they aren't saying, they have publicly brought all the suspicion on the W family and JM.
Why didn't they name JW as a POI or suspect and forbid him from leaving, if that's what he is? Surely they were watching him since they had suspicious texts from the night of the murder and saw him selling his house, packing up and talking about Alaska. They let him go and now they're searching his stuff, I guess they took it where all the other confiscated trailers are sitting. It's crazy.

I hope this doesn't tie into some corrupt Ohio LE, it would be a lot easier for someone to pull it off if they had some training in killing and forensics.
The Manleys aren't. Unless they have property elsewhere. JM lives in a home on the same property site as his parents. BJM was living on a property owned by the Rhodens but that may have changed.

Their property only has to be worth the price of bail.
If LE are right about the direction they are heading, they really dropped the ball.

Why did it take them a year to act when they must have had a long time ago, most, if not all, the evidence they have now? If BJM is ruled in, they aren't saying, they have publicly brought all the suspicion on the W family and JM.
Why didn't they name JW as a POI or suspect and forbid him from leaving, if that's what he is? Surely they were watching him since they had suspicious texts from the night of the murder and saw him selling his house, packing up and talking about Alaska. They let him go and now they're searching his stuff, I guess they took it where all the other confiscated trailers are sitting. It's crazy.

I hope this doesn't tie into some corrupt Ohio LE, it would be a lot easier for someone to pull it off if they had some training in killing and forensics.

Good questions and I don't know the answers. I believe there are some people who believe there may be something corrupt in the way this case is being handled. I'm not one of them.
I did an incredibly dumb thing, came home and noticed lights on in my house, the door was slightly opened, I walked right in and yelled at my robbers who promptly beat the crap out of me.
I would never do that again but I haven't gotten a chance for a do over, fortunately.
I reacted so quickly, I didn't stop and think.
If you started finding your family members dead, maybe adrenaline and your instinct to see if your loved ones are okay would overwhelm thoughtful, reasoned, common sense too. Maybe you would be all over the place in the telling, afterwards, to the cops too.
It's easy to think of how together you would be when you've never found your family slaughtered and pulled a baby covered in blood from its mother's breast, the reality may find you different.

She may be a violent killer but I don't think walking into the crime scene proves anything, innocent people do it all the time, especially for family, and their babies.

Thankfully they didn't kill you. It's a scary feeling to walk in on your home being robbed. We came home, when I was a child, and saw items lying in the floor. My mother was right behind me and told me to back out and turned and told the rest of us to back out. We'd walked right in on them and they'd dropped our things took what was in one of our pillow cases and went out the back. It was the weirdest feeling. We had another break-in later on and have had quite a few things stolen from the farm throughout the years, but I'll never forget that feeling of seeing those items in the floor between the bedrooms and realizing someone was in there. I don't know if BJM is a murderer either and I don't know what I'd do in her shoes at the time, but the time frames just never added up. But she did go in there and get those babies out of that trailer, and that makes me hope that she's not a part of this.
Their property only has to be worth the price of bail.

I know. I'm not so sure that it is. It's possible that someone else put their plot up to help them but LM's isn't valued at $80k. :(
Thankfully they didn't kill you. It's a scary feeling to walk in on your home being robbed. We came home, when I was a child, and saw items lying in the floor. My mother was right behind me and told me to back out and turned and told the rest of us to back out. We'd walked right in on them and they'd dropped our things took what was in one of our pillow cases and went out the back. It was the weirdest feeling. We had another break-in later on and have had quite a few things stolen from the farm throughout the years, but I'll never forget that feeling of seeing those items in the floor between the bedrooms and realizing someone was in there. I don't know if BJM is a murderer either and I don't know what I'd do in her shoes at the time, but the time frames just never added up. But she did go in there and get those babies out of that trailer, and that makes me hope that she's not a part of this.

What a horrible experience and you are lucky to be alive! I recently took a course for conceal/carry and it was very good. It is hard to spend most of our time being "on guard", but in today's world, we really need to be.

The older I get, the more I realize just how much I learned from my uncle who was a homicide detective. He spent a lot of time talking to my sisters and me about how to avoid becoming a victim. I've had a couple of close calls but was able to recognize what was happening around me and was able to avoid it.

The most frightening experience was at 11:00 on a weekday morning. I had a red light and I was stopped. No one was around and then I noticed two young men in the street behind my car and they were down on their haunches and they were making a beeline to the back of my car. I looked both ways and I ran the red light. One of the guys actually had his hand on the back door handle!
I'm leaning toward your two theories on KR. What messes me up the most now that all of this has broke loose, with the JW and JM stuff, is that if they thought that KR would talk, they had to know that LM was going to talk. It was one of the first things out of his mouth "this road rage thing and child custody thing". You know that LE had those texts within days after the murders (weeks at the latest) and has grilled everyone over the custody and road rage things. Why is LM alive? He's very vocal and knew enough about the situation to point LE in a specific direction. He and his wife were within spittin distance of DM but they left someone alive with knowledge of a custody fight, a custody payoff attempt, and a physical fight over custody, and he's been talking since day one. Him being alive puts a kink in the JW, JM, theory for me. Did someone else who had an interest in JW getting the baby, do this, and forget about the M side? If it was JM and JW did they make a deal that L&J were off limits? Or is custody the wrong track? Or is that why the Ms are on a vacation? Had to toss that out there. it's bugging me.

How far back do you go? Do you kill all of them?
I am excited reading all these interesting theories and let me ad, if you saw
One of my favorite Burger King commercials, you will understand my quote.
Let me ask,"WHERE IS THE BEEF?" It seems like I am being led around
by a shadowy government in an attempt to direct my attention from the
Beef and concentrate on the lettuce and onions..The shadow government
is large and deceptive..All this briefing about raiding farms,GPS gadgets
and possible suspects leaving for Alaska just ads to my conviction that
the PIKE County courts or government officials are not worried about
the killing of the Rhoden family like we are led to believe..They have had
at least one custody hearing where it is reported that one child is placed in
the care of her reported father. The custody hearing I am anticipating to be
a shocker is the hearing involving HR's last baby. That baby might never
have a father identified because the shadowy government can't force the
bio father to be tested. He is protected by law...( from self inclinations)
The Beef is there, but invisiable...
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