OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #28

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72 deer mounts is A LOT. I mean over the top in my opinion. It is expensive. We had a pet squirrel taxidermied once many years ago. It cost $300. I can only imagine what a deer head would cost.

The picture that gets me at the link is the room with the cot and the big pink rabbit sitting there. I hope S got to take her stuffed rabbit with her. It made me sad to look at that picture. That poor child - all of 3 of them really. I'm scared for all of them.


Yep 72 IS alot.
At even $500 each that's $36,000.
Not something I would have in my home.
72 deer mounts is A LOT. I mean over the top in my opinion. It is expensive. We had a pet squirrel taxidermied once many years ago. It cost $300. I can only imagine what a deer head would cost.

The picture that gets me at the link is the room with the cot and the big pink rabbit sitting there. I hope S got to take her stuffed rabbit with her. It made me sad to look at that picture. That poor child - all of 3 of them really. I'm scared for all of them.


$300 for a squirrel?! There goes my plans for my buck-ten Rottweiler when it passes over the Rainbow Bridge... (jk) I'm sorry about your squirrel. I had a coon but his curiosity got the better of him and he's waiting at the RB. My father used to be an avid hunter, we ate deer meat, we've even got the obligatory family photo w/one of his deer, hanging from the swingset, etc... He never had a single one of the heads mounted. He did, however, find one at a garage sale, and it now hangs proudly in his garage as a hat rack. Sorry for going OT. It's not my style either but to each their own. The wild boar thrown into the fray mixed it up a bit though.
Yep 72 IS alot.
At even $500 each that's $36,000.
Not something I would have in my home.

Still OT, but I'd think those would take quite awhile to acquire too. You can't just go out and kill that many antlered deer over a short period of time (unless everyone in the family was fortunate enough to bag an antlered deer every year for 10-12 years).
Is the number 72 documented somewhere or was it a gross exaggeration by OP?
$300 for a squirrel?! There goes my plans for my buck-ten Rottweiler when it passes over the Rainbow Bridge... (jk) I'm sorry about your squirrel. I had a coon but his curiosity got the better of him and he's waiting at the RB. My father used to be an avid hunter, we ate deer meat, we've even got the obligatory family photo w/one of his deer, hanging from the swingset, etc... He never had a single one of the heads mounted. He did, however, find one at a garage sale, and it now hangs proudly in his garage as a hat rack. Sorry for going OT. It's not my style either but to each their own. The wild boar thrown into the fray mixed it up a bit though.

We can get an shoulder mount (neck up) done for 150 to 175 depending on whether you want front hooves put on below the mount...not real expensive...but a squirrel is tiny and requires steady hands moo

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
Is the number 72 documented somewhere or was it a gross exaggeration by OP?

I counted 13 or something plus skulls and horns... and a boars head. Anyway JW is brother and father all hunt so even 21 mounts is only 7 deer per hunter. Say the dad is 40ish he's probably hunted for 30 years. It's overwhelming with them all stacked together, but if it was a huge house with 30 ft ceilings and they were spread out we probably wouldn't even be talking about it. I've been in houses with full size 7- 8ft bear mounts.
We can get an shoulder mount (neck up) done for 150 to 175 depending on whether you want front hooves put on below the mount...not real expensive...but a squirrel is tiny and requires steady hands moo

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]

That makes sense. I've never had anything done so was totally in the dark on that one. Thanks!
Well LE did say they were going to after people for " not telling the truth" and "leading them on a merry chase". I know that's not the exact wording, but is the jist of what they meant. So I guess the W's and Manleys were some of who they were talking about. They made it "public" to put the "heat" on them. Most of the sites (including this one) are talking about them. I can't imagine the pressure of what it's like, or what their friends, associates, families and the public is saying to them. But then again, I think that's exactly what the intention was.
We can talk, but let's talk about facts. I still haven’t seen links to:

- c-section
- fishing trip
- prisoner tip
- 72, the number of deer heads

So unless there is a link, it's all gossip talk.
We can talk, but let's talk about facts. I still haven’t seen links to:

- c-section
- fishing trip
- prisoner tip
- 72, the number of deer heads

So unless there is a link, it's all gossip talk.

The biggest actual fact in this case is LE isn't telling us a whole lot about it.
We can talk, but let's talk about facts. I still haven’t seen links to:

- c-section
- fishing trip
- prisoner tip
- 72, the number of deer heads

So unless there is a link, it's all gossip talk.

C-section, or no C-section, fishing, or not, It's still rather odd that someone who birthed a baby four days prior, and is a nursing mother, is out running the roads in a jeep, no matter the reason, whether she left the infant w/someone or not. My daughter toughs it out with nearly anything and she didn't leave the house for several days. It's just not comfortable. If you're a nursing mother and your baby doesn't nurse for awhile, then it's not a comfortable situation either. She'd still be using washcloths in her bra, or something similar. She could have packed a breast pump with her. Doesn't sound like my idea of fun but to each their own.. I'he not so sure I believe this "besties" story either. The red jeep statement, and toothache, was in MSM, so yes, she did get out and drive around w/ or w/o her newborn infant. Why? Just for kicks? To go fishing?

Food for thought: Even though it was in MSM, KR2 and her bf, are the only people who know for a fact whether HMR got out driving around in that jeep, and whether she went fishing with KR2, and if she gave her four day old, nursing infant, to HHG, to watch.

Prisoner tip: OP had said it was in the Dayton paper along w/ a pic, and the paper and was scrubbed. (This is merely a theory after OP made their post) Unless there's a link, it's just my own 2¢. We are all here theorizing.

72 Deer Heads: I didn't take that as the gospel. Just a funny OT remark. The mounts don't really have anything at all to do with whether they're guilty or not unless the Ws are the Norman Bates of Peebles.
Prisoner tip: OP had said it was in the Dayton paper along w/ a pic, and the paper and was scrubbed. (This is merely a theory after OP made their post) Unless there's a link, it's just my own 2¢. We are all here theorizing.

I have looked at all of the pictures I could find of the search. I believe the picture they were referring to,the 'prisoner' turned out to be a LEO. In my opinion, it wasn't scrubbed so much as they removed a statement which they could not confirm or realized it originated as rumor. Probably the latter as I don't think the media does much my way of confirming anymore.
C-section, or no C-section, fishing, or not, It's still rather odd that someone who birthed a baby four days prior, and is a nursing mother, is out running the roads in a jeep, no matter the reason, whether she left the infant w/someone or not. My daughter toughs it out with nearly anything and she didn't leave the house for several days. It's just not comfortable. If you're a nursing mother and your baby doesn't nurse for awhile, then it's not a comfortable situation either. She'd still be using washcloths in her bra, or something similar. She could have packed a breast pump with her. Doesn't sound like my idea of fun but to each their own.. I'he not so sure I believe this "besties" story either. The red jeep statement, and toothache, was in MSM, so yes, she did get out and drive around w/ or w/o her newborn infant. Why? Just for kicks? To go fishing?

Food for thought: Even though it was in MSM, KR2 and her bf, are the only people who know for a fact whether HMR got out driving around in that jeep, and whether she went fishing with KR2, and if she gave her four day old, nursing infant, to HHG, to watch.

Prisoner tip: OP had said it was in the Dayton paper along w/ a pic, and the paper and was scrubbed. (This is merely a theory after OP made their post) Unless there's a link, it's just my own 2¢. We are all here theorizing.

72 Deer Heads: I didn't take that as the gospel. Just a funny OT remark. The mounts don't really have anything at all to do with whether they're guilty or not unless the Ws are the Norman Bates of Peebles.
Exactly RSD. We are here to discuss this horrible crime, keep each other up to date with links and so on. In this digital age, its easy to lose track of what article something was mentioned in, an oh so easy for newspapers to change their wording if they discover an error. Pretty good group here, I think we all try to do our best. At the end of the day, what I want is justice for this family and the community.

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Here is a great example of a news article loaded with errors. They even have names of the victims wrong.


Here's just two:

"between the hours of 4 am and 7 am on Friday April 22"
what do they know that everyone else doesn't?

Manley then drove to Frankie Rhoden's home, which he shared with his fiancé, Hannah Gilley, at 4199 Unity Hill Road, less than a mile away.

Pretty sure she didn't drive, and although it was less than a mile away, less than 200' would be more accurate. There are several of these out there that have screwy information. No one double checks, they just want to be first, and put a retraction at the bottom of the website somewhere or buried on page 6 of the newspaper.
I have looked at all of the pictures I could find of the search. I believe the picture they were referring to,the 'prisoner' turned out to be a LEO. In my opinion, it wasn't scrubbed so much as they removed a statement which they could not confirm or realized it originated as rumor. Probably the latter as I don't think the media does much my way of confirming anymore.

Either way, I just jumped off of Flatbush's (iirc) post, and expanded upon it. A theory. I never portrayed it as fact that there was an inmate at the site. Had I portrayed it as fact, I'd have supplied a link. Unless there's a link, it's just my own 2¢.

ETA: Not being snarky. The media is so quick to jump out there with stuff and there has been misinformation all throughout this that theories is about all we have. We still don't know how many times two of the victims were shot. This is one locked down case and the media is grabbing at anything they can.
The biggest actual fact in this case is LE isn't telling us a whole lot about it.
From what anyone can see in the realtor's photos, there were at least 3-4+ deer heads on each wall.

C-section, or no C-section, fishing, or not, It's still rather odd that someone who birthed a baby four days prior, and is a nursing mother, is out running the roads in a jeep, no matter the reason, whether she left the infant w/someone or not. My daughter toughs it out with nearly anything and she didn't leave the house for several days. It's just not comfortable. If you're a nursing mother and your baby doesn't nurse for awhile, then it's not a comfortable situation either. She'd still be using washcloths in her bra, or something similar. She could have packed a breast pump with her. Doesn't sound like my idea of fun but to each their own.. I'he not so sure I believe this "besties" story either. The red jeep statement, and toothache, was in MSM, so yes, she did get out and drive around w/ or w/o her newborn infant. Why? Just for kicks? To go fishing?

Food for thought: Even though it was in MSM, KR2 and her bf, are the only people who know for a fact whether HMR got out driving around in that jeep, and whether she went fishing with KR2, and if she gave her four day old, nursing infant, to HHG, to watch.

Prisoner tip: OP had said it was in the Dayton paper along w/ a pic, and the paper and was scrubbed. (This is merely a theory after OP made their post) Unless there's a link, it's just my own 2¢. We are all here theorizing.

72 Deer Heads: I didn't take that as the gospel. Just a funny OT remark. The mounts don't really have anything at all to do with whether they're guilty or not unless the Ws are the Norman Bates of Peebles.
Or "the Ed Geins" of Peebles.
This is sort of OT but if LE has a warrant to search, and doesn't find anything criminal, but destroys property in the process, is restitution made? For example, pulling neatly packed belongings out of a trailer and leaving them exposed to the elements?
Gunslinging Granny : "Or "the Ed Geins" of Peebles."

Or, Robert Hansen of Anchorage, Alaska with his trophy room.

There are lots of youtube videos regarding this case. They keep showing up in my YouTube feed. I know they are not MSM, but are quite revealing including the drive to Union Hill Road and the ranch in Peebles. It really is so sad to think about 8 family members murdered.
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