OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #28

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This is sort of OT but if LE has a warrant to search, and doesn't find anything criminal, but destroys property in the process, is restitution made? For example, pulling neatly packed belongings out of a trailer and leaving them exposed to the elements?

No, there's really no recourse. If one wishes to go after LE for damaged property they can but it will likely cost them more than the value of the items that they lost and they will likely lose the case anyway. I've stated on here repeatedly that how those trailers look now, is very likely NOT how they looked when they were packed. If you have never had your home or vehicle searched by LE, be very thankful. Even the children's toys are not off limits. I'd say draining the fish tank would not be out of bounds, nor slashing the pillows on your couch.

YouTube video of one of the trailer searches via t.v. station:
Gunslinging Granny : "Or "the Ed Geins" of Peebles."

Or, Robert Hansen of Anchorage, Alaska with his trophy room.

There are lots of youtube videos regarding this case. They keep showing up in my YouTube feed. I know they are not MSM, but are quite revealing including the drive to Union Hill Road and the ranch in Peebles. It really is so sad to think about 8 family members murdered.


I saw that on YT. That guy really was out of bounds. We don't have No Trespassing signs on the land just to look purty.
This is sort of OT but if LE has a warrant to search, and doesn't find anything criminal, but destroys property in the process, is restitution made? For example, pulling neatly packed belongings out of a trailer and leaving them exposed to the elements?

The Ws certainly knew their things had been exposed to the elements (it was on the news and all over FB), but they didn't return to Pike County. Why didn't one of their friends cover their stuff? Were their friends worried about the SWAT team having to clear the area? (I would have been worried!)
Has anyone ran across "Hunting Reserve" or "Realty" company ? Two of several businesses, owned by individual's who's names have come up in all of this, and the Realty has several properties listed under it. Just found it interesting, as some have homes, and others are vacant and a trailer/frame construction home could maybe be put on the property if family were in need. There doesn't seem to be any type of physical, nor internet, storefront though. There's also a charity which seems on the up and up.

The Ws certainly knew their things had been exposed to the elements (it was on the news and all over FB), but they didn't return to Pike County. Why didn't one of their friends cover their stuff? Were their friends worried about the SWAT team having to clear the area? (I would have been worried!)

If they were vacationing in AK it would be kind of hard to run back and re-pack. If I were a friend, no matter how close, I don't know that I'd want to put my dna on anything. They can always come back and wonder why its there, when it got there, why did I feel the need to meddle in things, etc... I would not mess in the investigation, I'd not talk w/o a lawyer, I'd not say a word. They may not have even realized the extent until they got back home. Eight people died and they're just looking for a reason to arrest someone. Anything you say, or do, can get you in the spotlight, held against you, and arrested, no matter if you are as pure as the driven snow. It's possible that this wasn't even covered in AK. It wasn't covered in our news here and we're just across the state line.

The Ws certainly knew their things had been exposed to the elements (it was on the news and all over FB), but they didn't return to Pike County. Why didn't one of their friends cover their stuff? Were their friends worried about the SWAT team having to clear the area? (I would have been worried!)

Do we know they weren't recovered after LE left?
I think we are down to speculating on speculations until more info comes out. About all we have is a piece of paper with "See Other Side" on both sides. lol
This is sort of OT but if LE has a warrant to search, and doesn't find anything criminal, but destroys property in the process, is restitution made? For example, pulling neatly packed belongings out of a trailer and leaving them exposed to the elements?

I don't know about the state and local LE but I know that in at least one branch of the federal government the agents are told in training that if they behave in an unreasonable manner then any evidence they find during the search can be ruled inadmissible in court.

An example of unreasonable behavior would be making the person who's house or business they are searching stand out in the rain for two or three hours while they search.

I don't know that this is a law per se, but just something the federal agents are told during training.

As far as damage to property I think that damage has to be intentional for LE to compensate for it.

In other words if they accidentally knock over a 1000.00 vase and break it then they don't have to pay for it, but if they pick the vase up and deliberately smash it they do.

Again I don't think this is a law, just something they are told in training.
If they were vacationing in AK it would be kind of hard to run back and re-pack. If I were a friend, no matter how close, I don't know that I'd want to put my dna on anything. They can always come back and wonder why its there, when it got there, why did I feel the need to meddle in things, etc... I would not mess in the investigation, I'd not talk w/o a lawyer, I'd not say a word. They may not have even realized the extent until they got back home. Eight people died and they're just looking for a reason to arrest someone. Anything you say, or do, can get you in the spotlight, held against you, and arrested, no matter if you are as pure as the driven snow. It's possible that this wasn't even covered in AK. It wasn't covered in our news here and we're just across the state line.


I agree.
I saw "Shimmer Lake" on netflix last night. It's the fiction story of a Ohio Sheriff investigating a case. A judge and a county prosecutor are involved in the story. It's a dark comedy that will speak to some here who are critical of local LE.
Do we know they weren't recovered after LE left?

There has been hearsay, that one trailers was either not re-tarped, or not done so properly, and that trailer's contents got soaked during the rains before they got back. Some things were ruined b/c of this. How true this is IDK. If it were the one holding the outdoor toys then, eh, not really buying it, if it were stuffed animals, then yes, could be.
Similar case going on in NE Ohio. A man kills 5 different people in two different homes between Saturday night and Sunday morning. He's already in custody.


Much credit to the local LE who knew to call in the FBI and US Marshals while coordinating with other LE. And for not letting a corrupt county prosecutor run their investigation.
Similar case going on in NE Ohio. A man kills 5 different people in two different homes between Saturday night and Sunday morning. He's already in custody.


Much credit to the local LE who knew to call in the FBI and US Marshals while coordinating with other LE. And for not letting a corrupt county prosecutor run their investigation.

They will have a hard time convincing me that the Rhoden/Gilley case was handled correctly from the start. They better have all kids of proof that they did it correctly.
They will have a hard time convincing me that the Rhoden/Gilley case was handled correctly from the start. They better have all kids of proof that they did it correctly.

I know my stance is not really popular but I think that they found the couple of little grows, expanded on it, thinking they were going to find all kinds of other types of drugs there (didn't) and was going to write it off as some sort of major drug dealers that got offed by the Mexican Mafia. There may be some other drugs involved, but I think they probably stuck pretty close to a little pot to pad their budget. These are people who all had jobs except for HHG and she was a stay at home mother, HMR had just had a baby, and CR2 was a student. The others worked. The folks I've known, in their line of "business", normally did not work and if it were more than pot, they usually sampled their wares, and ended up in bad shape. They'd tell folks one of them was on disability and the other would grab a part time job here and there to look more legit, or, they were like these folks you see on House Hunters, Wife: I'm a professional dog walker. Husband: I tune Flutophones full time. We have a budget of $1.2 million for the house of our dreams, and there must be a bedroom for each of our 5 dogs, and a pool in the den. If they are related to relatively well-known, well-heeled, folks, then a blind eye is normally turned. About every 3-4 years, the city/county, will offer up one of their own as a sacrifice to the people, for scamming cash, but their spouse (who is always shocked!) remains on the county dole.
I know my stance is not really popular but I think that they found the couple of little grows, expanded on it, thinking they were going to find all kinds of other types of drugs there (didn't) and was going to write it off as some sort of major drug dealers that got offed by the Mexican Mafia. There may be some other drugs involved, but I think they probably stuck pretty close to a little pot to pad their budget. These are people who all had jobs except for HHG and she was a stay at home mother, HMR had just had a baby, and CR2 was a student. The others worked. The folks I've known, in their line of "business", normally did not work and if it were more than pot, they usually sampled their wares, and ended up in bad shape. They'd tell folks one of them was on disability and the other would grab a part time job here and there to look more legit, or, they were like these folks you see on House Hunters, Wife: I'm a professional dog walker. Husband: I tune Flutophones full time. We have a budget of $1.2 million for the house of our dreams, and there must be a bedroom for each of our 5 dogs, and a pool in the den. If they are related to relatively well-known, well-heeled, folks, then a blind eye is normally turned. About every 3-4 years, the city/county, will offer up one of their own as a sacrifice to the people, for scamming cash, but their spouse (who is always shocked!) remains on the county dole.

My stance is not popular either, but I never thought they were big time drug dealers. I do think they were making a few hauls in those cars they were buying out of Detroit to supplement their income. I don't think this was a regular thing but maybe a once a month deal. I think that is where the 30K came from to buy DR's house.

I do think they were in it with the W's and JM. I don't think they or JM had been in it for a long time either. But the W's have been. That's where that 175K came from to buy JW's house. I do not believe a 22 year old with a moderate paying job had enough credit to buy a house and there was no mortgage. I don't think there was any trust fund and I don't think it was a loan from the grandparents either. People who work hard and have money does not dole out 175K to their grandchildren on just a promise from the grandkids.

When the custody issue came up, I think the R's had to go. I do not think the W's killed them personally, but I do think they told someone down the line, someone they have been doing business with for a while, someone who is a lot bigger fish than any of the Pike county players, that the R's made threats to take them all down.

I think that is the reason for the GPS on JM, was to lead LE to those bigger fish. And that was the reason for the DTF in the searches.

We can speculate all we want to, but let's not over look facts. The W's property was searched. The HWY 23 DTF was there and I have heard all the theories of the manpower scenario, but I don't believe it, there are volunteers and others for that kind of thing. A trailer was taken in that search. They didn't take that trailer just for fun. They took it as evidence. So to me that means they found something in it.

It doesn't mean a thing that the W's have not been arrested yet. They may be waiting for tests to come back or they didn't get enough evidence in the searches.

Irregardless the W's are in it up to their necks and those searches tells us that LE knows they are.
Arrests were made today in a 32 year old case. We'll see if new information and progress in technology finally lead to a succesful prosecution.


Different family members were suspected over time. One of them was shot dead by the father of the victim by revenge.

This case illustrates the pain inflicted by false accusations
My stance is not popular either, but I never thought they were big time drug dealers. I do think they were making a few hauls in those cars they were buying out of Detroit to supplement their income. I don't think this was a regular thing but maybe a once a month deal. I think that is where the 30K came from to buy DR's house.

I do think they were in it with the W's and JM. I don't think they or JM had been in it for a long time either. But the W's have been. That's where that 175K came from to buy JW's house. I do not believe a 22 year old with a moderate paying job had enough credit to buy a house and there was no mortgage. I don't think there was any trust fund and I don't think it was a loan from the grandparents either. People who work hard and have money does not dole out 175K to their grandchildren on just a promise from the grandkids.

When the custody issue came up, I think the R's had to go. I do not think the W's killed them personally, but I do think they told someone down the line, someone they have been doing business with for a while, someone who is a lot bigger fish than any of the Pike county players, that the R's made threats to take them all down.

I think that is the reason for the GPS on JM, was to lead LE to those bigger fish. And that was the reason for the DTF in the searches.

We can speculate all we want to, but let's not over look facts. The W's property was searched. The HWY 23 DTF was there and I have heard all the theories of the manpower scenario, but I don't believe it, there are volunteers and others for that kind of thing. A trailer was taken in that search. They didn't take that trailer just for fun. They took it as evidence. So to me that means they found something in it.

It doesn't mean a thing that the W's have not been arrested yet. They may be waiting for tests to come back or they didn't get enough evidence in the searches.

Irregardless the W's are in it up to their necks and those searches tells us that LE knows they are.

Yes, they do. I've seen it happen. Homes, cars, more cars when they wreck the previous cars, high end apartments. My own child was gifted a suv from their grandparents of my ex. (I couldn't have bought it.) This is all within my own family. I, however, am not wealthy, and the money is within branches that will never trickle down to me. That's okay though. I do okay and help the kids as much as possible, financially, with no thought of repayment.

If the Ws had a hand in this, I agree, they did not do this on their own. Someone helped. One or two may have rode along, but I don't see them as trigger folks. I don't see the elder Ws as having a hand in it b/c I have feeling, or "vibe" if you may, that something isn't right between the elders and G3 & AW.

Public volunteers would be highly unlikely. For one thing, look at the silence in this case, they aren't going to tell a bunch of public citizens what they are looking for if it is a sealed warrant. Secondly, private citizens are not trained in how to handle evidence, and how, exactly that they can go about obtaining said evidence, so, no matter how damning the evidence may be, if not obtained properly, it can, and most likely will, be thrown out in court. I don't think that they want to take that chance by having a bunch of civilians all over these places not knowing the proper way to go about search warrant procedures. It's not the same as looking for a lost child.

I agree, it doesn't mean a thing that the Ws haven't been arrested, nor that anyone from the other 41 search warrants have been arrested. We don't know what might have been taken from those searches either.

Everything has been as silent as possible throughout this whole past year, from day one. It just takes an enormous amount of people to search nearly 2,000 acres. I do think that the Ws and the Ms are on their radar, along with some others on their radar as well. I'm not discounting the fact that the Ws may have something to do with this, but, they're innocent until proven guilty.
I found this interesting, sad, and horrible. It doesn't really have anything to do w/this case, other than, if any of the parties were moving drugs, there were plenty of animals, and humans, to be able to do something similar. DF raised bighorn Dall Sheep, stating that they would look good mounted. I've never eaten Dall Sheep but have heard it is quite good depending on what they've been eating. There used to be an exotic hunting range several miles from where I live. They'd basically stock it with various breeds of exotics, drive the "hunter" up to the specific animal they wanted to bag, the "hunter" would shoot it from the jeep, go out and take a pic with their kill, throw it over the back of the jeep, take it home or arrange for the head to be mounted. I don't think they were doing this at the place that I knew about, but, how hard would it be to move something inside a bagged, or living, animal? Just food for thought.

Surfing a bit more tonight. The pastor who commented twice, about missing HMR at church, on her fb, was/is pastor to the church that is only 3 1/2 miles or so, from the elder Ws farm, it's around 5 miles from the Bethel Hill address, it's around 20 miles from UHR, and over 30 from the Peterson Road location. I'm purely speculating here but I've thought for awhile that HMR spent a lot of time at the Ws home, and I'd not rule out time spent at the elder Ws home too. I've wondered if something happened that abruptly changed her relationship with JW, and the rest of the Ws. They'd been together for at least four years and he even stated that he'd hoped she'd come back home and bring the infant with her. Whatever it was, may have possibly caused an abrupt change between the three generations of Ws too. Purely guessing. Something just doesn't seem right. If my grandchild needed money to get custody of his child, and I had the money, he'd not be maxing out his credit cards. That's just me though. Everyone is different, and sees things differently.
Surfing a bit more tonight. The pastor who commented twice, about missing HMR at church, on her fb, was/is pastor to the church that is only 3 1/2 miles or so, from the elder Ws farm, it's around 5 miles from the Bethel Hill address, it's around 20 miles from UHR, and over 30 from the Peterson Road location. I'm purely speculating here but I've thought for awhile that HMR spent a lot of time at the Ws home, and I'd not rule out time spent at the elder Ws home too. I've wondered if something happened that abruptly changed her relationship with JW, and the rest of the Ws. They'd been together for at least four years and he even stated that he'd hoped she'd come back home and bring the infant with her. Whatever it was, may have possibly caused an abrupt change between the three generations of Ws too. Purely guessing. Something just doesn't seem right. If my grandchild needed money to get custody of his child, and I had the money, he'd not be maxing out his credit cards. That's just me though. Everyone is different, and sees things differently.
People have different principles with respect to helping young adult children.

A) I grew up around the Great Lakes. In my family, learning to become autonomous and hard worker is paramount. My parents don't overhelp and keep their money to enjoy retirement. We've been warned they worked hard for their money and would spend it all by their death. For us to make our own.

B) My wife is european. In her family, it's* important to leave money and property to the children. Her parents are very conservative with money, they feel like their money is no longer theirs now they have grandchildren. They think it's unfair my parents are leaving too little to our children.
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