OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #28

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First of all, I thought is was determined that CRsr and KR were growing pot other drugs found there? And due to the state not paying for their funerals I assumed their property can be "taken" if involved in illegal activities. But as far as I know, probate is probably on hold until this case is solved.
"Rumors" around that W's are back in town, if they ever left?
And something's been bothering me since LM said " They/he had to send LE in Dana's trailer 3 times before they found CRjr's body. My understanding was that JM was the only person who went into DR's trailer, and that he "backed out" when he saw DR's feet? Didn't want to see his niece that way. So my question is " How did LM and/or other family members know that CRjr was in there?" I'm assuming this was before they found KR. How did they know he wasn't with him, or at school or on his way to school? Had spent the night with someone? Also wouldn't the bed or mattress be pulled out a little from the wall, if someone was between the bed and the wall? This among so many other things puzzles the heck out of me.

The State of Ohio shelled out $40,000 for 5 funerals.

I read an article weeks ago which said no one had applied for the Ohio victims' compensation fund to pay for the other funerals.
The State of Ohio shelled out $40,000 for 5 funerals.

I read an article weeks ago which said no one had applied for the Ohio victims' compensation fund to pay for the other funerals.

Probably b/c funds were rejected back in January, to CR1's sister & bil, b/c of the grow op. KR had one so they probably saw no reason to apply for funds for him, and GR's family may have had to apply in Ky. It's never been fully established that he was a permanent resident of Ohio. He was taken back to Ky. and buried there. His obit says he was "of Greenup, Ky" and passed away in Piketon.

Here's the link about the denial of funds for CR1's sister & bil. At this time they were still waiting for approval re; DR.


ETA: A felony amount of pot plants could be no more than 2-6 plants. One really nice, large plant, well tended could produce a pound. Four - six smaller plants could produce 150 grams per plant. It is a felony to cultivate and produce over 200 grams. Based on indoor grows. IANAL so I could be mistaken, so if anyone knows what Ohio law was, at the time of the murders please chime in.
This is how we've always had ours set up, with the exception of the time that I lived in a trailer. Idk how large CR2's bedroom was, but, the master bedroom is usually the largest, and the other two bedrooms were very small, forcing us to use a twin bed against the wall and a small nightstand in the other bedroom. If the trailers had some age on them then that may have been the case in CR2's bedroom b/c HMR would have needed a larger room due to having a toddler, and an infant, in her room. Then again, there was an add-on to the trailer iirc so that may have been another bedroom. He also could have been between the headboard and the wall. If what LM says is the gospel then there must not have been a lot of evidence that the assailant(s) had been in that room, but the assailant(s) had to have known that CR2 was there. If the room wasn't tossed, as if the assailants had been looking for him, among other things, like blood, LE may have thought he'd escaped, or stayed somewhere that night. The assailants must have walked right in there to where he was hiding, knowing he was home. I don't know if I'm wording this to make sense of what I'm thinking.


I think you are making perfect sense. I also thought he may have crawled under the bed if it was high enough off the floor.

One thing that struck me about the W's house. It only had 1302 square foot of living space. To me that seems really small even though it was a two story house. If I am figuring correctly there were four adults and two children living in the house. It stated on the description there were 3 bedrooms.

Last year before my grandson moved to another state he and his wife and baby stayed with us for about 3 months. My house is almost 4000 square foot of living space with 4 bedrooms. That was barely enough bedrooms for us all. Then as far as living space it seems like we were always tripping over one another every time we went to another room. It nearly drove me crazy as there was absolutely no where to be alone except my bedroom.

So the W's had to be literally piled on top of one another almost in the living area, with no bedrooms for the children.

And in that small an area there is no way that JW or his brother or father left the house the night of the murders without every one else in the house even the children, knowing they left.

Like you I don't know if I am making sense here, but I guess my point is, if someone in that house left that night I don't see how everyone in the house would not have known they left. It was just too small of a house for the others not to have hear them leave.

Am I correct or is it possible one or both of the boys were able to leave without the parents knowing?

I think you are making perfect sense. I also thought he may have crawled under the bed if it was high enough off the floor.

One thing that struck me about the W's house. It only had 1302 square foot of living space. To me that seems really small even though it was a two story house. If I am figuring correctly there were four adults and two children living in the house. It stated on the description there were 3 bedrooms.

Last year before my grandson moved to another state he and his wife and baby stayed with us for about 3 months. My house is almost 4000 square foot of living space with 4 bedrooms. That was barely enough bedrooms for us all. Then as far as living space it seems like we were always tripping over one another every time we went to another room. It nearly drove me crazy as there was absolutely no where to be alone except my bedroom.

So the W's had to be literally piled on top of one another almost in the living area, with no bedrooms for the children.

And in that small an area there is no way that JW or his brother or father left the house the night of the murders without every one else in the house even the children, knowing they left.

Like you I don't know if I am making sense here, but I guess my point is, if someone in that house left that night I don't see how everyone in the house would not have known they left. It was just too small of a house for the others not to have hear them leave.

Am I correct or is it possible one or both of the boys were able to leave without the parents knowing?

I noticed the size of the home too. I've done the adult child moving back in thing too. Our home isn't what I'd call small and, yeah, we definitely knew where everyone was all of the time. The W's home was built in the 1900s. When I lived in my grandparent's old farmhouse, it was big, and airy, but, it was built in the early 1900s, and you could hear every step on the hardwood floors, the steps creaked when you'd climb them, the doors screeched on the latches and stuck on the jams. So with being on top of each other, kids sleeping either with parents, or on child's beds in their rooms, I don't see how anyone could sneak out, but, for those of us who did it routinely as teenagers, you get to know those creaky floor spots, and can dodge them, but we also didn't have a three year old, who might wake up in the night and try to find his, or her, parent b/c of a bad dream, either.
I think it's definitely possible to sneak out! Parents of 2 grown men with children would have no reason to be suspicious of their kids leaving in the middle of the night. At least where I'm from.

I lived in an 1100 square ft home for a few years growing up. I had a car that made this horrible screeching sound when it was started up. I learned quickly how to roll it down the street before starting it! I'd sneak people in and out all the time, right out the front door which was in the middle of the house. Now, this was also in a neighborhood, much noisier than a country setting.
I think it's definitely possible to sneak out! Parents of 2 grown men with children would have no reason to be suspicious of their kids leaving in the middle of the night. At least where I'm from.

I lived in an 1100 square ft home for a few years growing up. I had a car that made this horrible screeching sound when it was started up. I learned quickly how to roll it down the street before starting it! I'd sneak people in and out all the time, right out the front door which was in the middle of the house. Now, this was also in a neighborhood, much noisier than a country setting.

I was in the country, and though our home was not very small, all of the bedrooms were on one end. I knew every spot that made a noise in that house. I could tell when my parents went to sleep, and I went out one way, and returned another, I also had vehicles coast in front of the house to pick me up, and I was gone :escape:. No one ever knew. I've never told the parents, to this day, and it's been many, many, years since I last pulled that trick (and I pulled it often). Because of me doing what I did, I was much more savvy w/my own kids. They did escape me on a couple occasions but they got caught dead to rights too. When they moved back in as adults I didn't pay as close attention to where they went, who they went with, etc... They were adults. Just give me a courtesy call if you're not coming home so I don't think you're dead in a ditch and we're good.

I think you are making perfect sense. I also thought he may have crawled under the bed if it was high enough off the floor.

One thing that struck me about the W's house. It only had 1302 square foot of living space. To me that seems really small even though it was a two story house. If I am figuring correctly there were four adults and two children living in the house. It stated on the description there were 3 bedrooms.

Last year before my grandson moved to another state he and his wife and baby stayed with us for about 3 months. My house is almost 4000 square foot of living space with 4 bedrooms. That was barely enough bedrooms for us all. Then as far as living space it seems like we were always tripping over one another every time we went to another room. It nearly drove me crazy as there was absolutely no where to be alone except my bedroom.

So the W's had to be literally piled on top of one another almost in the living area, with no bedrooms for the children.

And in that small an area there is no way that JW or his brother or father left the house the night of the murders without every one else in the house even the children, knowing they left.

Like you I don't know if I am making sense here, but I guess my point is, if someone in that house left that night I don't see how everyone in the house would not have known they left. It was just too small of a house for the others not to have hear them leave.

Am I correct or is it possible one or both of the boys were able to leave without the parents knowing?

I've been following this case from the beginning and rely on websleuths for current, correct information. Usually don't post but wanted to point out that I just moved back to Ohio and had forgotten about how common basements are (compared to southern states that I've lived in). Realtor and auditor sites only include above ground square footage, not basements. I have a full basement that is partially finished. It's like an apartment down there. Finished basements are popular in central Ohio, I'm not sure about southern Ohio.
I've been following this case from the beginning and rely on websleuths for current, correct information. Usually don't post but wanted to point out that I just moved back to Ohio and had forgotten about how common basements are (compared to southern states that I've lived in). Realtor and auditor sites only include above ground square footage, not basements. I have a full basement that is partially finished. It's like an apartment down there. Finished basements are popular in central Ohio, I'm not sure about southern Ohio.
Photos on the realtor's site when the house was for sale did not show a finished or unfinished basement.

I think you are making perfect sense. I also thought he may have crawled under the bed if it was high enough off the floor.

One thing that struck me about the W's house. It only had 1302 square foot of living space. To me that seems really small even though it was a two story house. If I am figuring correctly there were four adults and two children living in the house. It stated on the description there were 3 bedrooms.

Last year before my grandson moved to another state he and his wife and baby stayed with us for about 3 months. My house is almost 4000 square foot of living space with 4 bedrooms. That was barely enough bedrooms for us all. Then as far as living space it seems like we were always tripping over one another every time we went to another room. It nearly drove me crazy as there was absolutely no where to be alone except my bedroom.

So the W's had to be literally piled on top of one another almost in the living area, with no bedrooms for the children.

And in that small an area there is no way that JW or his brother or father left the house the night of the murders without every one else in the house even the children, knowing they left.

Like you I don't know if I am making sense here, but I guess my point is, if someone in that house left that night I don't see how everyone in the house would not have known they left. It was just too small of a house for the others not to have hear them leave.

Am I correct or is it possible one or both of the boys were able to leave without the parents knowing?

Mom and dad raised 10 kids in a 3 bedroom house. Boys had a room and girls had theirs.Considering we were teenagers we snuck out quit easily down the steps and out the kitchen door...it can be done ...kids waking and looking for you would be a different story !

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
Not accusing, implying, or anything else that might be misconstrued, just saying for sake of argument to the "sneaking out" train of thought...

a) You don't have to sneak out if everyone in the house knows that you are leaving.
b) You don't have to sneak out if you are already out and haven't yet come home.
c) You don't have to sneak out if you are staying the night somewhere else.
Not accusing, implying, or anything else that might be misconstrued, just saying for sake of argument to the "sneaking out" train of thought...
a) You don't have to sneak out if everyone in the house knows that you are leaving.
b) You don't have to sneak out if you are already out and haven't yet come home.
c) You don't have to sneak out if you are staying the night somewhere else.


There would also be the matter of cleaning up. Of course there could be water faucets out in the barn. We all saw the photos of the men standing around the water trough and the crime scene tape around the barn.

There would also be the matter of cleaning up. Of course there could be water faucets out in the barn. We all saw the photos of the men standing around the water trough and the crime scene tape around the barn.

With the the amount of blood reported at the crime scenes it seems that the clothes and footwear of the murderers must have been blood spattered if not blood soaked. Would have been difficult to clean up without leaving a mess behind.
I think it's definitely possible to sneak out! Parents of 2 grown men with children would have no reason to be suspicious of their kids leaving in the middle of the night. At least where I'm from.

I lived in an 1100 square ft home for a few years growing up. I had a car that made this horrible screeching sound when it was started up. I learned quickly how to roll it down the street before starting it! I'd sneak people in and out all the time, right out the front door which was in the middle of the house. Now, this was also in a neighborhood, much noisier than a country setting.

Just had to giggle at the reminder how i used to roll my Dads car down the street at around midnight before starting it up down the street.

We lived on a slightly hilly street so it made it easy to get the car away from the home before starting by just putting in neutral and coasting away. LOL

Coming back was just as easy as I came from the other direction and would coast in to the perfect place and if I felt I was slightly off away from the curb then I would abandon the landing and go around the block for another attempt. LOL

And yeah, I knew where all the creaky steps were and what doors to use to make exit and return quietly and sometimes barefoot.

I finally got caught after Dad noticed the car was starting too easily in the cold mornings and one day on return all the house lights were on as I got home and I knew the gig was up. That was the end of my midnight joyrides with friends. LOL

I also agree with the other post that a person at the home may have not had to necessarily sneak out at all if they had permission to come and go at all hours of the night or maybe had plans to sleep over someone elses house.
I was in the country, and though our home was not very small, all of the bedrooms were on one end. I knew every spot that made a noise in that house. I could tell when my parents went to sleep, and I went out one way, and returned another, I also had vehicles coast in front of the house to pick me up, and I was gone :escape:. No one ever knew. I've never told the parents, to this day, and it's been many, many, years since I last pulled that trick (and I pulled it often). Because of me doing what I did, I was much more savvy w/my own kids. They did escape me on a couple occasions but they got caught dead to rights too. When they moved back in as adults I didn't pay as close attention to where they went, who they went with, etc... They were adults. Just give me a courtesy call if you're not coming home so I don't think you're dead in a ditch and we're good.

In a household with a number of adults who come and go frequently (possibly also going out of doors to smoke), one stops paying attention--as you note with your adult children. If the "regular" noises include folks working odd shifts or just coming and going as they please, than that becomes the norm and doesn't necessarily register or awaken anyone.
With the the amount of blood reported at the crime scenes it seems that the clothes and footwear of the murderers must have been blood spattered if not blood soaked. Would have been difficult to clean up without leaving a mess behind.
I have thought about this also
With the the amount of blood reported at the crime scenes it seems that the clothes and footwear of the murderers must have been blood spattered if not blood soaked. Would have been difficult to clean up without leaving a mess behind.

Spray painters body suits. A clean one for each crime scene. Easily burnt.
Just had to giggle at the reminder how i used to roll my Dads car down the street at around midnight before starting it up down the street.

We lived on a slightly hilly street so it made it easy to get the car away from the home before starting by just putting in neutral and coasting away. LOL

Coming back was just as easy as I came from the other direction and would coast in to the perfect place and if I felt I was slightly off away from the curb then I would abandon the landing and go around the block for another attempt. LOL

And yeah, I knew where all the creaky steps were and what doors to use to make exit and return quietly and sometimes barefoot.

I finally got caught after Dad noticed the car was starting too easily in the cold mornings and one day on return all the house lights were on as I got home and I knew the gig was up. That was the end of my midnight joyrides with friends. LOL

I also agree with the other post that a person at the home may have not had to necessarily sneak out at all if they had permission to come and go at all hours of the night or maybe had plans to sleep over someone elses house.

Oh yeah! The good ol days!
I have thought about this also

Coveralls. Unzip, toss them in a garbage bag, and put them in a burn barrel. Coveralls are common attire and April was still cool enough to be wearing them, especially if they were the just run of the mill unlined coveralls. Cheap too. Just for an example: $50 bucks at Target.


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