OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #29

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Thank you for your responses today. I am now using the mobile page, it works best on my phone. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a "thank you" button. Therefore, you won't see any from me for a little while, but I mean it.
BBM :laughing:

I'd have loved to have seen a photo of him!
There were some in a pond in town that were eating the baby ducks, and any that survived to youngster size, so they had to do something about them as they were large enough to seriously injure a child if they happened across them. They were ginormous! We see them walking across the road all the time around here. Don't ever let one bite you. They won't turn loose til it thunders.


Oh my gosh. I remember my dad saying that about snapping turtles. He said it about the mountain boomers too but my son caught one at the lake last weekend and let it bite his finger to show his boys it didn't hurt so they wouldn't be scared to play with them.

My BIL had one of the huge snappers he kept for a pet. He said the people at the zoo said it was probably close to 50 years old.
BBM :laughing:

I'd have loved to have seen a photo of him!
There were some in a pond in town that were eating the baby ducks, and any that survived to youngster size, so they had to do something about them as they were large enough to seriously injure a child if they happened across them. They were ginormous! We see them walking across the road all the time around here. Don't ever let one bite you. They won't turn loose til it thunders.

When I was a kid the local story was that even a dead snapping turtle could still bite till sunset...

Oh my gosh. I remember my dad saying that about snapping turtles. He said it about the mountain boomers too but my son caught one at the lake last weekend and let it bite his finger to show his boys it didn't hurt so they wouldn't be scared to play with them.

My BIL had one of the huge snappers he kept for a pet. He said the people at the zoo said it was probably close to 50 years old.

What is a mountain boomer?

When I was a teenager I really got into fishing. My friends' dad took us out on his boat and I caught a snapping turtle- he handled getting it off my line. :happydance:

Oh my gosh. I remember my dad saying that about snapping turtles. He said it about the mountain boomers too but my son caught one at the lake last weekend and let it bite his finger to show his boys it didn't hurt so they wouldn't be scared to play with them.

My BIL had one of the huge snappers he kept for a pet. He said the people at the zoo said it was probably close to 50 years old.

I've heard that saying all my life! lol

I tried keeping a young snapper, as a pet, when I was a kid. Found out pretty quick it was nowhere near as fun as the little box turtles I'd keep and play with. They are much better fried up, with some taters on the side. If I see one around I'll catch it and let the kids see how powerful jaws are, and how fast they can bite. They are almost like something leftover from the dinosaur age.

Are mountain boomers, a type of lizard? How large do they get?
What is a mountain boomer?

When I was a teenager I really got into fishing. My friends' dad took us out on his boat and I caught a snapping turtle- he handled getting it off my line. :happydance:

A mountain boomer is a brilliant green and yellow lizard that stands on it's hind legs and runs like a person. You see them running down the road on their hind legs with their little front legs moving like arms looking for all the world like tiny joggers. They can be found across the west but the highest concentration of them are in my state and area. They were almost poached out at one time because they bring a very high price in pet stores, but due to stiff fines and jail time for anyone caught poaching them they are now coming back. My son catches them and lets the boys play with them for an hour or so then lets them go.
There were links in MSM way way back in earlier thread. Maybe the first thread? I'm not good at all at searching this site.... I get hits that have nothing to do with the Rhodens. But I do remember quotes and links to articles.... I guess I have nothing better to do...than read Websleuths... my friends think I am crazy..... I think THEY are crazy. How can they not care? Nevermind we won't go there....

Morning everyone! I think following cases is a good way to keep our minds occupied and working. Hopefully it keeps the dreaded Alzheimer's away. Doesn't hurt anyway. I don't have a mat that says welcome at my front door, but I do have a little picture of a squirrel that reads "Welcome to the Nut House!" Figure it's kind of appropriate. As Waylon Jennings sang, "I've always been crazy, but it has kept me from going insane." Now to slaughter 8 people and still walk around town like normal - that's a lot of crazy happening there. Maybe crazy like a fox as someone here posted...

Just curious about what prey one would hunt in April... Coon hunting maybe ? Turkeys? I'll google or bing that. There is a season, but that doesn't stop people from poaching. Of course when a person is trying to put food on the table to feed their families in poor economic times, I can hardly blame them (got chewed out good for posting a wanted poster on FB of the person who had shot an arrow into a buck who survived and was still walking around with the arrow sticking out of him). Now to shoot an animal just to kill that ain't right (my grandmother probably just rolled over in her grave for typing ain't and butchering the Queen's language).

Guess the W's took all their mounted deer heads from their land. Thought about them poaching on their own land, so as not to let the big one get away. No moose mounts or bear mounts seen in the photos, so I guess they didn't get a chance to hunt in Alaska before they moved there.

AG keeps saying they're making progress in the Rhoden murders. Hopefully somebody recently arrested has some information they are willing to swap for a lighter sentence. Or maybe they will continue with business as usual and maybe with their phone calls monitored and their visitors monitored and any mail incoming and outgoing will turn up something to bring some arrests. I'd like to see some people put in a room with some snapping turtles and see if they would talk then or sing like a canary. Snappers are usually on the move in the spring and early summer to lay their eggs. Very cool creatures. They're survivors. They haven't made it on earth as long as they have without being tough critters. Always heard that about thunder and them not turning loose of whatever appendage they had in their mouths until it thundered too. Soft shell turtles are pretty weird looking too.

If I were in the W's shoes, I'd be pretty PO'd about LE confiscating that nice covered trailer all boarded up... Seems as if the W's took it in stride. Maybe they'll be back for it, but I kinda doubt it.


I've heard that saying all my life! lol

I tried keeping a young snapper, as a pet, when I was a kid. Found out pretty quick it was nowhere near as fun as the little box turtles I'd keep and play with. They are much better fried up, with some taters on the side. If I see one around I'll catch it and let the kids see how powerful jaws are, and how fast they can bite. They are almost like something leftover from the dinosaur age.

Are mountain boomers, a type of lizard? How large do they get?

The mountain boomers get about 12 to 15 inches long. They fetch a very high price in pet stores as they make excellent pets. I have seen some when I was a kid that were raised as pets and fed regularly get larger than that, but it is substantial jail time now if you get caught with one. I am really glad that my state tacked on that jail time in addition to the fine because so many people were poaching them they almost became extinct. One guy got caught with about 30 of them he was poaching that had died because he had them in a hot van.

They really are beautiful.

A mountain boomer. The collared lizard is the state reptile of Oklahoma, where it is known as the mountain boomer.


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A mountain boomer. The collared lizard is the state reptile of Oklahoma, where it is known as the mountain boomer.

Gorgeous! If I were a kid and lived where there were Boomers I'd most definitely have caught some! Had a couple little lizards as a kid, had little bit of everything growing up, even a little snake for awhile, but my momma drew the line on bringing it into the house, so I kept it in one of the tobacco barns. We have mostly skinks around our place, but there's a couple lizards to be seen if you're in the right places.
Gorgeous! If I were a kid and lived where there were Boomers I'd most definitely have caught some! Had a couple little lizards as a kid, had little bit of everything growing up, even a little snake for awhile, but my momma drew the line on bringing it into the house, so I kept it in one of the tobacco barns. We have mostly skinks around our place, but there's a couple lizards to be seen if you're in the right places.


The longer they lay in the sun the brighter they get. My son likes the skinks too but they are hard to find around here.
I remember that. I remember a link to article(iirc) someone close heard gun fire and thought it was hunter. Iirc it was 4:30.

Thanks RSD. You are a great investigator, one hand on the weather history, the other on the chinese dictionary. You blew me on that one.

About the sun: is it possible it happened at CR so late in the morning? 6:00 to 7:00?

There were witness who spoke about hunters early morning. Do we have links for this? Or is it hearsay.
Is there an unofficial timeline somewhere? I haven't found it on the media thread. I guess DR left work around 11:00 p.m. and home by 11:30. Posting on FB around that time. Thinking about RSD1200's link regarding more recent unsolved murders of mothers and daughters was scary! Lots of coincidences.

O/T: I want a mountain boomer! They are gorgeous! We have sand racers here in East Texas and used to have horny toads. They are said to spit blood from their eyes when threatened. I never witnessed it personally though and I used to catch'em by the dozens as a kid in the peanut fields. Fire ants and pesticides decimated them here. Their food source was mainly leaf cutter ants. They still have them more north of us. Maybe Oklahoma too? I love those little skinks. Usually see them when I'm moving pots and outdoor rugs around. The chickens love them - unfortunately. They will eat the baby sand racers too if they can catch'em. We have geckos too! A lot of geckos! A friend gave us 3 several years ago and the population has exploded since then. Love those geckos!
I remember that. I remember a link to article(iirc) someone close heard gun fire and thought it was hunter. Iirc it was 4:30.

I think I remember that too. I don't think it was in the media thread. Or maybe it was something about the neighbor's dogs barking early that morning. Were the M's the closest neighbors? Gonna look for that post.
Is there an unofficial timeline somewhere? I haven't found it on the media thread. I guess DR left work around 11:00 p.m. and home by 11:30. Posting on FB around that time. Thinking about RSD1200's link regarding more recent unsolved murders of mothers and daughters was scary! Lots of coincidences.

O/T: I want a mountain boomer! They are gorgeous! We have sand racers here in East Texas and used to have horny toads. They are said to spit blood from their eyes when threatened. I never witnessed it personally though and I used to catch'em by the dozens as a kid in the peanut fields. Fire ants and pesticides decimated them here. Their food source was mainly leaf cutter ants. They still have them more north of us. Maybe Oklahoma too? I love those little skinks. Usually see them when I'm moving pots and outdoor rugs around. The chickens love them - unfortunately. They will eat the baby sand racers too if they can catch'em. We have geckos too! A lot of geckos! A friend gave us 3 several years ago and the population has exploded since then. Love those geckos!

You are not too far from the mountain boomers in east Texas. There are some in the Broken Bow/Beavers Bend area. They are a lot of them further north up around Birch lake near Bartlesville.

We have some of the horny toads here but not many. No fire ants thankfully. My MIL lived in Hitchcock and the fire ants were horrible. She finally moved to ColdSpring up by Lake Livingston.

I love East Texas, Tyler especially! But not the mosquitoes.

I like the geckos too but they don't do well around here. Too cold in the winter I think.
Is there an unofficial timeline somewhere? I haven't found it on the media thread. I guess DR left work around 11:00 p.m. and home by 11:30. Posting on FB around that time. Thinking about RSD1200's link regarding more recent unsolved murders of mothers and daughters was scary! Lots of coincidences.

O/T: I want a mountain boomer! They are gorgeous! We have sand racers here in East Texas and used to have horny toads. They are said to spit blood from their eyes when threatened. I never witnessed it personally though and I used to catch'em by the dozens as a kid in the peanut fields. Fire ants and pesticides decimated them here. Their food source was mainly leaf cutter ants. They still have them more north of us. Maybe Oklahoma too? I love those little skinks. Usually see them when I'm moving pots and outdoor rugs around. The chickens love them - unfortunately. They will eat the baby sand racers too if they can catch'em. We have geckos too! A lot of geckos! A friend gave us 3 several years ago and the population has exploded since then. Love those geckos!

DR's last post, that I'm aware of, (I have a screenshot but it's against TOS to upload), was at 12:59 a.m. the 22nd.

O/T too, I used to have the chameleons. They aren't from here but you used to get them at local pet stores. Idk if they still sell them or not. I tried to catch some of the lizards in FL for my grandchild to see up close, and personal, but I'm not nearly as fast as I used to be, so staring at them, and snapping a pic, was the best we could do. The little ruby throated ones were the ones we were after, very cute and fast. The lizards and skinks that are around here are not brilliantly colored. They're small and one type is striped. Nothing on par with a racer or boomer!
I remember that. I remember a link to article(iirc) someone close heard gun fire and thought it was hunter. Iirc it was 4:30.

Turkey hunting is permitted to start :30 prior to sunrise, in Ohio. Not everyone obeys the rules though.
Turkey hunting is permitted to start :30 prior to sunrise, in Ohio. Not everyone obeys the rules though.
Deers are crepuscular (seen more at dusk and dawn). Deer hunters are out in my area hunting them in the early mornings even in the off season. This is likely the same in rural Ohio.
DR's last post, that I'm aware of, (I have a screenshot but it's against TOS to upload), was at 12:59 a.m. the 22nd.

O/T too, I used to have the chameleons. They aren't from here but you used to get them at local pet stores. Idk if they still sell them or not. I tried to catch some of the lizards in FL for my grandchild to see up close, and personal, but I'm not nearly as fast as I used to be, so staring at them, and snapping a pic, was the best we could do. The little ruby throated ones were the ones we were after, very cute and fast. The lizards and skinks that are around here are not brilliantly colored. They're small and one type is striped. Nothing on par with a racer or boomer!


I have been tossing around the thought that DR maybe was killed later around 3 AM. But it still makes more sense that KR was killed last at around 4 AM.


The mountain boomers make great pets because you can catch them in the wild and within a couple of days they are friendly enough to climb on your shoulder. You have to know how to feed them in captivity though because they will starve to death fairly quickly. You just can't put crickets in their cage you have to actually hold them and stick the cricket in their mouth.

The boomers are fast!!! They stand up on their hind legs and run like humans. But you can catch them sunning on a rock and just pick them up. They are curiously unafraid of humans once they are caught and adapt very easily to whoever is feeding them. They love riding on your shoulder and will get attached to their human owners and actually come to you when they are hungry.

I think that is why they were so heavily poached at one time and sell for so much.

I have been tossing around the thought that DR maybe was killed later around 3 AM. But it still makes more sense that KR was killed last at around 4 AM.


The mountain boomers make great pets because you can catch them in the wild and within a couple of days they are friendly enough to climb on your shoulder. You have to know how to feed them in captivity though because they will starve to death fairly quickly. You just can't put crickets in their cage you have to actually hold them and stick the cricket in their mouth.

The boomers are fast!!! They stand up on their hind legs and run like humans. But you can catch them sunning on a rock and just pick them up. They are curiously unafraid of humans once they are caught and adapt very easily to whoever is feeding them. They love riding on your shoulder and will get attached to their human owners and actually come to you when they are hungry.

I think that is why they were so heavily poached at one time and sell for so much.

If DR was killed around 3:00 am, then it was less likely her shoe that got left behind if one was left behind. Would KR at 4:00 am match up with shots heard at 4:30 am if he was last?
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