OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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I could see the Rs giving BJM a car. She apparently helped out around the properties and she would not have the earning power of a man. I think it would be rather petty of JM to be resentful of that.
I could see the Rs giving BJM a car. She apparently helped out around the properties and she would not have the earning power of a man. I think it would be rather petty of JM to be resentful of that.

I think it would be too, but, we're not him nor his wife. They're not well off, and the Rs were also giving BJM a place to live, either relatively cheap, or free,iirc. I think that even BJM and DR had some sibling rivalry, and iffy feelings about AM. Just a feeling. DR & CR1 were living pretty good, actually. Most folks around here feel they're doing pretty good if they can pay their bills, have their own speck of land, a decent car, and money left over for hobbies and to share a little with their kids. Heck, they gave CR2 a car! My parents didn't gift me a car when I turned 16. My parents have supplied one for a sibling for YEARS! My cousins got dirt bikes, and cars, and were even driving on the hwy by age 14. I, however, did not, and was not. Was I a neglected child? No. Was I still a tad green-eyed? Yup.
I think it would be too, but, we're not him nor his wife. They're not well off, and the Rs were also giving BJM a place to live, either relatively cheap, or free,iirc. I think that even BJM and DR had some sibling rivalry, and iffy feelings about AM. Just a feeling. DR & CR1 were living pretty good, actually. Most folks around here feel they're doing pretty good if they can pay their bills, have their own speck of land, a decent car, and money left over for hobbies and to share a little with their kids. Heck, they gave CR2 a car! My parents didn't gift me a car when I turned 16. My parents have supplied one for a sibling for YEARS! My cousins got dirt bikes, and cars, and were even driving on the hwy by age 14. I, however, did not, and was not. Was I a neglected child? No. Was I still a tad green-eyed? Yup.

I know the feeling. By the time my older brother was sixteen he had had two motorbikes and three cars. I never had a regular bike of my own much less a new one. I wasn't allowed to have a car or use my parents car when I was seventeen. My brother knew how to weld, braze, silver solder, etc. when he was twelve. I was never taught how. I never held it against my brother. We got along fine.
Another thought, LM was adamant that DR and JM were extremely close. Just how close, only LM and JM knows. He doesn't make that same comment about BJM, who was actually given a car to drive, and who was grilled by LE as well, and also asked to take poly. Did LE keep JM's truck, since he bought the other one, on which that they planted the "bug"? As, I think Raisin mentioned, could it have been AM? They weren't blood kin to her.


But AM is blood kin to AW.

As you have mentioned before, we would assume JM would have been due to go to work that next morning, which was a Friday. If he was due to work that Friday morning, it is kind of doubtful he would have been up at 2:00 AM Friday morning when LE said the text was sent.

Not so AM, who has admitted in MSM interviews that she was talking to DR on FB and through texts at 1:00 AM Friday morning.

It just occurred to me that if she was sending texts to DR at 1:00 AM how easy it would be to send a text from JM's cell to JW at 2:00 AM while JM was asleep. Then again maybe they just had one cell phone (I recently found out that people under a certain income limit could get a free cell phone that the government pays for) and the texts to DR were also sent from JM's phone.

Wasn't it JW who changed his story about "when" he picked up Sophie? First it was a week before and next it was that night. IMO, from everything I've read about the W's, they seem like people that wouldn't want to get their own hands dirty. So could they have supplied the guns and ammo and a vehicle for the murders? I agree with the statements about JM and BJM. There's been something fishy about them and LM being there that morning from the beginning. And didn't I read somewhere that LM was seen going through some junk in CRsr's yard the next day after the murders or soon thereafter? I do think that the W's were questioned many times before they left for there "dream home" in Alaska. Weren't they still making improvements to their place in June? A barn I think. Why did JW need all that money for an attorney to get custody of SW if he was the father? (had go fund me page) Wasn't he already on her birth certificate?
As for the autopsies, why did it say that KR2 and Tony does not want the public to know what is in them? That's the first I've actually seen that in print (I think). And IMO, if that was my family I would want anything and everything done to find out who murdered my family. So, are they just scared, do they really believe that, or has LE told them enough about evidence or supposed suspects to keep them quiet? Do I believe the W's actually killed the victims, no, but I believe they were involved in some way. Just like I believe some Manley's may be involved. And to me, anyone involved in any way is just as guilty as the ones who pulled the triggers. I also believe others were involved.
Did anyone notice that in one of the articles it was written:
"Details such as how many times the victims were shot and weather anyone injested alcohol, drugs or other poisons were removed from the provided records" statement? Kind of an odd thing to include?
I thought JW changed his story from picking up Sophie that night to a week before.

Here is one quote from June 8, 2017:

However the week before the killings, Rhoden dropped Sophia off on Friday, April 15, Wagner said. He was to return the towheaded toddler to her mom the following Friday, which was April 22 – the day the bodies were discovered.

And that sounds like Hannah Rhoden dropped Sophia off at the Wagner home the week before. Complete 180 on the original story.


Also, I thought the texts were from JM to JW. This statement says the text was allegedly from Sophie's great-grandfather.

Jake Wagner said he never received any text message from a family member at 2 a.m. on April 22, 2016, which was alleged Sophia's great grandfather.

Great grandfather would be LM? Weird.

Thirdly, contentious custody dispute:

Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings. Both Wagners denied that.

Headed to the media thread to see if I can dig up a link that states JW picked Sophie up the night prior to the murders on April 21st.

Mike DeWine talks about drug crisis on Lancaster campaign stop


I came across this recent article from Nov 15. It has some interesting remarks from DeWine pertaining to the Rhoden family murder case. Taken in context, it gives us some information about the status of their investigation.

DeWine, a Republican, previously announced his intent to run for governor next year. He, nor anyone else, has yet filed to run in the May 8 primary election, however. The deadline for filing is 4 p.m. on Feb. 7.

DeWine also responded to a question about the 2016 Rhoden murder case, in which eight members of a Pike County family were murdered. The case is still unsolved and DeWine's office is helping in the investigation.

"We continue to investigate this case and I continue to get reports," he said. "I think we will eventually be able to have enough evidence to go to a grand jury and get an indictment.But we're not ready to announce that today and we're not ready to say that that's going to take place."

But DeWine said the case is a top priority with him and his office.

"It's a horrible, horrible tragedy," he said. "It's one of the worst mass executions, shootings, certainly in Ohio history."


The bolded text in DeWine's quote above tells us that they don't have enough evidence to go to a grand jury for any indictments.

If you'll recall with all the brouhaha last summer over the arrest and charging of JM for tampering with evidence (removing and destroying the tracking device on his truck), the charges against him were dropped and his case was referred to the Pike County Grand Jury. Once that happened, of course, all information about the case and his testimony became secret.

It's now six months later and DeWine is saying there's no evidence yet to justify calling a Grand Jury in the case. Since the murders took place in Pike County, any Grand Jury called to review the case and bring charges would have to be in Pike County.

JMO, that means:

the Pike County Grand Jury is no longer meeting to review JM's case from last summer

Since DeWine said there's no evidence to justify bringing the case to a GJ, that indicates nothing came of JM's grand jury testimony, nor of anyone else they may have called in relation to JM's charges last summer. The arrest and GJ over JM and his alleged visit to JW was a nothing burger.

Does this also mean any GJ convened to deal with the subsequent drug busts of people near the Wagner family farm also yielded no results? Same for the search warrants issued at the homes of the Wagner family, Flying W farms and the trucker friend of JW. Did those also yield similar results? Did the W family get an early "tip" that allowed them to clean up the farm and head for AK so they wouldn't be called before one of prosecutor Junk's GJ's?

What do you think? From DeWine's statement, none of the investigation activities so far has led to enough evidence to call a GJ to name suspects.

Most telling part of DeWine's statement: "We're not ready to say that's going to take place." Is he hedging his remarks by saying it's possible they may never have enough evidence to bring charges against anyone?
Here is a correction to an original article:

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly reported when Hanna Rhoden's daughter went to stay with her father, Jake Wagner. Rhoden dropped her daughter off on Friday, April 15, 2016.


Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and dropped her off at her father's home on Friday April 15.

Okay. Here is the original quote:

Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours."


Direct quote from JW, "I reckon we missed it by just hours." His story changed. Not good.
Here is a correction to an original article:

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly reported when Hanna Rhoden's daughter went to stay with her father, Jake Wagner. Rhoden dropped her daughter off on Friday, April 15, 2016.


Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and dropped her off at her father's home on Friday April 15.

Okay. Here is the original quote:

Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours."


Direct quote from JW, "I reckon we missed it by just hours." His story changed. Not good.

That's very suspicious. I wonder why LE hasn't called JW to a GJ to question him about that under oath? Then they allowed him to move out of state with S? SMH.

Slightly OT, but I note from her Twitter feed that Chris Graves, the reporter who used to cover this story for the Cincinnati Enquirer has moved to Minnesota to work there


I had always worried her quality reporting would get her removed from her job.
Mike DeWine talks about drug crisis on Lancaster campaign stop


I came across this recent article from Nov 15. It has some interesting remarks from DeWine pertaining to the Rhoden family murder case. Taken in context, it gives us some information about the status of their investigation.


The bolded text in DeWine's quote above tells us that they don't have enough evidence to go to a grand jury for any indictments.

If you'll recall with all the brouhaha last summer over the arrest and charging of JM for tampering with evidence (removing and destroying the tracking device on his truck), the charges against him were dropped and his case was referred to the Pike County Grand Jury. Once that happened, of course, all information about the case and his testimony became secret.

It's now six months later and DeWine is saying there's no evidence yet to justify calling a Grand Jury in the case. Since the murders took place in Pike County, any Grand Jury called to review the case and bring charges would have to be in Pike County.

JMO, that means:

the Pike County Grand Jury is no longer meeting to review JM's case from last summer

Since DeWine said there's no evidence to justify bringing the case to a GJ, that indicates nothing came of JM's grand jury testimony, nor of anyone else they may have called in relation to JM's charges last summer. The arrest and GJ over JM and his alleged visit to JW was a nothing burger.

Does this also mean any GJ convened to deal with the subsequent drug busts of people near the Wagner family farm also yielded no results? Same for the search warrants issued at the homes of the Wagner family, Flying W farms and the trucker friend of JW. Did those also yield similar results? Did the W family get an early "tip" that allowed them to clean up the farm and head for AK so they wouldn't be called before one of prosecutor Junk's GJ's?

What do you think? From DeWine's statement, none of the investigation activities so far has led to enough evidence to call a GJ to name suspects.

Most telling part of DeWine's statement: "We're not ready to say that's going to take place." Is he hedging his remarks by saying it's possible they may never have enough evidence to bring charges against anyone?

This is, to say the least, very disheartening in my opinion. I do think the W's move to Alaska was put into high gear as soon as they realized they were on the radar for the murders.

I really thought that:

1. The text from JW to JM.
2. JW changing his story regarding Sophia drop off and pick up date.
3. Alleged meeting of JW and JM.

Would be enough for a grand jury. Apparently not. Like BettyP said, all nothing burgers. You would think after all this time they would have something more. Eventually Dewine says. Eventually as in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, or 3 years? Personally, I don't think it looks good for anyone involved in solving this case and I don't know if I could in good conscience vote for Dewine. It's just odd that the families of the victims aren't more vocal about finding the persons who murdered 8 people. Even LM is quiet. Maybe anyone who says anything or questions the investigation is immediately in the laser focus of the investigators. It is so sad that the people who did this are getting ready to celebrate Christmas with their families while the victims lie dead in the cold hard ground.
This is, to say the least, very disheartening in my opinion. I do think the W's move to Alaska was put into high gear as soon as they realized they were on the radar for the murders.

I really thought that:

1. The text from JW to JM.
2. JW changing his story regarding Sophia drop off and pick up date.
3. Alleged meeting of JW and JM.

Would be enough for a grand jury. Apparently not. Like BettyP said, all nothing burgers. You would think after all this time they would have something more. Eventually Dewine says. Eventually as in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, or 3 years? Personally, I don't think it looks good for anyone involved in solving this case and I don't know if I could in good conscience vote for Dewine. It's just odd that the families of the victims aren't more vocal about finding the persons who murdered 8 people. Even LM is quiet. Maybe anyone who says anything or questions the investigation is immediately in the laser focus of the investigators. It is so sad that the people who did this are getting ready to celebrate Christmas with their families while the victims lie dead in the cold hard ground.

Thank you for finding and printing those quotes! I knew I had read them.
I think it would be too, but, we're not him nor his wife. They're not well off, and the Rs were also giving BJM a place to live, either relatively cheap, or free,iirc. I think that even BJM and DR had some sibling rivalry, and iffy feelings about AM. Just a feeling. DR & CR1 were living pretty good, actually. Most folks around here feel they're doing pretty good if they can pay their bills, have their own speck of land, a decent car, and money left over for hobbies and to share a little with their kids. Heck, they gave CR2 a car! My parents didn't gift me a car when I turned 16. My parents have supplied one for a sibling for YEARS! My cousins got dirt bikes, and cars, and were even driving on the hwy by age 14. I, however, did not, and was not. Was I a neglected child? No. Was I still a tad green-eyed? Yup.

I am one of those parents guilty of giving my son a car on his 16 birthday. A new Camaro that had 9 miles on it when my son took possession of it. A little over a week later it ended up totaled out in a deep ditch just outside of town with less than 200 miles on the odometer. By the grace of God my son and the other four kids in the car with him escaped with only minor scratches.

My sister gave her daughter a new Mustang the day she got her learners permit at 15 1/2 years old with the provision that my niece only drive the car to school with her licensed 16 year old friend in the front seat. Two months later my niece ran a red light and broadsided a car, totaling out both cars. Again by the grace of God no one in either car was injured seriously. And you guessed it, my niece was alone in the car, no licensed driver in the front seat, leaving my sister open to a lawsuit, which she settled out of court. The Mustang had about 600 miles on it.

When my older grandsons turned 16 I strongly advised my son to wait to give them a pre-owned car until they graduated high school. This is what he did and both boys still have the cars they were given for graduation.

Just goes to show, you live and you learn and sometimes being generous to your kids don't work out the way you think it will.
Wasn't it JW who changed his story about "when" he picked up Sophie? First it was a week before and next it was that night. IMO, from everything I've read about the W's, they seem like people that wouldn't want to get their own hands dirty. So could they have supplied the guns and ammo and a vehicle for the murders? I agree with the statements about JM and BJM. There's been something fishy about them and LM being there that morning from the beginning. And didn't I read somewhere that LM was seen going through some junk in CRsr's yard the next day after the murders or soon thereafter? I do think that the W's were questioned many times before they left for there "dream home" in Alaska. Weren't they still making improvements to their place in June? A barn I think. Why did JW need all that money for an attorney to get custody of SW if he was the father? (had go fund me page) Wasn't he already on her birth certificate?
As for the autopsies, why did it say that KR2 and Tony does not want the public to know what is in them? That's the first I've actually seen that in print (I think). And IMO, if that was my family I would want anything and everything done to find out who murdered my family. So, are they just scared, do they really believe that, or has LE told them enough about evidence or supposed suspects to keep them quiet? Do I believe the W's actually killed the victims, no, but I believe they were involved in some way. Just like I believe some Manley's may be involved. And to me, anyone involved in any way is just as guilty as the ones who pulled the triggers. I also believe others were involved.
Did anyone notice that in one of the articles it was written:
"Details such as how many times the victims were shot and weather anyone injested alcohol, drugs or other poisons were removed from the provided records" statement? Kind of an odd thing to include?

I agree that the elder W's don't seem to be that type, but I think BW and his wife AW were birds of a different color. I think BW may have been sort of the black sheep of the family or even estranged from his parents, just by the fact that grandma and grandpa didn't seem inclined to shell out the money for JW's legal bills in gaining custody of little S. And again it didn't seem to bother BW to run off to AK leaving his seriously ill father behind.
Mike DeWine talks about drug crisis on Lancaster campaign stop


I came across this recent article from Nov 15. It has some interesting remarks from DeWine pertaining to the Rhoden family murder case. Taken in context, it gives us some information about the status of their investigation.


The bolded text in DeWine's quote above tells us that they don't have enough evidence to go to a grand jury for any indictments.

If you'll recall with all the brouhaha last summer over the arrest and charging of JM for tampering with evidence (removing and destroying the tracking device on his truck), the charges against him were dropped and his case was referred to the Pike County Grand Jury. Once that happened, of course, all information about the case and his testimony became secret.

It's now six months later and DeWine is saying there's no evidence yet to justify calling a Grand Jury in the case. Since the murders took place in Pike County, any Grand Jury called to review the case and bring charges would have to be in Pike County.

JMO, that means:

the Pike County Grand Jury is no longer meeting to review JM's case from last summer

Since DeWine said there's no evidence to justify bringing the case to a GJ, that indicates nothing came of JM's grand jury testimony, nor of anyone else they may have called in relation to JM's charges last summer. The arrest and GJ over JM and his alleged visit to JW was a nothing burger.

Does this also mean any GJ convened to deal with the subsequent drug busts of people near the Wagner family farm also yielded no results? Same for the search warrants issued at the homes of the Wagner family, Flying W farms and the trucker friend of JW. Did those also yield similar results? Did the W family get an early "tip" that allowed them to clean up the farm and head for AK so they wouldn't be called before one of prosecutor Junk's GJ's?

What do you think? From DeWine's statement, none of the investigation activities so far has led to enough evidence to call a GJ to name suspects.

Most telling part of DeWine's statement: "We're not ready to say that's going to take place." Is he hedging his remarks by saying it's possible they may never have enough evidence to bring charges against anyone?


I think that appeal to the public for anyone who had any dealings with the W's regarding guns and ammo was an attempt to locate the murder weapons and put them in the hands of the W's. The smoking guns so to speak. I think any guns used are at the bottom of a deep lake or river.

I also think unless they get those murder weapons or find someone who can place those weapons in the hands of the W's prior to the murders, there will never be enough evidence for an arrest.

Given that thought, unless someone such as JM or one of the W's comes forward to confess, I am like LM, this will not be solved in my lifetime.
Thank you for finding and printing those quotes! I knew I had read them.

You are most welcome! I do remember there was actually a time given in the original statement, but I didn't have any luck in locating it. I have used up a lot of free reads on several of the news sites. Correct me if I was wrong, but I thought it was originally stated that JW picked up Sophie at 10:30 the night of the 21st? That is why I was originally intrigued by the statement by JW. Thought it was an odd time to be picking up a 2-year-old, but probably just me.
You are most welcome! I do remember there was actually a time given in the original statement, but I didn't have any luck in locating it. I have used up a lot of free reads on several of the news sites. Correct me if I was wrong, but I thought it was originally stated that JW picked up Sophie at 10:30 the night of the 21st? That is why I was originally intrigued by the statement by JW. Thought it was an odd time to be picking up a 2-year-old, but probably just me.

I remember reading that too and I too, thought it was an odd time to pick up a 2 year old. I also suspected that it may have had something to do with the phone call that upset DR.
I remember reading that too and I too, thought it was an odd time to pick up a 2 year old. I also suspected that it may have had something to do with the phone call that upset DR.
Great thinking. That would be around the time she got the phone call right? I wonder if HR called her mom to tell her JW picked up Sophia and it upset her.

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This is, to say the least, very disheartening in my opinion. I do think the W's move to Alaska was put into high gear as soon as they realized they were on the radar for the murders.

I really thought that:

1. The text from JW to JM.
2. JW changing his story regarding Sophia drop off and pick up date.
3. Alleged meeting of JW and JM.

Would be enough for a grand jury. Apparently not. Like BettyP said, all nothing burgers. You would think after all this time they would have something more. Eventually Dewine says. Eventually as in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, or 3 years? Personally, I don't think it looks good for anyone involved in solving this case and I don't know if I could in good conscience vote for Dewine. It's just odd that the families of the victims aren't more vocal about finding the persons who murdered 8 people. Even LM is quiet. Maybe anyone who says anything or questions the investigation is immediately in the laser focus of the investigators. It is so sad that the people who did this are getting ready to celebrate Christmas with their families while the victims lie dead in the cold hard ground.

The investigation seems a little one-sided. With JW's conflicting stories about when he picked up S and the ongoing custody battle, LE should have searched the W property immediately after the murders to look for weapons or any other evidence of the crime (bloody clothing, etc.). Instead, they waited for over a year to search cell phones and even then, we're not sure if they searched JW's phone, only the phones of the Manleys.

Again, when they found evidence of text messages on JM's phone, they put a tracking device on his car, not on JW's. When things heated up, they called JM into a Grand Jury, not JW. Apparently, the GJ for JM was fruitless, no evidence found of any association with the murders. It seems like a waste of time.

LE had enough justification to get a search warrant for the W properties after they left town, why didn't they search them before? Why did they wait for over a year? It doesn't make sense. What are prosecutor Junk and the BCI trying to do?
I remember reading that too and I too, thought it was an odd time to pick up a 2 year old. I also suspected that it may have had something to do with the phone call that upset DR.

Was JW's appearance to pick up S unplanned? Did he just show up and demand that Hanna turn her over for a visit? Anyone recall?
Wasn't it JW who changed his story about "when" he picked up Sophie? First it was a week before and next it was that night. IMO, from everything I've read about the W's, they seem like people that wouldn't want to get their own hands dirty. So could they have supplied the guns and ammo and a vehicle for the murders? I agree with the statements about JM and BJM. There's been something fishy about them and LM being there that morning from the beginning. And didn't I read somewhere that LM was seen going through some junk in CRsr's yard the next day after the murders or soon thereafter? I do think that the W's were questioned many times before they left for there "dream home" in Alaska. Weren't they still making improvements to their place in June? A barn I think. Why did JW need all that money for an attorney to get custody of SW if he was the father? (had go fund me page) Wasn't he already on her birth certificate?
As for the autopsies, why did it say that KR2 and Tony does not want the public to know what is in them? That's the first I've actually seen that in print (I think). And IMO, if that was my family I would want anything and everything done to find out who murdered my family. So, are they just scared, do they really believe that, or has LE told them enough about evidence or supposed suspects to keep them quiet? Do I believe the W's actually killed the victims, no, but I believe they were involved in some way. Just like I believe some Manley's may be involved. And to me, anyone involved in any way is just as guilty as the ones who pulled the triggers. I also believe others were involved.
Did anyone notice that in one of the articles it was written:
"Details such as how many times the victims were shot and weather anyone injested alcohol, drugs or other poisons were removed from the provided records" statement? Kind of an odd thing to include?

Changing pick up time. You are correct amauet1

HMR and JW shared custody of S, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But JW picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours." (7/29/2016)

From my own post in Thread 29, post #9:

He picked her up that night at 10:30, a day early.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime...lls/ar-AAj4KpB (This link no longer works.)

However, it can be found below, in an October 15, 2015 article, that states: "Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly reported when HMR's daughter went to stay with her father, JW. HMR dropped her daughter off on Friday, April 15, 2016."

Then, June 8, 2017:

AW, and JW, sent a combined email to the Cincinnati, and JW's part re: S's pick up and drop off, is stated as:
"However the week before the killings, Rhoden dropped Sophia off on Friday, April 15, Wagner said. He was to return the towheaded toddler to her mom the following Friday, which was April 22 – the day the bodies were discovered."

(Emails are convenient because you get to state what you want, no interruptions, and can blow off any questions very easily. It is a very one sided form of communication.)

Something else that I found interesting in the June 8 email to the Cincinnati:

""What has happened to us in the last few weeks has been devastating and will follow us for the rest of our lives,''

I've always found her choice of words a bit odd. Devastating to little S's family, yes, and it will be difficult having to tell her about what happened, to her maternal family, in the future, very difficult. But devastating to AW, and family? Not seeing it. Maybe I'm just nitpicking.

Published 4:36 p.m. ET June 8, 2017 | Updated 11:35 a.m. ET June 26, 2017

JW may have needed monies for seeking custody, if they'd never performed a dna test, to determine, legally, that S was his child. Having your name on a birth cert, if you are unmarried, is not enough these days. There is a form that one can fill out, right after the infant is born, at the hospital, but I'd say that many folks don't think to do that. When my grandchild's father died, there was already legal docs proving paternity. However, he and his new s/o had just had a newborn, when he passed. They'd not had paternity established, legally, as the baby was only a few days old. The mother thought that him being on the birth cert was enough. It wasn't. She did not know this, until after the father had been cremated. She had to get dna from both of his bio parents, and my grandchild, in order to legally establish paternity so her child would also be eligible for any monies through the father.

I can't put my hands on it, right now, but I think I remember TR and KR2 mentioning in separate articles that they were okay with the autopsies not being revealed. Personally, it would depend upon what was in the autopsies as to whether I would be okay with them being released. I see them as a final medical document, and, unless it would specifically assist the investigation, I'd likely want them private too.

Hope this isn't too scrambled to make sense.
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