OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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Looked under Pike Co and more are listed, but not the Rhodens.

Sometimes I think that we here on WS are the only ones left who care about this crime. It's like everyone else has just moved on and the murder of 8 people is just a bad memory best forgotten.
The only thing about the selling off of things, and putting the house up for sale, was that it was public enough, and in advance enough, that LE should have seen that coming. However they are in Adams county and their LE may not have felt it was a big deal. Hometown folks, and all.

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JMO, but I think that all surrounding areas in Ohio are knowledgable about this case. All the "Task Forces" that have been established and the fact that Pike doesn't actually house their inmates at a jail in their county. There are listings of inmates, but their housed at other county jails. If one leaves the inmate list in Pike, look for them in other county jails.
Sometimes I think that we here on WS are the only ones left who care about this crime. It's like everyone else has just moved on and the murder of 8 people is just a bad memory best forgotten.

That's ok RAISIN, for all we know we and other sites my be the only ones keeping it going. I know it's frustrating to keep trying to keep it going, but when I get that way I try and remember that so many lives were taken. They deserved to live just like every other human being. Your a great researcher and I value your and the others opinions very much!
I remember reading that too and I too, thought it was an odd time to pick up a 2 year old. I also suspected that it may have had something to do with the phone call that upset DR.

I never put that together Jennifer, and thank you for thinking of it. Chel Rob and JW being there around the same times is a pretty big deal to me, as there's so little else info about any others there and the ones that canceled, I just don't buy their reasons. Following this line of thought, I think I remember that HMR and maybe CRjr were the only people at Dana's home (that I know of) while Dana was at work. If JW showed up for an unplanned visit and started an arguement about S then that would cause tension and concern, especially with all that had went down with these families in the weeks before. I mean here is a young mother, right after giving birth ( c-section ?) and from her social media posts is very depressed and down, maybe even a little overwhelmed. Vunerable and practically alone with someone she's not getting along with.
From what I have read about HMR, she was a strong girl and would stand up and fight for what she thought was right, but now she's alone with someone she used to love and is having conflict with. If it were me, I would feel a little leery of the that situation. Maybe after calling her mom, she felt threatened and called someone else in the family to come over, or maybe Dana did. Could that have resulted in some kind of confrontaion?
Does anyone know if AW is a woman who can think fast on her feet? Maybe JW didn't come alone?
When the AG said these crimes were "well planned" maybe he didn't mean in advance of the situation, but after, the cover up and staging.
All these statements are just MO and sorry about spelling! Ticya this old person needs spell check for this old mind!!!!!
Why why why? Did it cost JW so much to get custody of little S. He was the father, wasn't he on her birth certificate? I mean everyone else family, friends and some of the community all knew he was the father, so why would it be so expensive to get custody of her. This has always bothered me.

Coming from the perspective of someone who has seen both sides, within my immediate family, I can see why he had to go through the steps that he had to go through. While Kentucky may differ, in some ways, from Ohio, there are similarities. The link below is based on Ohio Law.

It is important for unmarried fathers to know their rights concerning their children. In order to ensure that these rights are upheld, an unmarried married father may have to go through legal proceedings. Unmarried fathers in Ohio must have a court grant them legal rights to their children.

Why why why? Did it cost JW so much to get custody of little S. He was the father, wasn't he on her birth certificate? I mean everyone else family, friends and some of the community all knew he was the father, so why would it be so expensive to get custody of her. This has always bothered me.

My grand daughters have no father listed on their birth certificate at age 22. The Welfare case worker told my son they would get his name put on them if he would sign a paper saying he was their father. He did, they did not, but, they did make him start paying support. He eventually got custody of one of the two and his name still did not get put on the birth certificate. My son probably spent $2,000-$3,000 on getting custody of two of three kids. The other wanted to stay with her mom. His daughters have their mom's last name. His son has his last name and his name as father on the birth certificate. Most of the cost was attorney fees...
I never put that together Jennifer, and thank you for thinking of it. Chel Rob and JW being there around the same times is a pretty big deal to me, as there's so little else info about any others there and the ones that canceled, I just don't buy their reasons. Following this line of thought, I think I remember that HMR and maybe CRjr were the only people at Dana's home (that I know of) while Dana was at work. If JW showed up for an unplanned visit and started an arguement about S then that would cause tension and concern, especially with all that had went down with these families in the weeks before. I mean here is a young mother, right after giving birth ( c-section ?) and from her social media posts is very depressed and down, maybe even a little overwhelmed. Vunerable and practically alone with someone she's not getting along with.
From what I have read about HMR, she was a strong girl and would stand up and fight for what she thought was right, but now she's alone with someone she used to love and is having conflict with. If it were me, I would feel a little leery of the that situation. Maybe after calling her mom, she felt threatened and called someone else in the family to come over, or maybe Dana did. Could that have resulted in some kind of confrontaion?
Does anyone know if AW is a woman who can think fast on her feet? Maybe JW didn't come alone?
When the AG said these crimes were "well planned" maybe he didn't mean in advance of the situation, but after, the cover up and staging.
All these statements are just MO and sorry about spelling! Ticya this old person needs spell check for this old mind!!!!!

That is a lot of ifs, ands, and maybes. What time did DR get her call at work. Is there a specified time in writing somewhere?
That is a lot of ifs, ands, and maybes. What time did DR get her call at work. Is there a specified time in writing somewhere?
I think it was not long after 10.30 pm and she left for home at 11pm.
My grand daughters have no father listed on their birth certificate at age 22. The Welfare case worker told my son they would get his name put on them if he would sign a paper saying he was their father. He did, they did not, but, they did make him start paying support. He eventually got custody of one of the two and his name still did not get put on the birth certificate. My son probably spent $2,000-$3,000 on getting custody of two of three kids. The other wanted to stay with her mom. His daughters have their mom's last name. His son has his last name and his name as father on the birth certificate. Most of the cost was attorney fees...

And you know, if their father was not around for their birth and only started paying child support when the court ordered him to, he does not deserve to be called a father.
That is a lot of ifs, ands, and maybes. What time did DR get her call at work. Is there a specified time in writing somewhere?

If there was a time mentioned, I don't remember it. Sorry Dudly, I guess my imagination is getting away from me. But there just thoughts and it just concerns me her maybe being alone there with all that was going on. I don't know any of the family, but from what I've read, I don't see CRjr being much protection as only a 16 year old boy. OMG sometimes I get so mad because of the great sorrow those poor families must go through. People keep saying that "at least the children were spared", but to me FR, HHG, CRjr and HMR were still children.
Went back and did a little looking, and, Dewine had plenty of time to get his ducks in a row. The Ws started selling off more than just piglets and goat kids after the murders. Starting in late July, 2016 they began to try and sell their breeding stock, and the rest of their stock, or so it appears. There is even a post on the Farm FB Site that reads, quoting loosely, and in part, on July 20, 2016; As badly she hates to, she is going to sell off her breeding stock, because family matters take preference over her homestead herd. Etc... (This is listed under the Defiance Farrms FB site.)

From prior posts, it did not appear that they were planning to sell out, and move, at that point. They were re-furbishing a barn, and selling stock, including an entire herd of hair sheep. However, even if they planned to sell, these are things that would likely still be done. There is constant upkeep,if you run a farm, but a farm that has a variety of herds, some exotic, it can be more time consuming and costly. I had two horses and a foal at one time and the hay bill was ginormous. There is the general barn and fence repairs, fence and barn upkeep, assisting with animals being born, raising animals to sale-age/weight, etc... and all the other everyday chores on a farm. However, when you are raising exotics, you have all of the aforementioned, plus, a variety of different animals,that you have to make sure each animal breed has its' individual food needs, and shelter/enclosures met (as opposed to a working single herd of cattle).

I've also been thinking about LE and their timing. LE had plenty of time to search those farms. There were three locations and only one location was being sold. Look at the time lapse between April 21, 2016 and May 12/13, 2017.

  • 02/14/2014 The W boys purchased the Peterson Road home.
  • 07/20/2016 Defiance Farm (Peterson Rd.) starts selling their breeding stock, along with other stock. Places notice about selling due to family issues. Selling stock rather reasonable.
  • 08/13/2016 The W boys put the Peterson Road home up for sale.
  • 03/10/2017 The Peterson Road home sold, as did the second property.
  • 03/17/2017 The sale was listed in the PVA.
  • 04/21/2017 LE Decides to track JM's truck, but not JM.(The search warrant never names Manley as a suspect, nor does it state that it is tied to the Rhoden homicide investigation.) JM had also been taken from work, three weeks earlier, by surprise, for questioning and a poly, in Dayton. He was told he failed, per LM.
  • 05/12 ~ 05/13/2017 LE decided to search not only the Peterson Rd, home, and the trailers left at a friend's shop, but also the elder W's farm.

Note: In mid-April,{2016}, authorities said they had "executed 41 search warrants. Tracking vehicles and monitoring cell phone activity is not uncommon in such investigations, as is the use of polygraph tests". Yet, they wait, almost a full two months, after the Peterson Road property sold, to execute searches.

W's lawyer comments on searches. He actually makes a good point: 6/28/2017

Well, it's either because the authorities are clueless, incompetent or they themselves are involved in a cover-up," said Clark, who has offices in Jackson and Chillicothe. "Take your pick."
Clark said the family has "cooperated 110 percent" and have specifically:

  • Provided laptops, phones and DNA willingly to authorities.
  • Agreed to repeated interviews with the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation agents in the last year.
  • Told authorities they were traveling - and then moving - to Alaska, a place they have contemplated relocating for a decade.
  • Offered information to the BCI on business associates of one of the victims.
  • "The authorities (using the media) want the public to believe that the Wagners are responsible and have absconded," Clark said. "If that were true, why would the Wagners have come forward on their own and agreed to give whatever limited information they had?"

I just find all of this, as usual, odd. It just can't be because LE was surprised about the move. The Ws have left internet footprints everywhere.


Peterson Home Listing

W's Lawyer Comments
Here's the problem with DNA evidence in any of the homes, of the people and family we know of, their DNA would be in the homes. From visits, etc. Why even JW's would be in Dana's home, because he put the crib together for Kylie?

Definitely. I do think that the murderers' dna, was already in some of those trailers, on that night. If JW put the crib together for baby K, they couldn't be too ill at him. I've a feeling that something came between JW and HMR, and her initials may be AW. The R's motto is Rhoden Strong, and Once A Rhoden Always a Rhoden. I can see the Ws having a similar motto, for example; Ws, we stick together like Velcro! If you notice, it seems that they do everything together. As much as I love my parents, if they moved off to Alaska, I'd just have to say, See ya at Christmas, better learn to Skype! :loveyou: I gave it a brief shot at living in another state but my entire family didn't pack up and move with me. Good thing, b/c I headed right back to the Bluegrass State asap. Love to travel, but love coming home.
JMO, but I think that all surrounding areas in Ohio are knowledgable about this case. All the "Task Forces" that have been established and the fact that Pike doesn't actually house their inmates at a jail in their county. There are listings of inmates, but their housed at other county jails. If one leaves the inmate list in Pike, look for them in other county jails.

I didn't say the local LEOs weren't knowledgeable about the case. I just said that the LE in that area may not feel that what the Ws were doing, was a big deal. Also, Dewine, Reader, and their staff have computers, I'm sure. The Ws left digital footprints all over the internet showing their intention. Also, a lot of small, low-income, counties, are similar to here, if folks with money do something that's not right, they are much more likely to get a pass, than folks without money, as in my earlier example of my friend being shot, unarmed, in broad daylight, and in front of witnesses. The wealthy fella served not a day, nor payed a penny of my friends medical bills.
Kind of like the joke about 50 Shades of Grey ~ "50 Shades of Grey is only "romantic" because he's a billionaire. If he lived in a trailer park it would be an episode of Criminal Minds."

(Disclaimer, I never watched, nor read 50 Shades, but got the gist from others who have. :notgood:)
That is a lot of ifs, ands, and maybes. What time did DR get her call at work. Is there a specified time in writing somewhere?

Has the call, and the time of the call, ever been in MSM? I've looked for it, and haven't found it, but, that doesn't mean that the "paper" hasn't printed it, and edited it out, and put a new edit date at the top of the page, and not told us what they edited.
And you know, if their father was not around for their birth and only started paying child support when the court ordered him to, he does not deserve to be called a father.

There are times that mothers aren't such winners either. Some don't tell fathers that they have children out there, until the state is coming down on mom to provide a bio dad, or no more assistance. The judge could take care of visitation, and all of the other, at one hearing, but they won't. My kid, didn't find out til the child was over a year old. The other, the mother lied and told the father that she'd been sleeping around (she got her new spouse to adopt the child) and the other fella has no clue he has a child. Another just deliberately got pregnant b/c she wanted a baby and then told the bf to get lost. Fathers should have the opportunity to know their child, and be in their child's lives.
And you know, if their father was not around for their birth and only started paying child support when the court ordered him to, he does not deserve to be called a father.

Judgmental much? She moved and didn't even tell him she was pregnant. He found out after the twins were born and fought for visitation rights. If as you say, he doesn't deserve to be a father, how is it he was given custody of two of them? She home schooled their son. When he was supposed to be in the fourth grade. He couldn't name a neighboring state or a river in the state. His writing and spelling was about kindergarten level. He was held back two years from the grade he was supposed to be in when he started public school. He had all kinds of tutors and special classes at school to get him up to that level. But you say he didn't deserve to be called a father...
Went back and did a little looking, and, Dewine had plenty of time to get his ducks in a row. The Ws started selling off more than just piglets and goat kids after the murders. Starting in late July, 2016 they began to try and sell their breeding stock, and the rest of their stock, or so it appears. There is even a post on the Farm FB Site that reads, quoting loosely, and in part, on July 20, 2016; As badly she hates to, she is going to sell off her breeding stock, because family matters take preference over her homestead herd. Etc... (This is listed under the Defiance Farrms FB site.)

From prior posts, it did not appear that they were planning to sell out, and move, at that point. They were re-furbishing a barn, and selling stock, including an entire herd of hair sheep. However, even if they planned to sell, these are things that would likely still be done. There is constant upkeep,if you run a farm, but a farm that has a variety of herds, some exotic, it can be more time consuming and costly. I had two horses and a foal at one time and the hay bill was ginormous. There is the general barn and fence repairs, fence and barn upkeep, assisting with animals being born, raising animals to sale-age/weight, etc... and all the other everyday chores on a farm. However, when you are raising exotics, you have all of the aforementioned, plus, a variety of different animals,that you have to make sure each animal breed has its' individual food needs, and shelter/enclosures met (as opposed to a working single herd of cattle).

I've also been thinking about LE and their timing. LE had plenty of time to search those farms. There were three locations and only one location was being sold. Look at the time lapse between April 21, 2016 and May 12/13, 2017.

  • 02/14/2014 The W boys purchased the Peterson Road home.
  • 07/20/2016 Defiance Farm (Peterson Rd.) starts selling their breeding stock, along with other stock. Places notice about selling due to family issues. Selling stock rather reasonable.
  • 08/13/2016 The W boys put the Peterson Road home up for sale.
  • 03/10/2017 The Peterson Road home sold, as did the second property.
  • 03/17/2017 The sale was listed in the PVA.
  • 04/21/2017 LE Decides to track JM's truck, but not JM.(The search warrant never names Manley as a suspect, nor does it state that it is tied to the Rhoden homicide investigation.) JM had also been taken from work, three weeks earlier, by surprise, for questioning and a poly, in Dayton. He was told he failed, per LM.
  • 05/12 ~ 05/13/2017 LE decided to search not only the Peterson Rd, home, and the trailers left at a friend's shop, but also the elder W's farm.

Note: In mid-April,{2016}, authorities said they had "executed 41 search warrants. Tracking vehicles and monitoring cell phone activity is not uncommon in such investigations, as is the use of polygraph tests". Yet, they wait, almost a full two months, after the Peterson Road property sold, to execute searches.

W's lawyer comments on searches. He actually makes a good point: 6/28/2017

Well, it's either because the authorities are clueless, incompetent or they themselves are involved in a cover-up," said Clark, who has offices in Jackson and Chillicothe. "Take your pick."
Clark said the family has "cooperated 110 percent" and have specifically:

  • Provided laptops, phones and DNA willingly to authorities.
  • Agreed to repeated interviews with the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation agents in the last year.
  • Told authorities they were traveling - and then moving - to Alaska, a place they have contemplated relocating for a decade.
  • Offered information to the BCI on business associates of one of the victims.
  • "The authorities (using the media) want the public to believe that the Wagners are responsible and have absconded," Clark said. "If that were true, why would the Wagners have come forward on their own and agreed to give whatever limited information they had?"

I just find all of this, as usual, odd. It just can't be because LE was surprised about the move. The Ws have left internet footprints everywhere.


Peterson Home Listing

W's Lawyer Comments

Nothing about this investigation is "normal". Most is simply bizarre...
There are times that mothers aren't such winners either. Some don't tell fathers that they have children out there, until the state is coming down on mom to provide a bio dad, or no more assistance. The judge could take care of visitation, and all of the other, at one hearing, but they won't. My kid, didn't find out til the child was over a year old. The other, the mother lied and told the father that she'd been sleeping around (she got her new spouse to adopt the child) and the other fella has no clue he has a child. Another just deliberately got pregnant b/c she wanted a baby and then told the bf to get lost. Fathers should have the opportunity to know their child, and be in their child's lives.

Yes, yes, and, yes....
I never put that together Jennifer, and thank you for thinking of it. Chel Rob and JW being there around the same times is a pretty big deal to me, as there's so little else info about any others there and the ones that canceled, I just don't buy their reasons. Following this line of thought, I think I remember that HMR and maybe CRjr were the only people at Dana's home (that I know of) while Dana was at work. If JW showed up for an unplanned visit and started an arguement about S then that would cause tension and concern, especially with all that had went down with these families in the weeks before. I mean here is a young mother, right after giving birth ( c-section ?) and from her social media posts is very depressed and down, maybe even a little overwhelmed. Vunerable and practically alone with someone she's not getting along with.
From what I have read about HMR, she was a strong girl and would stand up and fight for what she thought was right, but now she's alone with someone she used to love and is having conflict with. If it were me, I would feel a little leery of the that situation. Maybe after calling her mom, she felt threatened and called someone else in the family to come over, or maybe Dana did. Could that have resulted in some kind of confrontaion?
Does anyone know if AW is a woman who can think fast on her feet? Maybe JW didn't come alone?
When the AG said these crimes were "well planned" maybe he didn't mean in advance of the situation, but after, the cover up and staging.
All these statements are just MO and sorry about spelling! Ticya this old person needs spell check for this old mind!!!!!


AW was in the military, Air Force I believe. I would say the military training would give her some advantage in quick reactions and quick thinking.

I too have thought that JW may have just shown up out of the blue and demanded to take S that night. I also have thought an argument broke out between him and HR and that he took S over HR's objections. After all she was in bed and in pain and CR2 was just a 16 year old boy, So I don't see either of them being physically able to stop him if he wanted to take S.

It has entered my mind that if that was the case, JW would have known he would have to deal with CR1 sooner or later. Given the R's propensity to fight, JW may have been scared of what was coming, so he and BW may have decided to take care of all the R's with the help of AM before the R's could take care of them.

I think any planning or staging would have been AW's idea. But I definitely think AM/JM was the lookout who tipped the killers off to DR's arriving home. After all AM is the only one admitting to talking to DR via texts and FB after DR got home that night. Then there is that 2:00 AM text from JM's phone to JW.
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