OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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That's ok RAISIN, for all we know we and other sites my be the only ones keeping it going. I know it's frustrating to keep trying to keep it going, but when I get that way I try and remember that so many lives were taken. They deserved to live just like every other human being. Your a great researcher and I value your and the others opinions very much!

Thank you so much Amauet1. You too are a great researcher and I enjoy reading your posts on here because they are so insightful. Those 8 people lives still weighs heavily on my mind and the terror that CR2 must have felt hiding behind that bed still gives me nightmares.
Went back and did a little looking, and, Dewine had plenty of time to get his ducks in a row. The Ws started selling off more than just piglets and goat kids after the murders. Starting in late July, 2016 they began to try and sell their breeding stock, and the rest of their stock, or so it appears. There is even a post on the Farm FB Site that reads, quoting loosely, and in part, on July 20, 2016; As badly she hates to, she is going to sell off her breeding stock, because family matters take preference over her homestead herd. Etc... (This is listed under the Defiance Farrms FB site.)

From prior posts, it did not appear that they were planning to sell out, and move, at that point. They were re-furbishing a barn, and selling stock, including an entire herd of hair sheep. However, even if they planned to sell, these are things that would likely still be done. There is constant upkeep,if you run a farm, but a farm that has a variety of herds, some exotic, it can be more time consuming and costly. I had two horses and a foal at one time and the hay bill was ginormous. There is the general barn and fence repairs, fence and barn upkeep, assisting with animals being born, raising animals to sale-age/weight, etc... and all the other everyday chores on a farm. However, when you are raising exotics, you have all of the aforementioned, plus, a variety of different animals,that you have to make sure each animal breed has its' individual food needs, and shelter/enclosures met (as opposed to a working single herd of cattle).

I've also been thinking about LE and their timing. LE had plenty of time to search those farms. There were three locations and only one location was being sold. Look at the time lapse between April 21, 2016 and May 12/13, 2017.

  • 02/14/2014 The W boys purchased the Peterson Road home.
  • 07/20/2016 Defiance Farm (Peterson Rd.) starts selling their breeding stock, along with other stock. Places notice about selling due to family issues. Selling stock rather reasonable.
  • 08/13/2016 The W boys put the Peterson Road home up for sale.
  • 03/10/2017 The Peterson Road home sold, as did the second property.
  • 03/17/2017 The sale was listed in the PVA.
  • 04/21/2017 LE Decides to track JM's truck, but not JM.(The search warrant never names Manley as a suspect, nor does it state that it is tied to the Rhoden homicide investigation.) JM had also been taken from work, three weeks earlier, by surprise, for questioning and a poly, in Dayton. He was told he failed, per LM.
  • 05/12 ~ 05/13/2017 LE decided to search not only the Peterson Rd, home, and the trailers left at a friend's shop, but also the elder W's farm.

Note: In mid-April,{2016}, authorities said they had "executed 41 search warrants. Tracking vehicles and monitoring cell phone activity is not uncommon in such investigations, as is the use of polygraph tests". Yet, they wait, almost a full two months, after the Peterson Road property sold, to execute searches.

W's lawyer comments on searches. He actually makes a good point: 6/28/2017

Well, it's either because the authorities are clueless, incompetent or they themselves are involved in a cover-up," said Clark, who has offices in Jackson and Chillicothe. "Take your pick."
Clark said the family has "cooperated 110 percent" and have specifically:

  • Provided laptops, phones and DNA willingly to authorities.
  • Agreed to repeated interviews with the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation agents in the last year.
  • Told authorities they were traveling - and then moving - to Alaska, a place they have contemplated relocating for a decade.
  • Offered information to the BCI on business associates of one of the victims.
  • "The authorities (using the media) want the public to believe that the Wagners are responsible and have absconded," Clark said. "If that were true, why would the Wagners have come forward on their own and agreed to give whatever limited information they had?"

I just find all of this, as usual, odd. It just can't be because LE was surprised about the move. The Ws have left internet footprints everywhere.


Peterson Home Listing

W's Lawyer Comments


(This is listed under the Defiance Farrms FB site.)

I find Defiance to be an odd name for a farm/business. Almost like a "shoving it in your face" type name. Maybe shoving it the face of the elder W's?

From prior posts, it did not appear that they were planning to sell out, and move, at that point.

So all that nonsense about them planning to move to AK for years was just BS. They decided to get the heck out of Dodge after the murders.

  • Offered information to the BCI on business associates of one of the victims.

How would the W's know about the R's business associates unless the W's were in the business with the R's and the unknown business associate? Sounds like they were all in business together.
There are times that mothers aren't such winners either. Some don't tell fathers that they have children out there, until the state is coming down on mom to provide a bio dad, or no more assistance. The judge could take care of visitation, and all of the other, at one hearing, but they won't. My kid, didn't find out til the child was over a year old. The other, the mother lied and told the father that she'd been sleeping around (she got her new spouse to adopt the child) and the other fella has no clue he has a child. Another just deliberately got pregnant b/c she wanted a baby and then told the bf to get lost. Fathers should have the opportunity to know their child, and be in their child's lives.

A 22 year old girl named my son as a father when he was around 18. First he knew he got a letter from DHS telling him he owed child support. He told us he was not the father, indeed he had only met the girl once at a party and absolutely did not have any type of relations with her that would produce a child (he would have been 17 at the time). We demanded and got a DNA test and sure enough, he was not the father. Have no idea who was or what happened to the girl or the child.

(This is listed under the Defiance Farrms FB site.)

I find Defiance to be an odd name for a farm/business. Almost like a "shoving it in your face" type name. Maybe shoving it the face of the elder W's?

From prior posts, it did not appear that they were planning to sell out, and move, at that point.

So all that nonsense about them planning to move to AK for years was just BS. They decided to get the heck out of Dodge after the murders.

  • Offered information to the BCI on business associates of one of the victims.

How would the W's know about the R's business associates unless the W's were in the business with the R's and the unknown business associate? Sounds like they were all in business together.

I too found the name odd, however, I had read a post by AW that stated that the name was from their "defying" chemically/additive treated foods and the same for their animals. All of the farm animals were provided with foods, w/o additives, including their dogs. Seems AW liked to cook,too and from scratch. The family seemed to like a very "natural" type of living. This would fit, imo, with their Alaska dream. Kenai, especially, seems like a good fit for them.

I think the AK dream was real, it just appeared to me, that they were not putting it out there on FB that they were planning to sell the farm to move to AK. I think AW liked her farm. I think that, after the murders, there was so much antagonism toward them, for one, and they sold off livestock, in the beginning, to possibly try to help JW with money issues (he needed legal aid, and he had to take a much lesser paying job when S came to live with them so he could be home for her), and, ultimately, I don't think that the farm was the money maker they thought it would be either. Remember, they were all living in that small home. They'd previously lived on the elder Ws farm and bugged out (I don't think they were all that warm and fuzzy with the elders). I think, what with all the aforementioned, they just decided to make a new start.

I'll be honest, we gave some serious thought about moving near Manitou Springs, Colorado, or Naples, FL. Like the Ws, we toyed with the idea. here and there, for years, however, like most folks, there has always been stuff that held us back. I love Ky., for one, and, another, I didn't want to uproot my kids away from their family, friends, or their father (no matter what his vices were, he was their father).

Now, my kids are grown, but, I don't want to leave my grandkids,or my aging parents. So, just because I played around with the dream, and brought home realtor catalogs, from vacation, mentioned it to other family members and friends, that I would love to move there someday, I knew it wasn't going to happen any time soon, if ever. Now, my friend? It didn't bother her a bit. She'd wanted to move to a particular state for ever so long. Talked about it with whoever would listen. Ultimately, they found a business there, she turned in her two weeks at the place she'd worked at for decades, left her aging, widowed, father behind, in addition to her daughter & grandkids, and headed out. Has been happily living there for years. Won't hardly even come back here for holidays if the temp is below 50 degrees.

Now, playing Devil's Advocate, if I were the Ws, and I had no close family there, and someone wiped out my kid's father, and his immediate family? I'd probably, at the very least, move far away from that location, if not start making plans to move to Manitou Springs, CO or Naples, Fla. (if I had the funds). Who'd want to live near the place where your child's entire family was slaughtered? AW, or JW, said they told LM that they would arrange visits with him, w/ S, but they were not taking her on that road, and her thinking she was going to get to see her Mommy, and there weren't even any homes left, where her Mommy lived. I can see their point, because one of my grandkids can still point out a place where they lived, back when they were about two or three. The child mentions it every single time we pass the place. They'll exclaim, "There's my other house! I love that house! I wish I could live there again." It isn't anyplace super special but apparently there are some fond memories that stuck in their brain. Little S, might too, have a rush of memories, if they tun into UHR, but where are the homes that she lived in and spent time with her Mommy, and other family, who loved her?

After my grandchild's father passed, his s/o, packed up their days old infant, and left the state, soon after the memorial service. Returned to her home state to be near her own family. My grandchild gets to see their half sibling once, or twice, a year. ( It was uncanny how they showed up in almost identical outfits, for their day together.) The grandparents only see the child then, too.

My point, is that each person is different. I think the Ws farm was already starting to see financial trouble before the murders, they weren't that close to their only family there in Adams County, so, they were waiting to see if the infant was JW's. If she had been, they still would have sold the farm, but put off going to Alaska until JW was able to obtain custody of the infant, and then went on with their move to Alaska. This family is as close knit, it seems, as the Rs, just not as large. So, after the newborn proved not to be JW's, they just moved the Alaska date up, and left.

As for the business associate, if CR1 and father W, were close friends, then he'd possibly know about a business associate that may be sketchy. If it's the one I'm thinking of, everyone probably knew about that one, and I've thought he was sketchy too, and I'm not even a friend of CR1, or know the sketchy business associate, personally.
A 22 year old girl named my son as a father when he was around 18. First he knew he got a letter from DHS telling him he owed child support. He told us he was not the father, indeed he had only met the girl once at a party and absolutely did not have any type of relations with her that would produce a child (he would have been 17 at the time). We demanded and got a DNA test and sure enough, he was not the father. Have no idea who was or what happened to the girl or the child.

I am all for dna tests if prospective fathers are unmarried. Mine ended up with the girl, at a party. Everyone was a bit snockered and the two ended up together. She had a bf, and mine had just had a big argument, and break up, w/ his gf, a few days earlier. She and her bf were on the rocks,and by the time the child got here, she tried to make it out that she and my kid were a couple. Odd, since he'd never mentioned to me that I had another grandchild... and, like HMR, she had some overlap in her relationships, so there were two other possibilities. So, from what I gather, she staved it off til the state said they were going to take action. When mine won the dna lottery, he was shocked b/c they'd only been together one time (I asked him if he'd just fell of the turnip truck yesterday). Upon going to family court, the judge was only concerned with back pay for child support, and setting current child support. The judge would not even consider setting up visitation, and acted like it was rude of him to even ask.
I am all for dna tests if prospective fathers are unmarried. Mine ended up with the girl, at a party. Everyone was a bit snockered and the two ended up together. She had a bf, and mine had just had a big argument, and break up, w/ his gf, a few days earlier. She and her bf were on the rocks,and by the time the child got here, she tried to make it out that she and my kid were a couple. Odd, since he'd never mentioned to me that I had another grandchild... and, like HMR, she had some overlap in her relationships, so there were two other possibilities. So, from what I gather, she staved it off til the state said they were going to take action. When mine won the dna lottery, he was shocked b/c they'd only been together one time (I asked him if he'd just fell of the turnip truck yesterday). Upon going to family court, the judge was only concerned with back pay for child support, and setting current child support. The judge would not even consider setting up visitation, and acted like it was rude of him to even ask.

O/T I can totally sympathize with your son. And you also. Grandchildren are special and to not know one exists and then being denied visits would be torture.

Although we believed our son when he said he didn't touch the girl, we still hired an attorney. And without our son being present we still discussed with the attorney what to do if he was the father. If that had been the case we fully intended to go to court and use the fact that the girl was intoxicated and if it be the case, having sex with a minor, to get full custody of the child the moment it was born. Our attorney even suggested filing charges against her for having sex with a minor in order to get her convicted of a sex crime. Attorney's can get really low in order to win, but in the end we were determined that girl would not be raising our grandchild.

Luckily we did not have to do any of that and as I said I have no idea of who at that party, if indeed it did happen at the party, was the father. The girl didn't live in this town so no idea where her or the child is now.
I am all for dna tests if prospective fathers are unmarried. Mine ended up with the girl, at a party. Everyone was a bit snockered and the two ended up together. She had a bf, and mine had just had a big argument, and break up, w/ his gf, a few days earlier. She and her bf were on the rocks,and by the time the child got here, she tried to make it out that she and my kid were a couple. Odd, since he'd never mentioned to me that I had another grandchild... and, like HMR, she had some overlap in her relationships, so there were two other possibilities. So, from what I gather, she staved it off til the state said they were going to take action. When mine won the dna lottery, he was shocked b/c they'd only been together one time (I asked him if he'd just fell of the turnip truck yesterday). Upon going to family court, the judge was only concerned with back pay for child support, and setting current child support. The judge would not even consider setting up visitation, and acted like it was rude of him to even ask.

Support was the only concern in my son's case, too. Between the Welfare Department, her "man hater" attorney, and the judge, they couldn't have cared less about anything my son requested.
Thanks rsd for finding all the links you and others on here are the greatest when it comes to that!!!!! I just mentioned the "Task Forces" because I have found them in some of the surrounding counties articles that were in papers dating as far back as 2012 (might be even earlier than that). Going on that, it seems that Ohio/BCI and others have been aware of the things going down there for some time. Now when they truely started doing something about, who knows? And if all this undercover investagating has been going on, I can see why everything has stayed hushed up. I don't think all the murders, drug busts, etc connect in any other way except for this, these continuous investigations. Now they wouldn't want all their hard work to go unnoticed would they? Gotta get that credit. Also some of the "crimes" may connect by the people that know about what goes on in and around Ohio. Drug connections, dealers, buyers, people on the street all would know some things. That explains "putting the puzzle" together.

About the W's and the wait on the searchs, could their lawyer have found some kind of loophole to keep LE off their property while they owned it? Notice LE didn't show up until they sold the properties. I could be wrong but the lawyer that got JM out of jail, I think was listed as one their lawyers in some of the W's past dealings with the law. Now before Dudly gets me, I know it's a small area and their aren't that many lawyers around as in the "big cites), but there is another coinsidense and I'm getting tired of them!

Speaking of which, all those people that didn't spend the night. This must have been a usual thing for the Rhoden's. Late nights, people showing up at all hours of the evening on a school/work/week day night. Can you imagine setting there watching TV late at night and the door flys open! Scarey! IMO, some of those people (mentioned or not) did spend the night with at least one or more of the victim's. It just makes sense to me on how they " gained entry" to the homes. Thus being able to obtain keys to the other homes. It has been implied that the Rhoden's were on some kind of alert. Kids showing up on their road, fights with other people, kids getting smacked, custody issues, drug dealing, ( so many rumors flying around).
O/T I can totally sympathize with your son. And you also. Grandchildren are special and to not know one exists and then being denied visits would be torture.

Although we believed our son when he said he didn't touch the girl, we still hired an attorney. And without our son being present we still discussed with the attorney what to do if he was the father. If that had been the case we fully intended to go to court and use the fact that the girl was intoxicated and if it be the case, having sex with a minor, to get full custody of the child the moment it was born. Our attorney even suggested filing charges against her for having sex with a minor in order to get her convicted of a sex crime. Attorney's can get really low in order to win, but in the end we were determined that girl would not be raising our ggrrandchild.

Luckily we did not have to do any of that and as I said I have no idea of who at that party, if indeed it did happen at the party, was the father. The girl didn't live in this town so no idea where her or the child is now.

You likely would have had a good case, in today's world. In yesteryear? I am not so sure. They are starting to prosecute female cradle robbers in today's world, though Sounds like you dodged a bullet w/having to deal with her.

For my son's dna test,and, ultimate day in court, he did ask about visitation, and the judge was being rude, and told my son he was out of order, when he asked, and shut him down completely. I was there. I was shocked, and our lawyer felt the judge was being unfair (however, it was not in our county so the mom had the advantage). So, he's seen the child about twice, once for five minutes, in a parking lot, and another time when she first tapped him for dna. We keep track of the little fella, as best we can, and hope he'll search us out someday.

AW was in the military, Air Force I believe. I would say the military training would give her some advantage in quick reactions and quick thinking.

I too have thought that JW may have just shown up out of the blue and demanded to take S that night. I also have thought an argument broke out between him and HR and that he took S over HR's objections. After all she was in bed and in pain and CR2 was just a 16 year old boy, So I don't see either of them being physically able to stop him if he wanted to take S.

It has entered my mind that if that was the case, JW would have known he would have to deal with CR1 sooner or later. Given the R's propensity to fight, JW may have been scared of what was coming, so he and BW may have decided to take care of all the R's with the help of AM before the R's could take care of them.

I think any planning or staging would have been AW's idea. But I definitely think AM/JM was the lookout who tipped the killers off to DR's arriving home. After all AM is the only one admitting to talking to DR via texts and FB after DR got home that night. Then there is that 2:00 AM text from JM's phone to JW.

I agree, if the Ws did it, I can see AW as more of the type to think out the plot, and the staging. I'm not saying the others are idiots, just that I think, if the Ws had a hand in this, the men were more likely to put together their gear, firearms, ammo type, cammo needs, the route, etc... Again, in a scenario, where the Ws are the ones who planned this, I think they'd used a low profile vehicle, and JW, w/that bad dye job,on his hair, drove said vehicle, from location to location. KR may only have been murdered b/c he drove by, as they were leaving one of the homes, and, if like here, honked and waved at the assailants, since he knew one, or all, of them.

Thank you, those are some very good articles and an interesting affadavit just below. When I discussed this with a retired sheriff who is a member of WS, he brought up the missing women from Chillicothe and whether CRSr was an informant about drug dealing and was killed to keep the heat off other criminal activity in the area.

A sealed affidavit filed by the FBI with U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Eastern Division in Columbus on Aug. 19, 2015, as part of a federal investigation, names several individuals in connection to varied criminal activities including trafficking in narcotics, human trafficking and public corruption. Targets of the investigation include Portsmouth attorney and former City Councilman Michael Mearan; Portsmouth insurance agent Fred Brisker; Ashland, Kentucky car dealer Daren Biggs; convicted narcotics trafficker, Mark Eubanks, of Columbus; Timothy Wayne Mutter, of Franklin Furnace; Richard Glenn, of Portsmouth; Patricia Tsotsos, of Portsmouth; Trent Banks, of Columbus; Kenyatta “Yatta” Connally, of Portsmouth; Dan Schoenberger, of Columbus; Donald Smith, of Columbus; Brett Fluharty, of Milton, West Virginia; and Lindsay Porter, of Portsmouth. There were additional targets of investigation that remained unnamed in the affidavit. The list included an unnamed Scioto County Common Pleas judge, an unnamed state judge, various unnamed members of law enforcement, unnamed staff at Southern Ohio Correctional Facility (SOCF) and various levels of unnamed public officials. The affidavit explains that information gathered up until the filing date had been collected through the FBI Portsmouth office and the Southern Ohio Drug Task Force (SODTF). During the time, the FBI and SODTF were making controlled buys of heroin and had already tapped the phone of one subject. Additional information was provided by confidential informants. Mearan is at the center of the investigation. The affidavit states that according to gathered evidence, “Mearan is an attorney and former City Councilman in Portsmouth, Ohio who recruits females to engage in prostitution in southern Ohio and occasionally other US locations.” Per the affidavit, according to the investigation, Mearan allegedly conspired with public officials who pull legal strings in favor of females employed by Mearan. “Mearan has been reported as offering his legal services, clothing, residence, food etc., to females in return for them becoming prostitutes for him and conducting sexual acts for his clients including a Portsmouth, Ohio judge, Southern Ohio Correctional Facility Staff members,and local businessmen,” the affidavit states. “This information was obtained through numerous interviews, including interviews with former prostitutes. Mearan has also been reported as being involved in purchasing drugs, including Oxycodone and heroin, from Eubanks and others, in order to provide them to his prostitutes and clients. Mearan has also been suspected as being in collusion with a Portsmouth, Ohio judge to get females out on bail, parole, etc., in order to use those females as prostitutes and with unknown law enforcement or legislative officials to tip off Mearan's drug suppliers including Eubanks.” The document indicates that the local attorney's involvement in prostitution can be traced back to the 1990s. According to the evidence presented, Mearan transported prostitutes across the country to meet with clients. These trips are allegedly set up by Mearan and Brisker. “The females travel specifically to meet clients that were arranged by Mearan and Brisker. The trips would usually last between two days and one week. The scope of this investigation includes subjects who are conspiring with Mearan to facilitate the activities of the Criminal Enterprise in Ohio, Kentucky, New Jersey, Michigan, Florida and New York,” Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Special Agent Keith P. Leighton, who prepared the affidavit, reported. Evidence includes a compiled list of females who worked as prostitutes for Mearan as well as men (commonly referred to as “johns”) who were provided their services. “The subjects include attorneys and one current state judge,” the document reads. “To date, 27 women have been identified as former or current prostitutes.” Several informants gave statements of public corruption. In one such example, an informant reported that in late 2013, while she was incarcerated (outside of Scioto County), Mearan represented her as her attorney and helped her obtain a judicial release. She further explained that he then had her parole supervision moved to Scioto County by instructing the court that the female was a dog trainer and would be living with Mearan in order to train his dogs. Evidence presented in the affidavit indicates that the female was not a dog trainer and became employed by Mearan as a prostitute. The affidavit further states that the informant was a prostitute for Mearan for approximately one year and met with interstate clients including Biggs. The affidavit further documents a separate interstate arrangement, which allegedly occurred in 2014, during which Mearan allegedly arranged for two women to travel to Palm Beach, Florida, to engage in acts of prostitution, all of which was corroborated by photos, telephone analysis and airline information. Not only did the document link Mearan to acts of prostitution and drug trafficking, it further associated him with women that have gone missing or who have been found murdered.For example, it reads, “On April 3, 2013, a local female went missing after her automobile was discovered parked at a local fast food restaurant in Portsmouth, Ohio. This female was a known prostitute, intravenous drug user and a prostitute employed by Mearan. The investigation into this female's disappearance is currently being conducted by the Portsmouth, Ohio Police Department (PPD).” The affidavit then states, “On July 17, 2013, another woman utilized in the past by Mearan to engage in prostitution was found deceased in the Scioto County area,” the affidavit reads. “An autopsy revealed the cause of death as multiple traumas. The investigation is being conducted by the Scioto County Sheriff's Office (SCSO) and remains unsolved. The FBI Portsmouth, Ohio office is providing assistance to the SCSO and the PPD with their investigations.” Mearan is cited as being “an integral part” of numerous other investigations including an Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Cincinnati Field Division White Slave Trafficking investigation, FBI Cincinnati Field Division Human Trafficking investigation, an FBI Detroit Field Division Extortion investigation, an FBI Cincinnati Field Division Mexican Drug Trafficking Organization investigation, an FBI Cincinnati Field Division Violent Gang investigation, an FBI Pittsburgh Field Division Violent Gang investigation and a DEA Cincinnati Resident Office investigation. Mearan's phone number has also been identified as used in association with online advertising with Backpage.com, a classifieds site known for sex-related ads and online prostitution. Advertisements associated with Mearan's phone number included ads flagged for featuring underage girls. Many individuals involved in the investigation for supplying narcotics to the criminal enterprise have since been convicted while other subjects remain at large. “According to court documents, the FBI began investigating a drug trafficking organization operating in central and southern Ohio in 2014,” Frank Lewis reported in an article titled “Locals sentenced in federal court” published by The Portsmouth Daily Times on Oct. 19, 2016. Lewis' story further credited the convictions to Benjamin C. Glassman, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio, Angela L. Byers, Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Timothy J. Plancon, Special Agent in Charge, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Detroit Field Division, agencies participating in the Southern Ohio Drug Task Force, Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs and U.S. District Judge Michael H. Watson who presided over the case. The investigation also led to the convictions of targets Mutter, Glenn, Eubanks, Smith and Banks as well as additional conspirators Johnathan Nunez, of Wheelersburg; Kent Whiteside, of Columbus; and Gregory Workman of Springfield. All have been convicted of conspiracy to distribute narcotics. There are no other known arrests associated with the investigation. An FBI Cincinnati Office spokesperson was unwilling to “confirm nor deny” that the investigation is still ongoing. The U.S. District Court for the Southern Ohio District Eastern Division Clerk of Court's Office stated that there are no open public records for the case associated with the affidavit prior to October 2015. Pages of referenced affidavit are attached.


Affadavit is at the link, I haven't read it yet. Some good reporting.
I mentioned before that this is one of the crimes that could get people killed to keep them quiet.

There are a lot of pieces that fit - car repair business in KY, buying and training guard dogs, etc. The judge named was taking bribes from prostitutes in exchange for promises of reduced sentences, then going back on his word.

Here's a link to the WS thread about the missing women in Chillicothe


This Mearan person has been securing prostitutes and drugs for clients who include a Court of Common Pleas Judge and people at the Southern Ohio Correctional Center. Am I reading that right?

Also noticing lots of mention of the Southern Ohio Drug Task Force leading the investigation w/ the FBI, but not seeing any mention of the US 23 Pipeline Major Crimes Task Force, which is who Pike County LE seems to work with.

Still reading the Affadvit.....

The investigation also led to the convictions of targets Mutter, Glenn, Eubanks, Smith and Banks as well as additional conspirators Johnathan Nunez, of Wheelersburg; Kent Whiteside, of Columbus; and Gregory Workman of Springfield. All have been convicted of conspiracy to distribute narcotics. There are no other known arrests associated with the investigation. An FBI Cincinnati Office spokesperson was unwilling to “confirm nor deny” that the investigation is still ongoing. The U.S. District Court for the Southern Ohio District Eastern Division Clerk of Court's Office stated that there are no open public records for the case associated with the affidavit prior to October 2015.
Thank you, those are some very good articles and an interesting affadavit just below. When I discussed this with a retired sheriff who is a member of WS, he brought up the missing women from Chillicothe and whether CRSr was an informant about drug dealing and was killed to keep the heat off other criminal activity in the area.


Affadavit is at the link, I haven't read it yet. Some good reporting.

That all the way to state level and the secrecy in this case isn't making DeWine and BCI look very good in my eyes right now.
Thanks rsd for finding all the links you and others on here are the greatest when it comes to that!!!!! I just mentioned the "Task Forces" because I have found them in some of the surrounding counties articles that were in papers dating as far back as 2012 (might be even earlier than that). Going on that, it seems that Ohio/BCI and others have been aware of the things going down there for some time. Now when they truely started doing something about, who knows? And if all this undercover investagating has been going on, I can see why everything has stayed hushed up. I don't think all the murders, drug busts, etc connect in any other way except for this, these continuous investigations. Now they wouldn't want all their hard work to go unnoticed would they? Gotta get that credit. Also some of the "crimes" may connect by the people that know about what goes on in and around Ohio. Drug connections, dealers, buyers, people on the street all would know some things. That explains "putting the puzzle" together.

About the W's and the wait on the searchs, could their lawyer have found some kind of loophole to keep LE off their property while they owned it? Notice LE didn't show up until they sold the properties. I could be wrong but the lawyer that got JM out of jail, I think was listed as one their lawyers in some of the W's past dealings with the law. Now before Dudly gets me, I know it's a small area and their aren't that many lawyers around as in the "big cites), but there is another coinsidense and I'm getting tired of them!

Speaking of which, all those people that didn't spend the night. This must have been a usual thing for the Rhoden's. Late nights, people showing up at all hours of the evening on a school/work/week day night. Can you imagine setting there watching TV late at night and the door flys open! Scarey! IMO, some of those people (mentioned or not) did spend the night with at least one or more of the victim's. It just makes sense to me on how they " gained entry" to the homes. Thus being able to obtain keys to the other homes. It has been implied that the Rhoden's were on some kind of alert. Kids showing up on their road, fights with other people, kids getting smacked, custody issues, drug dealing, ( so many rumors flying around).

I agree that LE has likely known a lot about what has been going on in their counties and turned a blind eye, especially if those doing the illegal activities, are connected in any way, to someone well known and/or well-heeled, in the community. And you're right, when a bust is made? Oh my gosh! You'd think it was something from a scene out of Breaking Bad. All over the LE FB, the local paper, etc... Doesn't matter if it was a gram or a pound.

IANAL but, as long as LE has provided the court, with "probable cause" for the judge to grant a search warrant, then they can search. Now, if you'll recall, they didn't search the interior of JW's and GW's home. Only the property, and the trailer. One reason that I think that they could have gone on and performed the search, is because why not go ahead and search the grandparent's property, even if they were being stalled on the Peterson Road home? They had already searched the nursing home that was connected to the elder Ws (iirc). No homes were searched in that last search. Only properties. What would they be searching through all that land for, that many months, after the murders? They have all of the murder victim's bodies. That was a lot of territory to search.

I think some of the spending the night might have been normal. The toothache story, I have a hard time with, and the DS story. I did not do the spending the night stuff growing up b/c there was a few years difference in my cousins and me, although we'd all play together, mine were either living in another county, state, or just older than me. However, my Momma did all those type things with her cousins. I've got friends who had cousins their age range, and they all ran around together like that.
I mentioned before that this is one of the crimes that could get people killed to keep them quiet.

I agree, but I've never heard of them killing an entire family. Usually they'll just cut the head off the snake, that's causing them to fret about being snitched on, and/or could cause them to go to jail, and the others in the group get the point. The more people you kill, the more chance for mistakes, that will end up leading to your arrest, and incarceration anyway. I have often wondered if a LEO was involved in the Rs and HHG murders. LEOs don't fair well in jail, and it's not uncommon to find a corrupt one, or two, in these little towns.
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