OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #31

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A campaign on social media could be very effective. Have they done this on Twitter? I'd be happy to share the tweets if they have. Do you have a link? We could share them here, too.

I can look for them. Are we allowed to link to FB, in case I find them ??
A campaign on social media could be very effective. Have they done this on Twitter? I'd be happy to share the tweets if they have. Do you have a link? We could share them here, too.

I can look for them. Are we allowed to link to FB, in case I find them ??
And Betty P with all very due respects, because I do respect your posts/opinions. While we have down time with no further info to chew on, I am kinda of going backward (land discussions) and checking things out again. Applying rumors I've heard or actual info that we have now, to what we had then. Trying new idea's and directions to the old. IMO there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes, and I for one believe that the FBI and other agency's are involved in this investigation. To many drug busts have happened since these murders, drug trafficing busts, sex trafficing, etc. Like we all have said these murders opened up a "can of worms" in Ohio and all the tips BCI have received have helped the "powers that be" to accomplice all these busts. I don't believe all the tips have been directly involved with the Rhoden murders, but are leading the authorities to other criminal activities in and around not only Pike Co, but other counties/states. IMO the authorities are not going to finish this investigation until all avenues of the "tips" are explored. JMO
PS. Remember it is an election year.

Apologies, I understand what you're saying. We've been given so little information about any aspect of this case over the last two years that all we can do is keep going back and revisiting what we know.

I was listening to Tricia's podcast today with Keith Greer, the attorney representing the Rebecca Zahau murder (ruled a suicide early on, but very unusual death). There's been similar stonewalling by LE in that case, since 2011, even though much of the evidence the public was privy to indicates murder. Rebecca's family decided several years ago to pursue a civil case against the suspected killers and, through discovery and depositions, have uncovered some extremely compelling evidence to support murder.


As the Zahau case is now moving to trial, plaintiff's attorney Greer was asked if he thought the new evidence being presented at trial would compel the county sheriff's office to reopen the case and investigate it as murder. He said he understood (not necessarily agreeing) why the sheriff and prosecutor took the suicide declaration route. When the burden of proof on the prosecutor is high and they feel they don't have an airtight case, they won't take it to court. He said if a prosecutor takes a high profile case to court and loses, it will end their professional career.

I think that's what we have with the Rhoden case. They locked up the evidence and gave out few details because they don't want to risk losing their jobs (or political future in this case). In the Zahau case, most of us feel the new evidence that was revealed is sufficient to win a guilty verdict against the suspect, but it's likely they still won't prosecute for other reasons. In the Rhoden case, JMO, LE and prosecutors likely know the killers and their associates, but they feel that making an arrest and taking it to court will ruin their careers.

There just doesn't seem to be any reason to keep all details of the Rhoden/Gilley family deaths hidden from the public, JMO, other than that revealing the details will reveal the killers and will force them to make arrests and go to trial. In the Zahau case, they called it suicide and wrapped it up with cherry picked evidence presented to the public. In the Rhoden/Gilley case, for some reason, they can't do that. Instead, they stop giving press conferences and keep all the details secret, sometimes at great expense. If they wanted the public to help them in their ongoing investigation, they would still be give pressers, putting out flyers, raising money for the reward fund, etc.

Reader was re-elected, Junk is still county prosecutor and DeWine announced he was running for governor within weeks of the murders. Do you think if DeWine is elected governor, he'll move the case forward and reach out to the public to solve it? JMO, I don't think so.

Sorry to ramble on, but I wanted to put this out there after reviewing all the new developments in the Zahau case. They're very similar in many ways.

What do you think? Will the case break open if DeWine is elected governor? Will they start beating the bushes, asking for help or increase the reward fund?

ETA: As further info, the major developments in the Zahau case included the discovery of evidence that Rebecca Zahau was sexually assaulted with the handle of the knife that her suspected killer used to cut the rope she supposedly used to hang herself. LE had the knife in evidence and claimed there was nothing suspicious on it, when in fact the handle was covered with her own menstrual fluids. No evidence suddenly became a lot of evidence.
More to think about re Rhoden/Gilley and Zahau cases:

San Diego Sheriff's Dept. managed the Zahau case by selectively presenting evidence to justify the conclusion that the victim's death was a suicide.

It's possible that PCSD, BCI, etc. could have offered a similar scenario by saying the Rhoden/Gilley murders were murder/suicide. They could have said the Rhodens were killed by KR, who then took his own life. That theory has been tossed around here and elsewhere.

Why didn't they take that route?

1 Because they would then have to release some evidence to prove their theory, taking the risk that someone would look closely at that evidence and find flaws in their conclusion. Either they couldn't make all the evidence match such a scenario or they knew someone close to the deceased would know enough details to refute it.

2 Less likely, but there could be people out there who know and could prove that KR didn't commit suicide.

San Diego LE didn't have much choice. They had to declare it a suicide because the victim was left hanging nude and bound from the balcony of her boyfriend's mansion. But they left themselves vulnerable when they had to explain their reasons and show enough evidence to prove the suicide theory. There was also extensive media coverage where the victim's body and some of the evidence was exposed for public view. Pike County, BCI, et al instead opted to keep all the details out of the public eye so no outsiders could help solve it for them.
More to think about re Rhoden/Gilley and Zahau cases:

San Diego Sheriff's Dept. managed the Zahau case by selectively presenting evidence to justify the conclusion that the victim's death was a suicide.

It's possible that PCSD, BCI, etc. could have offered a similar scenario by saying the Rhoden/Gilley murders were murder/suicide. They could have said the Rhodens were killed by KR, who then took his own life. That theory has been tossed around here and elsewhere.

Why didn't they take that route?

1 Because they would then have to release some evidence to prove their theory, taking the risk that someone would look closely at that evidence and find flaws in their conclusion. Either they couldn't make all the evidence match such a scenario or they knew someone close to the deceased would know enough details to refute it.

2 Less likely, but there could be people out there who know and could prove that KR didn't commit suicide.

San Diego LE didn't have much choice. They had to declare it a suicide because the victim was left hanging nude and bound from the balcony of her boyfriend's mansion. But they left themselves vulnerable when they had to explain their reasons and show enough evidence to prove the suicide theory. There was also extensive media coverage where the victim's body and some of the evidence was exposed for public view. Pike County, BCI, et al instead opted to keep all the details out of the public eye so no outsiders could help solve it for them.

They sure did do that part as good as can be done...
More to think about re Rhoden/Gilley and Zahau cases:

San Diego Sheriff's Dept. managed the Zahau case by selectively presenting evidence to justify the conclusion that the victim's death was a suicide.

It's possible that PCSD, BCI, etc. could have offered a similar scenario by saying the Rhoden/Gilley murders were murder/suicide. They could have said the Rhodens were killed by KR, who then took his own life. That theory has been tossed around here and elsewhere.

Why didn't they take that route?

1 Because they would then have to release some evidence to prove their theory, taking the risk that someone would look closely at that evidence and find flaws in their conclusion. Either they couldn't make all the evidence match such a scenario or they knew someone close to the deceased would know enough details to refute it.

2 Less likely, but there could be people out there who know and could prove that KR didn't commit suicide.

San Diego LE didn't have much choice. They had to declare it a suicide because the victim was left hanging nude and bound from the balcony of her boyfriend's mansion. But they left themselves vulnerable when they had to explain their reasons and show enough evidence to prove the suicide theory. There was also extensive media coverage where the victim's body and some of the evidence was exposed for public view. Pike County, BCI, et al instead opted to keep all the details out of the public eye so no outsiders could help solve it for them.

Well that's true about KR, they could have lied, but didn't. I haven't heard/read if a gun was found with him, but assume there wasn't. But then again DS is the one who found him and could have went through his things. Heck anybody who knew about it could have, wasn't it 2 1/2 hours before he was discovered? And didn't KR2 say something about a gun KR owned and that he slept with it close to him? So I guess those 2 people knowing that maybe could have squashed that idea. Wonder why he wasn't discovered until later? And why in the hell would LE have let DS go to find him. This puzzles me so much. Now Reader can say he wasn't familiar with this family and any criminal doings they had. But, he lived around there all his life, and he was on a task force investigating criminal activiity in the area for Pros. Junk. I don't believe that. Between living there and being on police forces, and just all around rumor mill, he knew. The schools were not closed down that long either, so how did they (LE) know that it was safe to lift the shut down? So many questions on how this case has been handled!!!
Apologies, I understand what you're saying. We've been given so little information about any aspect of this case over the last two years that all we can do is keep going back and revisiting what we know.

I was listening to Tricia's podcast today with Keith Greer, the attorney representing the Rebecca Zahau murder (ruled a suicide early on, but very unusual death). There's been similar stonewalling by LE in that case, since 2011, even though much of the evidence the public was privy to indicates murder. Rebecca's family decided several years ago to pursue a civil case against the suspected killers and, through discovery and depositions, have uncovered some extremely compelling evidence to support murder.


As the Zahau case is now moving to trial, plaintiff's attorney Greer was asked if he thought the new evidence being presented at trial would compel the county sheriff's office to reopen the case and investigate it as murder. He said he understood (not necessarily agreeing) why the sheriff and prosecutor took the suicide declaration route. When the burden of proof on the prosecutor is high and they feel they don't have an airtight case, they won't take it to court. He said if a prosecutor takes a high profile case to court and loses, it will end their professional career.

I think that's what we have with the Rhoden case. They locked up the evidence and gave out few details because they don't want to risk losing their jobs (or political future in this case). In the Zahau case, most of us feel the new evidence that was revealed is sufficient to win a guilty verdict against the suspect, but it's likely they still won't prosecute for other reasons. In the Rhoden case, JMO, LE and prosecutors likely know the killers and their associates, but they feel that making an arrest and taking it to court will ruin their careers.

There just doesn't seem to be any reason to keep all details of the Rhoden/Gilley family deaths hidden from the public, JMO, other than that revealing the details will reveal the killers and will force them to make arrests and go to trial. In the Zahau case, they called it suicide and wrapped it up with cherry picked evidence presented to the public. In the Rhoden/Gilley case, for some reason, they can't do that. Instead, they stop giving press conferences and keep all the details secret, sometimes at great expense. If they wanted the public to help them in their ongoing investigation, they would still be give pressers, putting out flyers, raising money for the reward fund, etc.

Reader was re-elected, Junk is still county prosecutor and DeWine announced he was running for governor within weeks of the murders. Do you think if DeWine is elected governor, he'll move the case forward and reach out to the public to solve it? JMO, I don't think so.

Sorry to ramble on, but I wanted to put this out there after reviewing all the new developments in the Zahau case. They're very similar in many ways.

What do you think? Will the case break open if DeWine is elected governor? Will they start beating the bushes, asking for help or increase the reward fund?

ETA: As further info, the major developments in the Zahau case included the discovery of evidence that Rebecca Zahau was sexually assaulted with the handle of the knife that her suspected killer used to cut the rope she supposedly used to hang herself. LE had the knife in evidence and claimed there was nothing suspicious on it, when in fact the handle was covered with her own menstrual fluids. No evidence suddenly became a lot of evidence.

The way this case is being handled there is no way to dispute any evidence or try to prove there might be undiscovered evidence. No one has any idea what they may have for evidence. The fact that there has been no leaks, considering all the people involved, is beyond amazing. What were they threatened with to keep them all silent? The government can't keep top secret documents this quiet.
My guess is that it will be solved right before the elections so DeWine and others can say, look what we did... Especially if there were more cases solved with info gleaned from this case...
Well that's true about KR, they could have lied, but didn't. I haven't heard/read if a gun was found with him, but assume there wasn't. But then again DS is the one who found him and could have went through his things. Heck anybody who knew about it could have, wasn't it 2 1/2 hours before he was discovered? And didn't KR2 say something about a gun KR owned and that he slept with it close to him? So I guess those 2 people knowing that maybe could have squashed that idea. Wonder why he wasn't discovered until later? And why in the hell would LE have let DS go to find him. This puzzles me so much. Now Reader can say he wasn't familiar with this family and any criminal doings they had. But, he lived around there all his life, and he was on a task force investigating criminal activiity in the area for Pros. Junk. I don't believe that. Between living there and being on police forces, and just all around rumor mill, he knew. The schools were not closed down that long either, so how did they (LE) know that it was safe to lift the shut down? So many questions on how this case has been handled!!!

The thing with KR, is, that I think everyone thought he was at work, who tried to call him. It was a Friday. He'd normally have left for work around 5:00 a.m. When KR2 couldn't reach him by his lunch break, iirc, that's when she became concerned, and, again, iirc, a family member asked DS to go check on him then. He took KR's son w/him, again, iirc.

DS tells it a bit differently in the beginning though.
The thing with KR, is, that I think everyone thought he was at work, who tried to call him. It was a Friday. He'd normally have left for work around 5:00 a.m. When KR2 couldn't reach him by his lunch break, iirc, that's when she became concerned, and, again, iirc, a family member asked DS to go check on him then. He took KR's son w/him, again, iirc.

DS tells it a bit differently in the beginning though.

And the problem I have with that story is his sidekick, friend worked at the same place as he and I think they usually shared rides with each other. Why didn't a family member track BH down and get him to get in touch with them? This crime was full on broadcast it seems everywhere that morning. Me, myself I would be tracking down every family member I have in my family until I reached them and got some answers. Look at how many people showed up at the scene and were directed to the church, not just family, but friends. All those concerned people and the ones closest to KR are not running him down or going to his home to check on him? It makes no sense, unless they knew there was no rush, or really didn't care that much. And who sends a son with someone when there's a possibility that his father may have been murdered?
And the problem I have with that story is his sidekick, friend worked at the same place as he and I think they usually shared rides with each other. Why didn't a family member track BH down and get him to get in touch with them? This crime was full on broadcast it seems everywhere that morning. Me, myself I would be tracking down every family member I have in my family until I reached them and got some answers. Look at how many people showed up at the scene and were directed to the church, not just family, but friends. All those concerned people and the ones closest to KR are not running him down or going to his home to check on him? It makes no sense, unless they knew there was no rush, or really didn't care that much. And who sends a son with someone when there's a possibility that his father may have been murdered?

DS, I think, went by to get the son. Not a cool move, and a move that I found quite odd. I also found it very odd that DS, who was supposed to spend the night there, and get up and work on cars, wasn't the one who said, Hey! KR wasn't planning to work today, we were gonna do X today. We'd best call him!

I think that DS knows/suspects something even if he didn't do anything. He seems a bit sketchy to me (I could be wrong though, he might be salt of the earth).

Honestly, if I'd not known different, and were trying to get ahold of my family member, I'd start at their workplace to see if they could call them to the phone. I'd want to make sure that they were in a good place, sitting down, with another person nearby. Maybe they just weren't thinking though with a tragedy of such overwhelming magnitude.
DS, I think, went by to get the son. Not a cool move, and a move that I found quite odd. I also found it very odd that DS, who was supposed to spend the night there, and get up and work on cars, wasn't the one who said, Hey! KR wasn't planning to work today, we were gonna do X today. We'd best call him!

I think that DS knows/suspects something even if he didn't do anything. He seems a bit sketchy to me (I could be wrong though, he might be salt of the earth).

Honestly, if I'd not known different, and were trying to get ahold of my family member, I'd start at their workplace to see if they could call them to the phone. I'd want to make sure that they were in a good place, sitting down, with another person nearby. Maybe they just weren't thinking though with a tragedy of such overwhelming magnitude.

My dear rsd, you are always giving people the benifit of the doubt, always seeing all sides of the story and I like that about you.
My thing about it being family is they didn't kill the children, and wiped out the rest of CRsr's family including his cousin and a soon to be daughter in law.
Would love to know about the "trouble" LM had mentioned in one of his interview's that the police had been there (Rhoden's) the Saturday before over what?
Family knew the place in and out, and if some came in through the back of the property (like I think) would have to know how to get through all the junk in and around the home.
Just finished watching ID, and yet another story involving children being left alive in a double murder. Child was 3 years old and gave police info that helped in the investigation, and I've heard of children that young doing this before. They have special counslers that do that in the case of small children and they hpnotized the child also and got more info. I believe that little B saw something.
Too many people that were supposed to spend the night, had all these excuses for bowing out that night. Sorry don't believe all that either.
Yes I believe that DS knows, the Manleys know, the other Rhoden's know and half the community/neighbors have to know by now. Watching LM in the interviews, seems to me he is biting at he bit to tell what he knows, but IMO the family/lawyer has him under control now and we may never hear from him again until this is solved.
CRsr being covered with a blanket, someone didn't want to see what they did to him. I believe I read somewhere that "covering the body of a murder victim shows a connection from the perp to the victim". Seems I read somewhere that LM said that Dana's face was covered with a pillow also.
I was checking out the land thing because all that could directly inherit were killed, and by the time those children would have any say in what happens with that land.....well debts arise, paperwork disappears, progress comes along and roads are built..etc, etc. Take your pick.
I don't believe the Rhoden's had a lot of money and what they did have first went back into the business's they had. Then to their children and themselves, then helping family (both sides). One of my theories is someone was turned down for money help and then he turns around and buys the new home for Dana (but I think it eventually going to thier new Rhoden Compound). I've read varing opinions about Dana, some say shes an angel, others say bad things (just like most people in the world). Jealousy, greed, revenge!
PS, my next book will be coming out next year!!!!!! Sorry for all the writing LOL! Just kidding!
The thing with KR, is, that I think everyone thought he was at work, who tried to call him. It was a Friday. He'd normally have left for work around 5:00 a.m. When KR2 couldn't reach him by his lunch break, iirc, that's when she became concerned, and, again, iirc, a family member asked DS to go check on him then. He took KR's son w/him, again, iirc.

DS tells it a bit differently in the beginning though.

I've had a problem believing DS from the start. I think he may have gone to KR's house twice. I think he was there before he was there with KR's son. Remember he claims to have said, you don't want to see this when they went in. How did he know there was something to not see before both were already in the house? It isn't like KR was in a back bedroom and not visible on entering. Then he wonders around the property before calling 911. Did he think something may have been taken and was checking to see if it was still there? Making sure no evidence proved he did anything? No one seems to know what happen to KR's gun. Did he stage some things, like the money he says was found, or remove things like KR's gun, then come back with a witness so he had proof he did nothing? I trust his story about as far as you can throw an elephant... I do not think he killed anyone but he may have hampered solving the crime...
My dear rsd, you are always giving people the benifit of the doubt, always seeing all sides of the story and I like that about you.
My thing about it being family is they didn't kill the children, and wiped out the rest of CRsr's family including his cousin and a soon to be daughter in law.
Would love to know about the "trouble" LM had mentioned in one of his interview's that the police had been there (Rhoden's) the Saturday before over what?
Family knew the place in and out, and if some came in through the back of the property (like I think) would have to know how to get through all the junk in and around the home.
Just finished watching ID, and yet another story involving children being left alive in a double murder. Child was 3 years old and gave police info that helped in the investigation, and I've heard of children that young doing this before. They have special counslers that do that in the case of small children and they hpnotized the child also and got more info. I believe that little B saw something.
Too many people that were supposed to spend the night, had all these excuses for bowing out that night. Sorry don't believe all that either.
Yes I believe that DS knows, the Manleys know, the other Rhoden's know and half the community/neighbors have to know by now. Watching LM in the interviews, seems to me he is biting at he bit to tell what he knows, but IMO the family/lawyer has him under control now and we may never hear from him again until this is solved.
CRsr being covered with a blanket, someone didn't want to see what they did to him. I believe I read somewhere that "covering the body of a murder victim shows a connection from the perp to the victim". Seems I read somewhere that LM said that Dana's face was covered with a pillow also.
I was checking out the land thing because all that could directly inherit were killed, and by the time those children would have any say in what happens with that land.....well debts arise, paperwork disappears, progress comes along and roads are built..etc, etc. Take your pick.
I don't believe the Rhoden's had a lot of money and what they did have first went back into the business's they had. Then to their children and themselves, then helping family (both sides). One of my theories is someone was turned down for money help and then he turns around and buys the new home for Dana (but I think it eventually going to thier new Rhoden Compound). I've read varing opinions about Dana, some say shes an angel, others say bad things (just like most people in the world). Jealousy, greed, revenge!
PS, my next book will be coming out next year!!!!!! Sorry for all the writing LOL! Just kidding!

Everything about that Saturday encounter got dropped real fast. He said that LE were real snots, I think. I don't think it was ever mentioned again.
DS, I think, went by to get the son. Not a cool move, and a move that I found quite odd. I also found it very odd that DS, who was supposed to spend the night there, and get up and work on cars, wasn't the one who said, Hey! KR wasn't planning to work today, we were gonna do X today. We'd best call him!

I think that DS knows/suspects something even if he didn't do anything. He seems a bit sketchy to me (I could be wrong though, he might be salt of the earth).

Honestly, if I'd not known different, and were trying to get ahold of my family member, I'd start at their workplace to see if they could call them to the phone. I'd want to make sure that they were in a good place, sitting down, with another person nearby. Maybe they just weren't thinking though with a tragedy of such overwhelming magnitude.

Yeah, DS has always been at the top of my list of people who may have known who was behind these killings. I don't think he knew the killers, but he likely knew who sent them. Looking at the old videos of his media interviews, you could tell he was very frightened. JMO, if BCI had anyone who they could have put in witness protection to get him to divulge what he knew, it should have been DS. They did interview him, and thus do probably know who the killers were, but they let him sit because it was a way to keep him quiet. Two years later, why do they still want to keep DS frightened and quiet? Because they don't want to solve the case.

It's a similar situation with the W family. BCI knows they also know who the killers are, but knew they were probably complicit. They let them sit where they were knowing they wouldn't talk, but ended up letting them leave for AK because they were concerned someone else was going to get them to talk. They left for AK around the time that the reporters (and possibly others) were pushing to get the FBI or someone else involved in the investigation. That was reinforced when the W's were questioned multiple times by other LE on their way to AK.

JMO, BCI & the local LE don't want this case solved, but there is pressure from other (federal) LE to get it done. BCI, Junk, DeWine, et al can control the local population with fear and intimidation, but the minute any of them leave Ohio, someone else is going to want to talk to them. Rhodens who do live in other states (CR1's sister, for example) aren't going to talk as long as they have family still living in Ohio.

But BCI, DeWine & local LE probably had what they needed to solve this case very early on. They don't want to because it's going to mess up many people's political careers. Same reason local LE in the Rebecca Zahau case were willing to declare her death a suicide instead of murder. This stuff goes on a lot more than we think.


DS knows who was behind the murders

W family (including grandparents) know who was behind the murders

Manleys don't know the killers, but do know W's know and were involved. Manleys were the ones LE (and the W's and others) originally wanted to set up as the patsies to take blame, but they've been careful (and lucky) to avoid that trap so far.
I've had a problem believing DS from the start. I think he may have gone to KR's house twice. I think he was there before he was there with KR's son. Remember he claims to have said, you don't want to see this when they went in. How did he know there was something to not see before both were already in the house? It isn't like KR was in a back bedroom and not visible on entering. Then he wonders around the property before calling 911. Did he think something may have been taken and was checking to see if it was still there? Making sure no evidence proved he did anything? No one seems to know what happen to KR's gun. Did he stage some things, like the money he says was found, or remove things like KR's gun, then come back with a witness so he had proof he did nothing? I trust his story about as far as you can throw an elephant... I do not think he killed anyone but he may have hampered solving the crime...

Bottom line on KR's gun is that we don't know if there was one at the scene or not. That information is locked away with the rest of the evidence. It's one of those bits of information that, if revealed, would not hamper the ability of LE or prosecutors to close the case. Information kept quiet because if any outsider had the opportunity to review it, they would probably poke holes in the prosecutor's case. If they ever come up with one. Hiding all the evidence allows them to develop different scenarios as circumstances require. It gives them room to maneuver to build any variety of cases or to just let it go cold. The risk in trying to build a phony case is that they'll have to reveal some of the evidence and that brings the risk of outsiders second-guessing them. So it's better to leave it cold. JMO, that's where it will stay.

If you have doubts about the risk of outsiders second guessing evidence and developing a case for different perps, listen to Tricia's podcast interview with Keith Greer, the civil attorney in the Rebecca Zahau case. When he took over the civil case, he had to reconstruct the crime on his own to get the case into court, with little access to evidence or discovery. He readily admits he was able to do so by reading through the Zahau thread here at Websleuths.

ETA: A question I would like the investigators to answer in this case is

Have you ever allowed any other LE agency to review all the evidence in the Rhoden/Gilley murder case?

Have you allowed the FBI to review all of it?
Federal prosecutors?

ETA: Dudley your comment about the Saturday night disturbance getting dropped is very key to this investigation. I didn't think so way back in the first months after the killing, but changed my mind.
Bottom line on KR's gun is that we don't know if there was one at the scene or not. That information is locked away with the rest of the evidence. It's one of those bits of information that, if revealed, would not hamper the ability of LE or prosecutors to close the case. Information kept quiet because if any outsider had the opportunity to review it, they would probably poke holes in the prosecutor's case. If they ever come up with one. Hiding all the evidence allows them to develop different scenarios as circumstances require. It gives them room to maneuver to build any variety of cases or to just let it go cold. The risk in trying to build a phony case is that they'll have to reveal some of the evidence and that brings the risk of outsiders second-guessing them. So it's better to leave it cold. JMO, that's where it will stay.

If you have doubts about the risk of outsiders second guessing evidence and developing a case for different perps, listen to Tricia's podcast interview with Keith Greer, the civil attorney in the Rebecca Zahau case. When he took over the civil case, he had to reconstruct the crime on his own to get the case into court, with little access to evidence or discovery. He readily admits he was able to do so by reading through the Zahau thread here at Websleuths.

ETA: A question I would like the investigators to answer in this case is

Have you ever allowed any other LE agency to review all the evidence in the Rhoden/Gilley murder case?

Have you allowed the FBI to review all of it?
Federal prosecutors?

ETA: Dudley your comment about the Saturday night disturbance getting dropped is very key to this investigation. I didn't think so way back in the first months after the killing, but changed my mind.

I am being to agree with you on the reason's evidence and everything else in this case is being kept secret Betty P. I keep hoping that officials in this day and age are to be trusted and true. But the sad truth is, they cannot. It almost seems officials have a "spin doctor" like actor/actresses used to have to keep their bad behavior out of the press and away from the public. I guess it's not politicially correct to be a "whistle blower" anymore and I can't understand "them" getting away with it. I can understand some things being kept from the public in national matters, but not in something that affects private citizens, in their own town, in their own homes. I am supposed to trust "higher ups" in this case, when half of the police in this situation and others have been proven to be currupt? This case is hard to figure out when we don't have what is considered to be "normal" reports on it. It's starting to stink like something very, very rotten. Even though some people may think that the Rhoden's deserved what they got because they where into criminal activities, (I am not one of them) their children were innocent of whatever it was. They were robbed of their lives all 8 of them. Death was not fair to them, we are all human and make mistakes, most of us have a chance to change that, their chance is gone forever. I want to believe I am at least safe in my own home, I want to be able to believe that if I needed it, help would be there for me. Sadly, this is not true anymore. My faith in these poor people getting any justice is truly beginning to fade.
Betty P, how do we go about finding out what happened that Saturday prior to the murders? I haven't seen it mentioned here or other places. Like you said, it got shut down or quickly forgotten. That's why I was trying to go back and check "old things" out. When we started it was a whirlwind of info and rumors, now that things are calmer, time to check out those little things we missed.
I agree with you amauet1. Something is rotten in Denmark, or should I say Pike County, Ohio. I think it is bigger than the pot grow, but exactly what escapes me.

Speaking of twitter, I came across a couple of tweets with reference to Kasich. It does seem the corruption runs deep.

"Kasich has made Ohio Gov pensions bankrupt by allowing pension mgmt to charge HIGH mgmt commissions. These out of state fund managers have probably paid Kasich handsomely. Ohio pensioners should be very angry."

Someone else not too happy with his stance on #2A.
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