OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #35 *Arrests*

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I've never heard he was behind a headboard, just that he was between the wall and his bed. More than likely he was hiding after hearing gunshots. Hiding is likely why two of his gunshots were in the top of his head....
You think you can start to stomach what happened and then you hear this, unbelievable cruelty, unfathomable to think something that looked like a human to everyone else could do something like this to anyone.
Dayton Daily News has a photo of the home where AW, GWIII and kids were living


Pike County investigation: 8 deaths and multiple arrests were tied to one key factor — child custody
This photo matches to Angela's voter registration address and to an address which her mother has previously lived.
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I would like to center the focus of everyone on here on the "how" emotionally this was done. We know the W's are hunters and well used to killing animals but we are assuming that none of the W's have killed a human being before. With that assumption in mind, how did they go from house to house, looking into the faces and in some cases eyes of human beings and pull the trigger? How did they disassociate themselves from the horror of what they were doing? Did they keep a perception in mind that these were just "big game" animals to be hunted as trophies?

I think it is that house to house thing that more than anything spotlights how gruesome this crime was. There had to be tons of blood. How did they get past the smell of all that blood and go on to the next house? Did anyone get sick at the smell and beg off at the next house? Also CR1 being more decomposed means they had to have spent some time waiting for GR. When someone is killed it is not a pretty thing. Most people release their bladder and bowels at death. Did anyone of the four feel sickened by what they were doing?

I am not familiar with Meth or other hard drugs so I am not really sure of the effects of any such drug, if indeed they took any drugs, would have on being able to carry this through. Maybe someone else on here has that knowledge.

Also the R's were close friends at one time. Along with that friendship would come the intimacy of shared hopes and dreams for the future. As Clint Eastwood put it so well " When you kill a man you take away everything he is and everything he hopes to be." Did the W's look into the faces of the victims and feel sorrow for what they were taking from them? Compassion for those dreams being destroyed?

Lastly who on here thinks it may be possible this was not the first humans that some of the W's have killed. Because if this was their first time killing a human then they would have been quite naive as to the reality of actually watching and being responsible for a person dying. Killing 8 people your first time out would have been a rough way to start on a killing career.

Also there had to be a time lapse between houses, especially KR and the others. Did anyone of these 4 sit in the car on the ride to kill another person and think "Maybe this is wrong?"

I just cannot wrap my mind around 4 first time killers being able to stomach all the killing and what goes with it, not once but four times.


Im a lawyer have worked in the CJ system for many years (not in Ohio) and I wonder about people’s motivations and capacity for committing violent crimes a lot. It’s hard to understand how people get in this headspace that they commit such violently atrocious acts. I will say, I have never had to work on a murder that has been this intricately planned. But my only real insight is that people who commit violent acts are just wired differently then the rest of us. It’s a combination of narcissism, entitlement, low levels of empathy, inability to appreciate consequences, and high levels of (misplaced) confidence. No doubt that the parents are the leaders here IMO.

Im a lawyer have worked in the CJ system for many years (not in Ohio) and I wonder about people’s motivations and capacity for committing violent crimes a lot. It’s hard to understand how people get in this headspace that they commit such violently atrocious acts. I will say, I have never had to work on a murder that has been this intricately planned. But my only real insight is that people who commit violent acts are just wired differently then the rest of us. It’s a combination of narcissism, entitlement, low levels of empathy, inability to appreciate consequences, and high levels of (misplaced) confidence. No doubt that the parents are the leaders IMO.
A sense of entitlement and a huge man who no doubt, has bullied his way through life. I bet that there are many victims strewing the path wherever he has been.
Hard to say now, but it seems they would have mentioned this at the presser. They also would have filed kidnapping charges, too.

I also think that they only sent teams of 2 or so people in most of the homes, but I think all 4 of them went to DR's trailer. It was the only home where there were 3 different people asleep in three different bedrooms in the same home. They would have needed people in various rooms to make sure no one escaped before all were killed. There was an exit at the back of DR's home

I can't wrap my head around HOW someone is able to "sneak" into a trailer. I lived in one early in life. They squeak, etc everywhere, especially those older ones.
Hard to say now, but it seems they would have mentioned this at the presser. They also would have filed kidnapping charges, too.

I also think that they only sent teams of 2 or so people in most of the homes, but I think all 4 of them went to DR's trailer. It was the only home where there were 3 different people asleep in three different bedrooms in the same home. They would have needed people in various rooms to make sure no one escaped before all were killed. There was an exit at the back of DR's home


Yes, I came to the same conclusion. I also think 4 were inside DR home. For the reasons you stated and, imo, also because of what I believe happened to DR. That took more than one person and wasn't a "simple" shooting death, imo. I think 2 went for DR and one each for her kids. I don't like the death penalty but, for what happened in DR's home alone, they all 4 deserve the death penalty and I wouldn't feel bad about it. The worst part is, it was probably even worse than I'm imagining it.
Why was little Chris behind the head board of his bed?

He heard someone coming and I think DR was awake by then and may have called or screamed out in fear since I believe "someone" was in her bedroom, too. He was hiding because he had no time to escape and maybe his phone wasn't right with him or he didn't have time to call 911. He must have been terrified and, as a last resort, what else could he do but hide?
i'm gonna guess it's AW. More than likely from her time in the service. ??? IMO

That's an extremely small amount though. She didn't spend much time in the military, and maybe that's all the work history that she had? She was working at the boot place at one point. Idk. Probably figured out a way to scam benis...
And he was a child.

That's how I feel, too. They media keeps saying "the babies were spared." True, but sixteen years old is just a child imo... two nineteen year olds and a 20 year old, as well. All the adults were so young. It's hard to fathom what kind of people the W's are that they could be planning this for months and then, go ahead and actually carry it out like some sort of normal life's decision. They'll have a long time to sit and think about all these events. I wonder if even one of them will ever get to the point of asking themselves,
"What in h*ll were we thinking? And what did we do."
I can't wrap my head around HOW someone is able to "sneak" into a trailer. I lived in one early in life. They squeak, etc everywhere, especially those older ones.

I think the two big W's walked right up and knocked on CSr's door... "Come on, let's make peace and talk this custody thing out for the kid's sake." I think he opened the door and then realized his mistake when he saw the guns but then they might have pushed the door open and it all went down from there. Gary would arrive later and not know anything was wrong. I think the dogs did bark over at FR's place allowing them to enter through the back door without being heard. I think the W's probably know how to open locked doors with a plastic card or screw driver. Maybe the door wasn't customarily locked. At any rate, they planned for months and this "problem" would have already been solved for the W's. Dogs bark all the time... possum, raccoons, fox... and maybe FR and HG were used to it. Then someone's in your bedroom doorway and it's too late to do anything. I think they had a key to DR's place because of JW swiping one and all 4 of them stormed in and moved quickly to their pre-assigned bedrooms. Doing it that wat, they didn't need to sneak in at all... just rush in. What I can't figure out is how anyone got into KR's place with Brownie there and the place being so small. I would think Brownie was inside the trailer, so even if he "knew" any of the W's he still should have barked before he knew it was any of them outside. Getting into KR's place almost makes me think there is another person out there who is getting away with murder. Someone who he'd let into his place willingly. Or else, someone tricked him with some story about a broken down car down the road or whatever and he was not asleep when killed. Rather, like at DR's place he was overwhelmed by 2 or 3 of them.
Was the money found around his legs a rumor? True? If that's true, that's very different from the other murders, too. KR's murder is the hardest one to make sense out of for me. Not the why he was killed but the how. Except the money; that's another why.
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I can't wrap my head around HOW someone is able to "sneak" into a trailer. I lived in one early in life. They squeak, etc everywhere, especially those older ones.

I've lived in them too. We weren't the only ones living there either. You could feel everything, but you could also hear everything. EVERYTHING. o_O Someone gets up to use the restroom, you know alllll about it, a child runs across the deck, and you can feel vibrations. However, at some point, I seem to remember just sleeping through it all (except for tornadic weather). However, someone having to tinker with a door lock, or a thump through a window, would be a different sound. I swear, either the Rs didn't lock their doors, or I believe the Ws got hold of keys. I think JW stayed as friendly with the Rs, as possible, and was tolerated. He was the mole. I wonder if any of the deceased had "lost" their house keys leading up to this.
Able bodied enough to commit mass murder but on social security and food stamps. Can afford a round trip to Alaska but get social security and food stamps. ( gas in the Yukon sold for $4.35 per liter. I might be wrong but I think there’s 3.785/ gal.

The trucks they drove suck gas or diesel. So a gallon of unleaded is $16.47. I can’t recall diesel but it was much more.
Mans they were pulling loads.

Can afford ammo



Horse involved excursions but on social security and food stamps.

Does anyone know why?
Gosh CHARLIEGIZMO I just love reading your posts. You've got "hardworking Alaskan common sense" and it is so pleasantly apparent. G"Billy"III had arrests for receiving stolen property (which he claimed he bought). Perhaps he still knew how to "receive" items at huge discounts? Or, the possibility of
matriarch FW sending lots of money to subsidize their lifestyle? (I still think the CI wasn't happy about it, either..... I should probably not comment on who I think is the CI. Because all that matters is that at least one or more persons has provided information/access to property that held the silencers, etc. Afterall, it is not as if they
could drive through Canada with those guns/periphenalia: like silencers, brass catchers, bug finders, night vision goggles....that is why they left them behind, IMO. Afterall, there are lots of places to leave storage bins on a 2000 acre farm...so someone had to give them "a direction/hint and permission.")
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To whoever was asking about the entry into the homes by the W's. In addition to studying the R's sleep patterns, it is thought that they probably didn't lock their doors as they lived out in the "boonies" as we call them or "Podunk Nowhere" where I live ;) It is not unusual at all for folks to leave their doors unlocked around here, yes even in this day and age. The only reason I started locking ours was because my son's best friend whom we call 2nd son kept coming over after he got off work after 1:00a and I would wake up jarringly until I got my bearings. I finally started doing it because as I told him "One of these days I am going to shoot you if you don't call out when you come thru the door" :eek: He now calls my son in advance.
Exhaustive investigation leads to break in Pike County murder case - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH

When Billy Wagner was arrested at 1:18 p.m. in Fayette County, Kentucky, on Tuesday, he was reportedly hiding in the back of a Flying W Farms horse trailer.

This gets me. Kinda makes me chuckle. He's found "hiding" in a horse trailer. Such a big bad man. Hiding to avoid taking responsibility for his deplorable actions. He can slaughter people in the middle of the night, yet, can't face the day karma bites his sissy azz in the daylight.
Seeing him in court in his safety orange jumpsuit. No huntin for you, Billy Boy. Someone called it a "onesie". He's like a big Baby Huey.

There's a special something about opening one eye in the middle of the night and realizing you ain't dreaming, and, yes, in fact, you ARE in a cell trying to sleep on a flapjack for a mattress and a metal bed. Oh, and having a piece of tin foil for a mirror, so you won't do anything stupid. Probably explains his hair "do not do".
I hope and pray just one of them gets tired of waking up in a cold concrete box with bars and having their whole life dictated by someone else - with a gun, no less.
I been holdin that in for a few days. LOL
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