OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #6

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One thing to remember when looking at motives.. Things that might be an issue normally, likely won't be here. People in areas like this are generally there for generations. If they don't accept outsiders then everyone becomes loosely related through marriage. Families have known families for generations.

Something that could be a real hot button to the majority might not be here and things that would be nothing things to the majority, could be a big deal here.

Even if Dana and Chris never got back together, Dana's family still being close to Chris wouldn't be weird, their families have probably known each other and been connected before that generation was born. I wouldn't be shocked if almost all the community wasn't related as distant cousins.

How many people know their 5th, 6th and 7th cousins pretty well and see them at least once a year?

I do on one side of my family, the country side. Almost all of them live within 30-40 mins of me, many are neighbors of my aunts. Also my granny had 6 siblings and my grandfather had 14 siblings. In that community where many of them still are, almost the entire community is related to me. All the older people will know me if I'm there and run into them. They will ask me which one of my aunts I'm related to. They see the family resemblance very strongly.

When my cousin divorced, he built his ex-wife and kids a house on his 10 acres. They both remarried but no one moved, the kids stayed close to both parents. At funerals and family get togethers, my cousin's ex-wife and her husband show up and fit right in. They are at every funeral, they are at every reunion, they go to the same church as my cousin. Her mom even shows up for things or comes by if something happens in our family.

That would be hot button issues for most places, but in many small communities, it works and many times is living proof of people doing what is best for kids and co-parenting works.

So when trying to look at motive, remember, these type areas are a real sense of community and big issues to us might not be big issues to them.
I believe Chris has two surviving siblings who are probably "et al". The land he owned personally would be dictated by his will, if he had one.
Please delete if this violates TOS. There are 6 surviving siblings. I believe they are the "et al"
I think the motive is greed. Who gets the land now that Christopher Rhoden and "et al" are all probably among the deceased?
I know at least one isn't, it was a name I haven't seen before except a property transaction, but saw it in the obit.
My question with regards to these cameras is, who is left alive that would "know" where they all were? How do they know they are all stolen?
There is a difference between being a licensed and being certified, especially in pay. I don't believe DR held any license, only cerificate.

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But arrests can still matter and a drug conviction in Healthcare can be a huge deal.
Off topic? Speculation. My dreams were of this.

The recent posts about the vehicles and salvage and titles, etc. made me remember something.

I read a mystery (fiction) a few years ago.
Set in a small town, and a neighboring small town, a story was woven around a tangled web of people who owned and worked in - car repair shop, car dealership, car insurance, and local bank. Maybe a local politician was involved.
All upstanding citizens.

Certain operatives of this "group" would cause accidents thru strategic dis-repair of vehicles or forced road incidents that appeared to be small accidents. Vehicles were moderately damaged, but declared Salvage (no questions asked) by the insurance inspector, sold for pennies within the group, repaired and then resold out of area for much more money. It was a big money making operation.
As usual the group became more and more bold and eventually caused several deaths...and had to resort to more planned murders to keep people quiet...

I'm not suggesting this is what was going on, but it is a way to make money most would not realize.

Any kind of tangled web involving any money making scheme could be at core of these murders.

What made me dream of it was the report that D.R.' S boyfriend died in a car accident. (?)
I was thinking about that late last night.

Not making any accusations - just made me remember the mystery story.

IN March 2015, the Ohio River flooded. There is a thing called "title washing". A car can be totaled, bought as salvage, taken to another state and sold and the seller does not have to disclose the salvage. Cars could have traveled back and forth to Kentucky easily.
IN March 2015, the Ohio River flooded. There is a thing called "title washing". A car can be totaled, bought as salvage, taken to another state and sold and the seller does not have to disclose the salvage. Cars could have traveled back and forth to Kentucky easily.
IIRC, many of the FB sells I saw were crossing state lines. Also there was trading done with vehicles.
We know of atleast one person who knew they were there, that was planning on staying there. I'm interested to know how far away DS lived, and if the killer(s) couldn't find him or didn't know he exisited. He was KR's friend so maybe the killer(s) didn't know about him.....
I was trying to make a logic problem style chart last night. Trying to figure out what we know they all had in common. We've got pot grows, dogs, roosters, land, cars, derby. I'm just wondering if Kenneth was killed because he would know who killed the others.

I was wondering when Hanna (Hannah, can't keep it straight) R came home from the hospital. I can almost imagine the killer(s) waiting on her to have that baby before they moved in and silenced them.

I don't think BJ had anything to do with it. Statistically, from a little study I did myself, and what's out there ... it's one or more males between the ages of 20 - 40. That's just the biggest % of mass murderers come from that group. I know there's exceptions.

Agree that BJ had no part.

My speculations.

Trying to phrase this in a nice way, but best I can explain ...
This is a Male dominated group.
Most of the Women seem subservient. Under control. Strict control. Not much independence of thought or action.
They like to talk, gossip, verbal hits, but not capable actual murder.
DR is somewhat different, Dominant Female, but still more verbal than physical.
All of the Men knew or would talk of whatever the basic "operation" or reason. Commonality.
Every man could and would "tell" or seek direct revenge. Together they were a force to be reckoned with.

The women were just there when it happened, or were considered to have information because of living
with the men, and had to be silenced.
But arrests can still matter and a drug conviction in Healthcare can be a huge deal.
That's my point, probably not as big a deal considering the position, certificate not license, and as you said above, consider the location and what is considered a big deal for the area.

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I looked but not closely, I guess we can't find out the vins and check carfacts or carfaxs (don't remember which one) to see if this might be the case. I did it with a car I bought on Craigslist told me everything about accidents, owners, etc.
That's my point, probably not as big a deal considering the position, certificate not license, and as you said above, consider the location and what is considered a big deal for the area.

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Well her job along with insurance, would be done. She likely wouldn't have training and experience for anything else that was a legit job and benefits.
Two random tidbits that probably mean nothing.

1) I think it does really matter that Dana moved into her home just 2 weeks before the murders. Doesn't that give a boost to the theory that the killer(s) probably knew their victims well? As in, they knew who was living in that trailer and what rooms they slept in/where the rooms were, etc? Because other family members were murdered, I don't think the previous trailer owner matters here. I'll probably change my mind on my own theory in 10 minutes. :)

2) The Pike County Sheriff's website is down and has been since last night. Probably just a coincidence, but still. http://wp2.pikecosheriff.com/
How do we know they didn't notice someone skulking around the days before the murders? No one is left to tell us.
Imo, this is not a drug cartel hit. In fact if they are in the area they are probably hating all the police presence/national attention now and most likely stopped production for awhile. When I have seen stories about cartel hits to victims it was usually because the victims betrayed them or tried to get out of the drug gang. That is what happened in Georgia when 5 victims were murdered by a Mexican drug gang out of Texas. The father of the family who was murdered along with his family had testified against one of them in Texas and then relocated to Georgia hoping the drug cartel wouldn't find them. They did find them and came in execution style and shot all in the head including their three small children.

I cant see the Rhoden victims being in cahoots with a Mexican drug cartel. Their family is so large there was no need to have the Mexican drug gangs involved.

This is personal and I don't even believe it had anything to do with the pot operation they had. That had probably been going on for years and I am sure many in the community knew about it but didn't care one way or the other. Despite their behaviors at times they did seem to be well liked by many in the community. It wouldn't surprise me if most who live there are like the Rhoden family and also have had run ins with the law from time to time or with others in the community about some spat or another.

Personally I have found the Daily Mail to be factual in many cases covered here. They have reporters living in the US and it seems they do get many of the interviews with families of murdered victims first. Their photographs are actually some of the best and beat the US news outlets hands down most of the time. So I do believe Stone did tell them that cameras were at the camper but had been removed. Imo, that means it is someone they all knew well. Whoever this is knew all the layouts of the home and properties and also where cameras were. Only someone who had been there countless times at all four locations would know all of this.

I think the motive will be a personal one but what is puzzling is why murder all of them? I find it hard to believe that all 8 had made the same suspect/s mad about something that they wanted to murder them all. Dana seem to work a lot so I cant see her going around pissing someone off enough to want to murder her yet she was also murdered. Strange.

I am not sure Chris Sr was the actual target either. It really could be any one of them. The 9 shots doesn't necessarily mean more anger was directed toward that victim. That victim could have been trying to flee and in the melee was struck 9 times because it took 9 shots to finally bring them down. The ones to the extremities would finally incapacitate them and then when they finally fell they were shot in the head to finish them off.

This could be another family member or someone else thought to be a very close friend but I don't think it has anything to do with wanting the three children who were left alive nor do I think it is about property issues. This was done out of anger against maybe one and they were so angry with that one victim they wanted to eradicate as many of the Rhoden family connected to that person as they could.

Imo they had help. I don't think the shooters used silencers so for them to murder the victims in two different homes that sat close to each other there had to be more than one involved. I think whoever did this they went into Frankie and Chris Sr. home at the same time. That way the victims were being shot at the same time giving no warning for any of them to hear the gunshots coming from each others home.

At one of the homes there wasn't even a pot operation found from what has been said. What was there though was Rhoden family member/s and that is why that home was hit in order to make sure all the Rhoden family in that particular area was wiped out.

Two random tidbits that probably mean nothing.

1) I think it does really matter that Dana moved into her home just 2 weeks before the murders. Doesn't that give a boost to the theory that the killer(s) probably knew their victims well? As in, they knew who was living in that trailer and what rooms they slept in/where the rooms were, etc? Because other family members were murdered, I don't think the previous trailer owner matters here. I'll probably change my mind on my own theory in 10 minutes. :)

2) The Pike County Sheriff's website is down and has been since last night. Probably just a coincidence, but still. http://wp2.pikecosheriff.com/
I'm sure almost everyone in that community knew she moved in that house and when she was getting ready to move in.

When I moved to the country and people called me while unpacking, they got my name and phone number from such and such at the pharmacy while they were eating lunch at the Double Q restaurant, as I had transfered records. Took that info getting to one, before the day was out I had calls welcoming me, I had calls asking me if I knew other people in parts of my large city, I had people stopping and bringing food over.

Didn't know a single one of them.
I believe Chris has two surviving siblings who are probably "et al". The land he owned personally would be dictated by his will, if he had one.

He had 6 surviving siblings. He has 4 sisters also.
We know of atleast one person who knew they were there, that was planning on staying there. I'm interested to know how far away DS lived, and if the killer(s) couldn't find him or didn't know he exisited. He was KR's friend so maybe the killer(s) didn't know about him.....

500 feet as per his 911 call. They were cousins.
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