OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #8

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This is the way it is in crimes. It takes a while. You really don't find out a lot when PIO's or in this case AG's are involved. Only about their personalities...if their mouth is moving.

The pot operation would involve a lot of research, I'd think. Strains tested, record finding on the properties, equipment, buildings, cars all traced to how, who, what, when and where purchased, would probably equal part of the why? The removal and disposal of the plants. I'm not surprised, nor will I hold my breath waiting for this sad sad case to be solved. At this point, I just hope they do it right. Would be nice if it was fast though.

On the other hand, all the other suspicions brought up are always worth keeping an eye on & reading most of the time.


RIP Rhoden's & Hannah.
I am very very sorry for your loss :( I think- and may be wrong that the sanction pot growing operations are under strict controls? These folks- again my opinion- probably started out growing a little for personal use- got away with it, grew a little more, got away with that and they liked the money. I don't think it would be too far off the mark that when they had money- they spent it like no tomorrow- Mustangs, dogs, barns, new furniture, a new house maybe....and then when that drys up pretty quick- they're back to hustling. And I am in Appalachia and this is pretty much a way of life. The getting money and spending it but not saving anything for a rainy day.

Again, I am only talking about the territory for distribution and trafficking, not the pot itself that is sanctioned for use for med marijuana. That stuff is w-a-a-a-y controlled. Even the seeds are controlled, and the varieties and strain formulas are kept under lock and key. Let me try it this way: I think someone or some group wants their cut of the money pie, for the “privilege” to grow and sell (distribute) from the R’s on their own property, taking the whole risk.
Lol. I thought I was in the country. It takes ~60 minutes for a deputy here. I think we're a popular deer hunting destination so *maybe* that's why we see so many wildlife officers (I don't notice them during say turkey season) but they literally take over our town for a week. Especially on opening day. It's very surreal.

I would definitely think UHR would be the same especially with the vicinity to Brush Creek Forest. JMO.

Edited: I thought I quoted the post above this was re: ODNR. I don't know what I did wrong. Sorry.
You just described most of the people I have ever known. (I'm Appalachian). I think a distinction should also be made between the terms "hillbilly" and "rednecks". The terms are derogatory but are used proudly by those who self identify as one or the other. There is overlap between the two groups but they are different.

yes- I totally call myself a hillbilly and there are also times I'm a redneck! ha ha! City folks simply do not understand the culture. I don't think you can unless you live/d it. If someone pulled up to me at the Dollar Store in a Cadillac Escalade and called me a hillbilly, they'd def see my redneck side- I would def take offense to that. One of my friends calling me a hillbilly- when they are one also- no problem :)
I think you're being heard by everyone. I just think there are differing opinions. I know things that maybe everyone in town doesn't. Political spin? Maybe. Getting to the deeper truth? Definitely. I think the closer we are to any occupation the more cynical we become. KWIM? I know you write "spin". Do you think that makes you more or less suspicious of politicians? LOL. I'm more suspicous of certain politicians I don't know personally, and less of the ones I do know. But's that because I know there's a reason things are presented to the public one way, and behind the scenes people are scrambling to avert a disaster. I just kinda' have to wonder if this downplay isn't to get someone to make a mistake. For all I know, they're acting like this because they're just waiting on someone to show up near the funeral home. I just really think there are several ways to interpret a stance, and until all is said and done, we may or may not have the correct idea. :)
Spin, spox, scrum.. Just "work" words. Remember that old Michael J. Fox show, Spin City?

The name was because it was about people working in government, "spin" is what you tell the media when you are trying to deflect, not say "no comment".

Just a work word and I've used others or maybe all three of those. I try not to use them on the Internet because many don't know what they mean unless they work in all of it, politics or media, but spin is usually something many know what that is.
Maybe it's my location not being near a state park, but we've never had anything like that.. Hell we had a neighbor that called the cops once and they showed up 36 hours later for a domestic. So maybe we are far more out than they are where this is never ever even remotely an issue.

We live close to a big lake in Texas. It is not uncommon for us to seen "game wardens" several times a day. They have a lot.of power in Texas.

Holy crap. "Us to seen"? Gotta love my SMART phone.
I may as well put in my 2 cents on the statement. I see nothing political about it. What they said when this first happened made sense to me because they had no idea if any other Rhodens may be in danger considering someone killed 7 in one night. So the warning was understandable to me. It's been over a week now and no other Rhodens have been harmed. Obviously he made the statement because 7 Rhodens were killed and they had no one in custody and no idea what they were plotting to do next. I do not see a political spin. JMO.

That wasn't my issue at all..
Last thing, seriously, the AG SAID THIS.

"We have no new information that would indicate that there is a threat to any of the members of the family," DeWine told The Associated Press in an interview before speaking at an opiate-related conference in Columbus. "We don't have any information on that. And we did not when we initially said it other than the fact we had eight people killed."

You're assuming he meant "said it" was "said there was a threat". I'm assuming he meant "said the family should take extra precaution."

Notes from second presser:
Is there any threat to public safety?There's only been one family that was targeted.
We've expressed to that family our concern...let the sheriff talk about that.
Sheriff- As far as public safety is concerned, and the citizens of Pike county, I Spoke with family, fairly evident they were a target of this horrible crime. I cautioned them they were a target, and I told them to be armed.
For other citizens of this county, I don't believe there is an issue.
I can tell you if you are fearful, arm yourself.

Are the surviving Rhoden family members receiving extra protection?
I have spoke with them, we are very accessible to them. I'm not going to go into detail about what we are doing or not doing.

Asked to clarify the arm yourselves comment.
2 different people. County citizens are concerned. Family has been targeted. I specifically told the Rhoden family that I would be armed, and I would use what extent they have to to protect themselves and their family. If any citizen of this county feels they are in jeopardy, they can take those same measures.

Side notes:

I think the sheriff wanted to punch the British reporter.

They confirmed the marijuana grow op after someone (not a reporter) approached them with some paperwork. I suspect that paperwork indicated the "leak" had officially come from a county prosecutor, so they went ahead and confirmed it. That was a point of contention some number of threads ago, not confirming, then confirming 2 minutes later.

I don't think the threat statements were a contradiction, but I can see the situation from that viewpoint much more clearly now.

I also like DeWine less and less the more I listen to him and watch him.
yes- I totally call myself a hillbilly and there are also times I'm a redneck! ha ha! City folks simply do not understand the culture. I don't think you can unless you live/d it. If someone pulled up to me at the Dollar Store in a Cadillac Escalade and called me a hillbilly, they'd def see my redneck side- I would def take offense to that. One of my friends calling me a hillbilly- when they are one also- no problem :)

Right. I'm a hillbilly, but not a redneck. I think a lot of the folks in Pike county are both. I mean no disrespect. I think they would agree with that assesment, but wouldn't like to be called that by an outsider.
It isn't a 9-5 business. You're right. With that said, I know growers that don't allow people at their house to pick up anything after 8-9pm or before 8-9am, and they typically make you stay and linger for a few so it doesn't look like you are just coming and going. This however is more into a town where police presence occurs far more than out by my area. I'm definitely not suspecting that the Rhoden's did, just throwing it out there as a possibility.

and on that note- they had a garage on the property. It would look perfectly normal for someone to pull up, pop the hood on their truck while any business may have been conducted or talked about, pull a wrench out, tighten a screw, put the hood down and be on their way.
Lol. I thought I was in the country. It takes ~60 minutes for a deputy here. I think we're a popular deer hunting destination so *maybe* that's why we see so many wildlife officers (I don't notice them during say turkey season) but they literally take over our town for a week. Especially on opening day. It's very surreal.

I would definitely think UHR would be the same especially with the vicinity to Brush Creek Forest. JMO.

Edited: I thought I quoted the post above this was re: ODNR. I don't know what I did wrong. Sorry.

That's probably the difference between our locations. While locals hunt around here frequently, this isn't a popular hunting destination that anyone who didn't live here would go. I'm in MI and most would rather go to the UP, where there IS very active DNR and wildlife officers around, simply because it is a popular hunting destination and requires regulation.

It's possible the Rhoden's lived in an area where this may be regular practice, but I couldn't help but laugh because we'd never see that here. If we were near a hunting destination or state parks, I could see them enforcing such.
and on that note- they had a garage on the property. It would look perfectly normal for someone to pull up, pop the hood on their truck while any business may have been conducted or talked about, pull a wrench out, tighten a screw, put the hood down and be on their way.
Also I'm guessing they may have sold salvage parts for cars also.
and on that note- they had a garage on the property. It would look perfectly normal for someone to pull up, pop the hood on their truck while any business may have been conducted or talked about, pull a wrench out, tighten a screw, put the hood down and be on their way.

Correct, and being a small town, it's never uncommon for people to just stop by and say hi, and most people know the cars that drive down those back country roads.. Like we have slow gold car, loud black car, annoying red truck, etc. etc. everyone knows everyone and we are the typical wave to everyone and Joe from the grocery store might stop to say hi because he sees you outside, etc. Seeing people stop at a neighbors or whatever is not weird, and if they develop a business relationship, these cars being spotted there 1-2 times a week definitely wouldn't be anything weird, even if it was just a quick hi and exchange and goodbye.
Maybe it's my location not being near a state park, but we've never had anything like that.. Hell we had a neighbor that called the cops once and they showed up 36 hours later for a domestic. So maybe we are far more out than they are where this is never ever even remotely an issue.

I just sent a message to a warden I know personally to ask if he would patrol on private property and he said no way Jose.
If a local person or persons are the killers, they are likely to still be in town, trying to pretend they are going about their normal business. If they left town suddenly, this would draw attention to them. I think LE is playing a mind game with them in releasing so few details. If this is happening, these people have been questioned, they are being followed everywhere they go, cop cars parked out in front of their homes and place of business. As this beats down on the perpetrators for a week, two weeks, maybe more, pretty soon, one of the perps is going to lose it.
Again, I am only talking about the territory for distribution and trafficking, not the pot itself that is sanctioned for use for med marijuana. That stuff is w-a-a-a-y controlled. Even the seeds are controlled, and the varieties and strain formulas are kept under lock and key. Let me try it this way: I think someone or some group wants their cut of the money pie, for the “privilege” to grow and sell (distribute) from the R’s on their own property, taking the whole risk.
and again- I may be wrong. I don't think the Rhodens would ever qualify for a legal grow would they? It seems like you'd have to be bonded and insured and regulated et al
Not to go OT or make light of the tragedy, this will make one hell of an episode for Dateline once it is finally solved. There's too many twists and turns, possible motives and suspects for just an one hour show. They will have to do a multi-part series.
That's not true. I've been in a tree stand in Clermont County during deer season and been buzzed by a helicopter and then descended on by about 10 ODNR officers. We were all on private property in our own stands hunting legally but their juristiction extends to private property and they often do go on to *private property whenever they wish. For the record we were quickly checked and released. With so many state parks/forests in that area I would think DNR would be more vigilant.

Same here. I'm on the highland adams line. We've only seen the sheriff one time.That's because I called them. Someone dumped portable meth labs on our farmland. I see ODNR all the time out here. I've lived here 2 1/2 years now.
In fact, full statement..

"We have no new information that would indicate that there is a threat to any of the members of the family," DeWine told The Associated Press in an interview before speaking at an opiate-related conference in Columbus. "We don't have any information on that. And we did not when we initially said it other than the fact we had eight people killed."

So today there was never a reason for them to think there was a threat, they say that.. So why did they say there was a threat without any reason?

Nothing has changed on that front according to what the DA is saying, he is saying the info about that is the same today as day one concerning the threat.

They made a big deal about the threat and they still are. I think there is likely a threat.

His actions and words about this contradict the above statement.

The initial reason to be cautious was eight people dead - that was their reason. And they still have nothing more than that. Nothing new.
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