OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #8

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the one thing that leads me to believe this is bigger than a family feud or one person gone mad is that there is political spin.

Not a crazy idea at all, but it may be that local movers and shakers are implicated, in either their personal activities or knowledge of criminal activity in the area. NO IDEA if that's the case, but it may explain the caution. JMO
I know 8 people were killed. 7 of them , I think we're killed between 1 and 5 am. Kenneth idk. He could have been killed way earlier or way later for all we know. As far as I can tell they are still holding the crime scenes. I think there may be way more than we suspect there. I know they are concerned with people's security, hence the big LE presence. I know the suspect is any where from family to rival drug people to LE. I know how many bullet hits were found, idk about misses. I know we are missing parts. The end.
"An operation this large in a rural community, you wonder how many of the sheriff's men knew about it. Instead of telling family members to arm themselves, maybe they should be offering them protection if they talk" posted in the comments of a new journal.
Was he asked a question or did he issue a statement? I can't find video, just news reports. If he was asked a question it could alter the context of his statement.

I'm going to listen to the first presser again, because I don't recall ever hearing the sheriff or AG say there was a threat to the remaining family.

First presser, paraphrasing, but the substance is they never said there was a threat.

We would advise people of Pike county not to panic, but certainly be careful.
The family involved, we are advising the family members to be very careful and take particular caution.

Asked about offering protection.
We are taking every precaution. Go and find them, make contact. We will do what we can.

Asked if all people in the community should lock their doors tonight.
I would. I wouldn't take any chances.

8 victims, covering 30 miles, does that indicate to you this family has been targeted?
I would suspect.

Are family members being taken into protective custody?
I have units working on that, working with the Rhoden family.

How many Rhoden family members your deputies are trying to protect?
Don't know that
Notes- the questions were not linear. Stuff was discussed between. The first bit of that was in DeWine's opening statement.

I believe the second presser was the one the sheriff discussed arming themselves. Going to listen to that one now.
Not a crazy idea at all, but it may be that local movers and shakers are implicated, in either their personal activities or knowledge of criminal activity in the area. NO IDEA if that's the case, but it may explain the caution. JMO

Or even perhaps LE's failure to notice what may be a big operation and this will be more than embarrassing to LE, if that is the case.
I am not really interested in politics, therefore I know nothing about political platforms. Would you be so kind to enlighten me why there would be a political spin on the Rhoden's murders. I am completely confused. Thank you so much.
I don't know why there is, that is the confusing thing. Reasons I've seen for political spin:

Hiding something to protect yourself individually or peers.

Hiding something to protect a government screw up.

Trying to get the public not to question questionable actions.

Using something to further your own career, which is the worst IMO.

Spinning is never good, politicial spin on a crime (not committed by a government official) is odd.

Politicial spin is just a red flag. This AG is very much a politician, been in actual politics for years. Could he just be used to spinning everything he has always said to the public? Possible, but that isn't good.

The public needs to feel they can trust law enforcement and the state AG is the highest law enforcement of the state. The public needs to feel he is being honest, doesn't mean spilling everything he knows.

If it is because he is just too much of a politician, that isn't good for the state of Ohio. While an AG is technically a political office and an elected official, they don't have to be politicial.
Or even perhaps LE's failure to notice what may be a big operation and this will be more than embarrassing to LE, if that is the case.

Maybe...I just haven't gone there yet. I still think it was familial. JMO
I've known twice in my area when they've called in extra enforcement it was because they were expecting biggies from out of town. One was during the trial of a guy that killed an officer as he was rolling thru with a load of drugs. The other was the arrest of 2 locals. Word was some were coming in to clean house. If this new sheriff has declared war on drugs he may very well be at war now.
First presser, paraphrasing, but the substance is they never said there was a threat.

Notes- the questions were not linear. Stuff was discussed between. The first bit of that was in DeWine's opening statement.

I believe the second presser was the one the sheriff discussed arming themselves. Going to listen to that one now.
Last thing, seriously, the AG SAID THIS.

"We have no new information that would indicate that there is a threat to any of the members of the family," DeWine told The Associated Press in an interview before speaking at an opiate-related conference in Columbus. "We don't have any information on that. And we did not when we initially said it other than the fact we had eight people killed."
Sorry I didn’t make myself more clear! What I was trying to say is with medical marijuana becoming more viable (as in fighting cancer, or stopping seizures in little kids) there is a much bigger market opening up way beyond people just smoking a joint to get high. More $$ to be made = bigger players getting into the game. With meaner rules. So I was saying maybe this was less about the specific product the R.’s were producing and more about territory and distribution. See what I mean??

ETA: My husband just passed away from cancer, and yes, at the end we got him cannabis oil to alleviate his symptoms. (There was no way he could have smoked a joint or pipe). After researching a lot, I discovered what a financially booming business it is and a lot of it is underground because of the different state laws and the FDA. Not saying this is the case here - but why wouldn't some type of cartel want to horn in on the territory if there is money to be made?

I am very very sorry for your loss :( I think- and may be wrong that the sanction pot growing operations are under strict controls? These folks- again my opinion- probably started out growing a little for personal use- got away with it, grew a little more, got away with that and they liked the money. I don't think it would be too far off the mark that when they had money- they spent it like no tomorrow- Mustangs, dogs, barns, new furniture, a new house maybe....and then when that drys up pretty quick- they're back to hustling. And I am in Appalachia and this is pretty much a way of life. The getting money and spending it but not saving anything for a rainy day.
And to add to what I posted it was not public knowledge that extra LE had rolled in to town. In this case they may be just addressing it because it has recieved nationwide coverage.
Where do you get 5am? I'm inquiring, not accusing.

A couple of reasons I guess. I should have said that of the 7 I think the last was shot by 5 . I think the perps wanted to make sure they had all their bases covered by 7. So 5 allows clean up time. Stories getting straight. Time to get clear of the 7 am arrival of BJ....A hunch?
I find that from the very beginning the AG was involved in all of the press releases related to this awful murder. Would it not be the Sherriff, whom I believe is leading the investigation be the PR person or someone from Reader's office?
I don't know why there is, that is the confusing thing. Reasons I've seen for political spin:

Hiding something to protect yourself individually or peers.

Hiding something to protect a government screw up.

Trying to get the public not to question questionable actions.

Using something to further your own career, which is the worst IMO.

Spinning is never good, politicial spin on a crime (not committed by a government official) is odd.

Politicial spin is just a red flag. This AG is very much a politician, been in actual politics for years. Could he just be used to spinning everything he has always said to the public? Possible, but that isn't good.

The public needs to feel they can trust law enforcement and the state AG is the highest law enforcement of the state. The public needs to feel he is being honest, doesn't mean spilling everything he knows.

If it is because he is just too much of a politician, that isn't good for the state of Ohio. While an AG is technically a political office and an elected official, they don't have to be politicial.
Lol, we definitely don't have anything like that out here in BFE MI.. I would assume that area didn't either, especially if it's all privately owned property, like it is around here. People hunt on their own lands and neighbors (who are usually family or good friends) land, not to mention we allow friends of friends to hunt on our property as well.

I agree! They might be at the state parks but here, they're not going to patrol private property. We have stand your ground here.
Does anyone know if there is a link to the post office pot deal?

Were any Rhodens friend, family, associate with anyone that that worked at the PO?

I have seen nothing to suggest the possibility just curious.

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I am very very sorry for your loss :( I think- and may be wrong that the sanction pot growing operations are under strict controls? These folks- again my opinion- probably started out growing a little for personal use- got away with it, grew a little more, got away with that and they liked the money. I don't think it would be too far off the mark that when they had money- they spent it like no tomorrow- Mustangs, dogs, barns, new furniture, a new house maybe....and then when that drys up pretty quick- they're back to hustling. And I am in Appalachia and this is pretty much a way of life. The getting money and spending it but not saving anything for a rainy day.

You just described most of the people I have ever known. (I'm Appalachian). I think a distinction should also be made between the terms "hillbilly" and "rednecks". The terms are derogatory but are used proudly by those who self identify as one or the other. There is overlap between the two groups but they are different.
I've known twice in my area when they've called in extra enforcement it was because they were expecting biggies from out of town. One was during the trial of a guy that killed an officer as he was rolling thru with a load of drugs. The other was the arrest of 2 locals. Word was some were coming in to clean house. If this new sheriff has declared war on drugs he may very well be at war now.

I still think it's possible the perps left a message or threat to LE at one of the crime scenes. The sheriffs in the surrounding counties have declared war on drugs with Reader, before these murders.
I apologize if you think it is I that comes off as stereotyping or being racially biased. If it is me I want to clear the air. When my family gets together for holiday dinners,weddings and vacations we are a bunch of many colors. I may be a little skinny hillbilly accent talking moon white woman but I proudly flaunt my mixed race family when I'm asked about them. I do not attend churches or gatherings where any of my black family might be looked at funny. I do not pull what I'm saying about gangs out of the air or just by what I've read on the internet. I have studied gangs for 2-3 years. I have mentioned that. Let me clarify a little more. I have had the opportunity with one of my occupations to work alongside some excellent LEs who have been combatting the problem in rural areas. It is a common misconception that gangs only form up with their own races. I do not think along those lines because I've seen differently. These younger hybrid ones are more ruthless and work more kamikaze style. While you probably won't find a black in a white rascist gang it's not uncommon to find whites in say the bloods or GDs. Just looking thru the waverly ohio crowd I'm gonna say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a duck.

Once again, the racial make up of Pike County is less than 1% black.
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