Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #6 *Arrest*

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I wondered how long it would take for someone to throw this one down in its entirety ... that was the cement I needed ...

JDW is one of the most isolated criminals I've ever seen connected with a case on this board. He literally has no "really close" relations with anyone but his mother and that homestead. There are psychological reasons for that - and I think we're beginning to see those in black and white.

He reminds me of my ex-husband. Definitely excused by his mother of a litany of minor transgresses over the years. Lots of financial help - though his wore more mainstream - paid for college, he had decent enough cars and was never driving a beater ... As I came to know him better and better (after we were married, of course), I noticed that nothing, nothing, nothing was ever his fault.

Three years after we divorced, I got a phone call from my family letting me know that his face was all over the news. He had been caught in a joint sting by the FBI and the State of Georgia around child exploitation, crossing state lines to molest/exploit a minor, etc.

And here, I thought he would end up physically hurting me because of things that happened in our relationship toward the end - but he ended up in prison because he wanted to let his trouser snake roam free amongst the 14-year-old gals of North Georgia. Shortly after he was convicted and sent to the penitentiary, he sued the feds and the task force who busted him for "entrapment" even though the evidence was well beyond the proof needed to convict. His handwritten lawsuit reads approximately like JDW's ... it's not fair, the game was stacked against him so how could he possibly prevail, he has an undergraduate degree, and 1 class away from his MBA, and he's perfect, and this shouldn't happen to people like him ...

So, if you're wondering why I'm kind of passionate about seeing this one through, it's because I see things in JDW that I saw over time with my ex. Is my ex-husband a murderer? I think he's capable of flash anger and acting out on that anger physically. He's never been picked up or convicted for such a thing. But I see the shades, and I wonder, if my ex had not been caught when he was how his "marital problems" would have played out beyond seeking a 14-year-old girl on CL.

Whether or not JDW was "active" during his times of "freedom" - I don't know. I think there are other victims, but the guy just seems really pathetic (and too lazy) to be really prolific, IMO. I feel like, after 26 years of stewing in the anger of "the one who got away," Sierah's presence in the wrong place at the wrong time resulted in that anger flash, that overwhelming need to seek revenge against RG ... His MO is very close, very personal, very hands-on. This is not a man who shoots someone and walks away. He gets close, uses close-range weaponry, and likely bare hands and bludgeoning devices (i.e. maybe the helmet). That is close, personal, intense, and very very very angry.

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If needed to improve the bandwidth issues, I, too, can post links to the documents ... Let me know.
Makes tons of sense that he claims his mom and disabled brother need his income, yet simultaneously claims to have no income[emoji849]

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Just using your post for reference, since it was the most recent one I saw that had what I wanted to address-----

I respectfully disagree that he is believable. Any decent psychologist would/ should have been able to see the lies and discrepancies. And keep in mind, they not only had access to him, but to his victim and a witness. There are major things that could not be explained by his story.
One being, how did she get the puncture wound in her leg.
Why was she so hysterical, if he was so calmly trying to talk to he?
What reason would this girl who just got hit on a bike have for trying to leave and why would that be damaging to him?

There are SO many things that are not believable by him, even without the current information. In my opinion, if RG had not moved, she likely would have been hunted down. I said from the moment we knew that there was a previous victim that I bet she was seeing red, knowing he should have been behind bars. Well, it is bigger than that. She has been rightfully terrified for years!! And she knew what he was capable of. The courts need to get better at believing our victims and keeping violent criminals away from the rest of the innocent people of this world.

He reminds me of Arron Lewis. Big talker, nothing is ever his fault, his crimes are always spun to make his victim look like the criminal, speaks in volumes even when there is no reason to speak. This dude was in for 3 years!!! That is nothing. Yet still, he felt the need to try to get less. Entitled. Manipulative. Liar. Creature.

I 100 % do not believe he was innocent in the 90's case. This is why I said, "Let's pretend." I was just trying to say that if there were any inkling of truth to his version of events, that being caught could have made him even more evil in his desires/actions/ how far he would go. I agree, RG moved to save her life.
Protect him??? Because he needs protection? IMO This reveals part of his reasons for abductions, torturing and killing woman. He has had some traumatizing experience with a woman that he's constantly seeking revenge or trying to replay a situation that he wished he could have did differently to the woman that "hurt" him. He is sooooo beyond messed up and if they ever release him from jail. I will be fighting with full force against it.

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The thing is, is OK maybe he had a messed up childhood where abuse was involved. How many people can honestly say they had a perfect childhood? Not many. I bet some of us even here have our own stories to tell (but let's not go there), but most people don't process their hardship, bad experiences, abuse, etc. by going out and violently murdering people. I guess what I'm trying to figure out is what "broke" inside his head (no, I'm not feeling sorry for him). A chemical imbalance also perhaps? He clearly does not deal with and process "life" like an average person. This is so evident in his "alter reality" = his lies.

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He seems jealous of women and their ability to be easily believed.

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Wow, that report certainly gave us some incite on the narcissistic, mentally defective JW didn't it? He sounded like a Whiney little female dog to me.... "Oh please, mr judge, think of my mother". "Please, mr judge, believe my bs story because I worked hard to perfect it".... He's just a poor mama's boy who never had to do a day of work in his life. Pathetic loser....

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Well he did tell a therapist he learned from each one. Maybe she was the "one who got away" and it ate at him. He learned how to not make mistakes, traded handcuffs for zip ties, and not leave a witness. Maybe he carried the rage over from the botched attempt. He clearly had a deep hatred for her, and her making him and his family that he is protective of have a bad spell.
Last case file posted. Start sleuthing!!

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If needed to improve the bandwidth issues, I, too, can post links to the documents ... Let me know.
All posted!! Thanks for cleaning everything for me. Much appreciated😊

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The thing is, is OK maybe he had a messed up childhood where abuse was involved. How many people can honestly say they had a perfect childhood? Not many. I bet some of us even here have our own stories to tell (but let's not go there), but most people don't process their hardship, bad experiences, abuse, etc. by going out and violently murdering people. I guess what I'm trying to figure out is what "broke" inside his head (no, I'm not feeling sorry for him). A chemical imbalance also perhaps? He clearly does not deal with and process "life" like an average person. This is so evident in his "alter reality" = his lies.

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I'm not thinking so much as childhood abuse, I do think that. I'm thinking he had a traumatic experience with a woman as a teen or young adult that prompted his abductions, torture and killings. The torture and restraining shows he wants to be in control. Something happened he experienced that lead him to do these awful things. I'm not justifying, I'm trying to understand his killings to identify his unknown victims.

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Fighting for Sierah, one file at a time ...

If you have bandwidth issues utilizing NotNice's postings, feel free to use this, which goes to a Dropbox with all three documents. View only access, and I'm turning off the comments.

Ohio v James Dean Worley
He seems jealous of women and their ability to be easily believed.

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Right. Was he accused of something he didn't do as a teen or young adult?

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Well he did tell a therapist he learned from each one. Maybe she was the "one who got away" and it ate at him. He learned how to not make mistakes, traded handcuffs for zip ties, and not leave a witness. Maybe he carried the rage over from the botched attempt. He clearly had a deep hatred for her, and her making him and his family that he is protective of have a bad spell.
I believe there was more before her, a lot more. Her abduction was meditated and done so for a random victim.

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Fighting for Sierah, one file at a time ...

If you have bandwidth issues utilizing NotNice's postings, feel free to use this, which goes to a Dropbox with all three documents. View only access, and I'm turning off the comments.

Ohio v James Dean Worley
Thank you for that!

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Anybody notice the quote in the box at the end of his rant where he quotes William Kennedy Smith, of all people? "How does a man protect himself from a woman's accusations in court ? ? ?"


Yes, incredible.

I thought I had finished the memorandum until I looked at it again and realized it kept going and going and going. LOL

My goodness. When he started disparaging the judge he lost all chance of him ever getting early "shock probation". He changes from trying to come across as sorry and remorseful to a person full of rage still and lashing out at both the judge and the victim.

Things like "if you are still unable to see what has taken place.........then you are as blind as a bat"

"if you cannot see what has taken are very blind, a bigot, very bias, or prejudice....."

The one thing that this memorandum has shown us is we now see why he calls the police even when he may be guilty. He uses that in a reverse physchology way of trying to make LE think he is innocent. Over and over again he says things like...... "see I was innocent because I waited for LE to come. I could have just drove off. Does an innocent man stick around and wait for LE" says

I really feel when he called LE after chasing after the 2 boys that if he would have caught them then they may have been killed and never found. I think the boys escaped and then he immediately called LE because he knew they would tell their parents that a man was chasing them. I don't believe his story at all that he thought they were going to break in his house. I think he went out of his way to try to capture one or both of them. It would be interesting to learn from the boys what they say actually happened. I think they are lucky to be alive.
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