OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #8

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Oh. It's inhumane to treat him otherwise.

Guys I'm not going to lie, I used to write parole plans for people convicted of murder that were up for parole. I wrote great letters for them about why they should be released all in hopes of them getting paroled.

I've met many many people who have taken another life and helped them.

But this guy, come on.

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Just out of curiosity, what makes JDW different than other murderers that you wrote a parole plan for? TIA?
Okay...this is VERY interesting reading taken from JE in his case. I am not convinced JDW had anything to do with Lori's murder. There are a LOT of players in Lori's murder, a LOT of lies, and very little, if any, physical evidence. This JE makes it apparent that there is NO DNA left to test, slides were lost, etc. I also recently found out that there was an active serial killer (s) during this time that were hitting the 80/90 turnpike from Ohio to Indiana. Also, in this filing, it is mentioned that there was a bloody mattress and underwear found at the Iron Coffins motorcycle club.
In Oregon, Ohio...during the 80's, a woman was found in a field murdered. It was exceptionally brutal. No one was ever arrested but my ex (who worked the case as a detective) told me that they believed the Iron Coffins were responsible but they could not prove it. Interesting.
Anyway, I don't think Lori's murder will be solved without a confession. To many people, to many lies, to many suspects, missing, degraded, evidence, etc. Read thru the entire Judgement Entry and then tell me what you all think.

Foxfire - In the court order, what was sent to the labs is listed.


Does this mean there is no more DNA (semen) from Lori to send to run against JDW????? If the neighbors were sure they saw Lori walking with two others that night...I don't know. It'd be difficult to be 100% sure who that was in the dark. I appreciate that you shared this. I really hope they have answers for the Hill family also.
I would luv to know what physical evidence items were found and sent to the FBI Lab. Seems the Sheriff refused to share that info.. Could there have been handcuffs in that shipment, by any chance? Just wondering..
Since one suspect has already been to trial for her murder, wouldn't this info be available now? Where is the ms media on this?

<snipped from article linked above>

'Although no suspect has been arrested. There is no cause for the public to be alarmed', said Mr Swigart.
'I don't believe there is a reason to believe that a mass murderer running loose in the county', he said.
There is no evidence to suggest that there is a person seeking out young people to murder.

Here is the link to the Ohio Supreme Court document regarding this case: https://supremecourt.ohio.gov/rod/docs/pdf/6/2011/2011-Ohio-2171.pdf

"In 1988, this evidence was submitted to the Ohio Bureau of CriminalIdentification and Investigation ("BCI") for potential DNA testing. Upon examination ofthe samples, forensic scientist James Wurster determined that there was not sufficientquantity or quality of material on the slides and swabs to undergo DNA testing."
Here is the link to the Ohio Supreme Court document regarding this case: https://supremecourt.ohio.gov/rod/docs/pdf/6/2011/2011-Ohio-2171.pdf

"In 1988, this evidence was submitted to the Ohio Bureau of CriminalIdentification and Investigation ("BCI") for potential DNA testing. Upon examination ofthe samples, forensic scientist James Wurster determined that there was not sufficientquantity or quality of material on the slides and swabs to undergo DNA testing."

Sorry, should have read through to see it was already posted.
Here is the link to the Ohio Supreme Court document regarding this case: https://supremecourt.ohio.gov/rod/docs/pdf/6/2011/2011-Ohio-2171.pdf

"In 1988, this evidence was submitted to the Ohio Bureau of CriminalIdentification and Investigation ("BCI") for potential DNA testing. Upon examination ofthe samples, forensic scientist James Wurster determined that there was not sufficientquantity or quality of material on the slides and swabs to undergo DNA testing."

I just wonder if it wouldn't be worth looking at again, if it was examined in 1988, with all the advances made in DNA analysis since then.

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Just out of curiosity, what makes JDW different than other murderers that you wrote a parole plan for? TIA?

Uhm. Maybe because they people I met didn't like abduct and sexually assault and torture people.

Most of the people I met had shot people during other crimes or were "set up" in the case of 40 year old man who had been prison since he was 16 for killing a gang member that had killed his cousin. His uncle bought him the gun and took him to the place and said that he wouldn't get life in prison because he was so young. Oh the 70's. Anyway, the kid confessed and waived trial because his uncle told him if he didn't he'd get the death penalty (which was never on the table due to his age). The kid got his GED and a type of degree in law and got his confession over turned and got a new trial which granted him the chance at parole. He did not get parole and is still incarcerated (5 years after his new trial).

Another guy shot a deaf guy for trying to rape his wife. He did not get parole.

Another guy hit a college student with his car and killed her. He got parole.

Another guy hit a cashier at a store with a bat while robbing them and the person ended up dying 3 months later from an aneurism. He got parole.

And the only woman I did a parole plan for killed her abusive husband and the governor pardoned some 100 women with her circumstances but not her. She didn't get parole.

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Oh and while I was there a conviction got overturned completely due to DNA. He had been in prison 25 years. The Kentucky Innocence project was part of the Department of Public Advocacy where I worked.

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Wow. I'm really disturbed at reading all of these messages about leaving him in a cornfield to die or get a bullet in the head and how death row inmates shouldn't have the right to marry or procreate.

Our justice system is not infallible. And we wait until someone is hurt before doing anything because we don't have thought police.

This guy sounds guilty as they come and I would never wish on anyone what SJ had to go through. But we are not North Korea. Prisoners have rights, particularly those who have not yet been found guilty by a jury of their peers. Otherwise we'll go into what's happening in the Philippines (and arguably here in the US wrt unarmed Black men), where supposed drug dealers are being killed extra judiciously. They are basically killing poor people and can use the label of drug dealer to get rid of political enemies or others. We are not a dictatorship and do not want to become one

Thank you for that post.
Yes..The whole Lori Hill murder is up in the air for me. There were WAY to many people involved. Ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, 2 people seen with her, mom changing story, ex changing story, active SK on the Ohio/indiana 80-90 pike. IDK.

I'd say shame on the ex BF atty for constantly putting that sound bite "his DNA didn't match" out there as fact but I guess she was just doing her job. Shame on the newspapers for PRINTING it as face without checking seeing as how it's not really true, is it?
A LOT of rage with Lori Hill..so much so that at first LE thought she had been shot several times in the face/head but it was a beating, not a gunshot.
Yes..The whole Lori Hill murder is up in the air for me. There were WAY to many people involved. Ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, 2 people seen with her, mom changing story, ex changing story, active SK on the Ohio/indiana 80-90 pike. IDK.

I'd say shame on the ex BF atty for constantly putting that sound bite "his DNA didn't match" out there as fact but I guess she was just doing her job. Shame on the newspapers for PRINTING it as face without checking seeing as how it's not really true, is it?
A LOT of rage with Lori Hill..so much so that at first LE thought she had been shot several times in the face/head but it was a beating, not a gunshot.

Jashrema that is interesting that LE thought LAH had been shot in the face. Do you have a link for the article describing this? I'm finding a lot of archived msm articles that leave me scratching my head concerning LAH's abduction/murder. TYIA
Wow. I'm really disturbed at reading all of these messages about leaving him in a cornfield to die or get a bullet in the head and how death row inmates shouldn't have the right to marry or procreate.

Our justice system is not infallible. And we wait until someone is hurt before doing anything because we don't have thought police.

This guy sounds guilty as they come and I would never wish on anyone what SJ had to go through. But we are not North Korea. Prisoners have rights, particularly those who have not yet been found guilty by a jury of their peers. Otherwise we'll go into what's happening in the Philippines (and arguably here in the US wrt unarmed Black men), where supposed drug dealers are being killed extra judiciously. They are basically killing poor people and can use the label of drug dealer to get rid of political enemies or others. We are not a dictatorship and do not want to become one

I am very local to this crime and thought I'd join soon after Sierah was found missing. I was pretty active on here, but I have slowly became less active.

A large reason for this decline in my activity is the number of posts that I find disturbing. As snowblossom2 has stated there are some very wrong things being said. I pulled down my pictures of the scene where she was found. I noticed that somebody has used them on their news site. Sadly, I feel that too many posters are just on here for entertainment. I am not leaving the forum, nor am I trying to incite anything; this is just my opinion. Family and friends of Sierah, I would again like to offer my deepest sympathy.
If anyone has Netflix (I also see it was an HBO movie) there is a movie called The Lonely Bones and it is so eerily similar to this story. Someone posted about it on the Justice for Sierah Facebook page and I started to watch it. It's about a girl that is murdered by a man in her neighborhood, with weird areas around his yard, and it was also based off a book. Some say although the book is fictional it was based off a girl in the 1970s in Norristown, PA that was murdered.
( http://patch.com/pennsylvania/norristown/arrest-made-in-murder-of-9-year-old-skylar-kauffman)

I can't help but think this crazy sicko watched movies like this to get ideas. [emoji20]

The movie came out in 2009:

Article relating to movie and serial killers:

Sorry for the randomness but as this movie goes on it is making me sick to my stomach.

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I am very local to this crime and thought I'd join soon after Sierah was found missing. I was pretty active on here, but I have slowly became less active.

A large reason for this decline in my activity is the number of posts that I find disturbing. As snowblossom2 has stated there are some very wrong things being said. I pulled down my pictures of the scene where she was found. I noticed that somebody has used them on their news site. Sadly, I feel that too many posters are just on here for entertainment. I am not leaving the forum, nor am I trying to incite anything; this is just my opinion. Family and friends of Sierah, I would again like to offer my deepest sympathy.

FWIW, my experience here is that every case ebbs and flows. At the onset, there is lots of sleuthing, putting the puzzle together and laser like focus. When the information slows and there is no court dates or press conference updates, we tend to rehash and the focus can be more commentary. Each scenario can be frustrating to differing people. I tend to be more of a facts and criminal mind person.

I also agree with snowblossom2 that a good day in court is the best way to determine guilt. Although in this case, I have seen enough to believe that this monster is responsible yet I know that a guilty plea or a trial is the only way to know for certain. (I know, I know. Sometimes the wrong person is convicted. I am talking about cases proven beyond circumstantial.)

I humbly suggest that sticking around is worth it, even if you are frustrated now. I am sorry you feel a bit disillusioned. I would watermark any documents or photos provided so that awful people do not steal your content.
Jashrema that is interesting that LE thought LAH had been shot in the face. Do you have a link for the article describing this? I'm finding a lot of archived msm articles that leave me scratching my head concerning LAH's abduction/murder. TYIA

Yes..I will find.

Here is one of the original articles about Lori Ann Hill. She would be 5 years older than me. When this happened my parents were so creeped out. I think it was a wake up call to them that evil really lives everywhere. Sadly Sierah's situation was that moment for me.

I am not going to apologize for wanting bad things to happen to him. I am a parent, and sadly this could have happened to anyone at anytime. If he had not have been caught, who knows many more innocent people would have been hurt. I have zero sympathy for people who hurt kids, and she was still a kid with her entire life in front of her.

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Jashrema that is interesting that LE thought LAH had been shot in the face. Do you have a link for the article describing this? I'm finding a lot of archived msm articles that leave me scratching my head concerning LAH's abduction/murder. TYIA

Here you go Fox..



ANother: [URL="http://https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1350&dat=20051025&id=NoFPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=ygQEAAAAIBAJ&pg=4614,3162169&hl=en"]http://https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1350&dat=20051025&id=NoFPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=ygQEAAAAIBAJ&pg=4614,3162169&hl=en

I find this last one interesting because it was Lori Ann's father telling her mother after identification of body "They shot her" which is what LE obviously told him ...before coroner ruling.
I am very local to this crime and thought I'd join soon after Sierah was found missing. I was pretty active on here, but I have slowly became less active.

A large reason for this decline in my activity is the number of posts that I find disturbing. As snowblossom2 has stated there are some very wrong things being said. I pulled down my pictures of the scene where she was found. I noticed that somebody has used them on their news site. Sadly, I feel that too many posters are just on here for entertainment. I am not leaving the forum, nor am I trying to incite anything; this is just my opinion. Family and friends of Sierah, I would again like to offer my deepest sympathy.

Don't get discouraged Del...Your insight has been invaluable IMO. Ce's case, moreso than many others I've seen on here, really exploded. I think I've been a member for 8-9 years and there are only a few cases that I recall that received so much publicity and "locals" becoming involved in threads. Unfortunately, some locals like the "limelight" and try to stretch their closeness to the case so they can have their own 15 min. of fame. Just like stealing your pics and using them for their own purposes. These people will fall away and what you will have left are people interested in the case and the forensics..the diehards.
A lot of people posting stuff seem to be "locals" and they drop in to say "shoot him" blah, blah..they won't stay here for the long haul tho. You won't see to many veteran WS members saying stuff like that.
I have had nothing new to share, but am still following along every day. Jashrema and Deltucky, you are invaluable to this case.
You are right, when new info slows down, there isn't a lot to add, but devoted WS people will still be here and do whatever is possible to see this through.

Wish it didn't take so long to get to trials in these cases. While I understand, I am not a patient person. I can not imagine how difficult the waiting is for family and close friends. My heart goes out to them daily.
I have had nothing new to share, but am still following along every day. Jashrema and Deltucky, you are invaluable to this case.
You are right, when new info slows down, there isn't a lot to add, but devoted WS people will still be here and do whatever is possible to see this through.

Wish it didn't take so long to get to trials in these cases. While I understand, I am not a patient person. I can not imagine how difficult the waiting is for family and close friends. My heart goes out to them daily.

Agreed. I'm still here too, just waiting for new information/news.

I hear you on the photos Deltucky, it's a little irritating. The case map I made for other possible victims has been shared all over, used in videos. It's crackers, 121,000 views so far, never known anything like it, but I'm like hey, that is my hard work there, and it is for sleuthing purposes... but I've seen it posted places and taken as gospel that JDW has over 20 victims. I even got an email from one irate lady asking why I had shared it with her and to not do it again... :facepalm: Nothing I can do about it, I have to make it public or nobody could see it.
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