OK - Ivy Webster, 14 and Brittney Brewer, 16, among 7 murdered by Jesse McFadden, Henryetta, 1 May 2023

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There is no rehabilitation of a sex offender ever and that is my opinion from my personal experience working decades in their housing units.
Maybe an alteration of their bits and pieces could be solution. As a pediatric nurse, I have seen the use of monthly female birth control injections given to an especially "randy" teenage male in a group home setting, it was also a solution.
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I also don’t understand why this wouldn’t be reported to the police. family said in interview they have not reported the person. makes me question the validity of the claim? could they be saying this to make things look less bad? just speculating moo
The whole situation is so terribly bad. A single mom with multiple children, thinking this guy was into her. I wonder if the family knew of some new secrets and that is why he killed them. I can't help but think he victimized members of his new family as well.
... some had been lined up, others were located across the property ?

Perhaps they were lined up and some started running? Perhaps some were initially spared?

"He said law enforcement officials also told him that all of the victims suffered gunshot wounds, that some had been lined up and were located across the property."​

Omg. Paralyzed with fear. Trying to comprehend what was going on.
The 'nature vs nurture' discussion.
But there are many who have endured severe mistreatment and have chosen not to harm anyone.

What kind of upbringing did JM have ?
Was he abused, wired wrong, or just an evil person who brought destruction wherever he went regardless of his childhood or teen years.
Seething with anger over perceived injustices ?
The final atrocity seemed premeditated , not something that boiled over as in 'snapped suddenly'.
Good points, @Erutan

I wonder if he is a grievance or injustice collector ... "The angriest collectors lash out in erratic and disproportionate ways. But they almost never kill out of the blue." Inside the Warped Mind of Vester Flanagan and Other Shooters

Imo, he left a trail of victims, prob. not murdered ones, but victims just the same.

There are criminals who have not killed anyone but should remain behind bars for the rest of their lives.
I'm finding it nearly impossible to believe that no one in this town, or the friends and relatives of this JM, had any inkling of what he was.

Maybe they thought he wouldn't kill anyone, but his past spoke for itself and it's not that difficult these days to do a simple background check online.
There are pay sites that will dig deeper, but even the most cursory inspection should have brought up JM's past record and the charges against him !

Never mind about the person he 'sexted' with who claimed to the maternal grandmother that it was a misunderstanding and that the victims was of age.

I agree, and a city of 5000 is pretty darn cozy. If he was out in the community people would talk if he was a creep.
But, he was quite the conman, groomed his wife into believing he had served time for a crime he did not commit. So she allowed him access to her teen daughters.
Infuriating that a registry of RSOs doesn’t protect us from the lies of a conman whose surely being wrongly accused, and those who give an ex con a second chance.

Young teen girls are free and open and innocent… the only way to make them clearly aware of the ways of creeps is an experience you want to protect them from.
The onus is on the adults in their lives, to keep them safe until their sense of self preservation can catch up. And the system

Heartbroken and furious
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Except for his mom, bless her heart. She stated she never, ever, ever woulda seen this coming. He did have a least one person in his corner.

Of course, that is how he was emboldened. He was a successful conman at least with his mom and his wife And these vulnerable minors.

Sick &$%#(@*. There is a hotter place in hell for such wastes of oxygen and human potential

Maybe an alteration of their bits and pieces could be solution. As a pediatric nurse, I have seen the use of monthly female birth control injections given to an especially "randy" teenage male in a group home setting, it was also a solution.

Interesting- To me this solution of injecting female hormones into ‘randy’ teenage males implies there is something biological wrong with males who prey on women and have thoughts or intentions or plans or commit sexual assault?

This crime is as old as humanity, but it is deviant behavior that is a crime.
Maybe a blood test- if male hormones are too high?

I fear until the end of humanity women will always have to be vigilant to prevent themselves and their children from being victims of the men in their lives, or strangers.
What else can be done? At least we can prevent the perp from committing a 2nd assault!!

The stats are sick
He was not on parole. He was considered as having served his sentence.

And serving time does not mean rehabilitated of the tendencies that led to that crime.
He knew he was headed back to prison, and he should have been kept in custody until the trial for his current charges was over.
Was there any safeguard in place for the rest of us? No
If the registry is all we have- then we must look up our own address and that of our loved ones regularly. As pervs who have served their time may move near us.
We house them then set them free to harm us again and again.

There has to be a better system- to protect the law abiding citizens who pay the taxes that housed these pervs for their sentence term!


One group that included Ivy, Brittany and Riley was found about a quarter-mile from the home, he said. The bodies were roughly 100 to 150 yards apart in a scene that Prentice described as "staged." He declined to elaborate.

The four others were found in a heavily wooded part of the land, Prentice said.
MAY 3, 2023

"Oklahoma failed to protect families. And because of that my children -- my daughter and my grandchildren -- are all gone," Mayo told The Associated Press. "I've lost my daughter and my grandchildren and I'm never going to get to see 'em, never going to get to hold them, and it's killing me."

Justin Webster, who said he allowed his 14-year-old Ivy Webster to join a sleepover at the McFadden home not knowing anything about the man's past, raised similar concerns about McFadden's release.


"There needs to be repercussions and somebody needs to be held accountable. They let a monster out. They did this," Webster said.


Prosecutors objected to any early release from prison, noting that he tied a 17-year-old's hands and feet to bedposts, cut her shirt off and raped her at knifepoint. At one point, he threatened to use the knife on her if she "did not shut up," the records show.

The circumstances have alarmed Republican state Rep. Justin Humphrey, who chairs his chamber's Criminal Judiciary Committee. He told The AP in a text that he's working with another lawmaker on legislation that would "stop tragedies of this nature from occurring again."

He said the effort also will involve trying to determine how a person could commit sex crimes in prison and be released on good behavior, and how McFadden was able to be in contact with minors while on sex offender supervision.

Court records show McFadden was charged with the new crimes in 2017 after the young woman's relative alerted authorities. Set free in October 2020, he was arrested the next month and then released on $25,000 bond pending the trial, which was repeatedly delayed, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Interesting- To me this solution of injecting female hormones into ‘randy’ teenage males implies there is something biological wrong with males who prey on women and have thoughts or intentions or plans or commit sexual assault?

This crime is as old as humanity, but it is deviant behavior that is a crime.
Maybe a blood test- if male hormones are too high?

I fear until the end of humanity women will always have to be vigilant to prevent themselves and their children from being victims of the men in their lives, or strangers.
What else can be done? At least we can prevent the perp from committing a 2nd assault!!

The stats are sick
Yes, I read a study that found once male serial killers testosterone levels decrease with age they stop killing. That was the point of the bc injections for the teenage male, maybe balance out his testosterone level. You are right about it being as old as time and females forever having to guard against harm to themselves and children.
And serving time does not mean rehabilitated of the tendencies that led to that crime.
Completely agree. IMO it makes no logical sense for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to expect that someone like this, given his violent history, would somehow be magically rehabilitated and able to rejoin our society from just sitting in a prison cell for a number of years.

What kind of mental health examinations and treatment, if any, during his prison years were used by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to determine whether or not he was a threat to society if released? IMO the number of 'credits' or 'good behavior' points are irrelevant if the person is a danger to society.
MAY 3, 2023

"Oklahoma failed to protect families. And because of that my children -- my daughter and my grandchildren -- are all gone," Mayo told The Associated Press. "I've lost my daughter and my grandchildren and I'm never going to get to see 'em, never going to get to hold them, and it's killing me."

Justin Webster, who said he allowed his 14-year-old Ivy Webster to join a sleepover at the McFadden home not knowing anything about the man's past, raised similar concerns about McFadden's release.


"There needs to be repercussions and somebody needs to be held accountable. They let a monster out. They did this," Webster said.


Prosecutors objected to any early release from prison, noting that he tied a 17-year-old's hands and feet to bedposts, cut her shirt off and raped her at knifepoint. At one point, he threatened to use the knife on her if she "did not shut up," the records show.

The circumstances have alarmed Republican state Rep. Justin Humphrey, who chairs his chamber's Criminal Judiciary Committee. He told The AP in a text that he's working with another lawmaker on legislation that would "stop tragedies of this nature from occurring again."

He said the effort also will involve trying to determine how a person could commit sex crimes in prison and be released on good behavior, and how McFadden was able to be in contact with minors while on sex offender supervision.

Court records show McFadden was charged with the new crimes in 2017 after the young woman's relative alerted authorities. Set free in October 2020, he was arrested the next month and then released on $25,000 bond pending the trial, which was repeatedly delayed, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Even though JM maxed out his sentence... I think many would agree he should've remained locked away until the hearing or trial for the sexting of the underage female ?
The bolded highlights imo a propensity for violence and the enjoyment of hurting innocent people.
Agreed with those upthread who have stated the abuse takes a bit of the victim away each time !
Fuming at this perp.
Not sorry he is deceased.
My .02 he would have never stopped.
It looks like JM also did not want to return to prison, imo he knew he was guilty !
If you can't do the time -- don't do the crime !!

Outside of the pleasure (sorry, this is from JM's possible perspective !) he derived from the violence, he had most likely felt that he needed to silence his victims, aka the teen girls !

Maybe the mother found out and confronted him ?
I'm trying to process why she bought him that gun ?
He wasn't allowed to purchase/own a firearm, so someone else stepped in ?

The weapon used in the shooting was a 9mm handgun purchased by Jesse McFadden's wife Holly in January of 2022, Prentice said.

Court records show McFadden was charged with the new crimes in 2017 after the young woman's relative alerted authorities. Set free in October 2020, he was arrested the next month and then released on $25,000 bond pending the trial, which was repeatedly delayed, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday on why McFadden was released despite facing new felony charges.

Red bolded : Hmmmm......

I hope the parents of Ivy and Brittany raise heck !

Here is yet another person who should have remained behind bars for the previous offence :
Barwick killed Wendt less than three months after he was released from prison for raping a 21-year-old woman at knifepoint, according to court records. In his confession for Wendt’s killing, Barwick said he stabbed her because he did not want to go back to prison.
Was he rejected/teased by girls in his high school? Did he have some type brain injury from playing football, car wreck, mild stroke that left him " odd" etc etc etc. The reasons/excuses just go on and on. IMO, this abnormal obsession by adults (male & female) with children has be to SERIOUSLY studied and addressed by the mental health professionals. Everyday in the news we are saving something from harm, the climate, sea turtles, folks from political injustice and that's wonderful. But at the same time the most precious commodity we have is being left vulnerable by unfazed caregivers, crappy state and federal laws. Truly sorry for the rant, this sorta thing really pisses me off.
I totally agree with you, and I just want to give you some hope. I'm a social work instructor at the graduate level. I love my job so much because every day I get to interact with young people who are taking 2 years out of their busy lives and incurring lots of student debt because they care so much about helping other humans. Many of these young people are fully devoted to preventing child abuse, especially CSA, and protecting children. I also work in public policy with domestic violence survivors (like myself, and from what we're learning, poor HG). These people are fighting with everything they have every single day to keep abusive parents from having access to innocent children. Sadly, the courts still favor "parents' rights" over children's safety, but the movement is gaining momentum. Shoot me a PM if you want to get involved with a reputable anti-violence org in your area!
Interesting- To me this solution of injecting female hormones into ‘randy’ teenage males implies there is something biological wrong with males who prey on women and have thoughts or intentions or plans or commit sexual assault?

This crime is as old as humanity, but it is deviant behavior that is a crime.
Maybe a blood test- if male hormones are too high?

I fear until the end of humanity women will always have to be vigilant to prevent themselves and their children from being victims of the men in their lives, or strangers.
What else can be done? At least we can prevent the perp from committing a 2nd assault!!

The stats are sick
We hold men accountable! We start talking to them early about consent and appropriate and acceptable behavior. There are plenty of men with plenty of testosterone who are perfectly kind and decent humans. We need to stop making excuses for men and boys who harm other people and hold them to account for their behavioral choices. I look at McFadden's mom, Chris Watts' parents and sister, Michael Haight's family and community and the police in that town, Patrick Frazee's mom, and on and on, and wonder what would have happened if these people had set some boundaries with their family member, and said "Look, you don't hit your family member, you don't terrorize your child, you don't put a tracer on her phone, she says you hurt her and I believe her. I'm disappointed and you'd better shape up."

These are grown adults, not the tantrum-throwing toddlers their communities treat them like. They don't need hormone shots, they need consequences!

** I think he was mad at the girls - in his deranged mind - it's their fault he is attracted to them. He knew he would be found guilty, so everyone has to go.

the 3 girls in a row....

i guess its similar to an incel type motive, it's all their fault he's an awful person.
If only this outcome would cause some changes - any changes. But it won't.
It looks like JM also did not want to return to prison, imo he knew he was guilty !
If you can't do the time -- don't do the crime !!

Outside of the pleasure (sorry, this is from JM's possible perspective !) he derived from the violence, he had most likely felt that he needed to silence his victims, aka the teen girls !

Maybe the mother found out and confronted him ?
I'm trying to process why she bought him that gun ?
He wasn't allowed to purchase/own a firearm, so someone else stepped in ?

The weapon used in the shooting was a 9mm handgun purchased by Jesse McFadden's wife Holly in January of 2022, Prentice said.

Court records show McFadden was charged with the new crimes in 2017 after the young woman's relative alerted authorities. Set free in October 2020, he was arrested the next month and then released on $25,000 bond pending the trial, which was repeatedly delayed, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday on why McFadden was released despite facing new felony charges.

Red bolded : Hmmmm......

I hope the parents of Ivy and Brittany raise heck !

Here is yet another person who should have remained behind bars for the previous offence :
Barwick killed Wendt less than three months after he was released from prison for raping a 21-year-old woman at knifepoint, according to court records. In his confession for Wendt’s killing, Barwick said he stabbed her because he did not want to go back to prison.
I'm not sure she bought the weapon "for" him in January 2022. I thought they had been married less than a year? Can someone find how long they've been married? Clearly I don't know how to use the search feature properly.

** I think he was mad at the girls - in his deranged mind - it's their fault he is attracted to them. He knew he would be found guilty, so everyone has to go.

the 3 girls in a row....

i guess its similar to an incel type motive, it's all their fault he's an awful person.
Like Robert Aaron Long.

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