OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs and Dog Found Abandoned, 8 Oct 2009 - #11

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There's also been a lot of questions regarding the biker who found the McStay graves (and whether he exists at all). Any word on the hunter who found the Jamison's? Is it possible that someone in custody for something unrelated could have disclosed the whereabouts of these families for some kind of leniency? Both cases are just so bizarre and the timelines and locations are just so very close.
Dude, I so totally know. I am so confused between the 7th/8th and 8th/9th that I can't keep it straight and I have no idea which is right. As soon as I believe firmly it's one, someone crops up and says definitely it was the other.

I think the dates are crucial, given the weather, as to whether they could have died of hypothermia or not. ..Then again, if lost for more than one night, the point may be moot anyway. (As a side note, people, please stop saying "it's a mute point." I realize you don't realize it, but you mean moot. MOOT. Not mute.)

Anyway, I would tend to believe mtrooper on the dates because she has so exhaustively worked on this case. And yet, somehow, many of us are still confused. Do we know for SURE?

I totally hear you on the "moot", lol. Every time I watch the videos, I wonder why my fellow Oklahomans can't pronounce the word "supremacist." They drop a syllable and it comes out "supremist" every dang time and it just sets my teeth on edge. Come on, people, it's not that hard! Soo-prem-a-sist.

For the record, I'm a 7th/8th believer.
Didn't I read that they were living in a container in the drive way at their house? If that is true the dog was used to being in a confined space. And what you said about small dogs is true too. jmo

No, they were not living in the container. They were using it for storage according to mtrooper, who saw the inside of it and said this:


I was in the shipping container and it was FULL of crap. It was basically full of all the stuff you would put in your garage. There was some lawn equipment etc., there was a lot of stuff from back when their house burned down that they had kept in there. An old file cabinet with some OLD paper work. Really just a bunch of random crap.

And it was apparently a resident on the mountain who told LE the Jamisons said they were planning to move the container out there and turn it into a home. That and the AD magazines in the truck seem to be the only evidence of this idea, and yet it's been almost universally accepted as fact. I'm not so sure it was more than a passing thought, just an idea they'd been tossing around at the time they spoke to that person.
Reading like a champ here but so far haven't seen this answered. Were the remains found buried, out n the open, shallow graves or what?

Wow, Mcstay's and Jamison's both answered. We'll pretty sure the Jamison's. Always googled their name every now and than to see. Brittanee Drexel's the other one I google.

As far as we've heard, they were not buried. Just covered over with several years' worth of fallen leaves.
Well, 10 days today since the remains were discovered on Saturday afternoon, 16 November, in Latimer County.

Needless to say but I hope we get an ID soon.
They were heard from on the 9th, so they were alive after the storm passed. The 9th high's and lows were only about 8 degree difference. That is why I am saying they would have had their jackets on. The temp didn't drop drastically it was cool when they arrived on the 9th and stayed that way. If they left their truck voluntarily the clothes they had on during their escapde hould have been enough.

Have not heard of any contact on the 9th. The only thing we have are the Brisco (?) calls.

And it was apparently a resident on the mountain who told LE the Jamisons said they were planning to move the container out there and turn it into a home. That and the AD magazines in the truck seem to be the only evidence of this idea, and yet it's been almost universally accepted as fact. I'm not so sure it was more than a passing thought, just an idea they'd been tossing around at the time they spoke to that person.

I'm wondering if they were considering this as a vacation/hunting cabin. They would have to add a kitchen/bath area(s).
Okay a bit of an update on the "possibles." (Yes I know the remains have not been positively ID'd yet.) So what am I leaving out? Suggestions?

* deaths connected to hallucinations of haunts & spirits - nefarious others (a cult?) taking advantage

* deaths connected with drugs, specifically meth - they were in San Bois to purchase or sell and they were caught out

* deaths connected with drugs also - but they stumbled onto a meth cooking or pot growing operation in the mountains

* deaths connected to enemies - real ones - made during time at Lake Eufaula: white supremacists and so on

* deaths connected to unknown aspects of family involvement or enemies made years before in OKC

* deaths connected with someone on mountain or in area - person(s) who perhaps knew of large sum of money on hand

* deaths connected to becoming lost in the region and succumbing to the elements

* deaths connected to either murder(s)/suicide or a suicide pact + murder

* n/a as the Jamisons did not die on the mountain and some sort of plot was afoot
Originally Posted by OkieGranny

And it was apparently a resident on the mountain who told LE the Jamisons said they were planning to move the container out there and turn it into a home. That and the AD magazines in the truck seem to be the only evidence of this idea, and yet it's been almost universally accepted as fact. I'm not so sure it was more than a passing thought, just an idea they'd been tossing around at the time they spoke to that person.

I'm wondering if they were considering this as a vacation/hunting cabin. They would have to add a kitchen/bath area(s).

That possibility has also crossed my mind.

It just bothers me so much that any statement made by any person involved with this case is just accepted as fact. It gets tossed right into the mix and becomes part of the lore of the Jamisons. There are so many damn layers to this onion now and it's really tough to get down to the core of truth.

I'm having a really hard time accepting anything about this case at face value anymore.
Is there anything we can take at face value at this point? If so please note and explain.

It's dangerous to assume, I think, a nihilist's stance, as it were, on this, and believe none of it.


Until the bodies are ID'd everything - at least the speculation of the last 10 days - is up in the air.

Who do we trust?
Can anyone tell me what the settlement amount was in that accident?
Is there anything we can take at face value at this point? If so please note and explain.

It's dangerous to assume, I think, a nihilist's stance, as it were, on this, and believe none of it.


Until the bodies are ID'd everything - at least the speculation of the last 10 days - is up in the air.

Who do we trust?


I'm still trying to figure that out.
I'm much more of a lurker than a poster so please forgive any slip ups here. I've followed the McStay case quite closely for years but haven't caught up on the past 4 years of the Jamison Family. I realize that these families were lost (and found) under very different circumstances but I just can't seem to shake the parallels. 2 families-87 miles apart. 3 months apart. Found within a couple of weeks of each other. Both seem to have hopped in their trucks to never be seen again. Another poster had mentioned (McStay thread) that the dogs being left unharmed (although certainly alone) suggests a dog lover being responsible. 2 unfed dogs left alone outside would certainly garner some attention eventually. I've read that the Jamison truck seemed to have been ransacked- yet the dog was left- alive. Just all seems awfully coincidental.

There's also been a lot of questions regarding the biker who found the McStay graves (and whether he exists at all). Any word on the hunter who found the Jamison's? Is it possible that someone in custody for something unrelated could have disclosed the whereabouts of these families for some kind of leniency? Both cases are just so bizarre and the timelines and locations are just so very close.

It is a coincidence and almost suspicious about the families disappearing within three months of each other and their remains being found within a couple of weeks of each other, but the distance between the locations of each of the family remains was about 1,400 miles according to Google maps.

I'm still trying to figure that out.
I take at face value the truck having been found there, and the family gone missing from it.

I have in the past taken at face value - well, relatively - IB's efforts in solving the case (in spite of the apparent total botching of the early investigation).

Let's see....the independent work of Our Own Several at determining financial things - those I also take as truths of course.

Anything else? Anyone?
Just popped into my head, but israel keyes?!?! He did murder a couple before, he has been all over the u.s., mexico, and canada --- it does look as though in 08-10 he was in washington, arizona, new york, and after that he did visit texas (which they think he committed a homicide then) and new orleans.

The Jamison family would have been a great target for him
Please, please, / No Israel Keyes.*

This would assume Keyes waylaid the Jamisons where - on the mountain? Unlikely. In Eufaula? Warmer. But then Keyes was savvy enough to drive the truck (with dog) to one location approx. 50 miles away, then (evidently) dump the bodies in another?

* note: when the bodies were discovered in California I told at least three people, "Nah - it's not the McStays." So what do I know; my sleuthing abilities are, on the whole, not of the finest quality, lol.
They were seen and talked to on the morning of the 9th, according to this.

"(They) knew that the vehicle had been there for a while because they had spoken with that family on the 8th and the morning of the 9th," Beauchamp said.


Why do people assume the 7/8th when this statement is on record?
This is a very important date. It sets the stage for death by exposure or it leans to foul play depending on what day.

"Moot". What ever happened to Joey's "Moo" point? Like a cows opinion, it doesn't matter. (Friends circa 1990's)
I take at face value the truck having been found there, and the family gone missing from it.

I have in the past taken at face value - well, relatively - IB's efforts in solving the case (in spite of the apparent total botching of the early investigation).

Let's see....the independent work of Our Own Several at determining financial things - those I also take as truths of course.

Anything else? Anyone?

I trust mtrooper. She has no motive that I can see to lie or misrepresent anything. She's been physically present at the scene, has had access to various records, and has personally spoken to people close to the Jamisons and to LE, so I consider her a reliable source of info.
Please, please, / No Israel Keyes.*

This would assume Keyes waylaid the Jamisons where - on the mountain? Unlikely. In Eufaula? Warmer. But then Keyes was savvy enough to drive the truck (with dog) to one location approx. 50 miles away, then (evidently) dump the bodies in another?

* note: when the bodies were discovered in California I told at least three people, "Nah - it's not the McStays." So what do I know; my sleuthing abilities are, on the whole, not of the finest quality, lol.

:floorlaugh: hear ya there lol The ONLY reason I brought him into it was the lack of a robbery...it really does baffle me. Even if there was a "hit" on the family, why wouldn't you make it look like a robbery?! Just another bizarre case I'm sure, plus the families behavior leading up to the disappearance would make one assume this wasn't a serial killer or a random act of violence. MOO =)
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