OK OK - Molly Miller, 17, & Colt Haynes, 21, Wilson, 7 July 2013 - #1

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TIMELINE - most based on what has been reported by MSM.

June 28, 2013 - last time Molly's family actually spoke to her.

July 6, 2013 - Molly & Colt at a home in Ardmore, OK. LE checked with this home after the missing person's report was filed and resident stated they were fine then.

July 7, 2013 - Approximately 10:30 pm, a stolen 2012 purple Honda did a "doughnut" in front of a Wilson police officer and a pursuit entailed. The Wilson police officer pursued the vehicle to the Love County line. (Wilson is in Carter County). At that time, Love County LE took over the pursuit, but lost sight of the vehicle on Long Hollow Road and called off the pursuit. **it should be noted that according to locals, Long Hollow road is well known as a dead end road with a gate at the end. - reported by NewsOK on 9/14

July 8, 2013 - Molly Miller placed a 911 call at 12:57 am. The call lasted 5 seconds, but Molly never spoke. The call went to Marietta dispatch. The dispatcher did try to call Molly back, but she didn't answer. ***According to family, no officer was sent to the 911 hangup even though Molly's phone pinged off of towers at Pike Road and Long Hollow Road.

July 8, 2013 - Colt's family reports that he called several friends and said him and Molly were in a creek bed between Pike road and Long Hollow rd and that he had a broken ankle with the bone sticking out. They report that friends drove up and down the road yelling for him and honking their horn, while they had him on the phone, but he never heard the horn honking from his location.

July 8, 2013 - Molly's family report that Molly called some friends saying she was on Pike road and needed a ride.

July 8, 2013 - Molly's family report that, according to phone records, there were 33 text messages sent from Molly's phone overnight. However, Molly's family question if it was actually Molly that was sending the messages.

July 8, 2013 - Molly's family file a missing persons/runaway report with Wilson Police Department. Verified by Wilson Police Chief, Felix Hernandez.

On or about July 22, 2013 - Car was found abandoned in rough terrain in western Love County. Had run through a fence and over small trees and brush. Found not far from where chase ended. No blood or other signs of foul play on the car. - Reported by NewsOK on 9/14/13

July 26, 2013 - LE no longer consider Molly a runaway and changed her status to Missing Endangered - KTEN10

July 27, 2013 - search conducted starting at Black Gold Casino and heading down Oswalt Road. - KTEN10

August 2, 2013 - Massive two day air and ground search - Ardmoreite

August 7, 2013 - Another search starting again at Black Gold Casino.

September 11, 2013 - Officials met at Carter County Sheriff's office with Molly's family. David Seals, special agent with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) said they have tips that Molly & Colt are alive and well in north Texas, central Oklahoma and southern Oklahoma. He also stated that they also have tips that they are deceased. - KTEN10 9/21/13

September 24, 2013 - Search conducted near Pike road. Deputies stated when they got to the location, they found a 10' hole that was on fire. Tip came into Molly's family from a man that said he smelled a dead body. OSBI, local LE and Oklahoma Highway Patrol participated in the search and took samples. - KTEN10 9/25/13

October 4, 2013 - News9 reached out to the driver of the car for a comment. Request for comment had not been returned and driver had hired a lawyer. - News9 10/4/13

***I will probably find more to add and if I do I will edit, but I wanted to get the bare bones of this case up.

Bringing the media timeline forward per Hannah1988's request.

Windstorm, would you please copy this over to the media/timeline thread? Your post got lost in the middle of the thread and was a bugger to find. Thanks!

Am working on an up-to-date timeline of facts, but it's taking some time to trace things back to a reliable source.
Bringing the media timeline forward per Hannah1988's request.

Windstorm, would you please copy this over to the media/timeline thread? Your post got lost in the middle of the thread and was a bugger to find. Thanks!

Am working on an up-to-date timeline of facts, but it's taking some time to trace things back to a reliable source.

Thank you so much for bringing this forward! I'm sorry that it was so hard for you to find, so it probably took you a while to bring this forward for me.
It's only technically a dead-end road. This morning I was studying the satellite view on Google Maps, trying to find the gate at the end of Long Hollow, but it's too heavily-wooded. I did notice dirt roads turning off of Long Hollow toward Pike Road and followed several until I found one that goes all the way across. It comes out on Pike where it jogs to the east and then turns south again toward Route 32.

Hmm, well...

So I was looking at a Facebook page about Oklahoma missing persons and found this post:


It's saying the car was found near the Addison Ranch, which is located on Pike Road at the eastward jog mentioned in the quote above. In a different post on the same page, someone is saying that info came from a post on Operation Find Molly, which has since been deleted:


The word "ranch" did ring a bell, so I went back to the Millers' radio interview and found this:

PMF: And they called us on the phone after they found the car. We were on the ranch looking, uh, doing a search, and they called us within an hour of us being on that property and told us that the car was found.

Now I'm kicking around a theory in my head that [the driver] drove down Long Hollow, then turned off on the dirt road that crosses all the way over to Pike and comes out very near the Addison Ranch. Maybe he was planning to head south on Pike to 32, where he could have turned left or right and gotten quickly out the area, but wrecked the car before he managed to reach Pike? Maybe? Maybe not?

I'm off to study that route on Google Earth and think about this for a while.

ETA: Here's the dirt road marked in red, if anyone else wants to follow along. It starts on Long Hollow at the upper right and ends at Pike on the lower left:

Hmm, well...

So I was looking at a Facebook page about Oklahoma missing persons and found this post:


It's saying the car was found near the Addison Ranch, which is located on Pike Road at the eastward jog mentioned in the quote above. In a different post on the same page, someone is saying that info came from a post on Operation Find Molly, which has since been deleted:


The word "ranch" did ring a bell, so I went back to the Millers' radio interview and found this:

Now I'm kicking around a theory in my head that [the driver] drove down Long Hollow, then turned off on the dirt road that crosses all the way over to Pike and comes out very near the Addison Ranch. Maybe he was planning to head south on Pike to 32, where he could have turned left or right and gotten quickly out the area, but wrecked the car before he managed to reach Pike? Maybe? Maybe not?

I'm off to study that route on Google Earth and think about this for a while.

ETA: Here's the dirt road marked in red, if anyone else wants to follow along. It starts on Long Hollow at the upper right and ends at Pike on the lower left:


Excellent work and good catch about the wreck's resting place! It was probably not found right away, because they turned off Long Hollow. The vehicle was probably somewhat hidden way back in the brush off a private dirt road (I'm assuming it is private). In fact, LE could have ended the chase before noticing the car turning off Long Hollow onto the narrow dirt road. This explains why Molly was walking down Pike too. She was probably closer to it than Long Hollow. It makes me think the creek, which runs at a diagonal near Pike, was the dry creek they were hanging out. Has that area been searched? Is it private property? I have always thought the wreck happened on CN's family's land. I'm not clear on it.

IMO, I bet CN road ATVs or dirt bikes on all those dirt paths and roads in that area. I'm pretty confident he knew where he was going. He just lost complete control of the vehicle.

Also, I was thinking about Molly and Colt in the woods, during that night. They probably used the light from their cell phone screens to see, which may have contributed to the draining of their phone batteries. I bet their phones were useless not too long after Molly's early morning calls.

Good morning sweetlings---- and Happy Halloween

ok-jumping to it-- this person called by Molly-can his phone records be looked at? I am thinking of the time and th elength of the phone call and also whether it was Molly's phone that called him. I am having difficulty in believing that being stranded at 6am with an injured person Molly would not have asked for help. Or mentioned that Colt was injured.

I wondered about that too, but I thought she may have not known this guy that well. In other words, she could have felt awkward asking him for a ride. I'm trying to look at it through a 17 year old's mindset. I guess it depends on her personality. Was she somewhat shy or was she extroverted?

This guy could be lying too, but it can easily be checked out by going to his employer to see if he was late or absent that day.

Just some thoughts . .
I agree this call sounded more desparate and maybe she had left Colt to find help at that point. Lets say her phone battery was almost dead by the earlier 6 AM call. If it died or if she turned it off, then perhaps by 9:30 ish, the phone had just enough juice to re-boot and she got that last phone call out, and maybe like you indicated nobody was home, so she left a voice mail being very upset because she knew her phone had that last shot.

I believe when you turn off an almost dead phone, and leave it off for awhile, it sometimes can regain enough juice to reboot. Batteries are weird like that.

So sad to even think how desparate she must have been, if this was the case.

I always like to contribute if I have some professional knowledge that might help answer some questions in a case...

Cell phones will normally turn themselves off when they have about 5% of their battery life because it damages the battery when it is drained completely. So even if your phone says it has 0% of battery left, it is more than that - more like 0% of battery before the potential for battery damage occurs. So the device shuts itself off to protect from battery damage and there is still enough power for it to perform some fancy graphics and play a little tune should tell you that 0% is not really 0%.

So yes, it's very possible that she was able to turn the phone back on after it turned itself off but it's not because the phone magically regenerated any power - there was power still on there when it turned off.
Bringing the media timeline forward per Hannah1988's request.

Windstorm, would you please copy this over to the media/timeline thread? Your post got lost in the middle of the thread and was a bugger to find. Thanks!

Am working on an up-to-date timeline of facts, but it's taking some time to trace things back to a reliable source.

Done! I've been reading and researching all day and just now catching up over here.
Done! I've been reading and researching all day and just now catching up over here.

Wow, I'd never clicked on this case before but I just read your timeline. Super weird/creepy story going by the timeline alone. 10' hole on fire? The heck?
I always like to contribute if I have some professional knowledge that might help answer some questions in a case...

Cell phones will normally turn themselves off when they have about 5% of their battery life because it damages the battery when it is drained completely. So even if your phone says it has 0% of battery left, it is more than that - more like 0% of battery before the potential for battery damage occurs. So the device shuts itself off to protect from battery damage and there is still enough power for it to perform some fancy graphics and play a little tune should tell you that 0% is not really 0%.

So yes, it's very possible that she was able to turn the phone back on after it turned itself off but it's not because the phone magically regenerated any power - there was power still on there when it turned off.

O/T But maybe you'll know the answer....is it true after your battery shuts itself off...that you can take it out and rub it so the static electricity will give it a little more charge to make a call/text?!?! AND....Can you text 911 or does it depend on where that call goes?!?! TIA
Wow, I'd never clicked on this case before but I just read your timeline. Super weird/creepy story going by the timeline alone. 10' hole on fire? The heck?

This is another one that'll drive you to drinking! I've been catching up on Erica's case and you're over here catching up with Molly & Colt.

Would LOVE to hear your thoughts, theories and suggestions. :seeya:
I always like to contribute if I have some professional knowledge that might help answer some questions in a case...

Cell phones will normally turn themselves off when they have about 5% of their battery life because it damages the battery when it is drained completely. So even if your phone says it has 0% of battery left, it is more than that - more like 0% of battery before the potential for battery damage occurs. So the device shuts itself off to protect from battery damage and there is still enough power for it to perform some fancy graphics and play a little tune should tell you that 0% is not really 0%.

So yes, it's very possible that she was able to turn the phone back on after it turned itself off but it's not because the phone magically regenerated any power - there was power still on there when it turned off.

Welcome to this thread! I've often thought that maybe her battery was down around 7% - 8% so she shut the phone off to preserve power and then booted it back up only to have it die on her or something. I know my battery reading may say something and 2.3 seconds later it's dropped quite a bit more than I feel it should. It may not have had as much "juice" as she thought.
Excellent work and good catch about the wreck's resting place! It was probably not found right away, because they turned off Long Hollow. The vehicle was probably somewhat hidden way back in the brush off a private dirt road (I'm assuming it is private). In fact, LE could have ended the chase before noticing the car turning off Long Hollow onto the narrow dirt road. This explains why Molly was walking down Pike too. She was probably closer to it than Long Hollow. It makes me think the creek, which runs at a diagonal near Pike, was the dry creek they were hanging out. Has that area been searched? Is it private property? I have always thought the wreck happened on CN's family's land. I'm not clear on it.

IMO, I bet CN road ATVs or dirt bikes on all those dirt paths and roads in that area. I'm pretty confident he knew where he was going. He just lost complete control of the vehicle.

I think it's likely he's been roaming all over that area since he was little kid.

Addison Ranch is a commercial hunting operation, and it covers a lot of ground. At this link it says 5,000 acres; I couldn't say if that's all property of the ranch or if some of the land is leased from other owners:

WOW! Just stumbled onto this case and all I can think of is WTH?!!! Is this family ever going to get answers? Just read the pages and it baffles me. WOW
Excellent work and good catch about the wreck's resting place! It was probably not found right away, because they turned off Long Hollow. The vehicle was probably somewhat hidden way back in the brush off a private dirt road (I'm assuming it is private). In fact, LE could have ended the chase before noticing the car turning off Long Hollow onto the narrow dirt road. This explains why Molly was walking down Pike too. She was probably closer to it than Long Hollow. It makes me think the creek, which runs at a diagonal near Pike, was the dry creek they were hanging out. Has that area been searched? Is it private property? I have always thought the wreck happened on CN's family's land. I'm not clear on it.

IMO, I bet CN road ATVs or dirt bikes on all those dirt paths and roads in that area. I'm pretty confident he knew where he was going. He just lost complete control of the vehicle.

Also, I was thinking about Molly and Colt in the woods, during that night. They probably used the light from their cell phone screens to see, which may have contributed to the draining of their phone batteries. I bet their phones were useless not too long after Molly's early morning calls.


I agree
Hmm, well...

So I was looking at a Facebook page about Oklahoma missing persons and found this post:


It's saying the car was found near the Addison Ranch, which is located on Pike Road at the eastward jog mentioned in the quote above. In a different post on the same page, someone is saying that info came from a post on Operation Find Molly, which has since been deleted:


The word "ranch" did ring a bell, so I went back to the Millers' radio interview and found this:

Now I'm kicking around a theory in my head that [the driver] drove down Long Hollow, then turned off on the dirt road that crosses all the way over to Pike and comes out very near the Addison Ranch. Maybe he was planning to head south on Pike to 32, where he could have turned left or right and gotten quickly out the area, but wrecked the car before he managed to reach Pike? Maybe? Maybe not?

I'm off to study that route on Google Earth and think about this for a while.

ETA: Here's the dirt road marked in red, if anyone else wants to follow along. It starts on Long Hollow at the upper right and ends at Pike on the lower left:


Excellent. I think you are totally correct that somewhere along that path is where the vehicle wrecked. It makes perfect sense and explains why LE would not follow.

I can also see where getting lost on foot is a real possibility because the houses are few and far between. If they were on foot, they would not have the luxury to know where the next closest house was and could have made a wrong decision which could have made Molly feel like she was in the middle of nowhere. But there are houses on the roads if they would have just found one of the roads and stayed on them. That is, if she wasnt so injured or sick or something where she couldnt walk or something.

Some of the spots are pretty wooded. I would hope they had found a road, but if they were in those thick woods, that is rough in some of the spots towards the top. The bad thing about the woods, is people tend to panick. And also, it is known people will sometimes walk in circles. I think it has something to do with one foot being stronger than the other or something which kind of makes you walk in one big circle when lost in the woods.

I would hope they would have stayed on the road, unless they thought it may have been a shortcut to cut through, but it may have been a bad mistake if they did that. They also could have gone searching for a creek with water in it which also could have gotten them off the road.

After seeing all those woods, I am not outruling getting lost if they made some bad choices and started to panic and got in the woods off of that road towards the middle/top area. I realize they would eventually come out of the woods, but some of those spots just open up to more fields and practically "nothing".
On the very far right of that picture, there is a definite "creek" which is most likely a dry creek bed. You can see part of it on the far right / lower corner. It snakes on lower right corner. You can only see parts of it. That would be another spot I would check since Colt actually mentioned they were in a dry creek bed. That one is large enough to actually be something like he described and I suspect it keeps going, so if they headed towards it, they would have run into it I believe.

McSpy saw another smaller one more towards Pike which is also a good one to check.

The reason that large one is in my mind is I am thinking at first they were purposely avoiding all cars and houses and they may have actually headed deeper away from roads and stuff on purpose to hide. Then the next morning when they couldnt get a ride, and phone died, is when they realized they needed help. So they could have gotten pretty far off those roads at first on purpose.

JMO and just throwing ideas out there. That large creek is very visible to be a pretty good size creek. It looks to be dry based on the brown of it.
I think it's likely he's been roaming all over that area since he was little kid.

Addison Ranch is a commercial hunting operation, and it covers a lot of ground. At this link it says 5,000 acres; I couldn't say if that's all property of the ranch or if some of the land is leased from other owners:


I hate to say this, but if Molly and Colt are on Addison Ranch land, they will be probably be found by hunters.
On the very far right of that picture, there is a definite "creek" which is most likely a dry creek bed. You can see part of it on the far right / lower corner. It snakes on lower right corner. You can only see parts of it. That would be another spot I would check since Colt actually mentioned they were in a dry creek bed. That one is large enough to actually be something like he described and I suspect it keeps going, so if they headed towards it, they would have run into it I believe.

McSpy saw another smaller one more towards Pike which is also a good one to check.

The reason that large one is in my mind is I am thinking at first they were purposely avoiding all cars and houses and they may have actually headed deeper away from roads and stuff on purpose to hide. Then the next morning when they couldnt get a ride, and phone died, is when they realized they needed help. So they could have gotten pretty far off those roads at first on purpose.

JMO and just throwing ideas out there. That large creek is very visible to be a pretty good size creek. It looks to be dry based on the brown of it.

Good idea about checking that creek on the lower right. It is not too far from Long Hollow and Pike, so it is definitely worth searching.
Excellent. I think you are totally correct that somewhere along that path is where the vehicle wrecked. It makes perfect sense and explains why LE would not follow.

I can also see where getting lost on foot is a real possibility because the houses are few and far between. If they were on foot, they would not have the luxury to know where the next closest house was and could have made a wrong decision which could have made Molly feel like she was in the middle of nowhere. But there are houses on the roads if they would have just found one of the roads and stayed on them. That is, if she wasnt so injured or sick or something where she couldnt walk or something.

Some of the spots are pretty wooded. I would hope they had found a road, but if they were in those thick woods, that is rough in some of the spots towards the top. The bad thing about the woods, is people tend to panick. And also, it is known people will sometimes walk in circles. I think it has something to do with one foot being stronger than the other or something which kind of makes you walk in one big circle when lost in the woods.

I would hope they would have stayed on the road, unless they thought it may have been a shortcut to cut through, but it may have been a bad mistake if they did that. They also could have gone searching for a creek with water in it which also could have gotten them off the road.

After seeing all those woods, I am not outruling getting lost if they made some bad choices and started to panic and got in the woods off of that road towards the middle/top area. I realize they would eventually come out of the woods, but some of those spots just open up to more fields and practically "nothing".

Bolded by me

You are so right about the "one foot stronger than the other," I noticed that I am right footed after climbing down a tall mountain trail. I kept on leading with my right. Over time, I felt like I was slamming my right foot down on each step. It actually started to bother me. I ended up trying to switch my lead foot to the left foot. It felt a little awkward, but gave me some relief.
I hate to say this, but if Molly and Colt are on Addison Ranch land, they will be probably be found by hunters.

Yes. Currently only Muzzleloader gun Deer season is going on which is not too popular, so when the regular gun season opens on Nov 23, there will be many hunters out. Below are the season dates for Oklahoma. Muzzleloader is a form of "black powder" type rifle and is not too popular. Most hunters wait for regular gun season.
Archery is somewhat popular....not sure of the dates for that though.

Below are the deer season dates for guns:
Regular Gun Deer Season = Nov 23 - Dec 8 (by far the most popular)

Muzzleloader (blackpowder like Flintlocks or Inline type guns---not the majority of what most hunters use) = Oct 26 - Nov 3

Not sure about archery, but again, it is not nearly as popular as regular gun season, although archery is probably more popular than muzzleloader, and there are people who like archery season. Not sure of those dates.
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