OK OK - Peggy McGuire, 28, Eufaula, 16 Nov 2015

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DNA Solves
Rain gear might reflect light.

ETA: or jogging clothes. Road construction crews might wear reflective clothing as well as law-enforcement.
Han, good idea. There can't be too many people who have reflective rain gear.
I don't think that is the entire video, it doesn't show him exiting the truck, just being at its rear passenger area. And, his image reflects light into the camera lens. Why is that? Why do his clothes reflect light? Anyone?

Last person to claim seeing her after she dropped son off at school is the BF? Ok.
I am not seeing him at the rear passenger area and not seeing his clothing reflect light either. I see the headlights and overhead light then I see a dim figure walking down the street.
Happy Belated Birthday, Peggy McGuire. You have missed two very important dates with your son and family. I don't for a minute believe it was intentional. I hope your family finds answers very soon and the person who kept you away from them be brought to justice. Someday, you will be home where you belong.
Hopefully this link works and hopefully it's allowed here, if not mods please delete. Message from JP from bridging the gap. Available on Bridging the gap-search team Facebook page.

<div id="fb-root"></div><script>(function(d, s, id) {* var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];* if (d.getElementById(id)) return;* js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;* js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3";* fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script><div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1028654140531314&amp;id=944172302312832" data-width="500"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1028654140531314&amp;id=944172302312832"><p>Yesterday I got a chance to spend some extra time in Oklahoma before returning home to Arkansas, so I spent a long...</p>Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Bridging-the-Gap-Search-Team-944172302312832/">Bridging the Gap - Search Team</a> on*<a href="https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1028654140531314&amp;id=944172302312832">Sunday, November 29, 2015</a></blockquote></div></div>

"Yesterday I got a chance to spend some extra time in Oklahoma before returning home to Arkansas, so I spent a long overdue day with my beautiful family. We stayed cozy and warm inside by the crackling fire, laughing as we swapped hilarious tales about growing up and growing old. I was warm, happy, and surrounded by love. As we enjoyed the fire-warmed comfort of my parent’s home, the icy wind whistled and the frigid rain continued to pour, blasting us with a fourth straight day of drippy, bone-chilling, and unforgiving weather.

Barely an hour away another family stands together in the stinging rain. A heartbroken mother aches for her daughter, and although she hasn’t really slept in almost 3 weeks she digs deep to find the strength to lead the search effort. An exhausted and frustrated father makes countless unsuccessful calls to law enforcement begging for assistance, then instead of going home for the much needed rest before another grueling day of the same, he grabs his keys and heads out to pass out more flyers. Her adoring and protective brothers push their exhausted bodies past their limits, pouring over marked-up maps, and searching well into the night to bring their precious sister home. These amazing people are Peggy McGuire’s family in Stidham, Ok near Eufaula and they need your help. They need to bring Peggy home, and they are having a hard time getting assistance from authorities.

My name is Julie and I am with a search and support team called Bridging the Gap. I spent my Thanksgiving with these wonderful people. We searched parts the area, and I made many phone calls trying to get the county to bring in multiple official teams. These teams and agencies have resources that include boats, atvs, trained personnel, K9 units, and more, and would certainly be a huge help in the effort to bring Peggy home. I spoke directly with the county and was assured they would give permission to any agency who wants to volunteer to help.

I spoke directly with the Creek nation and they assured me they wanted to help and only needed permission from the county. Problem is, the only way to get these agencies involved is for the agency with jurisdiction to REQUEST them, and to my horror all my phone calls began the same way – with me once again having to prove I had spoken with them previously. It was perhaps the most frustrating day of back and forth, “I have no idea what you are talking about”, three way, lose-lose phone tag I have ever played – YET NEVER HAS THERE BEEN MORE AT STAKE. WE MUST GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT PEGGY!!

&#8234;#&#8206;bringpeggyhome&#8236; &#8234;#&#8206;peggymcguire&#8236; &#8234;#&#8206;btgsearch&#8236;"

Who am I? I am that tiny voice in the back of your mind which encourages you to be who you choose to be as long as you are truthful to yourself. I am that tiny voice in the back of your mind that encourages you to reach higher. I am that tiny voice in the back of your mind that makes you understand that you are a survivor...that you are important...that you matter.
Please try this one, at first it was only giving me the link to embed it but I think this should work...

The link doesn't work.

Who am I? I am that tiny voice in the back of your mind which encourages you to be who you choose to be as long as you are truthful to yourself. I am that tiny voice in the back of your mind that encourages you to reach higher. I am that tiny voice in the back of your mind that makes you understand that you are a survivor...that you are important...that you matter.

LE should be more forthcoming with the family about what they are doing on their part, especially when they are denying them access to free SAR help. It is wrong of them to give Julie the runaround. My guess is they are building a criminal case and are working on bringing charges in hopes the perp will give up the location. They don't want to send out SAR until they have narrowed the scope in order to save resources. They need to spell it all out for the family in person though. They should not let the family believe they are doing nothing and they are working against them to find Peggy. There is no excuse to make a family feel alone and without hope.

We usually think it has something to do with love relationships, but what if this crime is work-related? Maybe someone was disgruntled with reporting the nursing home with abuse?

I wish we had some real news. Real names, etc. The live-in boyfriend has now been named as the father of Peggy's son by MSM, but not by his name (yet).

Whatever the reason Peggy is missing, it is foul play.

Here is the Case Archive for Peggy McGuire:
http://s296.photobucket.com/user/crankycrankerson/library/Peggy McGuire - OK?sort=6&page=1
The last person to reportedly speak with Peggy was her stepfather, whom she phoned that morning on her way to the home she shares with her son and the boy's father. She was going to call him back shortly with the measurements for a new deck, her mother said.

She never called, nor did she showed up for her niece's ball game that evening. Another day passed with no contact. Her mother filed a missing person's report on Wednesday of that week, leaving about 48 hours between the time Peggy vanished and when police became involved.


These are key points in this investigation, imo. Peggy stated she was going home and her BF was not the one who reported her missing even though he lived with her. While we cannot directly discuss him, we can mention what was stated in the article. Her mother did wait 48 hours, but he could have tried to file a report during that time which it appears did not happen. It certainly brings up more questions than answers.

Foul play? It is leaning that direction, imo. Someone related to her work? It is possible she upset someone or someone upset her during work, but what kind of situation would cause one to kidnap her and then leave her truck at a bar in the pouring rain?

That is another sticking point for me: The location of the truck. A random kidnapping would have resulted in the truck being ditched along side the road or wherever the abduction took place, imo. We know she was not abducted from the parking lot at the bar nor did she go into the bar on the day or night she went missing. Someone went to a hell of a lot of trouble by walking in the cold and pouring rain to stage her truck being left in the parking lot in the wee hours of the morning.

I believe it was definitely someone she knew and he wanted to a) buy time, b) distance himself from the truck and Peggy, c) create a diversion, and d) make her look bad. The scenario would have worked without the surveillance camera. People would have assumed whatever happened started there and the case would have taken on another possibility. The fact the camera (even as grainy as it was) caught the person leaving the truck and walking in the driving rain is huge. I think it gives the impression the person who left the truck knew it was wrong. Someone mentioned they didn't think it was the perp, but I disagree. No one had more at stake than the person who took Peggy away from her son and family. No one would have taken the risk of being seen and of leaving evidence behind in the truck except one with everything to lose, imo. Upclose and personal is how I see this case playing out.

What we don't know is who Peggy was close to other than her BF. Was there possibly another man in her life? Perhaps another man who could have been obsessing over her before he was rebuffed? She was working with John Q. Public while meeting family members and others involved in patient care. Were there any signs she was being harassed at work or stalked after work?

But then...according to her step-father...she went home. The last known place for her to be was on her way home. Did she make it home? Where will her phone place her during that call? Did she receive any other communications near that time? The phone pings in this case are another real clue of what happened to Peggy. They will tell the story from the last time someone spoke to her on her way home. The cell phone warrants cannot be taking this long, imo. I think LE already knows.
We usually think it has something to do with love relationships, but what if this crime is work-related? Maybe someone was disgruntled with reporting the nursing home with abuse?

I wish we had some real news. Real names, etc. The live-in boyfriend has now been named as the father of Peggy's son by MSM, but not by his name (yet).

Whatever the reason Peggy is missing, it is foul play.

Here is the Case Archive for Peggy McGuire:
http://s296.photobucket.com/user/crankycrankerson/library/Peggy McGuire - OK?sort=6&page=1
Hmmmm...I had not read the report before I posted earlier. I am not surprised with the care at the facility as I have seen about the same across the state at nursing homes. I keep hoping they are going to get it right one of these days, but sounds like it isn't getting through to the owners and those who manage the facilities. However, it does open up other possibilities of people with some issues. Thanks for posting it.
Just catching up. Was the call to the stepfather after she dropped off her son at school and are they still saying there was another person in the car?
Hey Folks,

I've checked with admin, and announcements from the Bridging the Gap search team are allowed.

Just catching up. Was the call to the stepfather after she dropped off her son at school and are they still saying there was another person in the car?
There has been no confirmation on there being another person in the car when she dropped off her son at school. Her son should have been able to tell LE if someone had been with them that morning. We will have to wait until LE offers up some information on any details of her last sighting. Evidently, Peggy wasn't hiding someone being with her so I don't see why it isn't out in the open now. Other people had to see Peggy that morning when she dropped him off and knows for certain.

The report of her last sighting at the school then the newest report of the last person who spoke to her on the cell phone...I would think to be near the same time frame and the call came shortly after the school. But it has not been verified and it is only my opinion from the article.
There has been no confirmation on there being another person in the car when she dropped off her son at school. Her son should have been able to tell LE if someone had been with them that morning. We will have to wait until LE offers up some information on any details of her last sighting. Evidently, Peggy wasn't hiding someone being with her so I don't see why it isn't out in the open now. Other people had to see Peggy that morning when she dropped him off and knows for certain.

The report of her last sighting at the school then the newest report of the last person who spoke to her on the cell phone...I would think to be near the same time frame and the call came shortly after the school. But it has not been verified and it is only my opinion from the article.

But why would this article mention about her being on surveillance video leaving with someone else ? And the previous sentence was about the school...
This article is from November 20th.


But why would this article mention about her being on surveillance video leaving with someone else ? And the previous sentence was about the school...
This article is from November 20th.



Nice catch.

This could be due to 2 different possibilities.

1) There were conflicting reports on whether she left with another person. 1 person said she did and another said she didn't so they could not confirm one way or the other.

2) The information has been revoked by LE for investigative reasons. They may be trying to protect the name of a possible POI or suspect until more information is discovered or presented.

The above information is just my opinion.
Nice catch.

This could be due to 2 different possibilities.

1) There were conflicting reports on whether she left with another person. 1 person said she did and another said she didn't so they could not confirm one way or the other.

2) The information has been revoked by LE for investigative reasons. They may be trying to protect the name of a possible POI or suspect until more information is discovered or presented.

The above information is just my opinion.

I wonder if the information was revoked by LE, because a surveillance video doesn't lie if she was actually seen on it with someone else.

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