One Killer or More?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
two things that totally bother me and the biggest first

THEY are trying to kill me. I think sg is part of this I personally have no doubts who had the clout to make it a non homicide? They will always be the key. Not one. More then one. T

The second thing is the burlap I get the bags are used for other things but one thing is the decomp factor how will hide bodies etc. whom would know that is a countermeasure. I didnt till recently and I have friends ulaw enforcement. Or family. The burlap bothers me I thnk of it as an old school move like a potato in a sock. Who did this dont think he is alone think is a group a boys club , how to match them together. Go back to the beggining need old timers who knew burke and his crew in early years etc..

sorry for mistakes have a medical condition and page keeps flipping out
While doing an archive search of New York stories, I came across this father (famous producer) and son duo. The son strangled his short lived girlfriend and his father attacked over a 100 women aiming to be starlets. The father committed suicide before his own trial. I read nothing of a mother being in this boys life and his father killed himself. The son certainly has the background of a potential strangler of prostitutes. He came from money and had or could borrow nice things cars etc to present to the women. They may have trusted him by him being from New York's elite community.

There are also comments of the dad's abuse of escorts, electrocuting a hamster, and a whole bunch more!

“He loved his dad and tried to make the relationship work,” his friend says, “but they clashed a lot.” When it came to Joe and women, he adds, “something was off.” Nick’s friends knew that Joe dated much younger women and used escort services, although Nick seemed to have a sense of humor about it (“He realized Joe was a rich old man”). Nick would eventually admit to his friends that he had begun hiring prostitutes, too.
With some of the women, he allegedly placed his Oscar in their hands. “This could be you holding this Oscar,” he’d say. “If you do what I say.’’

A woman who was once involved with Joe says this was typical of his treatment of Nick. “Joe would blow up at him all the time. He didn’t talk, he screamed. He was very emotionally abusive toward Nick.” As a result, she says, Nick often seemed “blank and numb.” He “seemed really lost.”
[FONT=&quot]He was a real ladies-of-the-night man.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Shortly before she was allegedly murdered by her trust fund stoner boyfriend Nicholas Brooks, swimsuit designer Sylvie Cachaydiscovered he had a hooker habit, her friend testified Monday.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Cheri Fogelman, 34, said she spoke to Cachay in December of 2010, about a week before her body was found in a room in the swanky SoHo House. Cachay "told me about a website that (Brooks) had shown her where he could order prostitutes," Fogelman said. "It was like a private, passcode-protected website where he would order prostitutes, order women."

Earlier, out of earshot of the jury, prosecutor Joel Seidemann told the judge that Cachay told friends that Brooks had claimed his father, "You Light Up My Life" composer Joseph Brooks, had been buying prostitutes for him since he was 14, and they would sometimes see them together.[/FONT]
I have a question on multiple killer idea. I wondered about snuff films and maybe after they were dead two different people disposed of the bodies hence why some cut up and some not. On one of the episodes it talked about being offered a lot of money which made me think *advertiser censored*. A girl might talk about her sister if she felt no threat at first.
Ok, I'm not from LI or even US, so I'm looking at it from a macro approach on the info I'm getting on the web blogs, posts on here and the MSM (as I said, only heard of this for the first time a few weeks ago). The below are my own thoughts and in places not agreed 'facts'

I get there is no waterway in Manorville, but if we are working on the theory that the torsos are 'staged', and other limbs not that important to stage/make it harder to identify.

Two torsos were found off the I495 if I'm correct (or the internet is wrong, one of the other). The first body parts found in 1996 in wrapped plastic on Fire Island?

I'm running with the theory there are other torsos not yet found, or not as staged since it might have been early on and the killer not as bold. What if the killer dumped the Torso in Manorville, looped back down Sunrise Hwy (27), looking at a map, there are plenty of creeks,waterfronts to dispose there.

Before he returns home to somewhere in LI.

I'm also running with a theory that there are two separate lone wolves, it's been said time and time again that Gilgo and Manorville are the only two places really in LI where you could do that sort of thing, it's just unfortunate that LI has two active and 'potentially' at large SK. I say potentially as I need to look further into someone for the Manorville killings who is already in the MSM (currently locked up after 2011, probably already named on these forum boards, I haven't looked but it's highly likely),they were ruled out by LE. You hear it all the time, that advances in DNA profiling snare killers later down the line, or killed x but suspected of x more.

You can't ignore this detail either which really nails it for me that we are talking about two or more people - The mutilated bodies were all killed over a longer period of time (talking 15 years potentially, probably closer to 10-12), whereas the GB4 were all within 2-3 years.

Also, I get that some people want to think that it's one killer whose changed their MO, however as I said early on, it's'usually' the other way around, they get bolder and take more risk. Not less risks. Yes you could argue that swapping dismembering and staging for phonecalls displays a degree of the narcissistic pleasure, in my view it just doesn't wash as the Manorville Butcher shows a sadistic side, which the GB4 and Shannan didn't show any signs of (or at least the information released doesn't show it). And yes I get that Bundy decapitated some of his early victims and not later on. However this is one body part, not several.

I am of the belief that the Manorville Butcher did dump body parts in the area AFTER the GB4 were found, not to lure the person titled in the MSM as the LISK out (as theorised by PB), but more than likely,he saw it as an opportunity to clear the cupboards as it were, in a hope that all his known victims would be tied to the LISK as one and the same person(which many of you are thinking). Why would he do that? As detailed by a few experts, dismembering body part killers tend to go years if not several between victims. Sometimes they have distractions to keep them away from killing,moreover they like the heat to die down before striking another victim. Could something like marrying/starting a family slow him down between victims? It's plausible. Could that kid getting older cause the Manorville Butcher to clear the cupboards or fear of an unexpected discovery at his residence? Also plausible, it could really have been a stroke of fortune that this opportunity presented itself.

However, with the cupboard now bare, what now...Was Asian male an opportunistic meeting gone wrong not long after this? It's left field as we don't know what Asian Male went missing.But a rabbit hole nonetheless.

So where does that leave Mr M our infamous pen pal who is more than likely lurking on these boards daily, absorbing all the comments in his basement. For me he 'could' be capable of the Manorville killings based on his condescending style, the location of his dwelling, and the content around the walls of that dwelling (Media cuttings, obsessive personality, dismembered artwork), however something sticks for me why it might not be him, he seems awkward, he's definitely a POI, and that's why the finger of suspicion keeps falling on him.

It's also that awkwardness that rules him out for me on the GB4, those four found in Burlap appear to have been lured to their death by a known john, someone who has been nice and generous to them in the past. Perhaps he's even taken them to dinner after a meet on him before. There is no other reason why I could think why some if not all left their phones behind on a promise of large amounts of money. It's a tactic used by dating couples since the advent of mobile phones, you want the partner's full attention. Perhaps they genuinely thought they were going for an escorting date rather than just meeting a John for a quick time. Exploring the extra time theory for dinner and kindness before, I'm wondering if this wasn't the first time he asked them to leave their phone behind, especially if they had been to his dwelling. "Let's leave our phones here and we'll get some breakfast/dinner at the local cafe scenario".

This kind of social interaction, charisma appears to be beyond Mr M, even on an internet platform where he could literally be anybody he wants. He still think's he's above everyone including the law, the press after their 15 minutes of fame and most certainly you and I. I believe his claim about the NY reporter stalking him, and I believe another SK has pointed the finger at him as he most certainly has talked about Gilgo in his letters. However, you can't just print a story based on one SK's word, against a person not in the media, at least not in the UK, it'd be defamation of character and open to all sorts of lawsuits. Hence why the story was shelved.

But that is why I believe we are talking about 2 SK'ers - Sorry LI, you are bang unlucky, but that's the fallout for having an asphalt jungle, with CCTV and toll booths everywhere. Which leads me to believe that's why Manorville and Gilgo are his hotspots, now more than ever. I believe I read somewhere that Robert Moses Parkway was most probably entry and exit point too, which would make total sense.

There are many red herrings out there, as people have said before, there is a lot of things that just don't make sense. I'm going to expand on one more before I stop this essay. I don't believe it is someone in LE, at least not the killer. However, as people have rightly pointed out. Burke is a shady character, but I read somewhere up to that point 98% of Suffolk County homicides were solved. Something that really hit home to me watching TKS is that the LE in the US is under the same pressures as the UK,keep the stats down, but the money is also low to solve any crimes. I simply believe that the LE wanted to sweep this under the carpet, stick their heads in the sand, not realising the sandstorm which was coming their way. We saw multiple police departments in the US under special measures, I'm sure SCPD didn't want that.

One thing that puzzles me is the time it took to discover the GB4 and the other victims on OP, You'd have thought that at least 2 miles in each direction would be searched by a team, yet either this
didn't happen or it did and that's why more turned up via the second killer later on
I wonder if the basement dweller tries to bring women home? LOL
Sorry if this has already been asked/discussed but is there anywhere I can see all the doe's listed? As in with the estimated dates of their deaths? If they even know that. I just wanted to see an estimated timeline.
Not sure if this will work... Lets see, if not I'll delete post.

Oh and I'm British so bite me on the date format hehe, sorry for those using phones, may not be pretty.

Last Sighting/ (First Parts if applicable*)

DD/MM/YYYY Date Missing Date Found Where

1 Melissa Barthelemy 10/07/2009 11/12/2010 Ocean Parkway
2 Amber Lynn Costello 02/09/2010 13/12/2010 Ocean Parkway
3 Maureen Brainard-Barnes 09/07/2007 13/12/2010 Ocean Parkway
4 Megan Waterman 05/06/2010 13/12/2010 Ocean Parkway

Manorville Butcher
5 Jessica Taylor 21/07/2003 26/07/2003 Manorville *
6 Jane Doe 6 Unknown 19/12/2000 Manorville *
7 Toddler Girl Unknown 04/04/2011 Ocean Parkway
8 Asian Male Unknown 04/04/2011 Ocean Parkway
9 Jane Doe 9 Unknown 17/02/2012 Manorville
10 Jane Doe 10 Unknown ??/04/1996 Fire Island *

Other Maybe Linked to MB
11 "Peaches" Unknown 28/06/1997 Oyster Bay
12 "Cherries" Unknown 03/03/2007 Mamaroneck
13 Tanya Rush 23/06/2008 28/06/2008 Bellmore
14 Jane Doe 14 - Asian Unknown 23/01/2013 Lanningtown

Other Maybe Linked to GB4
15 Natasha Jugo 16/03/2013 24/06/2013 Gilgo Beach
16 Shannan Gilbert 01/05/2010 13/12/2011 Oak Beach


17 Jane Doe 17 Unknown Unknown Police haven't released information
A former Squad Commander believes theres a Queens NY connection to this case. More specifically the 100 pct in Rockaway. Youtube Get Arrow Security Richard Dormer part 3.
Not sure if this will work... Lets see, if not I'll delete post.

Oh and I'm British so bite me on the date format hehe, sorry for those using phones, may not be pretty.

Last Sighting/ (First Parts if applicable*)

DD/MM/YYYY Date Missing Date Found Where

1 Melissa Barthelemy 10/07/2009 11/12/2010 Ocean Parkway
2 Amber Lynn Costello 02/09/2010 13/12/2010 Ocean Parkway
3 Maureen Brainard-Barnes 09/07/2007 13/12/2010 Ocean Parkway
4 Megan Waterman 05/06/2010 13/12/2010 Ocean Parkway

Manorville Butcher
5 Jessica Taylor 21/07/2003 26/07/2003 Manorville *
6 Jane Doe 6 Unknown 19/12/2000 Manorville *
7 Toddler Girl Unknown 04/04/2011 Ocean Parkway
8 Asian Male Unknown 04/04/2011 Ocean Parkway
9 Jane Doe 9 Unknown 17/02/2012 Manorville
10 Jane Doe 10 Unknown ??/04/1996 Fire Island *

Other Maybe Linked to MB
11 "Peaches" Unknown 28/06/1997 Oyster Bay
12 "Cherries" Unknown 03/03/2007 Mamaroneck
13 Tanya Rush 23/06/2008 28/06/2008 Bellmore
14 Jane Doe 14 - Asian Unknown 23/01/2013 Lanningtown

Other Maybe Linked to GB4
15 Natasha Jugo 16/03/2013 24/06/2013 Gilgo Beach
16 Shannan Gilbert 01/05/2010 13/12/2011 Oak Beach


17 Jane Doe 17 Unknown Unknown Police haven't released information

Thank you Thank you!

Have LE ever gave rough dates of the UID's dates of death?
Would the Commander be referring to a baby that washed up on the beach several years ago? He was found in a canvas bag. He was wrapped in a Disney blanket. His identity is still unknown.
I googled the article. Theres a picture of the blanket and bag. The bag looks simular to burlap. I googled canvas. Historically it is made out of hemp and jute. Burlap is made from hemp and jute.
Thank you Thank you!

Have LE ever gave rough dates of the UID's dates of death?

There are some estimates out there, for example JD 9 was within 5 years of being found, but no, as far as I can tell there is no timeline for estimate date of deaths or cause of death on the UID's. Which is puzzling, because I thought they could narrow it down to within a year or so using modern techniques.
Friends, likely only 1 and not 2 serial killers, the reason we "see" 2 signatures could be from the need to transport a body in a vehicle or a public location. Perhaps the LISK did not always have a car with him when in Queens, and on the days he had a need to kill, he stalked and abducted his victims in Queens before taking his victims to the location they were found in LI. At some point between point A and point B, dismembering was necessary. I don't think the two signatures indicated a fetish for dismembering the victim, rather a convenience in today's world. The LISK likely evolved with technology and the salacious websites made it easier to meet the victims in LI.

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