Found Deceased OR - Allyson Joy Watterson, 20, North Plains, 22 Dec 2019

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I've actually seen a black bear decently close to this area. I just yelled at it and told it to go away, but if someone doesn't know what to do or surprised it in the woods it could be a different story, although very unlikely. Black bears are generally scared of humans, but if people start feeding them, they will grow bolder and ultimately need to be put down or relocated. There was an instance of this at Haag Lake (roughly 14miles away) last summer: Oregon officials killed a black bear near Hagg Lake because too many people fed it

I don't think that's what happened though. I'm thinking that she was nabbed by an opportunistic individual that we don't know about.
jeff kirsch on Twitter
Fundraiser being held tonight for Allyson Watterson. She vanished December 22nd and hasn't been seen since. Previous coverage here. #liveonk2 …

5:45 AM - 24 Jan 2020

Megan Allison on Twitter
We just spoke with the family of Allyson Watterson. Her mother tells us they’re now offering a personal reward for anyone with information that leads them to find her.

6:29 PM - 24 Jan 2020

Megan Allison on Twitter
Family and friends of Allyson Watterson are gathering at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Hillsboro this evening. Tonight’s fundraiser goes until 10:00 pm, and 20 percent of proceeds from those with a flyer will go towards search efforts.

7:27 PM - 24 Jan 2020

JAN 24, 2020
Family of missing North Plains woman will hold fundraiser to support search efforts
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JAN 24, 2020
Watterson family offers reward for info leading to Allyson

Nearly two weeks ago, Crime Stoppers offered a $2,500 reward for information about Allyson’s disappearance that leads to an arrest and felony conviction.

Now, the Watterson family is offering $5,000 to anyone with information that leads to finding Allyson.


The reward money comes from donations. Some of those funds are also being used to hire a private investigator and help cover the cost for professional search and rescue teams.


Misty told KOIN 6 News that through all of this, she has become friends with Kaine Horman, the father of 7-year-old Kyron Horman, who went missing in 2010.

Donations toward the search for Allyson can be made through the Kyron Horman Foundation.
Hello to you all,
I am very new here. I've been toying with trying to help on cases for some time now. I'm hoping to use my brain to help in some way and "give back" by helping people.

I did do a couple posts that were just "Replies" I felt I could help with as I went through all 27 Forum Pages on Allyson Watterson to try and get caught up.

I could use some help. I'm not sure I have all the known facts right. I could really use the official search areas, especially the areas they rechecked a few times. Since I'm new to this, I could also use some opinions. I'm working through a process and I'm trying to figure out what "my process" is, but I think I have a framework figured out. With my technology background, I'm figuring out what kind of tools would help me as well. So, any information/help/opinions would be great. This document is a .docx which is Microsoft Word. Thank you.

Grant's Working Theories on Allyson Watterson

Thank you for this exhaustive review of the facts and unknowns in this case. One tool I can recommend is Evernote - it helps you keep organized files and notebooks, supports archiving of webpages and articles, screenshots and video and allows you to tag files for easier searching, plus the entire case file can then be exported to a zip if needed. As for sleuthing tools, casenet and pipl accounts are a good start.

Regarding Allyson's phone, LE had to appeal to the public to help find either the person that gave it to Misty and/or the previous owner. I have a feeling the phone was less of a gift and more of a lost n found situation, so probably had the sim removed. JMO
JAN 24, 2020
Family of Allyson Watterson takes new steps to find the missing 20-year-old

Misty Watterson organized a fundraiser at the Old Spaghetti Factory Friday night, with the goal of adding things like search dogs.


The family said they've searched the area where Allyson went missing about 10 times themselves.


The family tells KATU they're also saving to hire a private investigator, if needed.


The family plans to be out searching over the weekend, and said they'll be joined by about 30 others.
JAN 24, 2020
Family of Allyson Watterson takes new steps to find the missing 20-year-old

Misty Watterson organized a fundraiser at the Old Spaghetti Factory Friday night, with the goal of adding things like search dogs.


The family said they've searched the area where Allyson went missing about 10 times themselves.


The family tells KATU they're also saving to hire a private investigator, if needed.


The family plans to be out searching over the weekend, and said they'll be joined by about 30 others.

After reading the document from Grant.24742, the family seriously needs to get a PI as the bf's story does not make sense.
Does anyone know where GH got the timeline information starting at 1:27:25 ?

The best i could gather was that he got most of his info talking to misty (victim's mom).
He also said that some kind of delivery driver contacted him. The driver alledgedly spotted BG and AW a few times along that road after BG made that alledged 10:30 phonecall. I think the driver estimated the times and locations of the sightings.
GH took a drive out to where they are searching for AW. He also spoke with Allyson's mom. AW info starts at about 41:22.

Thanks for posting this. It was enlightening to be able to see the actual area in question. Those are some pretty nasty woods. But, it's not really THAT big of an area, and it seems unlikely that she would just go in there, and not come out.

What I think is far more likely is foul play. I just can't decide if I think that BG is guilty or innocent. I really wish that I knew if BG was truly cooperating with LE. Or if he is being totally forthcoming.

The first scenario is that BG killed her and he and his father moved/removed the body from the area the following day.

The other scenario is that of an opportunistic psycho. Either that she wandered on to his property, or he was chasing them and caught her. I think there is a good chance that this pair was up to no good. As in stealing packages off of people's porches, or stealing stuff out of people's barns or garages. One theory I have, to explain her not having shoes, is as follows. She had her shoes off, getting comfortable, while they were driving around, looking for stuff to steal. A homeowner sees their suspicious behavior and pursues them. They try to "lose him" and BG either runs off the road or wrecks the truck (Didn't LE mention a wreck at one time?) and BG and AW jump out of the truck and run into the woods. They "get away" this time, but she is shoeless. He gives her his boots and they try to find a way to get home/get out of the area. They find a house and call his grandma for a ride, but before the g'ma arrives, the angry homeowner finds them again. They again run into the woods/away from the road, but this time, they run in different directions/get separated. Then BG continues hiding/looking for AW until the dark, cold, and fatigue get the better of him and he finds shelter in the pickup truck.

To me, both of these theories seem plausible, but they also both have aspects about them that make them seem unlikely.

I guess a third theory would involve a drug dealer that they owe a lot of money to, but there has been nothing (that I know of) to lead to this conclusion.

Speculation, MOO
in-depth interview with misty watterson, live now:

Well, after listening to this interview, I'm leaning more towards the boyfriend being responsible.

One thing that i would think would be huge (but will probably never happen) is if they could get the location info from ben's dad's phone to see if he was actually at "the search area" all afternoon on monday. Were they really searching? Or were they moving the body to another location?

It's seems odd that AW's mom was texting with ben's mom on monday morning, and ben's mom supposedly didn't ask him about AW? I guess it's possible he wouldn't tell her anything. Or maybe he did tell her that AW was missing, and his mom was afraid/embarrassed to tell AW's mom that she was missing. But she also could easily have been covering for her son.

One theory I have, to explain her not having shoes, is as follows. She had her shoes off, getting comfortable, while they were driving around, looking for stuff to steal. A homeowner sees their suspicious behavior and pursues them. They try to "lose him" and BG either runs off the road or wrecks the truck (Didn't LE mention a wreck at one time?) and BG and AW jump out of the truck and run into the woods. They "get away" this time, but she is shoeless. He gives her his boots and they try to find a way to get home/get out of the area. They find a house and call his grandma for a ride, but before the g'ma arrives, the angry homeowner finds them again. They again run into the woods/away from the road, but this time, they run in different directions/get separated. Then BG continues hiding/looking for AW until the dark, cold, and fatigue get the better of him and he finds shelter in the pickup truck.

This is an interesting theory regarding how they could have been split. But then Deputy Brian Van Kleef stated
“We don’t know what they were doing out there,” he said. “We certainly don’t have a broken-down car.”

It is still possible they ditched the truck and were running from someone. In seeing the terrain, especially in the park area with steep piney areas, I think it is very possible she could be out there and not found yet with the kind of animal activity in areas like these. She would have been hypothermic pretty fast, and even faster after losing her shoes (which may have come off from running - I recall reading they were found in the woods during one of the LE searches, not in the vehicle.)

Some details from Misty's interview:

Allyson had only been dating Ben for a few months. They had met at Miller (an alternative school)
Allyson only lived in Hillsboro for about a year.
Ben has a history of drug addiction. Misty wasn't allowing him at her house.
Believes Allyson may have experimented with harder drugs. She had a prior xanax addiction due to anxiety. She was in recovery when she went missing.
She 'had' tourettes syndrome. Misty did not elaborate on how that manifested for Allyson.

The last text Misty received that Sunday morning at 8:30am (my punctuation/spelling) "Yeah mom, I'm good. I spent the night at Ben's house last night where he stays* and he's doing better but not the best. He's working right now. I love you so much and I'll be home tonight."

*Misty only says she knows who he is who's house this was but clarifies that it is a friend of Ben's who lives in North Plains and that is why they were up there.

Misty worked a double at her job and got home late Sunday night, went to bed, and woke up Monday morning at Allyson wasn't there. She texted her and got no response. Misty was able to get into Allyson's FB profile and message the last 6 people she was in contact with. No one had seen her except one person, initials MG who turns out to be Ben's mom. MG said she had seen Ben and Allyson the day before (Sunday) when she gave them a ride around 7:30am. (Unfortunately Misty doesn't elaborate on where they were dropped off and GH doesn't ask). MG offers to call a friend she knows they hang around and reports that person hadn't seen them for around 18 hours (so, since Sunday evening)

Misty has to go to work. While she is at work, MG calls her to say Ben and Allyson were n North Plains and Ben lost Allyson in the woods, and Ben and his Dad have been back there looking for her for 3 hours.

Misty's timeline:

Ben steals the truck sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Misty doesn't know from where it was stolen.

Sunday 22nd
Ben and Allyson knocked on "S"s door asking to use the phone. They stated they had been in a car accident. So S says let me call the police for you. They back off and say nevermind and went to leave when S says fine come in and use the phone. She got Allyson a glass of water and described her as looking very scared and in shock, wet and muddy. Allyson was wearing Ben's shoes and said she lost hers somewhere. S gave Ben a pair of her husband's slippers. They called Ben's grandmother who agrees to pick them up. The two leave.

Grandma never sees them. Property cams confirm grandma driving up and down Pumpkin ridge rd looking for them between 11 and noon.

Around 11:30 a delivery driver saw them walking on the road a bit south of the first house (confirmed with witness by GH)

In a call Misty had with Ben from jail on the following Tuesday, he told her they saw grandma but were too scared to get in the truck. They began walking through the woods and walked for hours before Allyson said she was tired and couldn't go anymore. He said that was when he got mad and left her at a house pictured below*. He eventually slept in some blackberry bushes (somewhere unknown, not necessarily where GH has his marker here) and when he woke up, he walked down the road (about 150m) to find the unlocked truck that he was found in by its owner, R.

*scent dogs verified Allyson's scent here
GH did a drone search here and said the owners were acting a little odd/unfriendly on the second day.

Updated Map with these points: Allyson Watterson - Google My Maps

Monday 23rd
R finds ben in the truck at 7:30am and takes him home.

According to Misty, Ben got home (to his parent's house) around 7:30am and never said anything to his mom about Allyson being missing. Ben's dad got home around 11:30am from a night shift and got Ben's story and immediately took Ben out to look for Allyson when Ben told him he left her out there.
Misty describes Ben's parents as helpful and genuinely concerned.

Cell phone:
Allyson shattered her iPhone a couple months ago. She was using a cheap phone and broke that too just had her ipad. Recently a friend was talking to Misty at work about her new replacement phone for one she lost, but the original was found so she gave the replacement to Misty for Allyson and wouldn't accept payment.
Sprint would not switch Allyson's number to the new phone without them losing their apple insurance on the broken phone, so they wouldn't be able to get the $100 repair at the Apple store. Thus the phone only had wifi.

Misty on Ben:
Allyson told her Ben had warrants out for his arrest. The last time she aw him she came home to find them at her house and kicked him out after telling him to be a man and not drag Allyson down and (paraphrasing) to get his *advertiser censored* together.
Ben's response was along the lines of "I told her not to be with me"
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