OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

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This was also a weekend that Kyron was going AWAY himself, to be with his other set of parents. He was (likely - assuming again) scheduled to leave soon after he got off the bus....

I am still catching up but wanted to add... there was a link posted last night by joshiesmom that stated that bio momand step dad left their home as soon as they found out kyron was missing... so I do not think he was scheduled to leave for their house soon after he got off, because they live a couple hours away, if I recall right
Regarding the white truck sighting....

I just thought of something kind of obvious to me. Wouldn't this man have recognized the truck that day if it was the Horman's. It wouldn't have struck him as odd because he would have recognized the truck, wouldn't have to recognize the driver necessarily. Also, if I was the SM I'm not sure I could make it out at 2am to do anything nefarious with LE at my house 24/7. IMO.

ETA: when I wrote this post I was under the impression that Mr. Kelley's house where the white truck was spotted was in closer proximity to the Horman's. Thanks to Puf's case map I have found that it's actually 1 1/2 miles away from the Horman's. Still possible they were familiar with one another but possible they weren't.
Any news on the searches today? Any locals hearing the black hawk?

Do you know, I was just reading this thinking.. no, as a matter of fact. Then a copter just went over.. so what is it, 10:40am (if you want to check with scanner peeps etc).

Haven't had the news on today.
Real photo of Kyron without glasses. This one has not been manipulated, but shows how his eyes truly look without glasses on.

I was thinking his glasses may have been found on S. Island....thus the search...thus the pic of him without glasses. Just grasping at straws, I know...

I hope not... :cry:

Either they fell off while his body was being dumped, or they fell off while he was being mistreated... My little brother had coke-bottle glasses when he was little (still does), and I always felt so sorry for him when he couldn't find them - he couldn't see a thing. My heart goes out to Kyron the same way... If he's alive, I hope he still has his glasses.
I am too. I'm trying to figure out who the neighbor is but the Multnomah County property records site is tough to deal with here is the link:


This map provides the address for Kyron's dad and stepmom:


Makes me wonder if they think the neighbor could have been at the school that morning, maybe he or she has a kid at Skyline.

If we are allowed to do this (I have on other cases) I can try to fiddle with it. It you go to that assessors site and put in just NW SHELTERED NOOK you will get 56 results to look thru. I am used to looking at a better map system with the assessors site so you can click on neighbors houses, etc. With this site it isn't that easy. I also looked on zillow.com to see if it shows the different plots with addresses but not much came up and I could not tell exactly where I was.

ETA: They are on lots 36 & 37.
I agree with another poster, upthread, that this neighbor could have been watching the Horman baby that morning or anytime during the day Kyron disappeared. Why they would search? Maybe it was more of an interview, but that's a guess on my part.

Could someone direct me to the Kyron media/document thread? Would I find this information there?

1. Article(s) referring to the neighbor's house being searched.

2. The Hormans truck being towed.

I'm not trying to be lazy, I'm having a little trouble finding Kyron info. here, though I am probably just missing what is in plain sight.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Kyron's media thread:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106375"]OR Kyron Horman - Portland, Oregon MEDIA AND IMAGES LINKS - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

1. and 2. are in the last thread. Go to the first post in this thread, and there will be a link to the last thread. Go to that thread. Towards the upper right corner of your screen is a link called Search This Thread. Hit that and search for keyword neighbor, then try keyword dealership to find the truck video.

Hope that helps!
Hi Amster, Right before 9am there was an UPDATE on KOIN TV. The only thing really mentioned was that either the Prosecutor's or DA's office were spending quite a bit of time at the Horman home at this point. They also said the reason was to see if they could learn more about Kyron and what people he might know.

I haven't checked for a link yet. There might not be one until 11am which is when their next broadcast is. xox
Prosecutor's or DA's office were spending quite a bit of time at the Horman home at this point.

I find this very interesting.The DA office was involved alot in JonBenet Ramsey's case.They do look like they are building a case against someone.I don't know who.
I was thinking his glasses may have been found on S. Island....thus the search...thus the pic of him without glasses. Just grasping at straws, I know...

I think they are maybe thinking whoever took Kyron may have taken his glasses off to change his appearance some.

It makes me think they want everyone out there looking for Kyron with or without his glasses.

Exactly Gourmet, the truck was noteworthy because it was unusual or suspicious for it to be there. Nothing suspicious about seeing your neighbor's truck on your street. erego, the suspicious white truck is not the Horman vehicle.
Prosecutor's or DA's office were spending quite a bit of time at the Horman home at this point.

I find this very interesting.The DA office was involved alot in JonBenet Ramsey's case.They do look like they are building a case against someone.I don't know who.
The reporter said there would be more about Kyron at 11am. I'll watch that and make notes. ;} In about 12 min.
I am still catching up but wanted to add... there was a link posted last night by joshiesmom that stated that bio momand step dad left their home as soon as they found out kyron was missing... so I do not think he was scheduled to leave for their house soon after he got off, because they live a couple hours away, if I recall right

I believe I saw it's a 5 hour drive from bio mom house to bio dad house.
I have so many questions...

which car did Kyron and sm take to school?
did dad go to work that day and if so what car was taken?
did they perhaps ride together?
what is with the white truck sightings?
what white truck was towed?
who is the witness that LE has not named (I don't think) that has said to have seen Kyron after sm left?
who else would have known Kyron was leaving to go to his mom's for the weekend right after school?
who was at the bus stop to meet him? both sm and dad? Is dad, why was he home at that time? work early off early? planning on heading right out to Kyron's mom's as a family?
has any 911 calls been released?
any statements been released?
does Orgean operate like FL's sunshine laws?
1. I believe that all school buses are made by the same company, Maybe not. But at any rate, here is how our school buses work.

There is a radio in it and the bus driver radios in. Now I would think that it would have 911 capabilities in it also, but I do not know that. I would like to make Google my friend, but I just have time to type my thoughts here right now.

2. The white truck-granted I live in the country where I live, so I don't have that much experience, but I have never seen a car hauled off for mechanical problems.

Even my almost 10 year old Honda has sensors that give warnings that something is going wrong with my car.

Over the 40 years of owning cars and we were poor and young, I never had a car die in the driveway. On the road, yes. Somewhere else, yes.

But it was no surprise, even before the days of sensors. I was just praying the car would keep going before it died .

Most mechanical things in a car give warning before they go. Your starter doesn't usually just quit one day. It does erratic stuff. Same with the water pump.

Struts, shocks, engine. There are signs, some louder than others.

I've never had A/C so I don't know.

With the father being an engineer, I would think that he would be more sensitive to the signs than I am and would bring a car in before it comes to the point that it needs to be flat bedded to a dealer.

But, I am no mechanic.

My son is an engineer and my hubby used to work on cars (ours and friends, out of the goodness of his heart). So, I've had a LOT of car discussions especially since we try to keep them going as long as we can.

Expert by osmosis-ha ha ha
The DA would not be building a case against a family member in that family's home.

Their presence there (if this is actually a fact and not yet another rumor) would only serve to strengthen my belief that the family deserves not my suspicion but my support.
I have so many questions...

which car did Kyron and sm take to school?
did dad go to work that day and if so what car was taken?
did they perhaps ride together?
what is with the white truck sightings?
what white truck was towed?
who is the witness that LE has not named (I don't think) that has said to have seen Kyron after sm left?
who else would have known Kyron was leaving to go to his mom's for the weekend right after school?
who was at the bus stop to meet him? both sm and dad? Is dad, why was he home at that time? work early off early? planning on heading right out to Kyron's mom's as a family?
has any 911 calls been released?
any statements been released?
does Orgean operate like FL's sunshine laws?

All great questions.

The white truck that was towed was Kyron's father's truck.

About midway through the video HERE
Rumor posts will earn you 2 days off. Let others know so they have the immediate opportunity to edit theri own post before a moderator does.
Moderation and censorship whining is over now as well.

I have put a lot of personal attention into this thread which included literally sitting on it all weekend and for 2 days after to catch problems, explain rules, talk to you, open up the discussion A LOT and not give TO's.

95% of you get it. the other 5% will get TO's if they don't get on board pretty quick here.
We love that you are here and most of the work here is beyond awesome.

But if you want to post carelessly, then please do it somewhere else. there are plenty of discussion boards that anything goes.
Some people stay for the moderation here and some people leave because of the moderation here.

Read the OP if you don't know the rules. read the Rules and etiquette section of the forum, read the threadiquette entries all over the forums.

Hate to be so harsh, but moderating this thread is becoming a big problem.

Where this post lands is random and on another note those of you that are on board THANK YOU!

JBean, thank you so much for all that you do and for your patience with the Kyron thread. Under your table with the computer during the earthquake was a show of your dedication to WS and to getting this thread on track for all.

I appreciate a a thread that is not tangled with rumors that have a propensity for a life of their own. I believe we are smarter here at WS than to pursue rumors and witchhunts. Thanks to JBean and BeanE for keeping this thread ethical and civil. I appreciate it immensely :blowkiss:

ETA: Oh Kimster - sorry, I assure you it was by accident I left you out of my 'thank you' comment. :blowkiss: :hug:
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