OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #10

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It's also a good idea for those that might have forgotten this to go back and edit your posts. :)
I have just now caught up, by the time I get home in the evening I am a whole thread behind. I have a couple of things to address so please excuse the fact that this post is all over the place.
One thing I would like everyone to keep in mind right now is that IF Kyron is in the woods he does have a few things going for him which would allow him to survive longer: its not cold, it may be cool but not cold this is a good thing. It has been raining and even though he is young he is old enough to know rain is water and if he is thirsty he will drink the water. Also my kids have always found wild strawberries and blackberries and eaten them, if he gets hungry enough I'm sure he would do this too. He looks like a very smart kid. These things give me hope that if he did get lost in the woods that he could survive. Also I posted an article earlier that was about a 15 year old in Haiti that survived 15 days under rubble and injured, so dont give up on this little guy okay, he needs all the prayers, hope and positive vibes he can get.

As far as the parents statements go, as much as we want information I was really hoping that they would not have made a statement. LE has in no way even suggested that they beleive the parents are suspects, yet people are speculating about the family based on nothing. I mean come on really, we are down to thinking someone might be involved because they blink to much, or looks up, or doesnt stand close enough to someone else. I totally understand the importance of body language but people are making something out of nothing , and we are all better than that, we have NO reason AT THIS POINT to beleive the family is involved, and the way LE is acting they do not suspect them either. okay off my soap box about that.

Last thing and the only reason I'm bringing this up is because it is bothering me SO bad. This is in no way implying anything I just have to get it off my chest. Today I took a nap and I had a dream and as long as I have been involved in missing persons cases this has only happened with Haleigh.. Anyway, I dreamed that I was out searching for Kyron and I found him face down in a creek with a rock laying on his back, it was off of the side of a road almost like a ditch, I started screaming and I moved the rock and picked him up, he was dead but I kept screaming and hugging him and he came back alive, then other searchers ran over and one tried to take him from me and he started crying as they where taking him from me and I woke up.............. Now my gut is telling me that he is still alive, but this dream really shook me up. Does anyone put any stock in dreams? if so what could this mean?
Also at the end of our conversation she mentioned that the SM had called the BM to start heading out this way towards Portland before school had even gotten out the BM had arrived at 5pm on Friday to Portland?.. this is just hearsay and not sure if it is ok to post? If not delete or I can.

If this is true, god help her.
I"m new to this and not seeing how you are getting a case number. When I click on 'view detail' there is no information. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! :)

Left Click on the peg and a box pops up that says view details. Then click on that it takes you to case number.
I have just now caught up, by the time I get home in the evening I am a whole thread behind. I have a couple of things to address so please excuse the fact that this post is all over the place.
One thing I would like everyone to keep in mind right now is that IF Kyron is in the woods he does have a few things going for him which would allow him to survive longer: its not cold, it may be cool but not cold this is a good thing. It has been raining and even though he is young he is old enough to know rain is water and if he is thirsty he will drink the water. Also my kids have always found wild strawberries and blackberries and eaten them, if he gets hungry enough I'm sure he would do this too. He looks like a very smart kid. These things give me hope that if he did get lost in the woods that he could survive. Also I posted an article earlier that was about a 15 year old in Haiti that survived 15 days under rubble and injured, so dont give up on this little guy okay, he needs all the prayers, hope and positive vibes he can get.

As far as the parents statements go, as much as we want information I was really hoping that they would not have made a statement. LE has in no way even suggested that they beleive the parents are suspects, yet people are speculating about the family based on nothing. I mean come on really, we are down to thinking someone might be involved because they blink to much, or looks up, or doesnt stand close enough to someone else. I totally understand the importance of body language but people are making something out of nothing , and we are all better than that, we have NO reason AT THIS POINT to beleive the family is involved, and the way LE is acting they do not suspect them either. okay off my soap box about that.

Last thing and the only reason I'm bringing this up is because it is bothering me SO bad. This is in no way implying anything I just have to get it off my chest. Today I took a nap and I had a dream and as long as I have been involved in missing persons cases this has only happened with Haleigh.. Anyway, I dreamed that I was out searching for Kyron and I found him face down in a creek with a rock laying on his back, it was off of the side of a road almost like a ditch, I started screaming and I moved the rock and picked him up, he was dead but I kept screaming and hugging him and he came back alive, then other searchers ran over and one tried to take him from me and he started crying as they where taking him from me and I woke up.............. Now my gut is telling me that he is still alive, but this dream really shook me up. Does anyone put any stock in dreams? if so what could this mean?

Since this has happened I have had hardly any sleep I just can't. When I do doze off for a few i have been having similar dreams about Kyron and water and SAR...I think its because its all we are thinking about. I put a lot of stock into dreams I think symbolism in the dreams is very important. You can look up key words from your dreams and sort of translate it yourself here on the net on some different websites. http://www.thecuriousdreamer.com/searchresults.php
You make some fantastic points here. I have my suspicions also about what happened in this case and all I will say is that police didn't arrest Scott Peterson or Casey Anthony after one week.

This is my first post here, but I have been following this story for awhile. Very frustrating that there seems to be very little information to go on. I also have the feeling the LE don't quite have a grip on things, and I will admit that something doesn't seem to add up with the stepmother.

1. It has been said that she was attending to errands and housework. Where is her alibi? Even posting the pic on Facebook, that wasn't until late in the afternoon. There is still a good 6 hours where she is unaccounted for. Did she go to the bank? Where are the receipts? Grocery store? Sure if this is a smaller community someone must have seen her out and about? If she was so well known in the school someone must have waved a passing hello as she drove by, right?

2. What about the father? What are his alibis? Was he also at the bus stop? Did he normally get off work at that time? If the parents are not suspected, I don't understand why the LE wouldn't put that out there to squash the speculation from the pubic so the focus is put in another direction. I think it's only natural to suspect the last person he was known to be with especially when no information has been provided to suggest otherwise.

3. Does it seem odd to anyone that the older step-brother conveniently happened to be away on a camping trip where no one could get in contact with him? I'm assuming this has been verified, but not much has been reported about this sibling.

4. There seems to be some confusion about the teachers present. (I can't remember the article, I will look for the link) The deskmate makes mention of a substitute teacher, however in the article the school official said there was no sub listed at school on that particular day. Not sure how credible this boy's statement is? He also says he saw the mom leave...BUT, was that down the hall, out the front door, in her car and drive away? Or was is just that she goodbye and appeared to leave?

5. What about the white truck that was seen reported at 3pm Fri, then again at 2am early Sat. It is known that SM drove a white truck that morning to school and in her FB album from June2010 a picture shows and image of the grandpa on a tractor and there appears to be a white truck in the background. This scenario seems too obvious...could they really be that stupid? See image: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1356418&id=1264414625&fbid=1485802986092
caller found a missing kid on scanner... turns out it is a 3 year old... freaked me out for a second
Ummm.. okay Fox 12 is introducing us during the 10pm news... to a woman who "wants you to know that she did not take Kyron. See why some people are making that assumption."

Say WHAT?! (I'm not caught up yet, so maybe I missed it?) Maybe this is the woman they keep showing with the baby and her house being searched?

This is just a who's who for anyone who is new or still confused about who the important people in Kyron's life are.

Kaine Horman – Kyron’s biological father, married to Terri Moulton Horman

Desiree Horman - Kyron's biological mother

Tony Young- Kyron's step-father

Terri Moulton Horman – Kyron’s step-mother, married to Kaine Hormann.

Carol Moulton – Terri Moulton Horman’s mother, Kyron’s step-grandmother

Carole Smith – school superintendent http://www.kptv.com/news/23811673/detail.html

Gina Zimmerman – mother of child in Kyron’s class http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/i...rtland_bo.html

Kyron also has an older step-brother and a younger sister. Both are minors so I won't give names. Also Kitty is not a pet, this is a nickname for one of the minor siblings.
Ummm.. okay Fox 12 is introducing us during the 10pm news... to a woman who "wants you to know that she did not take Kyron. See why some people are making that assumption."

Say WHAT?! (I'm not caught up yet, so maybe I missed it?) Maybe this is the woman they keep showing with the baby and her house being searched?


Or the lady in the VW .
Has anyone here followed the Riley Fox case - 3YO Riley was taken right from her living room when sleeping, raped, murdered, and thrown in the river. They recently made an arrest of a child predator who lived just a couple blocks away, was one of their first suspects, only to be replaced by Riley's dad. Dad has won millions in a lawsuit from Illinois for - well you name it. And those who thought dad was guilty seem to continue to think he is guilty even in spite of DNA evidence proving otherwise. moo

I haven't followed that case, so I have no opinion at all about anyone's guilt or innocence in it. But for all cases, we should keep in mind that the question of "who did it?" sometimes doesn't have an either/or answer. Take Shaniya Davis, for example -- the DNA evidence (and other evidence) certainly showed an unrelated man being her rapist and murderer, but that really had no bearing on the question of her mother's guilt, since it turned out her mother had "sold" her to the rapist/murderer knowing he planned to use her for sex.
The sheriff said he was sorry investigators haven't released much information about the search.

"Because it is a situation where there is a school and a child involved we have been extremely cautious," Staton said. "If we start releasing certain aspects of the case, certain avenues shut down. I apologize to the media and the public because they need to know, but we are not going to release anything that would potentially damage the investigation."

Promising leads have come into the tip line, Staton added, and they're handed over to investigators within 15 minutes after they're received, but he wouldn't give any details.

He noted that searchers have run into some difficulties in checking private property. "We've had to tell people that we don't want to violate their privacy--we don't care what you have in your car or your barn," Staton said. "We have set aside everything."

Oh, it's a kid that looks a lot like Kyron. Though, I can tell them apart. He has his ears pierced and a scar by his right eye.

So that's why they are getting accused of taking Kyron. Understandable.
The sheriff said he was sorry investigators haven't released much information about the search.

"Because it is a situation where there is a school and a child involved we have been extremely cautious," Staton said. "If we start releasing certain aspects of the case, certain avenues shut down. I apologize to the media and the public because they need to know, but we are not going to release anything that would potentially damage the investigation."

Promising leads have come into the tip line, Staton added, and they're handed over to investigators within 15 minutes after they're received, but he wouldn't give any details.

He noted that searchers have run into some difficulties in checking private property. "We've had to tell people that we don't want to violate their privacy--we don't care what you have in your car or your barn," Staton said. "We have set aside everything."


I never thought about that. Things people have that they aren't that happy for LE to see.
Good night.

I too, with all of you, i hope, pray and dream that tommorow brings Kyron home!
oh wow... the boy on the news looks just like kyron and keeps getting questioned. I bet they are the white beetle family!
Left Click on the peg and a box pops up that says view details. Then click on that it takes you to case number.

Thanks Ruby. I declare myself totally clueless. I do all that and get case number, but the 'details' themselves I can't get to. Am I supposed to be able to? Maybe I am trying to do something that is not even possible :question:
Also at the end of our conversation she mentioned that the SM had called the BM to start heading out this way towards Portland before school had even gotten out the BM had arrived at 5pm on Friday to Portland?.. this is just hearsay and not sure if it is ok to post? If not delete or I can.

Did your friend mention the nature of the call SM made to BM? If it was a routine call to BM on the Fridays she traveled to Portland, it makes sense.

If this refers to an alert call that Kyron is missing, i.e. "Please get here" it's very confusing since it was "before school had even gotten out" and if BM arrived at 5pm, it would mean the call was placed around 12:00 noon, since it's been reported the mother has a five hour drive to get to Portland.

Without more information it's hard to discern its significance. But it is interesting.
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