OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #12

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Wandering off doesn't fit with a criminal investigation :(

I keep thinking about Wayne Williams, back in the early 1980s. He was basically always scanning for opportunities with boys without witnesses. He didn't hunt any specific boy down, he just had this constant opportunistic thing going on.

It doesn't sound like Kyron was a kid who would go off into the woods on his own but if he left school for some reason (due to teasing or bullying, maybe?), he may have decided to walk home along the route he was usually bussed along.

If there was a predator who was cruising, that could answer why there are no reports of a strange adult in the school that day.
He couldn't stop his voice from shaking hardly at all :-( Now I'm weeping too. And all I have to do is see that adorable, proud grin as Kyron's standing in front of his red eyed frog project and I start all over again. It is so hard to think that this precious little guy is gone from this world, but most likely he is. This case is so horrible. AND, so baffling.
This is very sad.This really bothers me.I pray they find Kyron.They need to find him.
Boy I hope you guys are wrong, I keep thinking about Sean Hornbeck and him coming home, four years later. I know that is a hard thing to endure or think your child could be with some sicko, but they have him back and he appears to be doing well. Elizabeth Smart 9 months. There are more, just can't think now.
LE has only said that the family is cooperating; they have not said they are not suspects and they have said everyone is of interest to us in this investigation.

BTW, ground rules for todays' PC sound like more of the same...will not take any investigative questions. What is the point?? Starting to sound like Gestapo...JMO

Exactly. Without transparency we have a police state.
Dunno if this has been posted yet, but for those itching for a reward fund, you got it. I pray that brings in REAL useful tips and is the impetus to jog the memory of somebody. I surely have not seen a lack of interest in this case, but whatever keep it moving along, I won't argue with. Have not seen that press conference yet, but not sure I can sit thru it.

Another sad day, and no Kyron. Just heartbreaking.


BBM. I just have to say that it breaks my heart and makes me sick to think someone would wait for a reward to be posted before they would tell what they know. Not surprised, just sickened! This is an innocent child!!
Wonder if any boys at Kyron's school look similar to him.

Wondering if another parent could have been seen, in say the parking lot, with Kyron - but really the observers thought it was just this person's own child - so they don't realize that they even saw something out of the ordinary. Hope that makes sense.
I really feel this policy is wrong. I think in the case of missing children, LE should be able to get anyone's cell records or search anyone's land that they want to. It just wastes valuable time and if you are innocent, you wouldn't care anyway.

It's not policy, it's our Constitutionally guaranteed right.

And I disagree with the second bolded statement, however if someone volunteers to a search, no warrant is necessary.
Right about the time the presser was supposed to start, I couldn't connect to Websleuths. I thought maybe that meant Kyron had been found & WS servers were getting slammed. Then I realized my router had gone out & needed to be reset. :banghead:

Thank you to everyone who posted about the presser, I really appreciate it.
I only wish it had been better news & not left me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Oh Kyron, I hope wherever you are you are not suffering, not afraid & you know how many people care about you!
Boy I hope you guys are wrong, I keep thinking about Sean Hornbeck and him coming home, four years later. I know that is a hard thing to endure or think your child could be with some sicko, but they have him back and he appears to be doing well. Elizabeth Smart 9 months. There are more, just can't think now.

The sad thing is Bern... Unfortunately most of the missing children do not make it home. The two kids listed are exceptions to the rule, not the rule especially after this much time has past.
Isn't that photo lovely? That's the quarry I posted about (Knife River) yesterday; I made a map showing the routes they want video from .
If you could look up and over that hill, the school is in a direct line with this photo.

The RR tracks run along Hwy 30, between it and the river.

There is only one way on/off the island.
The search on Sauvie has been limited to the area closest to the channel, where all the floating home moorages are.

Won't have time I think, to pick through all of last night's posts. Let me know if there are questions outstanding.

Gee thanks Pdx as it is great to get that perspective. And that is one thing I didn't mention, so glad you brought it up, all the house boats on the island. I seem to think there has to have been a tip - a good one - especially for 2 blackhawks to be working that area.
Boy I hope you guys are wrong, I keep thinking about Sean Hornbeck and him coming home, four years later. I know that is a hard thing to endure or think your child could be with some sicko, but they have him back and he appears to be doing well. Elizabeth Smart 9 months. There are more, just can't think now.

This is not to say that I wouldn't rather ALWAYS think that my child is alive -- but I like to put "alive and safe" together. I may get jumped on for this, but what horrors did these kids put up with for the months and years they were gone? I cannot even imagine the state I would be in if my daughter went missing, but at some point, I'd rather find her body then think she is with some sicko who is raping and keeping her locked up for years. (And I'm crying as I type this....) I would hope Kyron is alive and lost; if some SO got him, I hope he is at peace.
IMO they don't need horses, they need divers and resources for water search. JMO

Just FYI, TES does waaaaay more than horseback searches. They have all kinds of equipment, side sonar boats, etc.

Not being snarky at all, just saying that thay are an amazing organization.

Also, they don't offer their services, they need to be invited to come by family or law enforcement, IIRC.
Here in CA, LE releases very little information about an ongoing investigation to avoid jeopardizing their work.
FL, OTOH, tells you just about everything and more.

Does anyone know if it is atypical of LE to be tight lipped in OR? To me, it makes perfect sense that we the public should not be told everything during the active investigation. Generally speaking,I am not sure why we need the investigation to be transparent to us at this juncture. At some point , absolutely, but on a need to know basis for now LOL.
Wonder if any boys at Kyron's school look similar to him.

Wondering if another parent could have been seen, in say the parking lot, with Kyron - but really the observers thought it was just this person's own child - so they don't realize that they even saw something out of the ordinary. Hope that makes sense.

Just this weekend I have seen four little boys at one of our local parks and they all favored Kyron. He looks like a lot of little boys in his age group.
I don't know bout anyone else, but I'm grateful that FINALLY, they are calling this a 'criminal' investigation!

Kyron has nothing in his background or personality indicating he would ever wander off - he has a step-dad who is a homicide detective, and we know from all the research that children of LE are more careful than most regarding safety, strangers, and day to day living. Why the profilers/LE would ever think he would just wander off, especiallly when invested and so proud of his frog project, is beyond me. moo

Sorry if this offends anyone, but for me to 'pretend' that something is the case when it clearly is not, is exhausting to me,. moo
I disagree with many of the (obviously concerned and caring) people on this forum. I believe at this point LE owes us, the public, almost nothing. Their obligation is to Kyron. I believe the family owes us even less. Why should they show us, strangers, their pain? Why should they have to weep in front of us to be considered decent people? Many have said "if they want our help..." but honestly, unless you live in the area or see Kyron somewhere, they haven't asked for anything. And they have thanked those who have offered prayers and support.
Someone up-thread referred to LE as incredibly disciplined, and I agree. I've never seen any LE keep everyone in line so well. No leaks. No hints to certain reporters. I applaud them for the way the are handling the case, as much as it might frustrate my personal curiosity. But the case is not about appeasing me. When it's all over, they can account to taxpayers for their decisions, but not till then.

thank you
If they do not need his body to make an arrest, I wonder what they do need at this point? They seem to have enough info to know that the ground search is probably futile and that this is now a criminal investigation, so they must have some evidence of a crime pointing, I am guessing, at a particular person. Just wondering out loud what would be enough to make an arrest, coupled with whatever brought them to today's statements.
It's not policy, it's our Constitutionally guaranteed right.

And I disagree with the second bolded statement, however if someone volunteers to a search, no warrant is necessary.

Maybe so, but if someone refused, I would be more suspicious of them than if they agreed. And I WOULD search there if it was my child missing. Let them take me to prison, it would cause a big uproar that would bring more publicity to them that they wouldn't want.
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