OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #16

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I think the problem is LE is not held up to a standard when it comes to lying. They have that grace to put out there whatever they think will best serve the investigation and targeted to whomever where they see a need. IMO

I know, but gosh. They sure put the family in the hotseat with that one. I wonder how they thought doing that to them would best serve the investigation?

A simple, "We have asked the family not to speak at this time in the interest of protecting the integrity of the investigation" would have been right in line with all the rest of the no commenting they'd been doing anyway, and would have stopped the speculation about why the family was avoiding the media.

Instead they say, "No, they can speak anytime they feel like it. We'll be happy to help them do it."

I have just heard about this case for the first time. I see websleuthers have been on the case for quite a while but maybe someone could help me with a quick catch up.

I am unclear about this point, the stepmom and Kyron were seen in the school. When did the stepmother say was the last time she saw him? Did she leave him in his classroom? Did she walk him to the cafeteria before leaving?

Maybe someone can point you to a synopsis of the case so far...but Stepmom says she watched him walk down a hall toward his class but not into the classroom...who/when he was seen last is up for debate...nothing really confirmed.
If someone has him stashed away in an outbuilding how is that NOT an abduction?

The only way it wasn't an abduction is if he wandered away on his own or he left with SM or his dad.

If he left with another relative, a stranger, a teacher, an acquaintance, an older child, a parent of another student etc....he was abducted.


Unless there was never a formal custody order. In that case, the bio mom taking him would not be an abduction. I think. I don't know. IANAL.
The link above says they accept interdistrict transfers.


They do, but it requires the permission of BOTH districts, and the district you are transferring OUT of has to send the $$$ the government gives them for your child. In other words, it costs districts $$ to let students go. Thus, while it may be allowed, and Portland would be GLAD to take your student (more $$ for them), most districts won't sign off on letting the student OUT. Portland pretty much doesn't allow any transfers out. I imagine other districts feel the same way.
It seems to me that LE wants to keep tight control of this investigation. It doesn't surprise me that the family isn't talking. When they finally caved (my word) to pressure and gave a statement it seemed very scripted to me. I think that is why the Facebook went private. That want to make sure that nothing gets out to harm the investigation.
I am headed out to the vigil right now. I will report back anything I can.
I had not heard it when watching this pc the first time, but around 9:00 minutes in, a reporter asks if it is rare or if he has seen it before where someone other than a parent has went into a school and took a child. Then Gates says you put me on the spot with that question but um well um, I have never seen it before in my career.


Perhaps he hasn't seen it, but people have posted examples here.
If that is true, then LE flatout lied at the press conference. The question was asked directly, "Has LE told the family not to speak to media?" LE's answer was a direct NO. He said LE has told the family they will help facilitate any such statement when the family feels they are ready to speak to the media.

His denial was firm. We talked about it here and I posted at the time that I found it curious they just left the family to hang out to dry like that.

So, if that was a lie told by LE, at a press conference no less, what else have they lied about?

That has bothered me from the beginning as well. While I think LE can and will not say things and be vague, that was a clear statement that was never corrected. I don't think they would flat out lie about that and not correct it later. Seems like there was another contradictory statement made by the family back then, but I can't seem to remember it now.

The bolded quote from the article above is interesting to me. They don't want to "cloud anyone's recollection". They also want to make sure the perp doesn't know everything they know, as it could tip him/her off as to what times to lie about. They do not want to give any hints that may alter someone's timeline...

And I think that what they know about that short time between 8:45 or 9am and being absent in class is what made this "a unique case" right from the get go. But, I can't imagine what that would be.

It also bothers me that, as many have posted before, the SM posted about not believing the press, that they had things wrong, on FB, but no one, not the police, the family or a spokesman for the family has ever said anything to correct anything said by the press. That is a strong thing to feel and say so early on. If there was bad/false info being put out, wouldn't someone want to correct that info, even if you couldn't say what the correct info is, just that whatever might have been said was not correct?

Is there anything about this case, other than what an adorable boy Kyron is, that isn't horribly confusing?
But at one PC, LE stated that they had not told the family not to speak to out. It's there somewhere, I know it is :(

I remember LE saying that also but maybe FBI told them something different? That could be causing some confusion if it happened.

Just a possibilty....
I think you're right scandi - LE can tell us anything, make up things, and do whatever cause their sole focus is to bring Kyron home. moo

I so don't want to go back to find the exact statements from LE, but IIRC they used words like we aren't PREVENTING them from talking to the media....because they really can't ever do that. That isn't necessarily at odds with discouraging them from talking to the media, or suggesting that they don't, or perhaps just requesting that they don't. That being said, you are both right, they can flat out contradict themselves and do so for very good reasons.

They do, but it requires the permission of BOTH districts, and the district you are transferring OUT of has to send the $$$ the government gives them for your child. In other words, it costs districts $$ to let students go. Thus, while it may be allowed, and Portland would be GLAD to take your student (more $$ for them), most districts won't sign off on letting the student OUT. Portland pretty much doesn't allow any transfers out. I imagine other districts feel the same way.

I'm sure you're right about the policy. But KGW June 11 video story shows them interviewing a parent living on Sauvie Island who has at least one child at Skyline Elementary.

Here's the link, skip ahead to 1:40 if you want to see the interview.
Unless there was never a formal custody order. In that case, the bio mom taking him would not be an abduction. I think. I don't know. IANAL.

On the FBI page, there are both custodial and noncustodial parents wanted for kidnapping their kids, and at least one that I remember where the parents had not even divorced.
Have you heard anything of what's going on?Sheriffs boat on channel?That sounds serious.
I did watch that spot on KGW and they showed the police craft mosying down the river slowly in the area of the houseboats. It left me with the impression they are keeping a watch on the river area and it's banks like on a patrol.

I wish I had former Officer Jensen's quote today on KGW to get it exact ya know lol { Ah hmmmmm} Oh, how fortuitous LOLOLOL It just replayed for me.

He said LE knows what they are doing, they have something specific they are looking for and that they think they will find whatever it is.
Does anyone recall if the SM actually sent an email on 6/4 to Kyron's teacher asking when she could pick up the science project? Is this stated in an actual news story somewhere? I ask because it seems odd to me to have time that afternoon to pick up the project if necessary, but then have your kid take the bus home. Why not just make it a special day and do the pick-up? Sorry if this point has already been addressed.

Is that something that started from an anonymous comment to an article? Like the appointment thing?
According to the Skyline Ridge newsletter (neighborhood newsletter), the Sheriff's office hasn't forbidden anyone from talking to the news media. However, the editor/writers of the newsletter have particular advice:

http://srnpdx.org/current_newsline (June 15 Part II)

Please do not discuss the following:

The day of the disappearance
Feelings about members of the family
Speculations about the case or who you think is involved in Kyron's disappearance
Things you've observed that may pertain to the case - call those in to the sheriff
It would be appreciated if you could avoid negative comments about the school and law enforcement. A complete review of procedures and responses are being reviewed at both institutions

Please feel free to discuss the following:

Your own feelings or the feelings of your family
Your desire for Kyron's safe return
The impact of this event on the neighborhood
Your personal experiences as a parent at Skyline Elementary
Anything about the community, geography, events or mood of the neighborhood
They do, but it requires the permission of BOTH districts, and the district you are transferring OUT of has to send the $$$ the government gives them for your child. In other words, it costs districts $$ to let students go. Thus, while it may be allowed, and Portland would be GLAD to take your student (more $$ for them), most districts won't sign off on letting the student OUT. Portland pretty much doesn't allow any transfers out. I imagine other districts feel the same way.

True. We have a bunch of districts within a small area in my part of Oregon. They will allow a student from out of district ONLY if they have another in trade.
I know, but gosh. They sure put the family in the hotseat with that one. I wonder how they thought doing that to them would best serve the investigation?

A simple, "We have asked the family not to speak at this time in the interest of protecting the integrity of the investigation" would have been right in line with all the rest of the no commenting they'd been doing anyway, and would have stopped the speculation about why the family was avoiding the media.

Instead they say, "No, they can speak anytime they feel like it. We'll be happy to help them do it."



And I think that is exactly what LE did. I think they worked with them on the statements they were going to make. Making sure they did not say anything they weren't supposed to reveal.

as far as the claim that LE told the family not to talk to media...

maybe by "LE" they mean Step-dad?
It seems to me that LE wants to keep tight control of this investigation. It doesn't surprise me that the family isn't talking. When they finally caved (my word) to pressure and gave a statement it seemed very scripted to me. I think that is why the Facebook went private. That want to make sure that nothing gets out to harm the investigation.
I am headed out to the vigil right now. I will report back anything I can.
Yes,please tell us about Kyrons vigil.
Perhaps he hasn't seen it, but people have posted examples here.

Oh, I didn't say it has never happened...:truce:

I stated I didn't catch that part of the press conference before because the reporter wasn't very loud when asking the question. Also was nice for me to know that Gates hasn't specifically dealt with this situation before, not that it means anything except imo he is able to be more objective as to what happened.
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