OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #6

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What FBI Profilers Are Looking For​


Forensic Psychologist Frank Colistro up in Portland says the FBI profiler will likely ask himself about two distinct abductors. “It could be the work of an opportunist’s abductor, it could be of a very powerful methodical serial killer,” Colistro explains.

Colistrol says he does not know specifically what the profiler will ask, as they put the puzzle together, but the questions will likely include, how the abductor got access to Kyron, how would Kyron react to strangers, and did witnesses see anyone unusual at the school Friday morning.

He said they will use the FBI’s enormous database to search for similarities of Kyron’s disappearance and thousands of other cases across the country. The profiler will also make a profile on Kyron, based on what he learns from friends, family, and teachers.​
Well said! I like how Tricia says we can speculate but not sleuth them or bash them.

Actually, I thought we were moving away from even speculating when reports came out that others saw Kyron after SM left the school? I was only on the thread for a short time during that discussion so maybe I misread that. :waitasec:

As far as I know, we have no independant confirmation of exactly when the SM left the school. We have only an approximate time given by LE of the last time Kyron was seen, and that is "about 9:00." The SM has stated (though we have no direct quote from her that I know of) that she left Kyron around 8:45.
I don't think we have enough facts to point to any one person, but we also don't have enough to exclude any person, either.
PORTLAND, Ore. — Crews from all 36 counties in Oregon will join the search for Kyron Horman as the focus remains in the area around the rural Portland school where the 7-year-old boy disappeared Friday.
The Multnomah County sheriff's office has been leading the effort since it began. The additional search and rescue teams are expected to begin arriving Wednesday night and be in the field on Thursday.


I kind of wish they'd done that a few days earlier. Tomorrow is day 6.
Capt. Jason Gates then answered questions from the media. He categorically denied that there was a warrant out for a family member.


"Capt. Jason Gates then answered questions from the media. He categorically denied that there was a warrant out for a family member."

I wish we had a transcript or reply of the PC; I was taking notes and wrote something different.

(from my notes)
reports about a search warrant is absolutely incorrect, it did not happen.

I do not recall hearing about a warrant for a person's arrest, family or otherwise, being confirmed/unconfirmed or 'no commented' on etc.
Well said! I like how Tricia says we can speculate but not sleuth them or bash them.

Actually, I thought we were moving away from even speculating when reports came out that others saw Kyron after SM left the school? I was only on the thread for a short time during that discussion so maybe I misread that. :waitasec:

Indeed Kimster. That and the fact that LE is, and has been with the family 24/7 speaks volumes to me. IMO, statistics alone shouldn't be the basis for looking at the family. I really think that we have to be careful not to be tainted by some other cases we've seen...
As of yet I haven't heard or seen any evidence of Kyron having a volitile home life, i.e. drug/alcohol/domestic offenses/or abuse, past involvement with child protective services and I haven't heard anything from LE to indicate that anyone within Kyron's immediate family is being untruthful or withholding any information from them. I think it's important to keep this in mind ~ IMVHO ~
Has anyone thought this may be related to someone well known to the family?
"Capt. Jason Gates then answered questions from the media. He categorically denied that there was a warrant out for a family member."

I wish we had a transcript or reply of the PC; I was taking notes and wrote something different.

(from my notes)
reports about a search warrant is absolutely incorrect, it did not happen.

I do not recall hearing about a warrant for a person's arrest, family or otherwise, being confirmed/unconfirmed or 'no commented' on etc.

I'm going to try to find the presser if I can. Mine was cutting in and out; but, I did hear a reporter ask (after the search warrant was denied) if the LE had taken any information to the magistrate to obtain a search warrant. That is what I think I heard anyway ... can't swear to it.
Kyron Not On Amber Alert​

You’ve seen the pictures, the faces of abducted children broadcasted around the U.S., on TV, the radio, and on reader boards for all to see. If you visit the Amber Alert website, there’s no alert for Kyron Hormon. That’s because, even though Kyron is missing, and there’s a desperate search to find the 7 year old boy from Portland, his case doesn’t fit the strict rules for Amber Alerts.​

He is considered as a missing or endangered child that means there are also no descriptions of a suspect or a vehicle. There are several dedicated Facebook pages to finding Kyron. Kyron is also on the missing, and exploited children’s website, and the FBI’s top endangered list. Eugene police and authorities across the Northwest are also distributing missing fliers, hoping someone spots the boy, or calls in a tip that brings Kyron home​

I envy you all a little bit. It is not that I am not a compassionate person (because my heart breaks for this little boy and all the others in situations like this), but I think I am just more of a "thinking" person than a "feeling" person. O/T if you are familiar with the Myers Briggs personality tests - you know they break personality traits down into the following:

Introvert vs Extrovert
Sensing vs Intuitive
Thinking vs Feeling
Judging vs Perceiving

If I dug and dug and looked at every possible angle with the sole purpose of finding Kyron - and it caused an innocent person to get their feelings hurt in the process, I would feel badly of course - but to me it is better to search for truth and leave no stones unturned than to protect the feelings of someone going thru a tragedy. I hope that makes sense. Now, I need a break from this. I hope we hear some good news soon!

I am familiar with that test and definitely come out on the thinking end. However, if there is no evidence that the loved ones are involved and LE doesn't focus on them, I tend to put my thinking cap on and I focus in other directions. For me, getting hung up on every nuance, gesture, tear, and word the family does or does not say interferes with moving on. It didn't take me long to focus on Casey, Manwill's mom and her boyfriend, and the latest dyad of torturers - the evidence and circumstances presented all but mandated that attention from me. I haven't seen or felt that pull in this case. I have nothing but compassion for the family right now. MOO mho and all that stuff
"Capt. Jason Gates then answered questions from the media. He categorically denied that there was a warrant out for a family member."

I wish we had a transcript or reply of the PC; I was taking notes and wrote something different.

(from my notes)
reports about a search warrant is absolutely incorrect, it did not happen.

I do not recall hearing about a warrant for a person's arrest, family or otherwise, being confirmed/unconfirmed or 'no commented' on etc.

Here's a raw audio of the entire press conference:

Scroll down. There are 2 audios. The first is the family statement. It's the second one down past that that's the full presser.
I kind of wish they'd done that a few days earlier. Tomorrow is day 6.

RE:searchers coming in from all over Oregon today..

On Friday night by late evening (11:30pm) I was watching the news and they had over 100 searchers from several surrounding agencies/search teams..
Sorry if this has already been posted...

Investigator on Ore. Boy Kyron Horman Missing: "Seems Strange"
News by Mark Berman Opposing Views
(3 Hours Ago) in Society / Crime

As the search for missing Kyron Horman stretches into another day, two top Portland private investigators say they don't think a stranger played a role in his disappearance.

Kyron, 7, was last seen by his stepmother walking towards his classroom following a science fair at his school on Friday morning. When he didn't arrive home on the school bus, his parents learned he wasn't in class all day.

Criminal profiler Dr. Ron Turco said, "Something doesn't fit. He was an intelligent boy and was very proud of what he did at school.

"You have to hypothesize that he went with someone he knew. A family member or someone associated with the family, " said Dr. Turco.

Investigator and former Portland Police Detective CW Jensen echoes that. "To me, it seems strange."
Hi! I'm not good at this stuff. But it seems like they want everyone to check homes, cars, sheds and so on. No one has mention to look for someone who is acting strange, or different. Or even if anyone is missing. I don't know. I hope Kyron is found safely soon.

Makes sense....I saw someone else mention that the search area was local so that fits with your train of thought! thanks!
MAYBE they think Kyron got upset about something and ran off. PERHAPS they think he may be HIDING somewhere and that's why they want everyone to check their property?
MAYBE they think Kyron got upset about something and ran off. PERHAPS they think he may be HIDING somewhere and that's why they want everyone to check their property?

That would be great if that is what happened, but I don't think it is.
Hiding for 5 days? If that's the case, he's the most resourceful 7 year old Ive ever met.. especially with the rain they've been having..
MAYBE they think Kyron got upset about something and ran off. PERHAPS they think he may be HIDING somewhere and that's why they want everyone to check their property?

I would so love for that to be true; but, sadly, I don't feel that it is. I think it is someone he knew. Not necessarily family but maybe a family friend or a school mate's parent or school staff member.

It is also a possibility that Kyron did wonder out and perhaps get lost. He could have wondered out and someone saw him and took advantage of the opportunity too.

There are just so many "what if's":banghead:
Hiding for 5 days? If that's the case, he's the most resourceful 7 year old Ive ever met.. especially with the rain they've been having..

It might depend on what upset him to make him run off and hide, if he did. He looked like a very sensitive child. Also, it is possible he may have hid in something he could not get back out of.

I'm not sure this happened, just throwing out an idea. One never knows what a child will do or why.
Ok - I picked my new avi for Kyron - I picked this one cause I thought he would think its funny and make him smile!!!
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