OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #6

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Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.

"He walked by the hallway and I'm like, 'Hi, Kyron,' and he's like, 'Hi. I'm going to go see this cool one. It's electric.' I'm like, 'Alright, bye.' And that's the last time I saw him," Tanner said. "He never did make it back to class."

What time did he see him, did he have a watch and did he see Kyron's mom with him? I have trouble keeping track of time when i'm busy, I can imagion that kids do too. Also, this could have been earlier in the day just as it could of been after his mom left. I am just saying it is hard for me to make this a "fact" that he was seen after his mom left within the 15 minute time frame going to another project...possiable yeah. But not a fact.

If he couldn't tell time or there wasn't a clock nearby, LE would have questioned him to determine where he was in his schedule, e.g., did the late bell ring yet? was it a long time after the late bell? where were you? what were you doing? what was your class supposed to be doing at that time? who else did you see and what were they doing? what was your teacher doing?

They can pin it down to within a few minutes I would think, comparing his answers against answers from adults as to what they were doing and what the schedule was around that time.
Indeed, I did say that on my first quick scan of her FB page. The second and third read, well, I spent more time following links, seeing that things that were said were self-conflictual (paraphrasing: "We don't even have a TV in our house!" when a month earlier there's a photo of the TV and the Wii), and I started to develop a different opinion, and that's all I can say and still be within the terms of service.

I wish I could share what it was that changed my opinion, but I'll not do that so as not to break rules.

I feel your pain.
In regards to the jacket and backpack~ there was a picture on NBC or CBS.com of Kyron coloring in what looks a lot like his current clasroom and behind him hanging on a rack are jackets and backpacks. It seems to me that the kids hung up their backpacks and jackets in the back of the room. I know there is speculation that his jacket and backpack was at his desk, but we have seen pictures of his desk and there is no jacket or backpack that I see.
Again, as a teacher, I can say that if a child forgot a jacket or backpack it would not be noticed until the end of the day when all the others kids stuff was gone. I can say that at least one child forgets something in my classroom every day, so stuff left at the end of the day would not alarm me.
When my son was in first grade, they had lockers. The teacher never knew what the kids forgot at the end of the day.
Now there's a video up for this.

Classmate: 'I Hope My Best Friend Will Come Back'

video: http://www.kptv.com/video/23842579/index.html

article: http://www.kptv.com/news/23842774/detail.html

This is about the electricity project Kyron went to see after his stepmom left.

Still trying to get caught up; but, I had a question. If Kyron's best friend saw him and spoke w/ him to tell him where he was going, would the best friend not wonder why he had not returned and bring it to the teacher's attention? Not saying anything bad about kids; but, we all know how they like to tattle sometimes. I just can't imagine that none of the kids that saw Kyron didn't ask their teacher where he was. IF they did, I would like to know what the teacher's response was and what she may have been thinking.

I still believe that, if there was a question as to whether or not Kyron did leave w/ SM would it not be simple just to give SM a call to make sure?
On Saturday, at the presser, he said that LE wasn't stopping the family from speaking, but that they were too distraught to speak...

That's based on memory...just paraphrasing what he said.

His comments since then have led me to believe they were being advised to lay low. With (IIRC) 20+ agencies and groups involved, it could be that Gates wasn't aware of this on Saturday.
Sorry for the silly question but what is/where would I find the scanner thread?! TY!

Um, you are new so I am not sure you can get there yet...I think you need to have a certain number of posts on WS before you will be able to. However, you CAN listen to the scanner itself if someone posts the link. Is that allowed here or not???

Bean, I just read an article where a mother said that Kyron's homeroom was at the north end of the building. He was last sighted at the south end of the building, I think.

So many different things being said, hard to know what's right.

I'm not entirely sure that this kid's sighting is the 9am sighting or the late morning sighting for that matter.

I don't want LE to compromise the investigation or Kyron's safety and rescue, but one teeny tiny timeline from LE just to clarify the info that they have already released would thrill me greatly.
Indeed, I did say that on my first quick scan of her FB page. The second and third read, well, I spent more time following links, seeing that things that were said were self-conflictual (paraphrasing: "We don't even have a TV in our house!" when a month earlier there's a photo of the TV and the Wii), and I started to develop a different opinion, and that's all I can say and still be within the terms of service.

I wish I could share what it was that changed my opinion, but I'll not do that so as not to break rules.

OK, sorry if i misrepresented your current thinking... I did, however, want to quote something that mentioned Kyron's after-school swimming lessons and instructors, etc. I will go back and re-evaluate things from your point of view, since I don't really have one!
Kids tend to pipe up on their own.

Not always. Again, former teacher here. Only moo. A lot of teachers don't "call roll" (I didn't) they just survey the room while the kids are doing seatwork and see who's in a seat. If she did that quietly, even if a kid did pop up with "where's Kyron? I saw him this morning, he said he was going to look at the electricity exhibit", the teacher probably thought "yep, left with SM" and went on with the day.
I just find it difficult to believe that this principal, school resource officer (security) and teacher(s) were that "lax" in where he was, was he there, did he leave, etc.

Principals, especially, are charged with keeping ALL students safe and accounted for. Liability is a HUGE word nowadays. And, face it, the school was liable for Kyron.

I don't believe we are hearing the "true" story from the school. A 7 yr old doesn't just "go home" without a signout, or acknowledgment to office staff, something. SM was a teacher - she knows this too!

I've worked very rural schools and the same rules apply - regardless of whether you know every parent or not - they still sign.

We are not privy to everything LE has on this.

Exactly my feelings, word for word. I can't speculate but I can continue praying for Kyron
and hope he is found soon.:praying::praying:

I have his Missing Poster on my wall at work. I will not let anyone forget what is at stake here.
Um, you are new so I am not sure you can get there yet...I think you need to have a certain number of posts on WS before you will be able to. However, you CAN listen to the scanner itself if someone posts the link. Is that allowed here or not???


I got the thread, someone put the link up for me, I can see it/post in it! Thanks!
Yes, she traveled to Portland from her home several hours away the first night. It was HER sister who issued the first statement released by the family as a group.


Who's to say this aunt wasn't speaking for the entire family, stepmom and father included? That's how I took it, anyway.
Can someone bring the pictures thread over?

Here is the link to the photo album our fellow sleuther AmandaReckonwith made--i think you are talking about that one?
[FONT=&quot]Moving over from part #4\ #588

Case archive album started for Kyron Horman:


Also: here is a link to all things Kyron=timelines, pressers, videos, articles

I will try to bump this every time we advance parts! Thanks everyone for your efforts in mapping, I don't have those links! cant keep up!
Still trying to get caught up; but, I had a question. If Kyron's best friend saw him and spoke w/ him to tell him where he was going, would the best friend not wonder why he had not returned and bring it to the teacher's attention? Not saying anything bad about kids; but, we all know how they like to tattle sometimes. I just can't imagine that none of the kids that saw Kyron didn't ask their teacher where he was. IF they did, I would like to know what the teacher's response was and what she may have been thinking.

I still believe that, if there was a question as to whether or not Kyron did leave w/ SM would it not be simple just to give SM a call to make sure?

But even if the kid asked, if you thought SM had told you Kyron had an appointment and you were (in your mind) sure she left with him, would you really take the time to call her again? You'd probably think you knew what was going on and continue on with the day. Kids this age aren't super-aware of time (I have one that is his age right now), I can see where she could have easily dismissed it as the kid saw Kyron while SM was with him or in the building.
Who's to say this aunt wasn't speaking for the entire family, stepmom and father included? That's how I took it, anyway.

Um I don't know why maybe I am weird but as his mother I would want to do my own statement. I would include his step mother of course but that would be done verbally noone would have to guess she was included.

If I were the step mom married to the dad, same thing. I would want him and I to do our own and include his mom.

I would ask us to do the statement together actually. (If we got along of course)

ETA: this is just a guess because by the grace of GOD I never did nor will I need to make a press confrence cause my child is missing.
http://www.kptv.com/news/ 23842774/detail.html

Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.

"He walked by the hallway and I'm like, 'Hi, Kyron,' and he's like, 'Hi. I'm going to go see this cool one. It's electric.' I'm like, 'Alright, bye.' And that's the last time I saw him," Tanner said. "He never did make it back to class."

What time did he see him, did he have a watch and did he see Kyron's mom with him? I have trouble keeping track of time when i'm busy, I can imagion that kids do too. Also, this could have been earlier in the day just as it could of been after his mom left. I am just saying it is hard for me to make this a "fact" that he was seen after his mom left within the 15 minute time frame going to another project...possiable yeah. But not a fact.

Another time link,placing Kyron near his classroom. As to the time, it must have been a bit before 8:45, because isn't that when school actually starts ? Wouldn't the teacher start taking attendance then ?

What about the person who saw Kyron by his classroom door at 9 :00 ? The person who LE would not identify ? I wonder if he went and looked at the cool science project,and was on his way into his classroom when something happened ? I would look at other parents,and other relatives of classmates who had been at the Science Fair. I think someone spoke to him when he went back to look at that "cool " project. Said something to lure him into their car. The school sounds really lax, and whoever did this probably knew that... Could have been someone he knew by sight,and so wasn't a stranger to him. Hope Kyron is found soon.
I just find it difficult to believe that this principal, school resource officer (security) and teacher(s) were that "lax" in where he was, was he there, did he leave, etc.

Principals, especially, are charged with keeping ALL students safe and accounted for. Liability is a HUGE word nowadays. And, face it, the school was liable for Kyron.

I don't believe we are hearing the "true" story from the school. A 7 yr old doesn't just "go home" without a signout, or acknowledgment to office staff, something. SM was a teacher - she knows this too!

I've worked very rural schools and the same rules apply - regardless of whether you know every parent or not - they still sign.

We are not privy to everything LE has on this.

This is a great point. The school is liable for Kyron. They aren't answering questions about procedures and who was possibly in the school that morning -- because of a potential lawsuit.

Having said that though -- if it was a parent of another student who did this -- that's not really the school's fault.

I'm positive our perp was absent from his job on Friday -- hopefully they are looking into this angle.
Here is the link to the photo album our fellow sleuther AmandaReckonwith made--i think you are talking about that one?
[FONT=&quot]Moving over from part #4\ #588

Case archive album started for Kyron Horman:


Also: here is a link to all things Kyron=timelines, pressers, videos, articles

I will try to bump this every time we advance parts! Thanks everyone for your efforts in mapping, I don't have those links! cant keep up!

Why, that is the most helpful thing I've ever seen on a case! Amanda Reckonwith completely rules! Does she do this for other cases? I think there should be a big ol' sticky with Amanda Reckonwith's links. :Crown:
Um I don't know why maybe I am weird but as his mother I would want to do my own statement. I would include his step mother of course but that would be done verbally noone would have to guess she was included.

I don't think I could, honestly. Speaking to (or making a statement to) the press would be the last thing on my mind. I guess that's why I figured the the aunt spoke for them all. She did say she was speaking on behalf of the family. Another thing to consider, IIRC the mother's husband is LE; maybe he's been an influence in the family's decision to stay out of the limelight for now.
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