OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #8

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Sheriff Staton is very emotionally connected to the case----he also has a child in a Portland elementary school. He looks on the verge of tears in his news interview.

When asked when this becomes a recovery effort, his voice wavered. He nearly broke down.

God bless these people.
If...and that's still a big IF, Kyron was abductted, the reason LE may not yet be classifying this as a criminal investigation is that it might be used to entice cooperation from someone who has knowledge who is not being forthcoming if they think they would be charged criminally. If he was abducted, and the perp has some mental health issues, LE may want this person to believe that they believe it's all just a big "misunderstanding" and nothing will happen if Kyron is just returned. :waitasec:

Again, just MO, and really just throwing this out there. Not meant to imply that its based on anything or anyone ATM.
I wonder if the reason they don't want a reward is to discourage people from going out looking. Maybe they are afraid that a reward will bring in vigilante-type searchers?
Lets talk about survival in the woods. Is there any wild berry or fruit? What about fresh water from rivers or ponds. What about thick bushes could Kyron have gotten stuck?

Good idea..water, food, shelter

Any idea of the water availability? People have survived weeks or longer without food so lets try to think about water and the elements. Any thoughts?
Ok, if this has been discussed already sorry, but I had a work meeting this morning so I haven't been on since about Midnight....

As was a falling asleep last nite it dawned on me that someone said Kyron's step-father was a detective or some sort of decorated LE. I wondering if someone was out to get him and Kyron was the easy target. I wonder what division he is...DEA, Gang Unit, homicide?
I am not seeing what info they could possibly have that he is alive that corresponds with this seemingly desperate search of areas close to the school...to me, they are going back to square one and starting over.

Maybe they think whoever has him is hiding somewhere in those woods. Maybe in an abandoned out building or something.

I don't know.

But, I'm getting the impression they think he is alive and with someone.
June 10, 2010 - Day 6
JoCo SAR Participating in the Search For Kyron

Josephine County has contributed more than a dozen field searchers, search managers and K9s to the search with more coming. Because our SAR team is traveling over 250 miles to get to the search command site, many are planning on staying to search for 2-3 days.

The concerns for Kyron and his family have become national news with coverage by CNN, the AP, CBS, ABC, many major newspapers and local TV stations. This morning there were over 4 million news stories listed by Google for "Kyron Horman" who was a topic on the "Today" show.

The Kim search, another Oregon missing person tragedy that drew national attention, is being increasingly mentioned in the stories about searching for Kyron. The circumstances of the two searches are entirely different, but they both involve Oregon, a missing person the public finds an empathetic victim, and a frustratingly long search. As in the Kim search, news media are starting to raise those 20/20 hindsight questions such as, "Why didn't you bring in more searchers sooner." As in the Kim search, everyone wants this search to succeed in finding a healthy subject, but while time is changing the probabilities of that outcome, it IS still possible that Kyron is OK.

It saddens me in this day and age we have to lock away are kids school as if they are prisoners just to be able keep the safe!

Sorry to say but,
Until we change the laws to keep, S.O. in prison for life this is the only way.
Maybe they think whoever has him is hiding somewhere in those woods. Maybe in an abandoned out building or something.

I don't know.

But, I'm getting the impression they think he is alive and with someone.

If that is the case then why are they still using the NG, helicopters and ground searches?
I don't understand why they would be combing the woods if they think someone has him. It seems to me combing the woods equal wandering off or (I hate to type this) recovering a body. JMO
Ok, if this has been discussed already sorry, but I had a work meeting this morning so I haven't been on since about Midnight....

As was a falling asleep last nite it dawned on me that someone said Kyron's step-father was a detective or some sort of decorated LE. I wondering if someone was out to get him and Kyron was the easy target. I wonder what division he is...DEA, Gang Unit, homicide?

yes, you never know...strangers things have happened.
Hey Everyone - This is my first time posting. Little Kyron has captured my heart since hearing of his disappearance on the news and I’ve been following along here for a few days. It’s difficult keeping up with all the posts, so I apologize if this is redundant and has already been discussed.

The only scenario that makes sense to me is, that Kryon is lost in the wooded area surrounding the school. How he got there is the question and that’s why LE is not yet ready to call this a criminal investigation. I’m leaning more towards some of the kids were goofing around and went outside. The others made it back in but Kyron did not. Did other kids lure him out? Was there ill intent? I think it may have taken several days to get the full story. Therefore warranting the increase in SAR around the school this week. The school goes to 8th grade. That’s quite an age difference from 2nd to 8th.

This would explain the actions of both LE and the family. LE enforcement realizes if it came out that other students were involved the media would go into a frenzy and there would be more chaos to deal with and hamper the search. This explains the increase in SAR in the area and the search not going national. It also means that LE has other minors to protect. This explains the family staying out of the media. I know as a parent I would be so mad I would not remain logical at a press conference. And yes, it is the right thing to do for the family to have legal counsel. In today’s world things move so quickly and spiral out of control.

Of course, all this is just my opinion. He may have been abducted, but the time frame is so narrow I feel it’s unlikely.

good thoughts & welcome.

jumping off your post - yesterday I was wondering about the 10% of the kids/families not yet interviewed. The kids who couldn't return to school would be at the top of my list for interviews. Were they witness to something about Kyron and they're just devastated and staying home? Were they part of a playing hooky lark and lost track of Kyron or worse, witnessed an accident and could not bring themselves to tell.

they say 7 is still under the age of reason and moral thinking. And...7 is still the age of magical thinking:

"If I don't look at mommy's broken lamp, then maybe I didn't really just break it..."
It sure sounds to me that they think Kyron is out there alive somewhere in the woods and they are desperately trying to find him.

Said they have been in touch with experts who can tell them how long a person could live out there in that terrain.


They are still concentrating on a reasonably "walkable" area in my opinion. So I wonder if someone that was present at the school in a.m. was gone for a while and came back to the school for some reason (talent show, lunch, etc.) - someone that did not leave in a vehicle, that is.
Or maybe they are really leaning toward Kyron wandering off/hiding/exploring/walking home and getting lost/injured along the way and even possibly being on a medication that he would suffer withdrawls that cause illness if not taken. Just wish he was home safe!
Hi Jules71 - Thanks for the warm welcome. I think that every parent feels that there are things their child would not do. But the truth is, most children are easily influenced. I remember Oprah did a show with several parents who felt their child would never be lured away by a stranger. So they put the kids in a park and tested it, and sure enough each child went with the stranger. And each parent was shocked.

For some reason I get the feeling that maybe Kyron went out with several other students but he didn't return and got disoriented in the woods. If supervision that morning was very lax, it's very probable the kids were more wound up then normal. It think it started out as innocent fun and just went array.
I just wonder about calling in all these searchers to this same area. Last week, there was a poster on another board, admittedly rumor, that said the searches last week were not thorough and people were dropping out like flies due to the conditions.

I just hope they did not wait too long to get this larger search going. I still don't understand why it took 5-6 days for the added searchers to kick in, that seems like a long time to me. JMO

I do not believe they have 500 people out there crawling thru brambles, etc if they think Kyron is kidnapped and being held somewhere. He is unlikely to be in the bushes, if kidnapped, IMO.
I don't understand why they would be combing the woods if they think someone has him. It seems to me combing the woods equal wandering off or (I hate to type this) recovering a body. JMO

Hate to type this, too...

Notice that the Air Force commander (can't remember his rank) who is leading the AF contingent said that they are not using infrared.

Infrared only works on living people.

I fear you are right.
TBH, I'm gobsmacked by the level of security that some people here say their schools have. My elementary school was just as lenient as Skyline, if not moreso.

I'm with you...my kids' school does have all doors locked and they have a camera but when there is a special event going on anyone could walk in off the street. We don't need background checks to volunteer etc. I don't know of any schools around here that do. :(
I wonder if the reason they don't want a reward is to discourage people from going out looking. Maybe they are afraid that a reward will bring in vigilante-type searchers?

I agree with that..
I have been up there and know the area, but never looked at a property line map, but I have heard searchers on the radio talking about getting permission from property owners before searching their property.

From driving those roads I can't think of anyplace (except Forest Park) where you could just hop out and go searching without getting to an area via someone's property. ??
Good idea..water, food, shelter

Any idea of the water availability? People have survived weeks or longer without food so lets try to think about water and the elements. Any thoughts?

The weather seems right for survival, not hot, not to cold. The rain might be tough, but in desperate times it would of been a way to get a drink, even from puddles.
Good idea..water, food, shelter

Any idea of the water availability? People have survived weeks or longer without food so lets try to think about water and the elements. Any thoughts?

I've seen it mentioned on here that OR woods are full of blackberry bushes and raspberry bushes. So, I think berrys would be there.
It's rained a lot too. So, I guess water could pool on leaves and stuff.

I'm not sure how much Kyron would know about how to survive this long out there. But, I would think it's possible to.
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