OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #8

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I don't understand why they would be combing the woods if they think someone has him. It seems to me combing the woods equal wandering off or (I hate to type this) recovering a body. JMO

Maybe they have reason to believe the person who abducted him left him out there.
Good idea..water, food, shelter

Any idea of the water availability? People have survived weeks or longer without food so lets try to think about water and the elements. Any thoughts?

Maybe the searchers are leaving water bottles and food in different areas as they search the wooded area. I think that's what they did with Nadia Bloom when they were searching for her.
why are they only considering a two mile radius? if he had been abducted he could be anywhere?
Like what Liz ? Just wonder what your thoughts are. Off for a spot of coffee ;}

Hi Scandi,
Perhaps the most out of the box thing I can think of is if it's a kidnapping which somehow involves Intel. Never heard of anything like that happening here in the USA,but,it does happen in other countries. Please understand, I'm delberately looking at exotic, far out things. Things that might be unique.... On the other hand,the Fbi agent could simply have meant uniqure because a child was taken from inside an elementary school..... Who knows ?
Concentrating so close to the school, I think they honestly think he is lost out there...how or why they got to this conclusion we don't know, if that is what they think, but they may have gleaned something from interviews that led them to believe he did go outside on his own. But this is day 7, if you count Friday...shouldn't this two-mile area have been cleared first? Or did they learn something Monday or Tuesday? I almost wish they would give up the PC's until they have something to say.

For all we know he may have confided in one of his little classmates that he was going to sneak off and go looking for frogs or something.

LE has never left that school area. I think that is why Gates is not calling this a criminal investigation unless Kyron went with someone we haven't heard about...like another classmate and until they find Kyron to ask him if he went willingly on his own accord....or was pressured into it they are not going to call the case criminal imo.

Ok, if this has been discussed already sorry, but I had a work meeting this morning so I haven't been on since about Midnight....

As was a falling asleep last nite it dawned on me that someone said Kyron's step-father was a detective or some sort of decorated LE. I wondering if someone was out to get him and Kyron was the easy target. I wonder what division he is...DEA, Gang Unit, homicide?

BBM (bolded by me)
Good point - retribution by gang members and/or drug lords can be vicious. moo
I just wonder about calling in all these searchers to this same area. Last week, there was a poster on another board, admittedly rumor, that said the searches last week were not thorough and people were dropping out like flies due to the conditions.

I just hope they did not wait too long to get this larger search going. I still don't understand why it took 5-6 days for the added searchers to kick in, that seems like a long time to me. JMO

I do not believe they have 500 people out there crawling thru brambles, etc if they think Kyron is kidnapped and being held somewhere. He is unlikely to be in the bushes, if kidnapped, IMO.

That wasn't a rumor. Searchers were quitting on Sunday because it was cold and rainy...it was in a news article--direct quote from incident command.

They only have 150 there today. More people expected.

Plus, one searcher was injured earlier in the week--must have been a significant injury because the ambulance was called. Again, we don't know anything about this except that he/she was injured, because Gates' response to the only question about him was "no comment."
If that is the case then why are they still using the NG, helicopters and ground searches?

Well, if they are in the woods, and not in a building the helicopters would be very useful.
If they are in an outbuilding of some sort, it would take ground searches.
I don't understand why they would be combing the woods if they think someone has him. It seems to me combing the woods equal wandering off or (I hate to type this) recovering a body. JMO

I agree.

Also re: reward money - isn't reward money usually given for information leading to an arrest of someone? Maybe they do think he wandered off and therefore don't need to raise a reward.

I am beginning to think... actually I don't know what I think. It does sound possible he could have followed other student(s) outside to see something and they made it back but he did not. Would he break the rules at school and do something like this. Now I need to have another discussion with my child. I just had the one about not going off with a friend's older sibling or a teenager offering to give you something or do something exciting or fun with you.
I don't know what to make of this case. It could be that they know something and don't want to scare off a perp, or it could be that they have nothing and don't want the perp to know that they don't have anything. But seriously, I have never seen a case so tightly sealed from the media before. I guess after cases like Casey Anthony's, this might be the new strategy adopted the police - from lots of media coverage to no media coverage. I can't say that I blame them.

I just wish we knew more! It's killing me to have so little information that there's no way to know what is right and what isn't. I think that's what's made people emotional through all the threads - there just isn't information to make any sort of decision at all as to what happened to his kid or if his parents could possibly be involved.

I, too, thought their actions to be odd, but like someone said, that's one instance for a few minutes. We just don't know what's going on behind the scenes, and for all we know they are worrying their heads off about Kyron. There's just no way to be sure about anything at this point.

I really hope they find him, and soon! And then let us know the details! (Not that we have any real right to them, but still, some verifiable facts would be nice!). All of this IMO, of course.
Well, if they are in the woods, and not in a building the helicopters would be very useful.
If they are in an outbuilding of some sort, it would take ground searches.

I thought you meant they might have be thinking he's with someone NOT in the woods. Gotcha now. :)
I've not yet lost hope that he could survive this long...but I am not sure I would know what to do if I were out there. And if he is injured so he can't move around and look for berries or water....well that is a scary thought.

I feel that LE feels they are racing against the clock right now, which they are for sure, if he is outdoors on his own. JMO
This makes me feel the need to explain to the kids in my life that if they are lost in the woods that it is ok to eat or drink whatever they can find!! I, honestly, don't think that my 9 year old son would know to eat wild berries or drink water from a creek or whatever. Maybe I am not giving him enough credit, but think of how many times each one of us has told our kids if its not yours, dont eat or drink it.
Ok, if this has been discussed already sorry, but I had a work meeting this morning so I haven't been on since about Midnight....

As was a falling asleep last nite it dawned on me that someone said Kyron's step-father was a detective or some sort of decorated LE. I wondering if someone was out to get him and Kyron was the easy target. I wonder what division he is...DEA, Gang Unit, homicide?

I missed this; was this confirmed with a link or something - do you recall? Are you referring to the step-father who was camping with the older half-brother.
Well, if they are in the woods, and not in a building the helicopters would be very useful.
If they are in an outbuilding of some sort, it would take ground searches.

If they have heat sensors on board the helicopter and I am sure they do, they can detect any heat coming out of any out shed or vacant building.

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