OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #8

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Just bouncihng off this CSI converstation (not really responding to your post in particular)

My son is one month younger than Kyron...

Watches CSI, ER, Dr. G Medical Examiner & Discovery Channel. His fav is Dr. G Medical Examiner.

I personally see nothing wrong with Kyrons shirt - or Kyron watching CSI.. I can only hope he applies some of what he learned from the program, in the situation he is currently in.

My son told me if a bad man (he always says man) takes him, he will scratch him so that when the LE finds him he will have the bad guys DNA under his nails!! Is that a bad thing?

He also told me he will try to bite the bad man too - to that his teeth marks are on the bad guy, however, he stresses he will scratch first....Is that a bad thing?

All I can say is thank you to CSI producers!!

Not a bad thing at all, Zaha! My 9 year-old watches all of those shows (besides CSI) as well, including the John Walsh Safety Side videos, which I love. I used to love CSI but I guess I've just developed a personal distaste for it due to the sexual content more than anything else. My kids ask a lot of questions and it seems like they have a lot of story lines involving some pretty bizarre sexual practices! :eek: But I'm probably a bit of a prude, lol.

Please know that I have no problem with Kyron wearing the T-shirt or the concept of kids being interested in forensics and criminal investigations at all. I just wondered if it was relevant to the sleuthing of this incident. Keep educating your little guy about dna and safety -- it's great that he has an early interest in such an important topic! :blowkiss:
This theory would explain why that LEO at the presser the other day mentioned two cases of missing persons : the little boy at Crater Lake,who was never located, and the Kim family,who were found because of the pings on their cell phones. He chose those two examples of methods of searching for a reason. IMO

I feel firmly that the reason/context those two cases were brought up was in explaining how&why searchers from across the entire state were showing up in Portland last night. It was very specific, and not meant to be communicating anything about Kyron, simply about the search and search method. This new method is a result of a new state law.

Aside: We collectively spent a lot of money to build a new jail here in town that the county owns... never had enough money to OPEN it. So guess where the out of towners are being put up? Wapato Jail! Crazy.

, the only strange thing I did notice is that the woman is wearing gloves. In the summer.
It's not summer here yet!
Not exactly cold enough for gloves, for me, but I'm still sitting here with the heat on and a sweatshirt over my T.

Air National Guard?

I think we have cougars here.

And elk. :)
I noticed in the PR it was mentioned that they were searching "high lines", which to me indicates some use of electricity. I still believe they are looking for an abductor.

:praying: for you Kyron
Blessings to all searchers
Oh, or someone who could have been a part of the 'electrical project', or related to that student, right? Maybe Kyron was very interested in electricity and was eager to learn more.

PS: How does one search 'high lines'? \Are they the lines on the tops of poles?
Thanks for adding the gloves Miss Justice! I've added that below.

VW Video

1. Child (7ish) riding in FRONT seat. Most parents know the law and he would be in the back seat.

2. Obviously not wearing his seat belt because his face is pressed up into the front windshield, looking. Again, most parents would not allow this. So, is that really a PARENT driving?

3. Now look at the driver... huh? Appears to be asian, with a freaky amount of lipstick and eye shadow on and some kind of ? haircut. The boy appears to be caucasian.

4. Driver wearing gloves...

PLEASE do not think I am implying ANYTHING about what people look like. It's just one of those scenes with enough little odd things to make me say huh?
It's so funny you said all those things. Though I don't think the child looks like Kyron, the only strange thing I did notice is that the woman is wearing gloves. In the summer.

with all of these oddities, I sure hope LE has looked into this tip. It all seems too wierd to just brush off. Has LE stated that they were aware of this tip? I have not heard it mentioned in the pressers but I have missed alot?
Re: Gearing Up Now

It might be possible that as the interviews continued at the school, some people may have seemed uncomfortable or were obviously withholding info and it wasn't until the last day or so that LE got the whole picture. Or, one of the reluctant un-interviewed people finally came forward. I agree that it might be some student who is shocked that a practical joke went so bad.

Or... Since the step-mom had been a teacher, some teacher may have felt the step-mom was being critical of teaching method? Some teacher --- no names --- seemed casual about his absence (as reported by a 3rd grader). Some teacher might have been jealous if unmarried. Who could ignore all day that his coat and backpack were there? In other words, I'm worrying there might have been a grudge at the school? Was he chastized that morning for leaving the group of 6 and got upset and left? Could the person who yelled at him tried covering until the last day or so? Please delete this if it's inappropriate...
Regarding the video with the boy in the VW bug, does anyone know that it's for sure been called in?

*ETA: I was going to say that the gloves could be explained by our ridiculously cold and wet June weather, but it hasn't been THAT cold. More wet and humid.
This theory would explain why that LEO at the presser the other day mentioned two cases of missing persons : the little boy at Crater Lake,who was never located, and the Kim family,who were found because of the pings on their cell phones. He chose those two examples of methods of searching for a reason. IMO

I don't recall the Kim family case or the the Crater Lake case being filled with "no comment; no comment; no comment". Maybe it really is all because so many minors are involved at the school. idk.
I feel firmly that the reason/context those two cases were brought up was in explaining how&why searchers from across the entire state were showing up in Portland last night. It was very specific, and not meant to be communicating anything about Kyron, simply about the search and search method. This new method is a result of a new state law.

Aside: We collectively spent a lot of money to build a new jail here in town that the county owns... never had enough money to OPEN it. So guess where the out of towners are being put up? Wapato Jail! Crazy.

It's not summer here yet!
Not exactly cold enough for gloves, for me, but I'm still sitting here with the heat on and a sweatshirt over my T.


And elk. :)

Oh YES LOL Coyotes. Ta Elk are fascinating. Once while out in the Oregon woods I came across these perfectly shaped oval things, lots of them, and thought they could have come from s flying saucer they were so unique. Elk poop! I never laughed so hard in my life. LOL
Has Gates actually stated "This is not a criminal investigation" ... OR has he simply responded negatively when asked if he's calling it a criminal investigation. Subtle but distinct difference (and not by accident, if so).

Okay. But LE has said that this is an "isolated incident " and that "other children are not in danger " And,again, I have never heard them say that if there is an active child abduction case going on. All JMO
My son is also around Kyron's age and he loves the CSI shows. He has watched pretty much every episode of Bones with me, and he is smarter for it. I know we want to preserve our kids innocence, but in the world we live in it's not always possible. I hope that Kyron wherever he is, is able to use some of the things he may have learned from CSI to lead searchers to him.

Please understand that I never meant to imply that children shouldn't watch shows about forensics. I just have a personal distaste for the one particular show ("CSI"). I just tend to prefer the documentary-type shows, as I feel some of the violence and sexual content is sometimes glamorized on that show. That is just my opinion and I didn't mean to imply that people shouldn't allow their kids to watch it -- I'm just too lazy to answer some of the questions that it would provoke in my household about certain sexual themes, lol. I am sorry if I offended anyone. :blowkiss:

ETA: My personal favorite (for both myself and my kids) is Forensic Files on Tru TV -- only 30 minutes long, very little "fluff," no sensationalizing, and very forensic/fact-oriented. (In addition to being a prude, I'm also a bit ADHD!) ;)
I noticed in the PR it was mentioned that they were searching "high lines", which to me indicates some use of electricity. I still believe they are looking for an abductor.

:praying: for you Kyron
Blessings to all searchers
checking high lines?Do you know where?That's what I was thinking when he said electric.
Regarding the video with the boy in the VW bug, does anyone know that it's for sure been called in?

*ETA: I was going to say that the gloves could be explained by our ridiculously cold and wet June weather, but it hasn't been THAT cold. More wet and humid.

FWIW, IMO the boy looks exactly like Kyron.
It's true: if LE thought Kyron just wandered off, there would be no need for secrecy, caginess, and being vague about the last times he was seen. There would be no need to control the story so tightly if he was just lost.

LE must think there's a very good chance there IS a perpetrator. BUT, they also don't think he's far from the school. They're searching in a very tight radius.

What this points to, to me, is that 1)A perpetrator took him, and 2) they left on foot.

What if the last time Kyron was seen, he was WITH someone? That would account for why they're so reluctant to to confirm about when he was last seen -- they don't want that "last seen" story getting out and revealing who he was with.

I'm not the first person to raise this possibility, but to me it looks an awful lot like an Elizabeth Olten situation: a young perpetrator, someone he knew and trusted, who took him into the woods near the school. :( And they can't "scare" this young person, because they need info out of him or her.
Hey ASAP please I need video footage and also photo comparison of the VW stuff. I am chatting with a friend who may be doing SAR this weekend and she has not even heard about this and really would like to.
Thank you
I don't recall the Kim family case or the the Crater Lake case being filled with "no comment; no comment; no comment". Maybe it really is all because so many minors are involved at the school. idk.

You're right. But, if Kyron is lost in those woods,and his cell phone has died, would LE not give out info in the family asked them not to ? How would it serve the public good to know that this child is lost in the woods ? Could be deceased,or near deceased. We can see that LE is going all out to find this child. Maybe, in the end,there's nothing else to say ? IMO

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Also, I would never have believed there would be so many pictures of red eye frogs!!!!!
What a neat idea that is to show support for Kyron.
It's true: if LE thought Kyron just wandered off, there would be no need for secrecy, caginess, and being vague about the last times he was seen. There would be no need to control the story so tightly if he was just lost.

LE must think there's a very good chance there IS a perpetrator. BUT, they also don't think he's far from the school. They're searching in a very tight radius.

What this points to, to me, is that 1)A perpetrator took him, and 2) they left on foot.

What if the last time Kyron was seen, he was WITH someone? That would account for why they're so reluctant to to confirm about when he was last seen -- they don't want that "last seen" story getting out and revealing who he was with.

I'm not the first person to raise this possibility, but to me it looks an awful lot like an Elizabeth Olten situation: a young perpetrator, someone he knew and trusted, who took him into the woods near the school. :( And they can't "scare" this young person, because they need info out of him or her.
What if the last time Kyron was seen, he was WITH someone? That would account for why they're so reluctant to to confirm about when he was last seen -- they don't want that "last seen" story getting out and revealing who he was with.

That sounds good to me.Maybe someone at the school did see him go off with someone.
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