OR - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #1

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The meeting last night was a community meeting, not a Bundy meeting although they were there. There is also an audio at the link. I have not listened to it yet.

Burns Meeting Grows Tense When Militants Arrive
by Amanda Peacher OPB | Jan. 19, 2016 11:15 p.m


“At the beginning of Tuesday’s community meeting in Burns over the ongoing occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife refuge, county Judge Steve Grasty said that his mission for the evening was to unify the community.

“I want our message to be, ‘How do we bring this place back together,” Grasty said.

But that mission was derailed when occupation leader Ammon Bundy and his supporters arrived midway through the gathering. The atmosphere in the high school gym became increasingly heated, with supporters and opponents of the militants occasionally shouting over each other.

Speakers from Harney County began directing comments to Bundy and the other occupiers.

Isabelle Fleuraud pointed at Bundy from across the bleachers. “You should just go home, and I hope somebody catches you on the way, and you go to jail where you deserve to be,” she said, her voice strained.

Bundy and the other occupiers sat quietly in the bleachers or stood in the back of the gym. At least a dozen sheriff’s deputies stood positioned around the gym, watching the scene with care.”


“Some residents asked to hear from Bundy, but Judge Grasty emphasized that the microphone was for Harney County residents only.

Anyone that’s doing criminal activities is not welcome here,” Grasty said. He offered to give Bundy a ride anywhere he wanted out of Harney County, even to Utah.


Bundy and the other occupiers left quietly at the end of the meeting, walking past several sheriff’s deputies on the way to their trucks.

Grasty said that community meetings will take place weekly while the occupation continues.”​

So how much is this costing and taking away from the citizens of that county? Overtime?

My hubby said that they were being allowed to make themselves look like idiots and that would diffuse the situation ( the mm look like idiots). But it is getting ridiculous now.

I suppose to cut off elec etc would cause these big brave terrorists to get the honor they want. I guess.
So how much is this costing and taking away from the citizens of that county? Overtime?

My hubby said that they were being allowed to make themselves look like idiots and that would diffuse the situation ( the mm look like idiots). But it is getting ridiculous now.

I suppose to cut off elec etc would cause these big brave terrorists to get the honor they want. I guess.

It's costing plenty monetarily - not to mention the cost to the fabric of the community that has worked so hard to find solutions in a peaceful and mutually beneficial manner. My heart really goes out to them having to suffer through this ridiculous "occupation" which is having no effect other than to pit friends and neighbors against one another.

I agree these militant yahoos are tragically comic and you all (most) have been hilarious with your posts. But I believe they're also very dangerous and the longer this situation continues, the more likely it will turn violent. We have a bunch of men with guns - on both sides - who will be less willing to lose face as the hours tick by.
Paraphrasing: The occupiers walked brazenly out of the meeting and past local LEO's...

Its time to cut the power. Put innocent citizens affected by said loss of power up in the nearest good hotel. As a taxpayer, I'd be more than happy to chip in for that.

Its time to cut losses. Freeze these idiots out.
Paraphrasing: The occupiers walked brazenly out of the meeting and past local LEO's...

Its time to cut the power. Put innocent citizens affected by said loss of power up in the nearest good hotel. As a taxpayer, I'd be more than happy to chip in for that.

Its time to cut losses. Freeze these idiots out.

It's not that simple. First those innocent citizens are ranchers who have livestock to take care of, which they can’t do from a hotel, and cutting off power would not end this situation quickly. Because the occupiers have plenty of firewood. So they would not freeze. Cutting off power would also damage property, by freezing water pipes.

One solution might be to bring in generators for the surrounding landowner’s. Then cut off the power. But that would still not prevent damage to the occupied government buildings, and would still not end the standoff quickly. If this goes on a few more months it probably won’t matter anyway. Since the weather will warm up.

An even better solution would be to just block the roads and cut off their supplies. But that's not going to happen either. Because the Bundys have too much support in that county. If you listen to the people at those meetings, they mostly agree with what the Bundys are saying. They just think they are going about it the wrong way. But that doesn’t mean they are going to put a stop to the Bundy’s protest.
It's not that simple. First those innocent citizens are ranchers who have livestock to take care of, which they can’t do from a hotel, and cutting off power would not end this situation quickly. Because the occupiers have plenty of firewood. So they would not freeze. Cutting off power would also damage property, by freezing water pipes.

One solution might be to bring in generators for the surrounding landowner’s. Then cut off the power. But that would still not prevent damage to the occupied government buildings, and would still not end the standoff quickly. If this goes on a few more months it probably won’t matter anyway. Since the weather will warm up.

An even better solution would be to just block the roads and cut off their supplies. But that's not going to happen either. Because the Bundys have too much support in that county. If you listen to the people at those meetings, they mostly agree with what the Bundys are saying. They just think they are going about it the wrong way. But that doesn’t mean they are going to put a stop to the Bundy’s protest.

I agree. IMO, the only way to stop the protest is for LE to grow a pair and enforce the laws of the United States of America, in which Harney County is located.
Hubby claims that a circuit breaker can be installed that would cut off their electricity only. He says that kind of thing is done all of the time.

I imagine if they cut the electricity, the toilets and water would also cease.

Firewood. Yes, that will heat a building! Not!

Nice that all of these people feel the rest of us should subsidize their millionaire lifestyle while other people who raise cattle have to pay for feed.

Nice entitlements if you can get them.
Ursula K. Le Guin blasts Oregon 'Right-Winged Loonybirds'
Los Angeles Times
By Michael Schaub
January 20, 2016


“Legendary fantasy and science fiction novelist Ursula K. Le Guin isn't happy about her hometown newspaper's coverage of the armed occupiers who have taken over a national wildlife refuge in Harney County, Oregon.

In a letter to the editor of the Oregonian, Portland resident Le Guin blasted an article that the newspaper published in print with the headline "Effort to free federal lands."

The headline was "inaccurate and irresponsible," Le Guin wrote, and "The article that follows it is a mere mouthpiece for the scofflaws illegally occupying public buildings and land, repeating their lies and distortions of history and law."”​

Oregon governor calls on feds to act against armed group

By Kristena Hansen and Terrence Petty, Associated Press
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016 | 3 p.m.


SALEM, Ore. — “Oregon's governor expressed anger Wednesday over federal authorities' handling of the occupation of a national wildlife refuge by an armed group and said she intends to bill the U.S. government for what the occupation is costing state taxpayers.

Gov. Kate Brown said federal officials "must move quickly to end the occupation and hold all of the wrongdoers accountable."

"The residents of Harney County have been overlooked and underserved by federal officials' response thus far. I have conveyed these very grave concerns directly to our leaders at the highest levels of our government: the U.S. Department of Justice and the White House," she said at a news conference.”​

Paraphrasing: The occupiers walked brazenly out of the meeting and past local LEO's...

Its time to cut the power. Put innocent citizens affected by said loss of power up in the nearest good hotel. As a taxpayer, I'd be more than happy to chip in for that.

Its time to cut losses. Freeze these idiots out.

They coulda cut the power while the Bundy pals were at the meeting....
They coulda cut the power while the Bundy pals were at the meeting....

I was thinking the same thing but I'm sure they left some of their goons-with-guns behind to guard their new home away from home.
Ya know, I've been thinking that maybe the feds are happy to have all those militant malcontents sitting there in the middle of nowhere where they can keep an eye on them and know what they're up to. We know that many of them have zero actual interest in the issue that drove the Bundy Bros there. Maybe it's a lesser of evils kinda situation?
Militants Plow New Roads At Refuge, Possibly Damaging Artifacts
by Amanda Peacher OPB | Jan. 20, 2016 6:45 p.m. | Updated: Jan. 20, 2016 8:11 p.m.



“One militant, who refused to give his name, again plowed dirt with a refuge bulldozer Wednesday. He wouldn’t say why he was operating the machinery, but in several places, sagebrush and vegetation had been newly removed, leaving wide patches of bare mud within the complex.


“When asked about the construction, the militant claimed that the road was already there, and that militants had only removed snow from the path.”


“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed Thursday that not only is the road built last week by the occupiers new, but it is also within an archaeological site important to the Burns Paiute Tribe.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service assistant director of external affairs, Jason Holm, condemned the militants last week for what he called “disgusting, ghoulish behavior.”

They removed part of a fence to create the short access road.

That fence was in place “as a deterrent to keep fire crews from driving across the archaeological site,” said Holm.”


“Kevin Foerster, the agency’s Pacific region chief, also denounced the construction.

“There’s a reason why there’s not a road there,” said Foerster. “If there was a need for a road in that particular location, we would have over the past 108 years put a road in that location.””​
Oregon standoff: One of protesters has murder conviction
By Rebecca Woolington | The Oregonian/OregonLive
on January 20, 2016 at 6:38 PM, updated January 20, 2016 at 11:03 PM


“One of the protesters taking part in the armed occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is a 68-year-old former woodworker and, according to court records and authorities, a convicted killer.

Neil Sigurd Wampler drove to Oregon from his home on the California coast earlier this month to join those protesting the arson convictions of father and son ranchers outside Burns.

In August 1977, Wampler, who was 29, was convicted of second-degree murder in the killing of his father, Forey Edward Wampler, in Lake County, California, according to the district attorney's office there and police reports.

During an interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive, Wampler denied he is the same man.

But his unusual name and date of birth matched court and prison records. A commander at the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office also confirmed that the man at the refuge is a convicted murderer he knows as Neil Wampler in California, said Tony Cipolla, a sheriff's office spokesman. The commander identified him by watching a YouTube video of Wampler speaking from Oregon, Cipolla said.”​

A-holes with a delusional sense of entitlement.

Sent from my fingertips using what remains of my brain.

Yeah.. and certainly shows that history only matters to them if it involves their deluded hands holding a rifle.
Are they going to arrest that felon for owning firearms or am I just dreaming about equality again?
Militants Plow New Roads At Refuge, Possibly Damaging Artifacts
by Amanda Peacher OPB | Jan. 20, 2016 6:45 p.m. | Updated: Jan. 20, 2016 8:11 p.m.

“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed Thursday that not only is the road built last week by the occupiers new, but it is also within an archaeological site important to the Burns Paiute Tribe.

So they want the area to be turned over to the local control, so that armed men from out of state can desecrate the sacred grounds of the local NA tribes...? How does that make sense again?
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