OR - Nine killed in Umpqua Community College shooting, Roseburg, 1 Oct 2015 - #1

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Presser at 1 p.m. EST. I suspect we will hear of the Victims? As it should be. IMO
I totally disagree with "accepting". Many many many people have rejected, objected, denounced, etc. this type of random violence and there have been many things done to try to stop it.

The formulation of having School Guards, School metal detectors, TSA-Transportation Security Administration, Homeland Security, etc. etc. are all steps that have been recently taken to try to prevent the next random murderous activity.

So I don't agree with the word "accepting" at all. Rather I think that due to the frequency of these events there is a certain level of numbness that happens where we are not as shocked as we once were when these events happen. But even though we are not as shocked when we hear about them it doesn't mean we are not just as disgusted and appalled and upset as the first one.

And when we look at the very quick response time of LE and how quick they got there and took down the murderer I think that is a direct result of the steps taken to help prevent these tragedies. I am pretty sure that LE had a protocol in place to react to any event at that school since they got there so quickly and took action. I am pretty sure that lives were saved due to steps taken to help prevent these situations.

Can more be done? Absolutely.
I do think more can always be done and we should never think we have done enough. So I fully expect more will be looked at and more steps will be taken to help try to prevent the next situation.

The blame of the frequency of these events lies solely with the criminals and terrorists who have decided this a new fad for them. We may not be as shocked anymore as we once was due to this frequency but it sure doesn't mean we are "accepting" them.

All JMO of course

I look at Tasmania. That is not accepting. We accept that it is going to happen and take steps to try to minimize the carnage. We gnash our teeth and cry and whine and then do it again at the next and the next and the next apparently into infinitum.
You live on a large island/small continent.

The US is flooded with illegal drugs and immigrants. If the US citizenry wanted illegal firearms you can be sure there would be plenty coming over the border from Mexico/South America.

Sheeshers the world arms market would light up to meet our needs, and the weapons sold wouldn't abide by the current "no fully automatic" without a federal permit restrictions.

Europe? Why don't they have the issues we do? Filled with immigrants from countries that have been on the CIA do not go to list. They have violent films, videos, divorce, domestic violence.

Australia has lots and lots of issues . When I get posts from friends over there, I think I am reading about the US, except for the lack of gun violenece. And immigrant issues-- wow to Australia.
Just heard a report on CNN about a 'note' left by the shooter. They reported that he 'hated his life, he was lonely, and Hell would welcome him on his death...'
Just heard a report on CNN about a 'note' left by the shooter. They reported that he 'hated his life, he was lonely, and Hell would welcome him on his death...'

I wish he had just offed himself. As sad as that thought is but I wish........
I want to post this here for reference. I really admire the sheriff for taking a stance. Regardless of whether or not we agree, or to what extent, his statement opened up an important dialogue. "Social media lit up with cheers and scorn after his remarks."

Just my personal opinion.

"I will not name the shooter," Hanlin said Thursday. "I will not give him the credit he probably sought prior to this horrific and cowardly act. You will never hear me mention his name. We would encourage media to avoid using it, to not repeat it. We encourage you not to glorify and create sensationalism for him. He in no way deserves this. Focus your attention on the victims, on the families, helping them get through this difficult time."

So what time would the presser be central time?
There are probably hundreds of CM's out there - still living at home, unable to connect with others, hovering on the Internet. How does one identify such an adult as a threat to society, knowing there are responsible individuals that fit such a mold who are not a threat. Do you report them, putting yourself in a compromising position, or do you just stay a person is strange, as a lot of us do?

Yeah. What do I do about a family member, a young teenage boy who has been homeschooled, who keeps to himself, who presents as "non-neurotypical" (I don't know anything about any diagnoses--it's not talked about)...so much about him sounds like the stories of the Sandy Hook shooter and this one (I'm deliberately not naming them). How do I know I'm not being alarmist? How do I not alienate that part of the family if I say such a thing? How on earth would I ever say "Gee, are you keeping an eye on your son to make sure he's not going to go kill a bunch of people in 7 years?"?

What is to be done? No one wants to believe that their loved one, their neighbor, their relative could become something like this.
Presser approx. 15 minutes away
eta: I've forgotten the name of the shooter in New Orleans, but I remember the name of the Church shooter.

I don't remember that there was a New Orleans shooter. (Oh, wait--Lafayette, movies?) There are now so many....
Is there a link to the presser handy? Please and thank you~ Frigga
Yeah. What do I do about a family member, a young teenage boy who has been homeschooled, who keeps to himself, who presents as "non-neurotypical" (I don't know anything about any diagnoses--it's not talked about)...so much about him sounds like the stories of the Sandy Hook shooter and this one (I'm deliberately not naming them). How do I know I'm not being alarmist? How do I not alienate that part of the family if I say such a thing? How on earth would I ever say "Gee, are you keeping an eye on your son to make sure he's not going to go kill a bunch of people in 7 years?"?

What is to be done? No one wants to believe that their loved one, their neighbor, their relative could become something like this.

First thing: Keep your guns locked up. Have anyone he spends time with keep theirs locked up too.

Per CNN-Army- shooter served briefly and was discharged
It might make a difference. If fewer guns are available on the illegal market, then the price goes up. Even if the guns are ultimately available, the high price of illegal guns is a deterrent. I mean this guy had 4 guns on him ffs.

Nah. Criminals don't worry about the cost of things they want. They just rob and steal to get the money.

There will always be people like Calif. Sen. Leland Yee and Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow to make sure that criminals have access to all the guns they might want.
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