OR - Nine killed in Umpqua Community College shooting, Roseburg, 1 Oct 2015 - #1

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I probably should stop reading 4chan. It is very distressing. I just came across another very specific threat about a school in Fla. I imagine it is just a troll, but I did hit the report button anyway.
This refers to Chris Mintz. Amazing. What a contrast.

"He ran to the library and pulled the alarms and he was telling people to run, grabbing people, telling them, 'You just have to go,'" witness Hannah Miles told ABC News.

"He actually ran back towards the building where the shooting was and he ran back into the building and I don't know what happened to him," she said of Mintz.

They mentioned "a box"...that he gave this box to one of the victims and told them to make sure they deliver it to whomever he felt should receive this box of info.
I hope they don't disclose the info in the media. This is clearly what he wants...this martyr attitude that they are dying for a cause...
I don't need to know the cause. I'm "general population" and I, like most people,won't be conducting any studies as to "why".
The people who NEED to know can know his purpose, but anyone who isn't involved doesn't need to know...they WANT to know.
Don't give this any validation. Better yet...tell the media he said the reason he did it is because he is a coward...at least it would be honest reporting.

I want to know about this "box." (Someone at the press conference asked about a flash drive or something similar that was given to someone.)

At the same, I don't know that my desire to know about it outweighs any possible need for restricting the information only to those who need to know.

I guess I feel the same way about guns: I might enjoy target shooting (in my limited experience with it), but my limited need for a handgun is outweighed by the many reasons I should not be giving money to gun manufacturers/the NRA, putting a weapon where it might be misused, etc. Maybe it's unAmerican of me, but I'm totally OK with relinquishing this "right" for myself for the greater good.
I suppose I could be considered biased as I'm from Oregon, but Sheriff Hanlin kicks a$$; what integrity and professionalism.


I bet that he and I would always cancel each other out at the voting booth...but I very much admire the fact that when asked directly how his Second Amendment beliefs mattered in light of this event, he said that that should not be the focus right now; the focus should be on the victims. Good for him.

Two young people with so much to live for, and could have done many good things. I will never understand how a parent thinks that a gun/guns are a good thing for their mentally ill child. I understand the appeasing thing to a degree, at times you feel, I will do anything to not cause outbursts and anger, and just want a day with some peace in it. But somewhere inside your head you must think it isn't a good idea, he/she may use the gun on themselves, family, or commit a mass murder. There is no way I believe that thought never entered some of these parent's minds.
Technically, you can thank the US Supreme Court.

Of course "horribly distorted" does not begin to describe how gun owners are portrayed, but that's really neither here nor there.

Funny how some are so intent on making it "not about the shooter" but are perfectly content making it about inanimate objects and millions of friends and neighbors who are closeted gun owners.

Anyway - getting more back to the point of this site (I think) - any more social media information on him? He was big on torrents, but I can't sort out any theme or anything to his files.

I'm not anti gun I am simply anti dead children.
I want to know about this "box." (Someone at the press conference asked about a flash drive or something similar that was given to someone.)

At the same, I don't know that my desire to know about it outweighs any possible need for restricting the information only to those who need to know.

I guess I feel the same way about guns: I might enjoy target shooting (in my limited experience with it), but my limited need for a handgun is outweighed by the many reasons I should not be giving money to gun manufacturers/the NRA, putting a weapon where it might be misused, etc. Maybe it's unAmerican of me, but I'm totally OK with relinquishing this "right" for myself for the greater good.

Same. Maybe someday people will look at it this way and some changes will be made. We all take off our shoes at the airport now, right?
Are you saying I should stop arguing my position because what's done is done? I love ya' human but that isn't logical. It may be more comfortable to those who feel secret reservations about contributing
to this creep's notoriety but keeping quiet about bad things that have happened just because the cat is out if the bag is the exact opposite of what needs to happen to affect change.

Im sorry if it annoys some people but I am going to continue to voice my very strong opinion that the tradition of contributing to these cowards' platforms and rewarding them with notoriety is damn dangerous and specifically fuels and inspires the next lunatic.

The gun culture in the US is not going to disappear quickly, if at all. We are not Australia or Japan. We have a long history of mythologizing and glamorizing guns. We are not going to undergo a massive overhaul of our mental health care system nor erase the stigma of mental illness overnight and it is debatable whether that would stop many of these massacres anyhow since many of these guys have zero, diagnosable mental illness.

But we can make quick and simple changes in media policy about giving these monsters "credit" for what they've done and thus inspiring the next one. If enough people shame the media into changing its policy, it can be done. Easily, quickly, without spending a dime and without changing any laws.

For goodness sake- rape or sexual assault victims aren't often named by the media for fear of shaming them. As if being a victim of a ex predator is the survivor's fault. But we can't refrain from glorifying mass Murderers?

No. I'm not going to be silenced on this one. I think there is something simple we can do right now to save lives. And I'm going I advocate that.

Then why name any criminal? many other horrible crimes are committed for fame. I think this is just another way to direct the argument about stopping thi,s away from easy access to guns.
The argument will continue but the fact remains that friends and families will always end up naming these monsters even if CNN or FOX doesn't.
We don't need to learn one more damn thing about these individuals. The profile is pretty clear. Some variation but basically, we know exactly who they are:

1. Typically male.
2. Typically teens/twenties.
3. Socially awkward/isolated/neurological issue or mental illness.
4. Filled with a sense of impotence and insignificance.
5. Filled with rage.
6. Believe they are due accolades they have not received.
7. Desperately crave recognition.

NOTHING is gained by identifying these creeps. At least nothing that outweighs the absolute devastation that naming them causes. IMO.

Thank you Gitana. It really is this simple.
Same. Maybe someday people will look at it this way and some changes will be made. We all take off our shoes at the airport now, right?

I live with a constant threat of a stalker ex who has physically attacked me and violates restraining orders in ways that make it impossible to tie back to him. I would never relinquish my right to protect myself.

However, I do think more can be done to keep guns away from mentally unstable people. And I think more can be done for the mentally unstable. Setting thresholds for what that measurement would be seems like a daunting task. Getting people to comply with treatment plans is another daunting aspect. Mending a society that is currently very divided seems almost impossible.

I just wish I understood the limiting belief systems the people who carry these task out have? What must they really believe about themselves and society to think this is any type of answer?
I just nearly came unglued with the slamming of the door to the FedEx truck outside my office....clearly, I need to step away, shut down, and turn off for awhile.
Y'all please be safe.
This nation is going to hell in a hand basket. Whatever happened to land of the free, home of the brave? Why don't we hear about this type of violence in other countries? Am honestly glad to be as old as I am and won't be here much longer to witness the continued carnage of innocent people.
bluesneakers said:
But he was a gun owner. He likely owned those guns legally, <modsnip>.
I'm a gun owner and absolutely comfortable being so. <modsnip>

Again, he had many attributes, likely including mental illness. Y<modsnip>


I'm not anti gun I am simply anti dead children.

Me, too.

The best way to prevent more dead children is to protect them more.

This experiment with Gun Free Zones (GFZs) is clearly not working.

In the US, gun ownership is a fact of life, part of our culture. Like pr0n and drug smuggling. It is protected by the constitution. While handwringing and nose scrunching about guns and getting rid of them might be an effective release of emotion, it is not feasible.

Instead, why not try things that might actually work. Including identifying and treating - and yes, perhaps institutionalizing them if necessary - the mentally ill.

In the meantime, what other information can we crowdsource on this dude?
I totally disagree with "accepting". Many many many people have rejected, objected, denounced, etc. this type of random violence and there have been many things done to try to stop it.

The formulation of having School Guards, School metal detectors, TSA-Transportation Security Administration, Homeland Security, etc. etc. are all steps that have been recently taken to try to prevent the next random murderous activity.

None of that is done to prevent mass murder. It's done to protect government facilities from the gun roaming hordes that control this country. We'll keep the airports safe, but if you are outside the airport, you are on your own. :facepalm:

When we didn't take action after Sandy Hook, it proved once and for all that most American's are accepting of any level of gun violence. Other countries reject it, American's accept it.
Are you saying I should stop arguing my position because what's done is done? I love ya' human but that isn't logical. It may be more comfortable to those who feel secret reservations about contributing
to this creep's notoriety but keeping quiet about bad things that have happened just because the cat is out if the bag is the exact opposite of what needs to happen to affect change.

Im sorry if it annoys some people but I am going to continue to voice my very strong opinion that the tradition of contributing to these cowards' platforms and rewarding them with notoriety is damn dangerous and specifically fuels and inspires the next lunatic.

The gun culture in the US is not going to disappear quickly, if at all. We are not Australia or Japan. We have a long history of mythologizing and glamorizing guns. We are not going to undergo a massive overhaul of our mental health care system nor erase the stigma of mental illness overnight and it is debatable whether that would stop many of these massacres anyhow since many of these guys have zero, diagnosable mental illness.

But we can make quick and simple changes in media policy about giving these monsters "credit" for what they've done and thus inspiring the next one. If enough people shame the media into changing its policy, it can be done. Easily, quickly, without spending a dime and without changing any laws.

For goodness sake- rape or sexual assault victims aren't often named by the media for fear of shaming them. As if being a victim of a ex predator is the survivor's fault. But we can't refrain from glorifying mass Murderers?

No. I'm not going to be silenced on this one. I think there is something simple we can do right now to save lives. And I'm going I advocate that.

You better never stop arguing - it's one of your greatest talents and you're so good at it! :loveyou:
I live with a constant threat of a stalker ex who has physically attacked me and violates restraining orders in ways that make it impossible to tie back to him. I would never relinquish my right to protect myself.

However, I do think more can be done to keep guns away from mentally unstable people. And I think more can be done for the mentally unstable. Setting thresholds for what that measurement would be seems like a daunting task. Getting people to comply with treatment plans is another daunting aspect. Mending a society that is currently very divided seems almost impossible.

I just wish I understood the limiting belief systems the people who carry these task out have? What must they really believe about themselves and society to think this is any type of answer?

I'm very sorry you have to deal with this. Sounds like your stalker is not mentally stable. Does he have a gun or guns?
This nation is going to hell in a hand basket. Whatever happened to land of the free, home of the brave? Why don't we hear about this type of violence in other countries? Am honestly glad to be as old as I am and won't be here much longer to witness the continued carnage of innocent people.

"How soon we forget"...

France officials hail Americans as heroes for subduing gunman...
CBS News
Aug 22, 2015 - National Guardsman says he told his friends "let's go" after seeing man with weapons on train between Amsterdam and Paris, France.

ARRAS, France -- One serves in the Air Force, another recently served in Afghanistan in the National Guard, another is studying physical therapy - and all three Americans are being hailed as heroes for tackling and disarming a gunman they happened to encounter on a high-speed train between Amsterdam and Paris.
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