OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #1

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Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you. I follow religiously, but often don't have much to contribute so I'm usually silent.

*smiles and waves at Sad Eyes* Welcome to WS.

Back to :lurk:
I'm sorry to keep posting about this--It's even worse on my Facebook!

I have felt for the past couple of weeks or so that I am supposed to be doing *something* to draw more media attention and public interest to Stephanie.
I've been up since 230a trying to learn what I don't already know how to do instead of doing what I already do know how to do!
Does that make sense? (I'm punch drunk tired.)

After emailing all day with PR types it hit me: Just pretend for a moment that Stephanie isn't missing but instead is an up and coming saxophonist about to play her first gig at the Blue Note. Then I asked myself what I would do and decided I would do just that!

The first step is to harness the power of social media. I need to create a page for Stephanie with as much info as possible--No opinions or sleuthing, just the straight facts. This will serve as both information for the public and as well as a condensed press kit to send as a neat link to as many media outlets as possible.

So that's what's I'm doing right after my nap.

I'm hoping someone here has a neat list of news links already compiled...?
I'm sorry to keep posting about this--It's even worse on my Facebook!

I have felt for the past couple of weeks or so that I am supposed to be doing *something* to draw more media attention and public interest to Stephanie.
I've been up since 230a trying to learn what I don't already know how to do instead of doing what I already do know how to do!
Does that make sense? (I'm punch drunk tired.)

After emailing all day with PR types it hit me: Just pretend for a moment that Stephanie isn't missing but instead is an up and coming saxophonist about to play her first gig at the Blue Note. Then I asked myself what I would do and decided I would do just that!

The first step is to harness the power of social media. I need to create a page for Stephanie with as much info as possible--No opinions or sleuthing, just the straight facts. This will serve as both information for the public and as well as a condensed press kit to send as a neat link to as many media outlets as possible.

So that's what's I'm doing right after my nap.

I'm hoping someone here has a neat list of news links already compiled...?

Sounds like a good plan. Thanks for taking it on. Unfortunately, there isn't a neat list of links compiled that I know of. I'm tied up today. Maybe someone else has time.
In my earlier report about our visit to the Applegate, I neglected to mention that we drove through the Mobile Home Park that shows up as POI's last address. Let's just say that if you wanted to film a reality show about a trashy trailer park, this is your location, complete with a Confederate flag on one of the trailers. We've seen some bad trailer parks and this is in the top two or three, and possibly number one. Very run down and very sad that this is all some people can afford. One place had a baby stroller out front. :( We had actually prepared a cover story (looking for a place to park an RV) and fake names in case we were questioned. Fortunately, no one was around.

I did discover that he has not lived there in a year. Living at Stephanie's beautiful place would be paradise.
OK, I've been mulling over what I learned while we were out in the Applegate. I wasn't sure how much to reveal, but I've decided to just go for it and let the chips fall where they may. You all have been so diligent and faithful about showing up here that I think you deserve to know the rest of the story. Sit down.

We stopped at the Ruch market to get some lunch. First I talked to an employee who was very nice but obviously didn't want to say too much. I finally said to him "I really think the boyfriend is very dangerous." He totally agreed.

The real serendipitous and miraculous turn of events was that while we were at the market, I ran into a man who knows Stephanie very well and lives not far from her. He willingly talked to me and I have every reason to believe he is a reliable source. He and other neighbors have been keeping an eye on activity at her property since she's been missing. His wife was a friend of Stephanie's and they are very concerned about her and believe the POI should be watched carefully. Around the time Lonnie Ames was announced a POI they had noticed police at the place. Sometime over this past weekend, Lonnie and all vehicles were gone from her house. No activity except for someone who seems to be feeding her farm animals (sheep and goats) a few times a week. So, no wonder the place looked quiet when we went there.

Just to illustrate how dangerous Lonnie Ames is, I was told that he was kicked out of the Mobile Home Park a year ago for threatening to kill someone there and burn something down. He also has a history of squatting on property and having to be removed by court action. This is what I meant by "we ain't no fools on WS." We had this guy pegged as a menace to society all along. JMO

So now you're up to speed. Lonnie and company are gone. Based on the info posted earlier, son and probably dil are up north. Lonnie could be anywhere, as he has a lot of YouTube followers who share his radical beliefs and at least one invited him to visit in a comment on a video IIRC. These folks would be happy to hide and defend Lonnie. IMO

I will say this about the arrest we aren't talking about. It appears to be a "hold" requested by JCSO. There is no bail. Perhaps that will motivate some bean spilling. We can hope. Again JMO, MOO, etc.
So now you're up to speed. Lonnie and company are gone. Based on the info posted earlier, son and probably dil are up north. Lonnie could be anywhere, as he has a lot of YouTube followers who share his radical beliefs and at least one invited him to visit in a comment on a video IIRC. These folks would be happy to hide and defend Lonnie. IMO

Stayed just long enough to take anything of value and hide all evidence, I assume. OhArghhh!!!!

Ok. I'm awake now..Going to get these links together so I can make the page and start on the media trail---If anyone has all their links in one basket, now would be a good time to share:)
I have felt for the past couple of weeks or so that I am supposed to be doing *something* to draw more media attention and public interest to Stephanie.

After emailing all day with PR types it hit me...

The first step is to harness the power of social media. I need to create a page for Stephanie with as much info as possible--No opinions or sleuthing, just the straight facts. This will serve as both information for the public and as well as a condensed press kit to send as a neat link to as many media outlets as possible.

OUOTP: A press packet in the form of a FB page for a missing person is a great idea.

Here is my concern....
I have a professional background in PR for a major company (way back in another life). The problem I've had with Stephanie's case all along is there is very little OFFICIAL and well-cataloged information on her. Both from the source (the JCSO) and the news media in the area:

These have been the only 2 official announcements about Stephanie's case put out by JCSO:

Update: Jul 29

Flyer Distribution: Aug 20

No press release from JCSO (that I can find) announcing the time her car was driven on July 4 late to July 5 early.

No press release from JCSO announcing a POI -- and just two (IIRC) news agencies ran the story.

The MSM in that area do not have websites that catalog their stories -- I have a story I took a printscreen of on July 10, but I can't find it anywhere online now.

So, in order for the FB page on Stephanie to act as a media packet -- the info must be able to be vetted by fact-checkers. That's been a huge obstacle in her case. No news outlet wants to run a story on flimsy info and if it's too vague (as it has been with JCSO) then it doesn't appeal to an audience. If the story runs and statements were made on air by people close to her (e.g., the now POI) but not archived online -- then there goes the source. Stories gain traction when they are full of details that show solid reporting and credibility. All the electronic MSM in Medford are affiliated -- ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX. If there is a local angle (such as in NOLA) then they'll pick up the story there. But, again, if sourcing is an issue they won't run it.

Too much gate-keeping of information shows a lack of professionalism and if this request is coming from the family, as I believe some here have hinted at -- then what a disservice to your missing loved one. All it takes is looking at Whitney Heichel's case to see what timely information out to the public -- from the Gresham PD an official source -- can do to advance a case. Within 24 hours of Whitney going missing the car make/model AND license plate number was in a press release. Media were all over it. Guess what piece of information led to locating her remains? The license plate found by someone who saw the number in the news.
OUOTP: A press packet in the form of a FB page for a missing person is a great idea.

Here is my concern....
I have a professional background in PR for a major company (way back in another life). The problem I've had with Stephanie's case all along is there is very little OFFICIAL and well-cataloged information on her. Both from the source (the JCSO) and the news media in the area:

These have been the only 2 official announcements about Stephanie's case put out by JCSO:

Update: Jul 29

Flyer Distribution: Aug 20

No press release from JCSO (that I can find) announcing the time her car was driven on July 4 late to July 5 early.

No press release from JCSO announcing a POI -- and just two (IIRC) news agencies ran the story.

The MSM in that area do not have websites that catalog their stories -- I have a story I took a printscreen of on July 10, but I can't find it anywhere online now.

So, in order for the FB page on Stephanie to act as a media packet -- the info must be able to be vetted by fact-checkers. That's been a huge obstacle in her case. No news outlet wants to run a story on flimsy info and if it's too vague (as it has been with JCSO) then it doesn't appeal to an audience. If the story runs and statements were made on air by people close to her (e.g., the now POI) but not archived online -- then there goes the source. Stories gain traction when they are full of details that show solid reporting and credibility. All the electronic MSM in Medford are affiliated -- ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX. If there is a local angle (such as in NOLA) then they'll pick up the story there. But, again, if sourcing is an issue they won't run it.

Too much gate-keeping of information shows a lack of professionalism and if this request is coming from the family, as I believe some here have hinted at -- then what a disservice to your missing loved one. All it takes is looking at Whitney Heichel's case to see what timely information out to the public -- from the Gresham PD an official source -- can do to advance a case. Within 24 hours of Whitney going missing the car make/model AND license plate number was in a press release. Media were all over it. Guess what piece of information led to locating her remains? The license plate found by someone who saw the number in the news.
Yeah, I know it's a challenge. I am going to try and get JCSO to issue another release. That should be fun. Also, her namus profile needs to be stronger. What else? I just started... Here is what I have. Will link to the press releases and then I'm not sure...? :https://www.facebook.com/stephaniewarnermissing

I need everyone here to promote and like this page. It's stupid, but in my experience the more "likes" a page gets the better the chance it will be picked up by the media.
ps--- you would think they would have an official release from when they named a POI?
Stephanie's FB page looks good. Is there a way to put a photo of the flyer on it? I am FB illiterate.

I believe NamUs listings have to be approved by the detective. So what you see is all you get. Go figure. JMO
That makes me sad. That's the Stephanie I know!!

Thanks everyone for everything!!

She sounds so caring and sincere.

The person I talked to at the market told me a sweet story about Stephanie. She accidentally ran over a baby ground squirrel. Usually, people out there consider them pests and try to get rid of them. But not Stephanie! She picked up that little baby and drove 90 miles round trip to take it to a wild animal refuge in hopes it could be saved. Unfortunately, it died. But she was willing to put herself out for this little creature. Imagine how great a caregiver she would be for an elderly person.
What missing persons organizations are available in southern Oregon that would help in finding Stephanie?
I found this one, and it's based in NC, but has chapters in other states. The site currently shows a missing person from McMinnville, Oregon so there must be a chapter in or near Oregon.
Yeah, I know it's a challenge. I am going to try and get JCSO to issue another release. That should be fun. Also, her namus profile needs to be stronger. What else? I just started... Here is what I have. Will link to the press releases and then I'm not sure...? :https://www.facebook.com/stephaniewarnermissing

I need everyone here to promote and like this page. It's stupid, but in my experience the more "likes" a page gets the better the chance it will be picked up by the media.

Good job on the FB page for Stephanie! I liked and shared and asked others to share it also. I think you may want to contact shows like Nancy Grace & John Walsh's new show (sorry can't think of the name of his show right now).
What missing persons organizations are available in southern Oregon that would help in finding Stephanie?
I found this one, and it's based in NC, but has chapters in other states. The site currently shows a missing person from McMinnville, Oregon so there must be a chapter in or near Oregon.

A quick google search only found this. You have to scroll down to July 10 for Stephanie. Maybe the new FB page can be linked there somehow?

Here's something...

Stephanie was searching for work in Jan.

Note: home 541 899 9549 or cell 541 324 1270

So was this the cell number we hope LE put through to cell tower owners on the various routes from Ashland to Ruch ?
Great sluething Neptune! Reading this resume that Stephanie wrote truly describes her. That is the Stephanie that I know too just as For Ashley said. I agree Lilibet, Steph would be a great care giver! I'm glad to see others sharing happy stories about Steph. Because she is a happy go lucky kind of gal! She'd be bummed out if she is somehow somewhere reading these post and I think she'd be wondering does anyone remember how is REALLY am!
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