OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #1

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Good job on the FB page for Stephanie! I liked and shared and asked others to share it also. I think you may want to contact shows like Nancy Grace & John Walsh's new show (sorry can't think of the name of his show right now).

Nancy Grace drives me nuts, but I would seriously buy a ticket to watch her nail POI to the wall.
I made the phone call today. I should get some type of answer tmrw. I don't know how much I am going to be able to post on this thread about what they tell me, but I promise not to leave you all in the dark. Goodnight all & many thanks for all the time & effort you are all spending on this trying to find and bring Stephanie home!
Stephanie's FB page has received 28 likes in 14 hours. Excellent!


It's really hard to get likes. But we'll see. I posted on every local to ruch/JC page I could find. I messaged it to the sheriff and also asked about the possibility of an updated statement.

If any of you share the link on your FB page, make sure people know to "like" the page itself and not just your post. This action will not only send any updates to their feed but it will also up the "like" count which I am *hoping* will draw some attention to the case.
Local press has basically dwindled. Who up in Oregon will volunteer to organize a candle light vigil on behalf of Stephanie to draw attention back to the case?

Here is a link showing how to organize a candlelight vigil.


I am going to say this again. WHERE IS STEPHANIE'S FAMILY IN ALL THIS? This case needs someone with a strong emotional attachment to Stephanie to go on TV and BEG the public for information. There just hasn't been a big emotional reaction to Stephanie's case locally the way there would be to a missing cute, popular teenaged girl or to a child. So extra effort is needed by the family.

Family needs to come out here and get publicity and hold a candlelight vigil, speak publicly and show they care. Why should the community care if they don't appear to. I'm sure they do, but their silence is deafening. WHY? Sheriff's instructions? WHY?

PLEASE Warner family. Isn't Stephanie worth the cost of a few airline tickets and a reward?!?!
Here is a link showing how to organize a candlelight vigil.


I am going to say this again. WHERE IS STEPHANIE'S FAMILY IN ALL THIS? This case needs someone with a strong emotional attachment to Stephanie to go on TV and BEG the public for information. There just hasn't been a big emotional reaction to Stephanie's case locally the way there would be to a missing cute, popular teenaged girl or to a child. So extra effort is needed by the family.

Family needs to come out here and get publicity and hold a candlelight vigil, speak publicly and show they care. Why should the community care if they don't appear to. I'm sure they do, but their silence is deafening. WHY? Sheriff's instructions? WHY?

PLEASE Warner family. Isn't Stephanie worth the cost of a few airline tickets and a reward?!?!

Have thought it very strange ever since Stephanie went missing that none of her family have gone to Ruch or made any public appeal. I wondered whether the police had asked them to stay away for some reason, very strange. Maybe a family member has been to Ruch and we are unaware of it.
Have thought it very strange ever since Stephanie went missing that none of her family have gone to Ruch or made any public appeal. I wondered whether the police had asked them to stay away for some reason, very strange. Maybe a family member has been to Ruch and we are unaware of it.

I don't believe any family member has come out here. I'm happy to be corrected. But if they did, they did not make a public appeal, which I believe is crucial. Yes, they would be stepping out of their comfort zone and into the spotlight, but that is what one does for family. You let it all hang out! You bare your soul. You let your mascara run (saluting Kyron Horman's mom Desiree Young).

I apologize if I am offending anyone with my rant. It's just that we are a group of strangers and a few of Stephanie's friends who care enough about Stephanie to show up and support this thread. Those who can are doing more, some behind the scenes. Those who can't do more are providing very necessary moral support. Every comment, every "Like" tells me someone cares, which keeps me going, personally.

If my daughter, who is Stephanie's age, went missing I could not in good conscience do less than a group of strangers are doing to find her. This is not criticism. It's a call to action. Stephanie needs to be found and someone needs to be arrested and tried. It's time for her family to step up. Please!

OK, rant over. Thanks for tolerating me.
Can somebody record this in case we have another case of a non-link.
Also, many of you keep calling the POI Lonnie... Is that a mistype or does Lennie go by this name?

I just set my DVR for KOBI and KTVL. It will only record two shows at the same time, so I will watch KDRV. So far, no teaser on FB. The last time Lonnie called up KOBI to be interviewed, so it may be on there. I'm wondering if this means he's still in the area.

Lennie is his name, but he is called Lonnie by people who know him. I guess we feel like we know him. :(
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