OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 July 2013 - #3

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This is kind of OT, but I'll bring it right back around, so bear with me. I was reading this morning about an elderly con artist from Oregon who received 15 years in prison (a life sentence) for conning and swindling people out of thousands of dollars (in one case, a million).

Here is the link: http://www.oregonlive.com/clackamascounty/index.ssf/2014/11/nickolas_kasemehas_elderly_con.html

Most of his scams involved gold. (Ahem)

Then I found an article detailing his career as a con artist, spanning 50 years as of 2012. A quote really jumped out at me and made me think of Lennie Laverne Ames, who conned and weaseled his way into Stephanie's life.

Paul Zak, a California professor of neurology, writes in Psychology Today that “the key to a con is not that you trust the con man, but that he shows he trusts you. Con men ply their trade by appearing fragile or needing help, by seeming vulnerable,” whether they come to your door selling magazine subscriptions or to your e-mail inbox with an offer to invest in Nigerian securities. By nature, says Zak, “These people are deceptive, don’t stay in relationships long, and enjoy taking advantage of others. Psychologically, they resemble sociopaths [who] have learned how to simulate trustworthiness.”

According to her friends, Stephanie was a rescuer and protector of all vulnerable creatures and people who crossed her path, whether feeding and adopting the stray cats at her restaurant, seeking help for a squirrel she ran over, or nursing her longtime former partner as he was dying of cancer. Stephanie's tender heart was well known in the Ruch community.

Stephanie was an easy mark for a professional "victim" like Lennie Laverne Ames and his protege son and dil. They may have offered her something she wanted or needed, but basically they moved in on her, took advantage of her, used her up and threw her away, and continued to use her as long as they could after her death. Like the con artist in the links above, they have no conscience and live only for their own advantage IMO. I would not be a bit surprised if they have found another kind, protective person to prey on in Florida. JMO

Stephanie was far from perfect and was a complicated and feisty woman. But she was loyal to and protective of those in need. She tried to help the wrong people and paid the ultimate price. But when all is said and done, I think Stephanie would rather be the victim of these kinds of people than be the kind of person who could manipulate and hurt others without a qualm. I know I would.

All JMO, MOO, etc.
I meant to post this earlier this month. We attended the Southern Oregon Kennel Club Dog Show, and we were there when they presented a check for $10,000 to JCSO for a new K-9 Patrol to replace the one pictured who is retiring. We got to see the retiring dog demonstrate cornering and bringing down a suspect. See photos linked below.


A HUGE thanks goes out the Southern Oregon Kennel Club. The Southern Oregon Kennel Club donated $10,000 to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office on Saturday. The money will be used to purchase a new Patrol K9. They also donated all of the raffle proceeds from the dog show to our K9 program. Thank you! What an amazing and kind gesture. Your donation will be well used and appreciated.


On December 4 it will be 17 months since Stephanie disappeared, and five months since the last news update about Stephanie. Would someone with Facebook be willing to post a politely worded query to the local news media FB pages? By "polite" I mean not critical of media or JCSO, but some passion about not wanting Stephanie forgotten would certainly be appropriate IMO. An attached photo of Stephanie would be great, if possible. Does anyone have any other ideas to make Stephanie's voice be heard loud and clear? Maybe Twitter? Thanks!

Here are the links:




Thanks to our WS friend for keeping the Stephanie Missing FB page going! The third comment on the latest post is interesting. I'm glad to see that this anonymous person is still keeping an eye on the son. I think s/he's placed him in the wrong state, but maybe s/he knows something we don't. Or else we know more than s/he does. :) Either way is fine with me.

Hi everyone!Happy Thanksgiving :) Checking in, hoping to find news. I have been so busy with my new business and traveling that I have not had time to check in for a long while. I think of Stephanie every day. Is there anything new to post on the FB/twitter pages? jennifercallan @ gmail.com
I have put my thinking cap on. If my computers will co-operate, I might be able to come up with something...

Always thinking of Stephanie. And her pets, who would have had no idea why their mom didn't ever come home.
Hi everyone!Happy Thanksgiving :) Checking in, hoping to find news. I have been so busy with my new business and traveling that I have not had time to check in for a long while. I think of Stephanie every day. Is there anything new to post on the FB/twitter pages? jennifercallan @ gmail.com

Hi Jennifer. Good to hear from you! Thanks so much for keeping Stephanie's page going.

There's nothing new that's postable and relevant, unfortunately. I'm always nosing around and finding interesting peripheral stuff that makes me go hmmmmmm...or worse. :pullhair:

A few posts back, I encouraged anyone with Facebook to post on the local media pages before December 4, asking for an update about Stephanie. I posted the links. Maybe you could do that? :loveyou:
I have put my thinking cap on. If my computers will co-operate, I might be able to come up with something...

Always thinking of Stephanie. And her pets, who would have had no idea why their mom didn't ever come home.

So very unfair and sad. We were out in Ruch the day Stephanie's animals were being dispersed to new homes. It was hard to think about all Stephanie's babies going their separate ways. I wish we could have taken one in.

I remember Dicentra writing about Stephanie's kitty Lily, her wild child, adjusting to life at Dicentra's home. As I recall, Lily found a piece of Stephanie's clothing and curled up on it. :cat: I wonder how Lily is doing (and Dicentra too).
Bumping for Stephanie. :bump:

Today it is seventeen long months since Stephanie Warner went missing July 4, 2013. Meanwhile her ex-boyfriend and POI Lennie Ames is probably relaxing on a Florida beach or in Georgia for Thanksgiving with his dil's family and his son, who can't stay out of legal trouble. Where is Stephanie, Mr. Ames? How can you enjoy your life and pretend to serve God? Apparently, you have no conscience. But God knows the truth, and it will come out. Don't get too comfortable.

Hugs and prayers for Stephanie's family and friends. :grouphug:
On the first anniversary of Dateline NBC's Missing in America series, they are showing on Facebook all 53 cases they have featured, including Stephanie's. Thirty are still missing, but how wonderful that 23 have been solved!


Here is Stephanie's. It has been shared 82 times, so far, including by JCSO. Thank you! There are some nice comments.


Here are people sharing stories about ones they know who have disappeared. Heartbreaking!

Bumping for Stephanie. It is not too late for someone to come forward anonymously with information.

PLEASE contact Detective Eric Henderson at The Jackson County Sheriff's Office tip line @541 774 8333.

Stephanie needs to be found, for the sake of all who love her. Even if there is not enough evidence for her murderer to be brought to justice, she needs to be found.

It's time for someone LOCAL who knows anything at all to do the right thing.

Those closest to the POI are living the good life in Georgia. After presumptuously moving into Stephanie's home with POI Lennie Ames after her disappearance, now they have a house of their own. They have obviously moved on from the tragic disappearance of someone who cared about them, and it is unlikely they will ever share what they know.

PLEASE do not let Stephanie's remains lie unrecovered any longer. She deserves a decent burial, and her Mom, family and dear friends need to have her close by, not lost in Oregon.
Bumping for Stephanie. It is not too late for someone to come forward anonymously with information.

PLEASE contact Detective Eric Henderson at The Jackson County Sheriff's Office tip line @541 774 8333.

Stephanie needs to be found, for the sake of all who love her. Even if there is not enough evidence for her murderer to be brought to justice, she needs to be found.

It's time for someone LOCAL who knows anything at all to do the right thing.

Those closest to the POI are living the good life in Georgia. After presumptuously moving into Stephanie's home with POI Lennie Ames after her disappearance, now they have a house of their own. They have obviously moved on from the tragic disappearance of someone who cared about them, and it is unlikely they will ever share what they know.

PLEASE do not let Stephanie's remains lie unrecovered any longer. She deserves a decent burial, and her Mom, family and dear friends need to have her close by, not lost in Oregon.

This is so sad. As the holidays are upon us, it has to be even more excrutiatingly painful for Stephanie's loved ones and friends. Someone please do the right thing, to honor Stephanie's life and help her loved ones have a semblance of peace.
Anyone involved in Stephanie's disappearance wouldn't know the right thing if it jumped up and hit them in the eye, in my opinion.

But. Consoling myself there are plenty of very clever people who believe they have gotten away with disappearing people in the past, and that past has come back to haunt them, with a bang. When they least expected it.

My dear, dear dog has died just before Christmas and there is no getting over it - mine's not going to be happy. But I'm escaping by going wandering foreign lands, frèe of guilt. I'm feeling some pain, but I wouldn't swap my position for that of whoever disappeared Stephanie for anything in the world. That misery, I just couldn't cope with.

Thinking of you at Christmas dear Steph, and all those searching for you too. We'll bring you home girl, somehow.
Anyone involved in Stephanie's disappearance wouldn't know the right thing if it jumped up and hit them in the eye, in my opinion.

But. Consoling myself there are plenty of very clever people who believe they have gotten away with disappearing people in the past, and that past has come back to haunt them, with a bang. When they least expected it.

My dear, dear dog has died just before Christmas and there is no getting over it - mine's not going to be happy. But I'm escaping by going wandering foreign lands, frèe of guilt. I'm feeling some pain, but I wouldn't swap my position for that of whoever disappeared Stephanie for anything in the world. That misery, I just couldn't cope with.

Thinking of you at Christmas dear Steph, and all those searching for you too. We'll bring you home girl, somehow.

Oh Zwie, I am so, so sorry about your dear old dog. I remember your blog post about rescuing the chicken who pecked him in the eye and how cooperative he was.

There isn't much I can say, really, that will ease your pain except to tell you how treasured you are here on Stephanie's thread and elsewhere on WS.

Oh Zwie, I am so, so sorry about your dear old dog. I remember your blog post about rescuing the chicken who pecked him in the eye and how cooperative he was.

There isn't much I can say, really, that will ease your pain except to tell you how treasured you are here on Stephanie's thread and elsewhere on WS.


I am also so very sorry, Zwiebel...I understand so much, as we lost our sweet, ever-faithful Golden after 12 years, and she loved our family so much that she fought and fought to stay with us. I know this doesn't make it better, but your sweet dog was obviously so, so loved, and hang onto that. But it hurts, and I so get it. :hug:

And for Stephanie: During this season of giving -- knowing all I know about you from people here who dutifully keep watch on your behalf -- you were a giver. I'm confident that your generosity of spirit and kindness made a real impact in this world, and that matters...and I do believe there is still enough Light in this world to bring you home.
Anyone involved in Stephanie's disappearance wouldn't know the right thing if it jumped up and hit them in the eye, in my opinion.

But. Consoling myself there are plenty of very clever people who believe they have gotten away with disappearing people in the past, and that past has come back to haunt them, with a bang. When they least expected it.

My dear, dear dog has died just before Christmas and there is no getting over it - mine's not going to be happy. But I'm escaping by going wandering foreign lands, frèe of guilt. I'm feeling some pain, but I wouldn't swap my position for that of whoever disappeared Stephanie for anything in the world. That misery, I just couldn't cope with.

Thinking of you at Christmas dear Steph, and all those searching for you too. We'll bring you home girl, somehow.

Oh Zwie, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I had to put down my much beloved rescue Samoyed, Pearl, ten years ago right before Christmas and it was the saddest holiday ever. I know how devastated you must be feeling. Losing such treasured hearts full of unconditional love is just the worst thing ever.

If you don't know about the Rainbow Bridge, I highly recommend this website: http://petloss.com/

And Stephanie was such an animal lover. She would be consoling you too, if she could.

Sending light to all the hurting hearts over the holidays.

La Louve

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