OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 July 2013 - #3

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DNA Solves
Just checking in to see if there was any new news here. Sadly it looks like we lost a lot of members that used to be here. I have to keep believing that no news is good news. There once was a time that I believed that Stephanie could be living in a bunker and thinking that she couldn't come out because the world had come to an end. But then I thought how could she breathe? Wouldn't she run out of air? Now I think if the POI had her convinced that she couldn't come out then regardless of whether or not her killed her on the 4th of July she would probably not have made it this long living in a bunker. But then again, Dicentra did say Stephanie told her the bunkers were stock piled with supplies. So what the heck--- I want to keep believing!!! I pray that one day someone sees her walking out the woods with her necklace made of a cross of nails! Where ever you are Stephanie I just hope you are not suffering. I just needed to vent a little bit. Please pray for Stephanie. Thank you again Lilibet for being here and Ouotp for keeping the FB page updated. :)
Thank you. If this is true, it is the break we have been hoping and praying for. My heart goes out to her family and friends, but knowing is better than not knowing.

ETA: I would imagine that whatever remains have been found would need DNA testing for a positive ID. But it would be pretty evident that it's Stephanie if the clothing, boots and necklace match.

If this turns out to be true, I wonder how she was found. Did someone finally have a reason to turn on and turn in the guilty one(s)?

Lilibet have you heard anything about this in Oregon or is it a rumor?
Lilibet have you heard anything about this in Oregon or is it a rumor?

So far it's just a rumor. I belatedly realized after I posted that we shouldn't be posting about it per TOS, so I sent a pm to a mod in case she needs to remove posts. I'm attempting to find out more info locally, but if it's not published in MSM I can't post it. All we can do is wait quietly at this point. I know it's an emotional roller coaster for those close to Stephanie, even more than it is for those of us who have been here on the thread for almost two years.

Last weekend as I was driving home from camping in central Oregon, the rough terrain got me thinking about Stephanie and all the mines in the area where she lived. I've long believed a mine is where she will eventually be found. Last night I spent quite a bit of time reading mining documents from the Carberry Creek area. I had no idea there were so many minerals mined there. It wasn't just gold, though that was the most valuable mineral extracted.

Prayers for Stephanie and all her loved ones and friends.
It seems that one of the people who originated the rumor on Stephanie's FB page has acknowledged that it was speculation in the local cafe. I don't understand why she would originally post something so specific based on local gossip. I wish the post and subsequent comments could just be deleted. Stephanie's family and friends don't need this. JMO

Sadly, today marks 23 months since Stephanie disappeared. A year ago this month she was featured on NBC Missing in America. Around the first year anniversary of Stephanie's disappearance, local KOBI reporter Roma Villavicencio did a three-part series about her. There were more searches in August. But since then, no news.

I'd like to suggest that something we could individually do for Stephanie during June is contact local or national news media and ask for a two year follow-up story next month. Get creative and let's see what we can do to publicize Stephanie's story!

Here is a previous post listing local MSM Facebook pages. Perhaps if enough people post to those pages asking about Stephanie, there will be some action. The squeaky wheel and all that.

If anyone here has suggestions or other links, please post them!

Here is a post from last year linking the stories about Stephanie in July, including Dateline and Roma's series.

THANK YOU to all who have loyally visited and posted or thanked on Stephanie's thread for the past 23 months! :loveyou: :tyou:
Hi, guys. I'm still thinking of Stephanie, praying justice for her.:heartbeat:
Bless you all for keeping her thread going...especially dear Lilibet.
Thank you, Bessie, for featuring Stephanie's thread and helping WSers remember and become aware of her. Now we need to do our part to get MSM interested again. Please everyone, see my post of 6/4 for ideas.

It is my heartfelt hope that Stephanie's family will push for publicity during the weeks leading up to the second anniversary of her disappearance. I know it is out of their comfort zone to make public appearances and I respect that. However, what happened to Stephanie took her out of her comfort zone and she deserves to be found. Finding Stephanie will go a long way towards taking whoever disappeared her out of their current comfortable existence.

So let's all step out of our comfort zones so that Stephanie can be found and justice served!!!

:copcar: :judge: :gavel: :behindbar: :justice:
^Well, this may be hard for her family or friends to do, but with July 4th coming up, if one of her friends or a family member(s) would be willing to contact the media and express their willingness...

A feature providing a glimpse into her friend(s) or some family members preparing for the July 4th holiday (TV coverage may be preferable, but print media would still be great) - showing the prepping of July 4th food, for instance, or getting ready to head out to see fireworks, etc. - then some personal comments from the loved ones on Stephanie/how she is missed ~ seems that a reporter could elicit those personal touches from her loved ones - then the reporter could tie in the details on when she went missing...just thinking that may help with not only keeping her memory alive, but it also may touch others to continue searches for her.

Just an idea~FWIW. But a big holiday like July 4th seems ideal to receive some coverage and add more personal touches to Stephanie's story.

Her going missing around July 4th strikes me as especially sad...she seems like the kind of person who would love this particular holiday. For you, Stephanie:

:yourock::yourock:Super idea, Think. I've passed it along.

Here's an idea I have to go full circle to July 4, 2013. Since she was such a valued volunteer with the Jackson County Fuel Committee, and the last video of her is walking by their float in the parade, it would be a nice tie-in to show them building a float this year without Stephanie and interview her friends there about how much they miss her.

Let's hope some form of your idea happens. Thanks! You're brilliant!

:yourock::yourock:Super idea, Think. I've passed it along.

Here's an idea I have to go full circle to July 4, 2013. Since she was such a valued volunteer with the Jackson County Fuel Committee, and the last video of her is walking by their float in the parade, it would be a nice tie-in to show them building a float this year without Stephanie and interview her friends there about how much they miss her.

Let's hope some form of your idea happens. Thanks! You're brilliant!


I LOVE your idea! It may really appeal to volunteer groups too. Stephanie was a giver...now she needs the help of other givers.

The other thing I thought of were Stephanie's pets. I read that she was such an animal lover, and it seems to me that one of her dogs was sick around the time of her disapperance, and she was tending to the dog with medicine...many people can relate to love of animals (and her great care of her pets shows her tender heart to people)~ and that could be another angle, as in her furry creatures missing her care too (showing them in video or print), and then tying that into events of the day she went missing, including her concern for caring for her dog that day...

And my being "brilliant" is an overreach, but you are very kind, as always.
^^^ Another brilliant idea, Think. Oh yes you are! :)

I think it was a kitty who was sick, not that it matters. Stephanie loved her animals. I remember her friend Dicentra writing here about taking in the cat Stephanie called her "devil child." One day she found her sleeping on a pile of clothes Stephanie had left there when she was painting for Dicentra. Sniff. Dicentra would be a good one to interview if she were willing. It might be too hard though.
^^^ Another brilliant idea, Think. Oh yes you are! :)

I think it was a kitty who was sick, not that it matters. Stephanie loved her animals. I remember her friend Dicentra writing here about taking in the cat Stephanie called her "devil child." One day she found her sleeping on a pile of clothes Stephanie had left there when she was painting for Dicentra. Sniff. Dicentra would be a good one to interview if she were willing. It might be too hard though.

I'm sure you are right that it was a :cat:, not a :beagle:! And BBM ^ :tears: Aw, that is so touching...and makes me sad too.

I can understand how it may be very hard for her friend. Maybe she wouldn't even have to go on camera (or it could just be an article)~just give the reporter her thoughts, mentioning her care of the cat after Stephanie went missing and Stephanie's love of animals~and they could show the cat in the living room curled up on a sofa or whatnot...but I can understand why even that may be too emotional (At the same time, I think it would also have an emotional impact on viewers/readers and that people would remember the story). It's tough though. I have complete empathy.

Thanks for sharing more about Stephanie...it highlights who she was. I love her sense of humor, like her naming the mischievous cat. :)
More good ideas, Think. I'm remembering that the cat's name was Lily, but she was pretty wild, hence the other name. Dicentra has told some of these stories on the last thread and maybe earlier in this one. Some are touching and some are hilarious.
Almost two years gone..........someone knows something.

Bumping for Stephanie.

The beautiful video put together by Sasquatch and friends in October 2013, three months after Stephanie disappeared. We sent this to as many news outlets as possible and got some much needed publicity for Stephanie. Song by Bruce Springsteen.

No matter how many times I watch this video, I still get the tears and chills. Hoping that the media will pick up on this video again on the 2nd anniversary of her disappearance. :(
No matter how many times I watch this video, I still get the tears and chills. Hoping that the media will pick up on this video again on the 2nd anniversary of her disappearance. :(

If anyone uses Facebook, feel free to post the video on the FB pages of local and national news organizations. I listed the local ones in an earlier post. Thanks.
THANK YOU ROMA!!!!! Here is her story tonight about Stephanie. Ames is officially a suspect!!!!!! Detective Henderson is not giving up. Thank you to him and to Stephanie's sister Sharon for speaking to Roma.

Will somebody PLEASE let Stephanie's Mother, sister, brothers, extended family and dear friends have peace?!

Video included.
Nearly two years later, the Ruch home is desolate. Her barn which housed her beloved pets is just a shell with cobwebs.

"She grew to love animals and that was a very big part of her life. Her cats, her lambs," said Lambert.

Lambert still holds out hope, that someone knows something, that will bring some closure.

"Her family is very important to her which is why we know on God's green earth that she did not run away."

Henderson agrees and said the search will continue for Warner whether she's alive or not.

"I want Lennie Ames to know this isn't over and we're going to keep going until we can make that arrest," said Henderson.



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