GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #1

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Re: the cell phone.

Clint said (I need to find the source) that at 9:30 it started going to voicemail (as in it was no longer ringing, just straight to VM).

I'm wondering if the child that found the phone had to turn it on, or if it was already on? Mom of child said she looked at the texts, so either they turned it on or it was left on. If left on, then why did it go straight to voicemail at 9:30am? Out of range possibly? I don't see anyone getting coverage on Larch Mountain.

Hmm.. now i have to do an experiment... if I get a call and immediately "reject" it what happens?

eta: Ok I called my cell from my landline.
I heard one ring on the landline before I "rejected" the call.
Then it went straight to voice mail.

Then I turned my cell OFF and redialed...
It went SRAIGHT to voice mail.

So... imo THE CELL WAS "OFF" NOT "DEAD" because no one claimed to have to "recharge it"
prior to accessing the VM.

Hmm.. now i have to do an experiment... if I get a call and immediately "reject" it what happens?


My husband and I had issues getting coverage in our house a few weeks back. We were playing around with our phones and for US.. if I called him and he clicked "decline" on the screen immediately, it still rang for me twice. But if he turned his phone off, it goes to VM immediately (same for when he's not getting coverage).
What was the phone that was discovered in earlier reports yesterday?

May be that's why LE said that they have recovered items but don't know whether it is related to investigation.

Can this new phone be dumped on the way after the prep stopped for gas? IF the children were playing then it would be unlikely that it was dumped in a bush from the road.
Her Facebook had mentioned she had a pantry full of gluten free food, which seems to be a common lifestyle change lately, BUT a friend of hers was offering support and telling her about the options still available to have yummy food. Whitney also mentioned that she is glad she found out she can still have spaghetti (a gluten free variety).
That, mixed with the fatigue and schedule change to get more rest leads me to believe she may have just been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.
JOO of course, but it would make sense.

I agree! I was diagnosed a little over 3 years ago.
The fatigue is unbearable!
Completely "zapped'!
I even napped during my lunch hour!

she worked for starbucks for pete's sake!
(imo caffiene didn't even help her)

but this is just speculation! and may just be the diet "trend" as well

For the true celiac... it is almost like a death...
and IMO most of the gluten free options are tasteless...
if she had a "pantryful" and a "lifestyle" change it is CELIAC...
not just a fad diet...:twocents:

:please:now I am worried she harmed herself! moo
Wow :what: Out of the 5 people who deliver pizza for my business 4 of them are college graduates all with 4 year degrees..

Never ever judge a book by it's cover...just because he now is pumping gas, a year ago he could've been making a 6 figure income and I am pretty sure he wouldn't wear his good clothes to work.

Like I said, maybe where you live it is different. Here, I am already afraid of the people who work INSIDE the gas station, much less a man outside.

And I beg to differ, when it comes to my or my children's safety, I'll judge a book by it's cover any darn day. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I teach my children to judge books by their covers, as well. The reality is that the majority of strangers are kind, caring people and would never harm them. Instead, I teach that ALL strangers are harmful, just to protect them from that very small percentage of those who would. I don't care if they made a billion dollars last year, I would never order a pizza to be delivered while I was home alone, and when we did live in an area that delivered, I always made my husband pay and deal with the delivery guy. We've been in our new house well over a year now, but I still won't let my daughter sleep in her bedroom because of all of the workers that were in and out and know exactly which room was hers. I'm pretty sure they were all decent guys, and I know they make good money because I dished it out to them, however, that doesn't make them SAFE. My husband has a dirty job at times, but also has a thick wallet. :wink: If I didn't know him, I'd run the other way from his dingy, dirty self in a parking lot, and I wouldn't be offended by anyone who felt the same way. I judge books by their covers so I don't end up being a thread on WS, and there are very, very few books I deem safe enough to read.
Wasn't she in the hosp. for kidney stones not long ago?
Okay, due to the insistence and reporting of the other FB group that was not supported by Whitney's family members, the other group was taken down.

Now a new group ("What happened to Whitney Heichel") has popped up in the last 30 min -

Someone is deliberately trying to run-over the focus off the investigation.

Just a caution about this new group.
Wasn't she in the hosp. for kidney stones not long ago?
Her FB albums mention kidney stones; wasn't sure if it was her or hubby who had them.

FWIW, there are photos she took of him at sunset out in the open somewhere (he has his cell phone in hand), captioned with the comment that she took these pics only a moment before he received a call from an urgent care clinic, advising him to go immediately to the ER, as he had a life-threatening condition. Not sure if that was connected to kidney stones or what.

There are also pics of them each separately, apparently taken inside examining rooms; not sure if it was the same place/time, though. IIRC, he was sitting up on an exam table wearing street clothes. In hers, she was lying down in an examination gown.


IMO: Special tummy diet, not feeling well, tired to the point of changing work hours --- could be lots of things, including flu, pregnancy, celiac/gluten-intolerance, or perhaps someone secretly drugging or poisoning her? Just speculating.
Like I said, maybe where you live it is different. Here, I am already afraid of the people who work INSIDE the gas station, much less a man outside.

And I beg to differ, when it comes to my or my children's safety, I'll judge a book by it's cover any darn day. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I teach my children to judge books by their covers, as well. The reality is that the majority of strangers are kind, caring people and would never harm them. Instead, I teach that ALL strangers are harmful, just to protect them from that very small percentage of those who would. I don't care if they made a billion dollars last year, I would never order a pizza to be delivered while I was home alone, and when we did live in an area that delivered, I always made my husband pay and deal with the delivery guy. We've been in our new house well over a year now, but I still won't let my daughter sleep in her bedroom because of all of the workers that were in and out and know exactly which room was hers. I'm pretty sure they were all decent guys, and I know they make good money because I dished it out to them, however, that doesn't make them SAFE. My husband has a dirty job at times, but also has a thick wallet. :wink: If I didn't know him, I'd run the other way from his dingy, dirty self in a parking lot, and I wouldn't be offended by anyone who felt the same way. I judge books by their covers so I don't end up being a thread on WS, and there are very, very few books I deem safe enough to read.

You are completely entitled to believe what you'd like, and raise your children as you see fit. I am not judging that by any means. I would simply like to point it 2 things. I used to be engaged to a man who you would look at and see an upstanding citizen. He was close to his family, had a career, stood about 6 feet tall with brown hair and green eyes. He's the man you'd befriend because he was the normal one, in a world full of sketchy people. He had no record, no prior offenses, and maybe one speeding ticket. He was charged and convicted of luring a 14yr old girl oer the Internet for sex. Thankfully, this 14 yr old was an undercover cop.
Now lets switch to a close friend who looks like he belongs in a baker gang, big guy, big beard, big bike, and was always coming home at very late hours of the night. That is a man some people would judge negatively, but the reason he was always out late, was because he worked third shift. He was not out causing trouble or getting into illegal activities. He is also the kindest, most family oriented man I may have ever met. He'd give you his last dime, and wouldn't think twice about protecting his family or someone he loves. He has children who mean the world to him, and is actively involved with his kids sports and school.

Now, tell me who you'd trust with your kids based on the book's cover. Who looks scary and who looks like a model citizen?
Ewww! No, thanks. I prefer to pump my own. I never go inside, and prefer to have no contact with anyone. Pull up, pay, get what I need, leave. I would absolutely HATE to pull up and have an interaction with a man every time. He could know my name by looking at my card, and could easily find me. Maybe in Oregon it's different, but these would not be college graduates working there. Here, it would be a bottom of the barrel job.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
really? because I feel the exact opposite, I live in south Jersey, we don't pump our own gas, I travel around to NY, DE, MD WV and of course PA regularly. I never feel good about getting out of my car to get gas!
Even though I always turn my car off when I pull up to the pump, I never take my keys from the ignition or unlock my doors and at night I never put my window all the way down, in a danger situation I'd have some safety nets. Being outside the car creeps me out at night especially since there are no attendants and often I am alone with other cars pulling up and drivers exiting their vehicles too.
Girls are gas attendants in NJ as well and I think you might have misspoke when you said 'bottom of the barrel' , it wasn't that long ago I was talking to many friends about how at my local Wawa (our convenient store which has gas pumps too) all the men pumping gas, save one, were obviously people who had recently been sitting behind desks for years with high paying jobs, a sad reflection of our current economy, thankfully none are still there which leads me to hope and believe they have found employment that better suited for their financial needs.
(I don't think there is a single place in the city where I live that has someone available to pump gas.)

Anyway, not sure her health is relevant, unless the thought process is that it made her less aware or alert that morning? Or that someone she encountered in a medical setting kidnapped her?
Being a college graduate doesn't make you a better person. Just sayin'

No, it does not. However, I'm not running for Miss Congeniality. I'm talking about safety. Maybe I wasn't clear in my post. I'm not talking about judging people's religions, morals, ethics, etc. I'm not spitting at these people and kicking them in the shins. I'm talking about a common sense dose of reality. I'm sorry if that makes me seem like a bad guy, but I am just being statistical and realistic. Studies show that higher crime is related to lower education levels.

"COLUMBUS, Ohio - A new study provides some of the best evidence to date that low wages and unemployment make less-educated men more likely to turn to crime.

Researchers examined national crime rates between 1979 and 1997 and found much of the increase in crime during that period can be explained by falling wages and rising unemployment among men without college educations."

When there's a serial killer, everyone says, "Yep... gotta be a white guy." Statistically, it will be. Are there plenty who are not? Of course.

Sorry for the OT. :blush:
You are completely entitled to believe what you'd like, and raise your children as you see fit. I am not judging that by any means. I would simply like to point it 2 things. I used to be engaged to a man who you would look at and see an upstanding citizen. He was close to his family, had a career, stood about 6 feet tall with brown hair and green eyes. He's the man you'd befriend because he was the normal one, in a world full of sketchy people. He had no record, no prior offenses, and maybe one speeding ticket. He was charged and convicted of luring a 14yr old girl oer the interned for sex. Thankfully, this 14 yr old was an undercover cop.
Now lets switch to a close friend who looks like he belongs in a baker gang, big guy, big beard, big bike, and was always coming home at very late hours of the night. That is a man some people would judge negatively, but the reason he was always out late, was Because he worked third shift. He is also the kindest, most family oriented man. I may have ever met. He'd give you his last dime, and wouldn't think twice about protecting his family or someone he loves. He has children who mean the world to him, and is actively involved with his kids sports and school.

Now, tell me who you'd trust with your kids based on the book's cover.

Neither. ALL of them are dangerous. My children have never slept over at even a family member's home. I'm THAT particular.

However, I was sexually abused as a child by a respected neighbor, and I'll go to the ends of the earth to protect my children from the same, so my perceptions are skewed.
That is interesting. ETA: that's the vehicle as it was at Walmart, not the apt.

Good for those kids!! Just an aside- I believe the uncle mentioned as texting Whitney, is the one who left the creepy post on her wall. Not suggesting anything, I think it was an inside joke.

Could the Ford Explorer be parked as it was found in-order to avoid the attention of its broken front-window?

Did the prep plan on using it later?
(I don't think there is a single place in the city where I live that has someone available to pump gas.)

Anyway, not sure her health is relevant, unless the thought process is that it made her less aware or alert that morning? Or that someone she encountered in a medical setting kidnapped her?

I was just going off of someone saying that maybe she was pregnant. Although she did just join or rejoin a gym. Maybe someone there was watching her...
All of this is neither here nor there, though... and the focus should be on Whitney. I'm sorry for the derailment and although I do feel the need to substantiate my fears, this thread isn't about me and my delusional snobbiness. It's about Whitney, and I pray she is home safe very soon!
really? because I feel the exact opposite, I live in south Jersey, we don't pump our own gas, I travel around to NY, DE, MD WV and of course PA regularly. I never feel good about getting out of my car to get gas!
Even though I always turn my car off when I pull up to the pump, I never take my keys from the ignition or unlock my doors and at night I never put my window all the way down, in a danger situation I'd have some safety nets. Being outside the car creeps me out at night especially since there are no attendants and often I am alone with other cars pulling up and drivers exiting their vehicles too.
Girls are gas attendants in NJ as well and I think you might have misspoke when you said 'bottom of the barrel' , it wasn't that long ago I was talking to many friends about how at my local Wawa (our convenient store which has gas pumps too) all the men pumping gas, save one, were obviously people who had recently been sitting behind desks for years with high paying jobs, a sad reflection of our current economy, thankfully none are still there which leads me to hope and believe they have found employment that better suited for their financial needs.

I live in Portland and I really like not having to pump my own gas. I don't have to get out of the car in the rain (which is about 9 months out of the year) and don't have to worry about kids being left in the car or my purse or anything. Just hand your gas card to the attendant and he gives it right back. I have never noticed any unusually sketchy attendants. The gas station we frequent has older, middle aged guys who are really nice and friendly. It is really no different from the kind of people who work as oil changers at Jiffy Lube or cashiers at the convenience store. Just regular guys who for whatever reason, like pumping gas. We need them and are happy they are there.
Sorry, but I've kind of gotten lost about the gas issue. Have we determined that drivers CANNOT pump their own gas?? This article says that "Oregon and New Jersey are the only two states in the country where drivers can be fined up to a thousand dollars for pumping their own gas." That article was written a year and a half ago.

SOO, if her card was used at gas stations, wouldn't she/he/whoever was in the car have HAD to have close-up contact with an attendent?
I live in Portland and I really like not having to pump my own gas. I don't have to get out of the car in the rain (which is about 9 months out of the year) and don't have to worry about kids being left in the car or my purse or anything. Just hand your gas card to the attendant and he gives it right back. I have never noticed any unusually sketchy attendants. The gas station we frequent has older, middle aged guys who are really nice and friendly. It is really no different from the kind of people who work as oil changers at Jiffy Lube or cashiers at the convenience store. Just regular guys who for whatever reason, like pumping gas. We need them and are happy they are there.
I envy you. California has all but extinguished Full-Serve stations because Self-Serve was cheaper. My mother made me learn how when I was 16, but I'd just as soon not be out there both for safety reasons, and not having to breathe in the gas fumes from the pump!
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