Osco confirms caylee dna

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Lee gave an interview today?

Not that I'm aware of. Someone earlier started a thread for a video of Lee. It was actually a video from Aug 8th. The dating on the website was confusing.
My bad... I started a new thread for a Fox interview with Lee, but it turned out the video was old. Sorry!

Not your fault. The website had it dated two different dates.
OKay, this is what I am not understanding now...
Now that they have these results, why even offer her limited immunity? I understand the need to find Caylee's body, yet we know she will not talk.
If I am understanding, the limited imunnity requires her to lead to the body, and they will use only the evidence found in court and not what she tells them correct? This would insure them that she would be convicted on at least 2nd degree right?
But, if she refuses the immunity, then they would have to take their chances on the conviction?
Am I guessing this right?

LE has no hard evidence of a cause of death. This would permit the defense to, as a last resort, claim that Caylee's death was entirely accidental. If so, LE has no hard evidence to counter this aspect of the defense other than speculation. LE is hoping that Caylee's body contains evidence of the cause of death. This appears to be the most significant piece of the puzzle remaining.

It's likely that Casey will be charged with some form of homicide at a future date. Hard evidence of a cause of death will strengthen the prosecution's case. This is not to say that Casey can't be convicted of homicide charges with the present evidence. But the prosecution continues to build their case.
This just sickens me. Casey just needs to give it up at this point so this saga can end and Lee, Cindy, and George can start dealing with this. What a waste.

I agree.
LE has no hard evidence of a cause of death. This would permit the defense to, as a last resort, claim that Caylee's death was entirely accidental. LE is hoping that Caylee's body contains evidence of the cause of death. This appears to be the most significant piece of the puzzle remaining.

It's likely that Casey will be charged with some form of homicide at a future date. Hard evidence of a cause of death will strengthen the prosecution's case.

If the defense wanted to claim that Caylee's death was accidental then they would take the immunity deal. If they don't take if then that means that Casey will never admit the truth. I can't see them passing on the immunity deal and then trying to later claim it was accidental. Does anyone else think that JB is having a hard time convincing Casey that it is her best interest to admit what happened?
My guess is that IF Cindy and George come to terms with the reality of Caylee being dead, that their next move is to blame her death on someone else, not Casey. Casey was framed, by - whoever, take your pick....Jesse, Zanny, anyone.

I don't think they are going to be willing to let Casey take the fall - as horrifying as that thought is. She will, regardless.

Caylee IS in a much better place now and with her Heavenly Father who truly loves her and will care for her the way a parent should. We love you sweet girl.
I pray that this brings the necessary closure to everyone. I lost almost all hope with the body farm results, now all hope is gone.
Lee's interview today? I'd love the link please, didn't know he gave one.

As I kept lisenting I don't believe it was from today...webpage was dated today but it was older since he referenced Caylees birthday coming up.
I don't get it. NONE of the other local affiliates have this info on their websites, local fox is not reporting it on their 5pm broadcast, Sentinel, nada and I cant find it on any of cnn, foxnews, or msnbc. THIS is the story that has captured the nation and there's no mention of official confirmation? This should be breaking news. Help me understand.
It was mentioned on MSNBC just a few minutes ago.
Honestly, I don't think she will ever tell. She doesn't care that CA and GA and LA are going through anything..She only cares about herself, and being the only one that knows what happened is the way she wants it. I don't believe she has told Baez the truth, she has probably told him more twisted stuff than we could even imagine.

My heart is truly broken over this, and will break more if she drags the family through a trial of BS!
Rest in peace, Caylee.

Someone in LE with experience in psychology and giving bad news to victims' families needs to sit down with Cindy and George and try to make them understand that their granddaughter is dead. Until they believe it, even the remote possibility of getting Casey to open up about the location of Caylee's body is hopeless.

You're right Cali, and they probably will or have had a victims psychologist sit down and talk to them. BUT when you have a lawyer, that really, only, has WINWINWIN on his mind telling them the things they want to hear, I'm betting they'll choose to believe him. My heart bleeds for this family.
R.I.P, Caylee.

I hope you're at peace, little one.
Not your fault. The website had it dated two different dates.

The video of Lee had today's date on it so I assumed it was new. But I managed to figure out how to delete the thread within a few minutes before all hell broke loose!
I already knew this in my heart, but why does it hurt so much to see it in print? RIP Caylee the world loves you!!!!!!!!!
That poor, precious baby. What a waste.


Beautiful. I hope WS can find some way to use this on the forum.
If the defense wanted to claim that Caylee's death was accidental then they would take the immunity deal. If they don't take if then that means that Casey will never admit the truth. I can't see them passing on the immunity deal and then trying to later claim it was accidental. Does anyone else think that JB is having a hard time convincing Casey that it is her best interest to admit what happened?

If Casey takes the immunity deal she has to say where Caylee is.

Maybe Casey is afraid Caylee's body will show some trauma that points to a more deliberate act instead of an accident.

I don't get it - they have a hair - that is the only thing they have - that hair could have gotten in there anyway since she was in the car and some of her things were in the car. The hair decomposing? Well, it obviously had been there awhile. (Not that I don't think Casey is responsible, she is).
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