Outburst during JS hearing!

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Whatever 'disability' she has, it's clear that she uses it as her 'Get out of Jail free' card without hesitation. That was the first thing she said.
This will NOT be the last "outburst" we will see during the trial. At this point nothing would surprise me---in fact I sat here "waiting". I understand where this woman "is"--have been in her shoes before--just not in a court room. I do have mental issues that if my life is on a downward spiral---I can fall off the cliff. I do hope ER gets some help and she may get it now.

During the hearing there was a protester on some other jag--opened the door and popped off something---a man. For some unknown reason--the nut balls r drown to this case. Hey---look at me---here I am--right in the middle of it.

I DO expect CA (maybe even GA) to pop up with something fore it is over. My "hallway" is a very short one---the "hallway" this Anthony clan lives on is beyond rhyme or reason. The A family has mental issues and if CA isn't popped into jail for any antics she has pulled or may pull will totally pizz me off. I hope she has reached the end of the hallway---cant wait to see what awaits at the end of ICA's "hallway
oh, she'll get all her meds & then some . . . I had sympathy for her until she mentioned she goes to the methadone clinic everyday. PLEASE!

I believe she first said she volunteers at the meth clinic and then later said she goes to the Methodone clinic. At best, she tried to lie about it.
I do wonder as casey watched her acting if Casey was wondering if that would work.

My jaw hit the floor when she came in and to me the studdering way she spoke when she tossed her mental issues in made me think that was the womans crutch and her fall back for acting however she wanted to and I suspect it has been for a while. I do believe she has mental illness but not she embraces hers.IMO
Casey was heard in court saying something along the lines of "This is why these proceedings should not be open to the public."

I STRONGLY disagree. Perhaps there will be greater screening during trial but the public has a constitutional right to be privy to this. Despite Inmate Casey Anthony's opinions. MOO
Sure shocked me when she came back into the courtroom and tried to explain herself, I felt very sorry for her with the Domestic Violence factored in plus the rest of her troubles. I feel more sorry for this woman's child now. My goodness, such high drama, but this one was truly sad.
I guess I'll chalk it up to Florida's Sunshine Laws because courtrooms in Michigan aren't so loose. I've been in court buildings in different counties and have never seen anyone get into a courtroom without showing ID, stating their purpose in the courthouse, and going through metal detectors before being permitted to enter the courtroom. Hopefully, we won't see a similar incident that would further disrupt the Casey Anthony trial. jmo

I am sure, even in Michigan, you can go into any court room. I often went to the courthouse in Texas (for work, i am a reporter - not for anything else lol). It was like going to the airport without TSA - just Deputies. People wandered in and out all day .... I found it odd initially cause I am Australian and it's a different ballgame there.
Wow she has a record ..and battery is on there too . I thought she came across as very passive / aggressive .
I've just listened again to her list of ailments and I have a new concern for her. I am terribly concerned she is over-medicated and I can only hope there was at least one GP or psychiatrist who seeks her out to try to help her.

Over medicating could explain a lot of what we saw from her.
Sure shocked me when she came back into the courtroom and tried to explain herself, I felt very sorry for her with the Domestic Violence factored in plus the rest of her troubles. I feel more sorry for this woman's child now. My goodness, such high drama, but this one was truly sad.

IS is already revealing this lady's criminal history...
oh, she'll get all her meds & then some . . . I had sympathy for her until she mentioned she goes to the methadone clinic everyday. PLEASE!

Well sadly drug addiction is a concurrent condition commonly found in a bipolar diagnosis as well as others. the fact she is on methadone and getting treatment should allow your sympathy to remain. Real MH issues deserve our understanding they are not excuses for ones behaviour they are the reality that cause their behaviours :(

Also she clearly could not control herself hence why she is going to jail :(

Sad day
Please do not sleuth this woman. If MSM comes out with a court record then and only then will we be discussing her past. At the present time the judge accepted her mental health problems as a reason to not give her the maximum penalty. She has been assigned a public defender.

Please also do not accuse the defense of staging this unless you have something to back up your claims in MSM.

This was a very unfortunate incident from a woman on Social Security so at some point her medical records to having such illness have been reviewed.

I thought MSM already released her criminal record?

Wasnt that upthread?
If this has been asked I am sorry. Will they not have to put this woman in the hospital ward in jail and isnt that where they keep ica ? Thanks.
I believe she first said she volunteers at the meth clinic and then later said she goes to the Methodone clinic. At best, she tried to lie about it.

She volunteers at the ASPCA ... then immediately after, she said she goes to the Meth clinic daily. I watched again cause I heard what you did the first time.
BBM, IMO she was so upset because she obviously had already been patted down as evidenced by the gloves on the deputies hands while escorting her into the courtroom and because she's been in those court rooms plenty of times before and knew she was in serious trouble now. JMHO.

with her background of court cases, she should certainly know how to act in a courtroom. She should have never stepped food in ICA's courtroom. How did she know? She had to ask or look it up. I can't imagine the front door says CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL.


Like IS is saying though ..right now it is only her word for it ..
If MSM have released it OK. I'm sorry I may have missed it. Please bring a link and the record is therefore OK. xoxo
If she is one of those then it's a different story, i was commenting assuming she isn't. She said she was in the court for a domestic (that can be verified), she knew what case was being held here ... she has had opportunity to get down there before.

I can't get over how upset she still was after the period of time she was outside .... she had ample time to calm down.

I think you are BOTH right. I think she was here on a domestic. AND she was once one of the crazy protesters outside the Ants home. I have seen that one video many times recently and I really think she is one of the family that is in the car where the boy gets slightly hurt by the car door. ???

I think she was in another courtroom today, and heard that Casey was down the hall. so she made her way over. imoo

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