Outburst during JS hearing!

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Normally I'd agree with the above. The minute I saw the woman, I recognized her - now I have to figure out from where. My guess is she was one of the loud protestors in front of the A's house. She may have even had her small child with her. It may have been the night the young boy got his arm slammed in the car door. All these 'well meaning' peeps who are willing to expose their own children to this ugliness and put them in harms way. She MAY be one of those (I say 'may' because I have to find the proof.) If I'm right, there is no doubt in my mind that she entered the courtroom with an agenda.

I find it interesting that this is being brought up. I seem to recall many times protestors outside of the Anthony home being called crazy or that they must be mentally ill (not you personally, just in general).

It wouldn't surprise me one bit that a protestor or many would show up in Caylee's court.
The sadness of the whole incident is this lady's name and face will now be plastered all over the news and to what end? She now gets to spend 2 days in jail without her kid/meds/etc to what end? I feel bad that she has mental issues, but then she shouldn't of even been there to begin with.

This does bring up the whole issue of bringing the public in the courtroom. What is stopping some nutjob from another outburst or something worse? Although this lady seems obviously remorseful there are those that welcome whatever penalty they get, as long as they get their 'dig' in.
Previous arrests....

2/11/2006 - Battery Strike or Touch
2/27/2007 - VOP for Battery
8/29/2007 - Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Paraphernalia, VOP for Battery
11/2/2009 - 6 Counts of Worthless Checks


I don't know the extent of her mental health issues or drug problems, but one thing is for sure...she should stop acting like she had no clue how to behave in a court of law.
ICA wasn't the least remorseful as this lady was when her Check Fraud case was heard and she apologized...for stealing AH's money and for being a bad friend....
I would not trust one word she said. IMO.

I agree! I am having a really hard time with her honesty of what she told HHJP and in looking to see if she was booked yet have discovered she isn't unfamiliar with the court room/pinellas county as she claimed to be... "I have never been here and wanted to know what it looked like"... I call BS on that! She knew exactly what case was going on in that courtroom and had an obvious opinion about it.

Honestly I feel for her son, who will now be without his mother for 2 days. Where is this 3 year old while she's sitting in on the ICA case? She stated she doesn't work due to disability, only volunteers at the ASPCA ... so where is he? Why isn't he more important than dropping by the ICA case following the court case for her fiancée in Domestic court?

She clearly knows what contempt is by begging for mercy, and then rattles off her mental illnesses and drugs as an excuse IMO... Bi-polar, manic depressant, borderline personality, post traumatic stress, adhd and Thorazine, Seroquel & Ativan ... and methodone.

JMHO and all that stuff.
The sadness of the whole incident is this lady's name and face will now be plastered all over the news and to what end? She now gets to spend 2 days in jail without her kid/meds/etc to what end? I feel bad that she has mental issues, but then she shouldn't of even been there to begin with.

This does bring up the whole issue of bringing the public in the courtroom. What is stopping some nutjob from another outburst or something worse? Although this lady seems obviously remorseful there are those that welcome whatever penalty they get, as long as they get their 'dig' in.

oh, she'll get all her meds & then some . . . I had sympathy for her until she mentioned she goes to the methadone clinic everyday. PLEASE!
Anyone can walk in, yes you show your ID, but IDs don't have anything showing a history on it.

God Bless the Sunshine laws

I guess I'll chalk it up to Florida's Sunshine Laws because courtrooms in Michigan aren't so loose. I've been in court buildings in different counties and have never seen anyone get into a courtroom without showing ID, stating their purpose in the courthouse, and going through metal detectors before being permitted to enter the courtroom. Hopefully, we won't see a similar incident that would further disrupt the Casey Anthony trial. jmo
Normally I'd agree with the above. The minute I saw the woman, I recognized her - now I have to figure out from where. My guess is she was one of the loud protestors in front of the A's house. She may have even had her small child with her. It may have been the night the young boy got his arm slammed in the car door. All these 'well meaning' peeps who are willing to expose their own children to this ugliness and put them in harms way. She MAY be one of those (I say 'may' because I have to find the proof.) If I'm right, there is no doubt in my mind that she entered the courtroom with an agenda.

If she is one of those then it's a different story, i was commenting assuming she isn't. She said she was in the court for a domestic (that can be verified), she knew what case was being held here ... she has had opportunity to get down there before.

I can't get over how upset she still was after the period of time she was outside .... she had ample time to calm down.
This unfortunate woman demonstrated what *authentic* lack of impulse control looks like. Ann Finnell, take note. JMO

I'm not sure it was authentic. ADHD (with the H) vs. ADD, is almost always detectable before the age of six.
It's not something that shows up at age 14, although ADD can go unnoticed but doesn't usually entail outbursts.

She uttered a bunch of illnesses so it would sound good. :twocents:
That said, it's clear she has something.
If she is one of those then it's a different story, i was commenting assuming she isn't. She said she was in the court for a domestic (that can be verified), she knew what case was being held here ... she has had opportunity to get down there before.

I can't get over how upset she still was after the period of time she was outside .... she had ample time to calm down.

BBM, IMO she was so upset because she obviously had already been patted down as evidenced by the gloves on the deputies hands while escorting her into the courtroom and because she's been in those court rooms plenty of times before and knew she was in serious trouble now. JMHO.
I'm curious about the "detective" that tainted the pj by talking to her. Who was that? Why was the juror allowed to speak to him? Why did he speak to her?
Wow, now that was some example of out of control personality disorder that is not narcissistic or psychopath. I'm sure glad she got some jail time, and can imagine what the woman's child is going through and being taught with those emotions. However, it was a big suprise for me to see Casey's reaction. She completely lost that glazed hateful cold look that she constantly has, and even seemed to have in all her photos that we've seen. Casey's eyes looked soft and so did her face. She was sympathetic and felt sorry for that woman. If she could maintain that look all during the trial it would help her. I don't think she was all that afraid of her safety or outraged at the incident. She truly seemed to have sympathy, and I don't know what to make of it.

I saw that too and was surprised that so many said she was enjoying this woman's groveling to the court. I saw sympathy and sadness in KC's face; it appeared so genuine. It caught me off guard. Where did it come from?
Going as far as having an agenda. What person in that court doesn't have one? Most of them are just much better at keeping it inside and know better than to blurt out an emotional statement.
Previous arrests....

2/11/2006 - Battery Strike or Touch
2/27/2007 - VOP for Battery
8/29/2007 - Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Paraphernalia, VOP for Battery
11/2/2009 - 6 Counts of Worthless Checks


I don't know the extent of her mental health issues or drug problems, but one thing is for sure...she should stop acting like she had no clue how to behave in a court of law.

She belongs on the jury so Casey could be rightly judged by a jury of her *peers* :innocent:
If she is one of those then it's a different story, i was commenting assuming she isn't. She said she was in the court for a domestic (that can be verified), she knew what case was being held here ... she has had opportunity to get down there before.

I can't get over how upset she still was after the period of time she was outside .... she had ample time to calm down.

Yes, I understood that but because I recognize her, I don't think her behavior was innocent, the way she wants us to believe it was.
My guess is that she had planned to speak out.

Let me see if I can find any footage from the past - I might be gone a long time!
I saw that too and was surprised that so many said she was enjoying this woman's groveling to the court. I saw sympathy and sadness in KC's face; it appeared so genuine. It caught me off guard. Where did it come from?

She's probably seen a lot of sad behavior in jail, and they are her peers now. jmo
For those upstream who wondered if she were one of the protesters, look at what I posted immediately upon seeing this outburst. lol

Today, 07:54 AM

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Was that one of the protesters from in front of the Anthony's?

Please do not sleuth this woman. If MSM comes out with a court record then and only then will we be discussing her past. At the present time the judge accepted her mental health problems as a reason to not give her the maximum penalty. She has been assigned a public defender.

Please also do not accuse the defense of staging this unless you have something to back up your claims in MSM.

This was a very unfortunate incident from a woman on Social Security so at some point her medical records to having such illness have been reviewed.

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