P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found

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Patty, going back it appears that I listened to the links you posted tonight. It has been edited from when they were originally posted. At least Aug 12th was. That's the one I just listened to. I hate when they do that.

Yes, I agree it was edited from when I first heard it also, so frustrating, but I replied to toms girl post and you can still hear the dispatcher say 'bag' during the Aug 12th call, in response to RK speaking of something white. The 'bag' must have been edited out but the dispatcher refers back to it.
I Agree totally with Pirate,
Ya know it sickens me that the words cindy typed on her myspace means so little to her now?
She wrote,"This little girl gave me unconditional love"
She's right too.......Caylee loved her and felt safe with her but instead of unconditional love in return all Caylee got was "I'm sorry Caylee Honey but your mommy is going to prison for your murder and right now i have to love her unconditionally first!"
Breaks my Heart!
These links do have Mr. Kronk saying White!

said he saw something white

mentiions board and something round and white

Thanks TG, BUT I am looking for the words "white bag". I know Roy K said something white and then something round and white and the dispatcher mentions "bag" but there is no mention of a white bag coming out in the tape by Roy K. There is a piece edited out though.
wait a minute !! he film in November. the remains found Dec 11 and the tape is just now surfacing. what up with that???
From my experience [nothing like the A's],there are ways to compartmentalize horrible situations in your mind.This allows you to carry on and do what you need to get done every day.When that horrible part comes creeping up you stuff it back down.The A's stayed very busy fighting LE,fighting the media,fighting the public.The sightings,that were so obviously not Caylee kept them working on KC's behalf and allowed them to continue stuffing down what they knew to be true.
When you lose a child you can stay consumed with the agony or you can compartmentalize that grief in order to function for the rest of the family.The mind is an amazing thing.Survival is our first instinct.
The A's threw really good people under the bus.They have done things most compassionate people would not do.I believe they could leave Caylee out there to save the family.Yes I do.

I so KNOW from whence you are coming. :blowkiss:
If you listen to the dispatcher in the second link (from the 12th) he does mention that they will send someone out to look at the 'bag'...

Sure makes you wonder why the dispatcher said "bag" and it is edited out of what Roy K said. :waitasec: In the incident report of that call it is written as "gray bag". :waitasec:
I'm not seeing the big deal here. IF the guy taped the area and didn't see anything, so what? LE was out there a number of times and didn't see anything. There's the question of why he was in that particular area, of course. WFTV failed to mention what his reason was. Maybe he filmed many areas near the Anthony home.

Can anyone reasonably think that George and Cindy had him film the area and then moved Caylee there after it was filmed? The body was obviously there at the time he filmed, he just missed it.

WoW :bang:

But it would be very curious to see all videos and other places filmed. Of coarse if this is the ONLY placed that was filmed this is just pure faith that lead the A's PI there. No big deal ......... :eek:

Very believable ... maybe they thought the Nanny was hanging out there ...
That just scared the chit outta me..I am so afraid of snakes!

yuk! I could of went all night with out seeing that. But I see your point.
But! Did the officer see anything from were he stand? That he did he should call out animal control so he could got closer to anything that was out place.
And by the way, I Do not Blame the police department or le for anything . they are doing a great job. I blame CA for not telling the truth. anything that go on goes wrong is CA fault she knows the truth and she could stop this crazness:mad:
I'm just REALLY having a hard time believing that her body was only a few feet from the road this whole entire time and took 6 months to find. With all the searches, etc. Just does not make any sense. There were thousands of people searching for her (and cadaver dogs)...kind of odd that that area was never searched...that close to their home and none of the thousands of searchers looked there? Come on...either there were searches conducted there and it was cleared, or no one thought to look in a wooded area close to the Anthony home (which is crazy). It was right next to the road for goodness' sake!!! How can that be missed for 6 months? It obviously wasn't under water for the entire 6 months or the meter reader wouldn't have claimed to see something there in August. Weren't there large searches going on in August? And no one looked there? It's all way too suspicious. In my opinion, everyone is a suspect. The meter reader claimed to have found something in August and reported it THREE times. THREE times...and law enforcement didn't find her??? She either wasn't there, or LE dropped the ball! I'm sorry, it just doesn't make any sense IMO.

An honest and clear assessment. Your BS antenna is well tuned. You would make a good juror.
I'm certainly no authority on this....just guessing really but.....I wouldn't think the environment the bag was is in would alter the original color that much. Maybe fade it a little but not that much over a six month time frame. Now.....if it was exposed to continuous sunlight then yes....it probably would alter the color significantly......jmo.
I agree. Right now, we don't know what kind of evidence LE has (and ultimately, prosecutors) but in the past month, I am sure it has gotten a lot more. Granted, we don't know all of the precise evidence right now but it's incredible to me that anyone could be talking about wrongful conviction at this juncture. Besides a body (a major piece of evidence and major find b/c a juror could easily have been convinced that Caylee might still be alive), there are also statements of the smell of a dead body in the car used by the accused....a smell that existed at the time the victim was missing and the smell noticed by LE, third parties (towing company rep) and the accused's own family. In that same car, there is a strand of hair that suggests it came from a dead Caylee. The strand of hair showing a dead Caylee being found in the part of the accused car that's out of view (the trunk). And with all the clothing and other items taken from the Anthonys in the last week, my bet is that LE will find something belonging to Casey that has on it decomposition from Caylee. PLUS, now that the remains have been found, we are probably going to see lots more physical evidence resulting from that find. Perhaps Casey's fingerprints on the duct tape that was apparently found with Caylee's remains? Or how about soil matching the burial spot found on the bottom of Casey's shoes.....Shoes that were recently retrieved from the Anthony home and which were purchased fairly recently? I bet there is going to be a lot more physical evidence and will probably connect Casey to a dead Caylee.

Excellent post, excellent points. Thank you!
I believe the meter reader may have been more concerned about the smell. May have experienced smelling the body of a deceased person in his past. I live across the street from a state forest and every once in awhile you catch the faint smell of something that has died. As far as the deputy, he may never have had the experience of smelling the body of a dead person and may have thought it was a dead animal. Deer smell especially bad, worse than anything you would have forgotten in your refrigerator for weeks. JMO
...I still suspect we are gonna see a ton of physical evidence from the Anthony home and from the burial site itself. I hope so.
PS, I should add...and from Lee Anthony's residence and car. I think there will be information/evidence taken from these places too. I think the next 2 weeks will be HUGE in terms of physical evidence and will tie things together to the point where we will all finally get an idea about what happened and who likely knew what and when. At least I hope so! PS-for the lawyers on the board, anyone know the rule in Florida as to whether a client can waive the a/c privilege if client provides info directly to the person retained by client's attorney to assist with client's case? In other words, if Casey A. told Dominic C. where the body was....would that be privileged? Not that it's likely (Casey would have told him the info before she was in jail and presumably, Dominic C. would have done something with that information earlier than November). Just curious.
Who bailed her out? Why?? Who is paying for the defense??? why??? This is the type of person that should rot in jail and be lucky to have a public defender. This whole thing just makes no sense whatsoever.

:clap: thank you very much. These are questions that have stayed with me since the get go. Makes me wonder what the heck else is going on :waitasec:.
The meter man saw the bag in August. He later met a detective at the scene yet the detective found nothing.

Months later, in the same spot, the meter man finds the body in a taped up plastic bag.


Did the meter man borrow kc's car to dispose of Caylee, too?
An honest and clear assessment. Your BS antenna is well tuned. You would make a good juror.

The whole freakin case is insane....beyond insane. God, I'd pay good money to be in the court room during the trial :).
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