PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #1

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Does that work inside of 23 minutes or so? Someone please tell me if I'm way too hung up on the tight time frame. Short of the neighbor or "friend's" involvement, things just aren't adding up to me because of the 2 LE visits in such a short time frame.

Again, the boyfriend has a STRONG alibi. If he was in jail for the weekend, I doubt he could've asked to go to the apartment for a few minutes. Also, if he was on house arrest and maybe confined to his parents house for the time being, LE would be able to detect if and when he left.

The boyfriend is not involved at all. We need to try to move away from that.

The reason they aren't saying where he's at is because it's not our business. We don't need to know if he was in jail fri-sun. We don't need to know if he was on house arrest. LE and parents know this, which is why they aren't concerned with him AT ALL.

"They (Kortne and the unidentified man) were friends two years ago. They would hang out and do stuff as group. Since dating her boyfriend, they did not have a lot of contact," she said. "He stopped by about a month ago. It was the first time her boyfriend had any interaction with him and met him. I think because her boyfriend was away, she thought she could hang out with him, ...he could protect her, he was a guy friend to hang out with."

protect her from what?
Did the boyfriend plan something, knowing how strong his alibi would be on that particular night?
Then he wakes up 3 hours later and goes home?
Maybe the friend got up to go to work? Ran out of there to grab quick cup of coffee on the way to work and didn't notice her phone there?

protect her from what?
The only thing I can think of is that he stayed after the fight with the neighbors because Kortne was scared. She has a big lab so that's protection from normal things.

CW028-thanks for info about boyfriend
Just trying to help out any way I can and steer everyone in the right direction. Been following this case very closely from the very beginning and have read every news article twice or three times over lol and also talked to some people close to the situation.
Right, but with the neighbors awake and raring to go, it seems like a pretty big risk. No matter who did it, they would know that others in the house were most likely awake and listening to what is going on.

You're right, it would be risky. I don't think the timing would allow for her to be taken out of the house before the 2nd LE visit. What would still be risky, but would make more sense to me is if whatever happened, happened during those 23 minutes between LE visits. When LE showed up the second time, that would explain why the "friend" didn't answer the door. He was inside laying low with a subdued/unconscious/worse Kortne inside. At that point he could wait for LE to leave, the neighbor to get back to sleep and then take her out of the house any time between the time LE left and the time he was on video texting Kortne. Of course, counter to this, is that I would have thought LE would find SOMETHING inside the house that showed signs of a struggle.

One other thing that keeps confusing me about this case is the downstairs neighbor. The transcript from JVM said the downstairs neighbor called in the second complaint of banging/thumping. Do we know for sure they didn't answer the door on the second visit? The transcript said when LE arrived the second time, no one was around, all was quiet, lights were out, they knocked on the door, no one answered and they left. It wasn't clear from my reading of it if they were talking about Kortne's part of the duplex or both parts. Anyone able to help me with whether or not we know that the downstairs neighbor didn't answer?
I know the NAPA was discussed but I'm not sure if anyone asked if the business across the street from Kortne's has video. They seem to keep a lot of merchandise outside so I can hope they would have cameras up in case people try walking off with stuff at night.
I know the NAPA was discussed but I'm not sure if anyone asked if the business across the street from Kortne's has video. They seem to keep a lot of merchandise outside so I can hope they would have cameras up in case people try walking off with stuff at night.

It's an amish type country store. Not sure if they have video or not. My guess would be no but then again, they do keep a lot of merchandise outside.
You're right, it would be risky. I don't think the timing would allow for her to be taken out of the house before the 2nd LE visit. What would still be risky, but would make more sense to me is if whatever happened, happened during those 23 minutes between LE visits. When LE showed up the second time, that would explain why the "friend" didn't answer the door. He was inside laying low with a subdued/unconscious/worse Kortne inside. At that point he could wait for LE to leave, the neighbor to get back to sleep and then take her out of the house any time between the time LE left and the time he was on video texting Kortne. Of course, counter to this, is that I would have thought LE would find SOMETHING inside the house that showed signs of a struggle.

One other thing that keeps confusing me about this case is the downstairs neighbor. The transcript from JVM said the downstairs neighbor called in the second complaint of banging/thumping. Do we know for sure they didn't answer the door on the second visit? The transcript said when LE arrived the second time, no one was around, all was quiet, lights were out, they knocked on the door, no one answered and they left. It wasn't clear from my reading of it if they were talking about Kortne's part of the duplex or both parts. Anyone able to help me with whether or not we know that the downstairs neighbor didn't answer?

Quoting myself because I do see where MSM reported LE knocked on BOTH Kortne's door and the neighbor's door.
So many unknowns.

I for one would like to know the presentation of both K and her visitor upon officer's first arrival (visibly wasted and agitated or coherent and calm?)

We need to pin down if both calls were from the same neighbor. If second call was from a different neighbor, maybe that's why neighbor #1 didn't open door when LE may or may not have knocked on their door the second time (there is still some confusion as to who's doors other than K's did officer knock on, if any)

And lastly, FWIW I was at one time a frustrated 1st story tenant who on occasion called police with complaints against loud upstairs neighbors (especially in the wee hours in the morning) so it doesn't strike me as odd that they were called once or even twice even if it was over a dog/noise complaint initially.
I think the neighbor's house needs to be searched for evidence, to clear them. I find it odd though that this male friend would wake up and see that her car was there and then leave, unless it was parked on the opposite side of the house. If she knew this person don't you think when he woke up, and didn't see her....he may have called out her name or peaked around the apartment??? If the dog was there when SOMETHING may have happened, the dog might react negatively being around that person again. Animals can sense things.
It is pretty bizarre, though, that on a night with so much police activity, this guy decides to harm Kortne. If he did, he really must be stupid or did something to her in a rage, yet there were no signs of this in the apartment, from what I gather.
It is #810 W Main St- duplex consisting apparently of 2 apts, one up, and one down, attic, basement

it is a semi detached house, and the other side of the house itself, going towards the NAPA building is #808, 2 story with attic and basement, single family

public record
Well I hope they searched the house carefully...apparently they are just finding the girl's body in England today, after a week, in a home previously searched.
and the key location changes yet again GRRR

where did someone go, Did they leave in the car together , willing or unwillingly, and then one returned the car & left the keys in there so the dog wouldn't get riled up again?
If I awoke in someone's house and found them to be unexpectedly gone, I am pretty sure I would call them on the spot (or text) and see where they went...but...the phone was found in the apartment so...if the friend/guest did do something to her and saw/knew that the phone was still there they could not very well call it/text it because it would ring or alert to the text...then what do you tell LE. Well, I called and heard it ring/alert and didn't think it was weird. Nope, I think that story would be more hinky then the I left and then text her.
Gosh...does that even make any sense? I sorta lost track on which direction I wanted to go with this post. (Sorry)

Family spokesman Matthew Scott said Friday he would classify the man more as an acquaintance. Scott said Stouffer was with the man and two other acquaintances in downtown Harrisburg the night she disappeared. All four returned to the Palmyra area, and he returned to Kortne's apartment with her, Scott said.
"I think these other individuals she was with, they're not the kind of guys you would want your daughter to be hanging out with," Scott added. "It's not the best crew."
well it is certainly getting even more interesting- her and 3 guys out that night, hmmmmm

Thanks Traceyrita for the new story link-

and now the dogs thing s is straight-snipped from above-

Note: Scott clarified an earlier report that a dog was missing from Stouffer's apartment. He said there were two dogs in the apartment at the time of Stouffer's disappearance, one was Stouffer's and one her boyfriend's. The boyfriend's father picked up his dog, and Stouffer's family has her dog.

this is just sounding worse as time goes by :(
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