PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #5

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Ok .. I'm sure this has been discussed before ... but ... just got to thinking .. CP, MR, KS and possibly one other left the Hardware Bar with CP as the DD. They dropped off MR at his home around 2 am. CP proceeded to drive KS to her home a few blocks away from MRs home.

First altercation with neighbors began with police responding at 3:15 ... That is an hour and 15 minutes between when KS and CP should have arrived at KS's apt until LE showed up .. what happened within that hour window? Did CP and KS go somewhere before going to her apt OR were KS and CP at her apt before the altercation with the neighbor? Dogs barking complaint? .. did someone else show up that neighbors didn't see?

Jump to the morning ... OK .. so CP DROVE to KS's apt after dropping MR off ... why did he walk to the convenience store at 7:30 am? Where was MR's car? Why didn't he drive to the convenience store?

A lot of conflicting information is out there and I tend to think that later information is more reliable. From sorting through all of it, my opinion is, there was never a complaint called into police about barking dogs. I know that's been mentioned in a few places early on. There was a call to police because of the argument with the neighbors and a call to the police later about the banging.

Also, I have never seen a MSM article that said KP walked to the store. I have seen comments that said that, but that's all. The convenience store was between KS's and MR's, so it wouldn't make sense for him to walk and I don't think he did. Maybe I missed something, but I've never seen a mention of him "walking" to a convenience store in any news report. Is there a media article that states that he walked?
Maybe the stomping noise was both CP and KS stomping down the stairs leaving KS's apt .. They were still fired up .. no way did the fall right to sleep without the help of serious sleep aids ...

Maybe they left KS's apt in a huff to pizz off the neighbor .. and went somewhere else .. that is why no one "heard" knocking .. they weren't there. Maybe LE knocked at KS's apt first and no one answered and the didn't see any cars so they assumed the problem was taken care of and didn't knock on the neighbors door.

I can dismiss KS leaving her car in this instance, her phone and possibly her shoes .. however .. not her cigarettes .. sooooo I guess I'm back at square one ... UGH

I was bothered about the cigarettes too, that's definitely something a smoker would not leave behind if they went somewhere of their own free will. But then I got to thinking, I am a smoker and buy cigarettes by the carton. I have a pack outside, one in my coat pocket and one in my car. It is a possibility that KS may have had more than one pack with her that night, at least I can't rule that out. Even when I don't buy cartons and I do buy packs, I always buy at least two at a time because I smoke a lot and hate to have to run out for cigarettes more than I need to.
.................................................................. Kortne - where are you? I hope that if someone harmed her, she is found. There may be forensic evidence that could lead to an arrest and that's all I want.
also worked longer and harder too!!

we have some great sleuthers on this thread.

i think everyone feels "threatened" if they say anything (either by LE or other shady individuals)....I mean, c'mon, why didn't her boyfriend say some type of plea when he got out of he that scared??? I'm voting for some "shady" people being involved in Kortne's disappearance...


Kortne needs to be found!!

I may have my cases mixed up, but I believe that when Samantha Koenig (it may have been another girl) was abducted, LE knew early on that she was deceased... maybe had even recovered her remains? and told her father what was going on, but were otherwise very tightlipped. They declined offers of help to search, and didn't hold any sort of [public briefing until they had concluded the investigation and arrested the suspect. There seems to be something similar going on here.
A lot of conflicting information is out there and I tend to think that later information is more reliable. From sorting through all of it, my opinion is, there was never a complaint called into police about barking dogs. I know that's been mentioned in a few places early on. There was a call to police because of the argument with the neighbors and a call to the police later about the banging.

Also, I have never seen a MSM article that said KP walked to the store. I have seen comments that said that, but that's all. The convenience store was between KS's and MR's, so it wouldn't make sense for him to walk and I don't think he did. Maybe I missed something, but I've never seen a mention of him "walking" to a convenience store in any news report. Is there a media article that states that he walked?

nope .. can't find an article .. don't really remember where I recall hearing/reading that he "walked" to the store .. or why I just assumed he did .. silly huh?
I was bothered about the cigarettes too, that's definitely something a smoker would not leave behind if they went somewhere of their own free will. But then I got to thinking, I am a smoker and buy cigarettes by the carton. I have a pack outside, one in my coat pocket and one in my car. It is a possibility that KS may have had more than one pack with her that night, at least I can't rule that out. Even when I don't buy cartons and I do buy packs, I always buy at least two at a time because I smoke a lot and hate to have to run out for cigarettes more than I need to.

Don't smoke so the thought of multiple packs never crossed my mind .. however at the price they are you would think she'd have taken them all with her .. ;) good point though!
A lot of conflicting information is out there and I tend to think that later information is more reliable. From sorting through all of it, my opinion is, there was never a complaint called into police about barking dogs. I know that's been mentioned in a few places early on. There was a call to police because of the argument with the neighbors and a call to the police later about the banging.

Also, I have never seen a MSM article that said KP walked to the store. I have seen comments that said that, but that's all. The convenience store was between KS's and MR's, so it wouldn't make sense for him to walk and I don't think he did. Maybe I missed something, but I've never seen a mention of him "walking" to a convenience store in any news report. Is there a media article that states that he walked?

I am having a very hard time finding anything MSM that states CP walked to the convenience story, good observation Snoop. Also, you are right about a lot of conflicting information being problematic in this case. I did find this information though which may or may not clear up the calls to the police and the report of barking dogs.


"According to a review of Lebanon County Emergency Management Agency dispatch logs, Palmyra Borough police were dispatched to Stouffer's apartment building at 810 W. Main St. twice in the early morning hours of July 29, the day and time she went missing."

"The first 911 call was made at 3:12 a.m. for a disturbance and indicates that Patrolman Timothy Lengle arrived on the scene 3 minutes later. The dispatch record provides no additional details other than the officer reported he was leaving the scene at 3:49 a.m."

"The EMA log states that borough police were called back to Stouffer's address for another disturbance at 4:12 a.m. and left at 4:36 a.m."

"The EMA records, however, match information provided by members of Stouffer's family, who said police were called to her apartment about 3:30 a.m. July 29 for a noise complaint from a neighbor involving the missing woman's dog"

Problem is, this article also says the dog was missing which we know was not the case, more misinformation.

I also found this information below which also references barking dogs.


" Police responded to two 911 calls at Kortne`s apartment around the time she vanished. Let`s analyze this. The first 911 call, 3:12 in the morning. Somebody reporting Kortne and the dog barking and the neighbors arguing. Officers arrive. Three minutes later, they leave at 3:49."

"Then at 4:12 in the morning, less than half an hour later, a second 911 call, a neighbor`s complaining about stomping and banging coming from Kortne`s apartment. A police officer shows up, knocks on the door, gets no response, and leaves."
If CP did indeed drive away in MR's car at 7 AMish, and did not walk to the convenience store, maybe that would better explain the terms of the search warrant.


"The search warrant lists kidnapping and unlawful restraint. Investigators are looking for hairs, fibers, blood, weapons, clothing, DNA, anything."
BHS, yeah, I think the one article you mention is the original source of the barking dog theory and that article doesn't seem to be very accurate. I don't think barking dogs had anything to do with any calls to police that night. I do think that the neighbors had on-going issues with K's dogs barking, though.

Meems, it's not silly. Most of the news articles (and pseudo news sites) out there have anonymous comment areas and people say things and it's hard to keep track of what was reported in the articles and what some anonymous poster said. I also notice that some comments have been scrubbed from some of the sites, for reasons unknown.
Don't smoke so the thought of multiple packs never crossed my mind .. however at the price they are you would think she'd have taken them all with her .. ;) good point though!

Yes, they are expensive, no doubt about it, but unfortunately we really don't know much about the pack that was found inside KS residence. For instance, was it full? Were there only a couple of cigarettes left in it? Just from my own perspective and that fact that I smoke, I often find packs here or there with one cigarette, or a few left in them. Sometimes, I misplace them and find them later. Sometimes I leave them in my car and just open a new pack. I just don't know how much we can read into that pack of cigarettes that was left behind, although I admit it's disturbing to me also.
Yes, they are expensive, no doubt about it, but unfortunately we really don't know much about the pack that was found inside KS residence. For instance, was it full? Were there only a couple of cigarettes left in it? Just from my own perspective and that fact that I smoke, I often find packs here or there with one cigarette, or a few left in them. Sometimes, I misplace them and find them later. Sometimes I leave them in my car and just open a new pack. I just don't know how much we can read into that pack of cigarettes that was left behind, although I admit it's disturbing to me also.

I too am a smoker and if I am going out and not sure how long I will be gone for I usually grab a new packet if the one I currently have open only has a few in it...Also the possibility that CP had a packet of smokes on him so Kortne didn't take hers..Maybe he was trying to get her out of there in a hurry to prevent any further disturbance with the neighbour and told her she cuold smoke his...(I don't know if he is a smoker, just throwing a possibility out there)

I personally think that the smokes don't hold any clue.
Why does this stand out so much when reading it again? Where was this guy the rest of the night till 700 am or so?

Then they come back. They talked to Kortne. Then they come back a little while later because they hear banging. They hear banging coming from Kortne`s apartment. But they get to her apartment, and nobody is there.

Now, if this young man slept over that night, how is it possible that when police go to the apartment the second time, nobody answers the door? If he slept over, he should have been there and should have been able to answer the door.
Kortne's mom has not made a post on her FB page for over 15 days...not sure if this means anything, but it is unusual.
Depressing when all I have to add is "Bumping for Kortne"
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